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My son is still "home" but my husband is back in the nursing home. And...

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Well, first, my husband was unable to sustain the changes he made while at the nursing home the first time. His decline was so rapid, and the personality and behavioral changes so intense, that I am worried.


We admitted him to the hospital before taking him to the nursing home. This was the Sunday night before last. The hospital discharged him, and we put him back in the nursing home. His ammonia level is still elevated. :confused: It has never taken this long before.


I'm afraid that might mean an accelerated rate of liver decline.


I also heard the specifics on nursing home medicaid. It was "certed" the first time, which means we got it. But that the certification was for a plan that expected me to pay $1500 A MONTH PLUS his medication (another $600 or so using the Rx company they use). The $1500 a month is more than one of my paychecks and nearly his entire ssd. I can't live with that blow to my budget.


But I can't bring him home. It's not in his best interest.

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