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So tired I can't think straight...

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DD is still in the hospital. Still can't get off the oxygen. Her bowel impaction is worse. My other DD is sick with a fever and I can't take care of her. I am so exhausted I can't think straight. We live an hour away from the hospital so no one can easily bring me food. This is busting our budget. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. That is all.

Edited by sunnylady303
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DD is still in the hospital. Still can't get off the oxygen. Her bowel impaction is worse. My other DD is sick with a fever and I can't take care of her. I am so exhausted I can't think straight. We live an hour away from the hospital so no one can easily bring me food. This is busting our budget. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. That is all.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry. Praying for you honey.

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I'm so sorry things are going so terribly. I hope both of your kids are OK.


As others have said, if you post where you are (just a state would be enough,) those of us who live near you might be able to help.


Praying for your family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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DD is still in the hospital. Still can't get off the oxygen. Her bowel impaction is worse. My other DD is sick with a fever and I can't take care of her. I am so exhausted I can't think straight. We live an hour away from the hospital so no one can easily bring me food. This is busting our budget. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. That is all.

I am so sorry! I'd bring you food if you were close enough to get you some!

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Have you spoken to the hospital's social worker or doctor? Often, they have paper vouchers for parents for a meal at the cafeteria. The hospital did this for us when our son was in a coma and in ICU. We were about 400 miles from home and also qualified for staying at the nearby Ronald McDonald house. Many times the nurses will request an extra meal tray be prepared and delivered to the child's room for the parent to eat. Try to sleep the best you can while in the same room -- the chairs are horrible, but do try to nap. HTH

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Oh thank you all. I needed some support and sympathy. I am still so tired. I did not sleep well last night The enema was awful - and I know it's just an enema but it took four nurses to do it while DD was screaming and begging me not to let them.


This, btw, is from the girl that got 11 sticks while looking for an IV in the ER, where they had to finally use ultrasound to find a vein because evidently she's been stuck so much that her veins have started to redirect (:confused: didn't know that happened). She lay there quietly, sweating and with some tears leaking but didn't move or make a sound. The nurses called her "the queen of calm." She was not last night though. Poor girl.


She's definitely better. Hospital policy is that she has to be able to stay of oxygen for the night before you can go home. Otherwise she is probably ready to be discharged but she did have to be on oxygen last night. They took her off at 5AM and she is holding steady, still asleep. Maybe that will count? I kind of doubt it. But it looks like maybe tomorrow.


I am in Louisville, KY. But I am going to ask to see a social worker about meals.


I am hoping we go home tomorrow and that the bowel issue will be okay and that we are not headed back into chronic lung issue land.


Really, thanks again for the support. I really needed some.

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:grouphug: it sounds as if there has been progress though, so that's important! is there someone you know who could be there with you to listen to all the doctor has to say around discharge, etc? when i'm tired and stressed, i think i'm taking it all in, but then discover that i can't remember half of what they said!


:grouphug: ann

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My first thought was a Ronald McDonald House. There is one in Louisville:


Ronald McDonald House in Louisville

550 South First Street

Louisville, KY 40202 USA


Phone: 502 561-7658

Fax: 502 581-0037


You'd have a room to sleep in and food. The RMH in Long Island, where we've stayed three times since Nov 2011, charges $25/night but won't turn you away if you cannot pay.





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My first thought was a Ronald McDonald House. There is one in Louisville:


Ronald McDonald House in Louisville

550 South First Street

Louisville, KY 40202 USA


Phone: 502 561-7658

Fax: 502 581-0037


You'd have a room to sleep in and food. The RMH in Long Island, where we've stayed three times since Nov 2011, charges $25/night but won't turn you away if you cannot pay.






We stayed at a RMH for $15 per night. Nearby restaurants would deliver delicious food, and everything was included. Dh and I took turns staying over night there, and the one who was in the hospital overnight would go back to the RMH to take a nap during the day or just to shower. And the kitchen was stocked.


The tough part, I realize, is that you don't want to leave dd.


I wonder if there's a chaplain at the hospital that has contact with a nearby church community that could help you by running a meal or two over.


Your poor dd. An enema would be particulary tough on an 11 yo dd, for sure. :(

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Oh my. Gosh! That is SOOOOOOOOO hard. I had to call dh at 3:30 in the morning to relieve me but we are only 20 - 25 minutes away.


Can you get someone to sit with your dd in the hospital so you can sleep? A five hour nap after three nights with no sleep, broken sleep for a week beforehand, made a HUGE difference for me.



Also, get some snacks and bottled water to keep in the room. Hospital cafeteria food is cheap and some of it is pretty good..... At least at our hospitals. I had a very nice poster here tell me how important taking care of muself was and she was ABSOLUTELY right. Some food ant that one break made a WORLD of difference. I probably wouldn't have done it without her reminder.


Can I just say those chairs which recline into beds are HORRENDOUS? I was in so much pain I couldn't sleep even if the nurses had left dd alonethrough the night. I will definitely bring an air mattress if I ever have to do that again.


Edited by Denisemomof4
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Oh my. Gosh! That is SOOOOOOOOO hard. I had to call dh at 3:30 in the morning to relieve me but we are only 20 - 25 minutes away.


Can you get someone to sit with your dd in the hospital so you can sleep? A five hour nap after three nights with no sleep, broken sleep for a week beforehand, made a HUGE difference for me.



Also, get some snacks and bottled water to keep in the room. Hospital cafeteria food is cheap and some of it is pretty good..... At least at our hospitals. I had a very nice poster here tell me how important taking care of muself was and she was ABSOLUTELY right. Some food ant that one break made a WORLD of difference. I probably wouldn't have done it without her reminder.


Can I just say those chairs which recline into beds are HORRENDOUS? I was in so much pain I couldn't sleep even if the nurses had left dd alonethrough the night. I will definitely bring an air mattress if I ever have to do that again.



One night, my body started jerking uncontrollably because I was so overtired and so stressed. I asked permission from dd's nurse to take a mild tranquilizer that my own doctor had given me in case the stress of sitting through dd's eight hour surgery became too much for me. She totally sympathized and told me to go for it. I actually slept for a few hours on the pull out chair and felt much more like a normal human being afterward.


We were at a pediatric hospital and they actually had sleeping rooms for parents--only I didn't realize it until after we were sent home!


Have someone bring you some Ensure or Boost. I recently had to do that for a friend whose dd was admitted and she said it really helped. It's not real food, but it can help a little.


Dehydration and fatigue can leave you really overwhelmed and make the situation seem even worse than it is--as if it could really get any worse!



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