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Plastic Surgery WWYD

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If you were approved for a breast reduction through your insurance and someone offered to pay for you to get a tummy tuck at the same time because they think you will be happier with the results if you get them done together, would you do them both?


This person knows full well you may never pay them back and if you do it will be a long process. When you asked them why they would do this they said, because you would do it for me if you could.



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My $.02


It would depend on who it was--I might accept it from a parent or my husband, but probably no one else. Borrowing money from friends or family is generally a bad idea, IMO. Initial understandings can easily turn into misunderstandings later. I would appreciate the gesture (and express that) but proceed on my own. I prefer to pay for everything myself, so that would figure into my response.


Why don't you save your money and have both surgeries when you can pay for the tummy tuck yourself?

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It's more like $6000. I doubt I'll ever have an extra 6k to do it. The offer comes from my mother who can afford it. I never asked, she just offered. We are very close.


ETA i need the reduction yesterday. I'm having a lot of problems because of them.

Edited by Ruby Sue
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*shoves OP out of the way*

ME! PAY FOR ME! I'll trade you a kid!


Oh. Um. Errr.


*clears throat, straightens hair and clothing from knocking Ruby Sue down*


I mean, I'd say, "Yes please! Tyvm!"

:iagree:with the "Yes, please! Thankyouverymuch." I may even add, "Is there a way to get a mini-lift while I'm out cold?"

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I have a friend who did both at the same time. She could afford it no matter what, but decided to do it together because it was cheaper. You pay for the anesthesia and the doctor and the hospital once if you do them together.


Her recovery did not look like fun, but since she is a doctor she knew what she was getting into. Just make sure you have good help for the first couple weeks.


And I would do them together. And I would go for it, if my mom offered and she could afford it.

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Another thing to take into account is recovery. I knew someone who had breast augmentation and a tummy tuck done at the same time and the recovery was pretty brutal. She said the pain from the tummy tuck was alot worse.


This. That's a lot to recover from. Unless it were critically important and affecting my health, I'd probably pass. And, of course, unless it is an outright gift and not a loan, I'd definitely pass.

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What does the plastic surgeon say? Is it common for people to do these together?


Also, is your family complete? I wouldn't do it if I were figuring on getting pregnant again.


:iagree: I'd also want to know about recovery time, and factor in what kind of, and how much, help you would get during recovery.

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It's more like $6000. I doubt I'll ever have an extra 6k to do it. The offer comes from my mother who can afford it. I never asked, she just offered. We are very close.


ETA i need the reduction yesterday. I'm having a lot of problems because of them.



Can I have your mother? I say go for it! I'd LOVE to lose some belly fat!

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*shoves OP out of the way*

ME! PAY FOR ME! I'll trade you a kid!


Oh. Um. Errr.


*clears throat, straightens hair and clothing from knocking Ruby Sue down*


I mean, I'd say, "Yes please! Tyvm!"




It's on my "I'm absolutely going to do this as soon as we can afford it" list.

I can't wait.

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I have 2 friends -- one did a tummy tuck (after triplets) and breast implants at the same time. She was early 30's at the time and had an awesome recovery. Her mom was there to help the first 2 weeks though. The other friend did a tummy tuck (after twins) and a breast reduction at the same time. She was in her mid-30's. The first week was rough, but not too bad after that. For the tummy tuck, I've heard the pain (I'm imaging the pain after my c-section) and the drains are the worst of it.


I am in the process of losing a few pounds (about 20) to think about getting my umbilical hernia repaired and a tummy tuck at the same time (a result of carrying almost 14 pounds of twins full term). I am nervous about the risk of any type of surgery, but will likely have this done in the next few years (I am currently 45). I have thought about a breast lift at the same time. We will see.


I would do it if I were you. That is super sweet of your mom!

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Definately do both at the same time. Recovery is from either is sucky. Do it all at one time, one sucky week instead of two seperate ones. And face it, after the first recovery week, it will make you dread a second time even more. Better living through chemistry for a week and move on. I would not want to do the it all two different times.

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Yes, recovery from both is pretty rough for the first week but best to recover from one surgery once than 2 surgeries twice. (Of course) I know several people who chose to go ahead and do them at the same time for that reason. If you want it, can do it, and will have lots of help for a while, I'd definitely consider it if I needed it. :) Good luck in your decisions!

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I've had a tummy tuck. I would be happy to share my before photos, if you pm me your email address. i don't really have after photos.


seriously, go for it. I have never regretted it for a second.


yes, the recovery is tough. it will be with the reduction, too. you will get sent home with meds. good meds. really good meds. I had a pain pump that went into my chest and down to the tummy tuck area. plus oral meds.


it was a good two weeks of pain. my mother came to stay. I had a 3 year old at the time. that makes a person put on a brave face.


Robin in NJ

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In a heartbeat.:D

And I would milk every stinkin' minute of the recovery...:D:D


:iagree: How can you say no to your dear mother!? ;) Seriously though, research the recovery and make sure you're comfortable with it. I've had 2 c-sections and I'd be totally game (if it was coming w/a needed reduction at least).

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Thank you all for your feedback, compliments, and envy. :lol:


The PS has already told me I could do both at the same time. I had just kinda talked myself out of it because of $$$ and lack of help. BUT, I think I've just about talked myself back into it. I think I can get the help I need lined up for a couple of weeks. I'm nervous, but after looking at tons of before and afters I think I really would be unhappy with the results if I only did one. I'm going to call the dr Monday and ask some more questions and see if I can tack it on to my already scheduled surgery date. Wish me luck!

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You know all those people who just said "Heck Yes?" This girl right here would be using her newly-acquired Karate moves to get them out of the way to first in line for that procedure! My, ahem, ladies have always been on the "cup runneth over" side. I have the bra indentions and back pain to prove it. My stomach is an absolute train wreck after 3 kids. I wear a size 4 and have some serious hanging skin issues. I would KILL to have the option to put everything back where it used to be! These aren't tiger stripes on my belly/ladies. They are stretch marks from he!!. I have repeatedly told my dh that it would be much cheaper to send me in for a "tune up" than it would be to mess around with a no-baby-having floozy.:iagree: I think I look decent right now, but I know I would feel so much better about myself if I could just fix up the damage. I spent 27 months carrying my little people. I could deal with the 2 week of pain erasing the damage.

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You know all those people who just said "Heck Yes?" This girl right here would be using her newly-acquired Karate moves to get them out of the way to first in line for that procedure! My, ahem, ladies have always been on the "cup runneth over" side. I have the bra indentions and back pain to prove it. My stomach is an absolute train wreck after 3 kids. I wear a size 4 and have some serious hanging skin issues. I would KILL to have the option to put everything back where it used to be! These aren't tiger stripes on my belly/ladies. They are stretch marks from he!!. I have repeatedly told my dh that it would be much cheaper to send me in for a "tune up" than it would be to mess around with a no-baby-having floozy.:iagree: I think I look decent right now, but I know I would feel so much better about myself if I could just fix up the damage. I spent 27 months carrying my little people. I could deal with the 2 week of pain erasing the damage.

Okay, now picture the belly of someone that has had eleven pregnancies and eight kiddos that made it to term! I have both my belly and the insides that all need to be put back together properly.

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