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What is your position in the birth order of your siblings?

What is your position in the birth order of your siblings (if you have any)?  

  1. 1. What is your position in the birth order of your siblings (if you have any)?

    • Only child
    • 1st
    • 2nd
    • 3rd
    • 4th
    • Last
    • Other: please explain

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I'm curious about how birth order affects our decisions - in this case about homeschooling. I'm the youngest of 3 girls. My oldest sibling is 5 years older than I am.


And I'm the mom of 4 boys (my mom was sure they wouldn't survive toddlerhood!)


Please indicate your birth order as well as any other 'extraordinary' features of your family (i.e., more than 4 siblings, all siblings the same gender, etc.)


Thanks - I hope this comes out right because it's my first poll!

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I am the oldest, but my sister is 5 years younger. I have heard that being 5 or more years apart makes you more like two only children, which may be true for us. We are not very close. I often feel like an only child.


ETA - My sister does not homeschool.

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2nd of 3. So I'm "the middle child". But I have a lot of 1st born personality traits, I don't know if that's because there are only 17 months between my older sister and me or because both our parents are firstborns so all three of us have some of those characteristics.


Oh and my sister homeschools too. But I was first to know I wanted to. ;)


My younger brother is married to a former homeschooler (if that interests you). I don't know if they'll homeschool, my sil doesn't seem to eager too. I think they'd prefer using a Christian school if they can afford it when the time comes.

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Guest Katia

I'm the youngest (have 1 older sister) and she thinks I am nuts-o for homeschooling! It's something she would never, ever do.


However, her dil (youngest, late-in-life dc) is currently homeschooling sister's grandchildren for pre-school this year. LOL I thought that was really funny.

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I'm the middle child. My sister is 14 months older than I am and my brother is 4 years younger. Neither one homeschools as my sister is having her 1st child in a couple months and my brother is not married yet and has no children. I have always been considered the "odd" one in my family (immediate and extended).

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I'm the youngest of three. I'm the only one to homeschool and also the only one to graduate from college. Don't know why, but I'm a bit of an over achiever. My big sister (middle child) says I do everything in my life just to seek attention LOL, but I honestly don't care what others think about the personal choices I've made. Our older brother is 100% supportive and encouraging and I try to be the same to him.




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I voted oldest, but I am in a sense also an "only" child.


My sister and brother were born 10 months apart, nearly 10 years after me. I moved out of their household after just a few years, so most of my memories are of being an only.

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I'm the fourth generation to have three boys and two girls.


Great-grandma- 3 boys 2 girls

My Nana- 3 boys 2 girls

Mom- 3 boys 2 girls

Me- 3 boys 2 girls


My mother, a retired public school teacher, homeschooled my youngest two brothers, my sister, and now my son.


ETA: I am the eldest. My parents are both the 2nd born.

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I am a twin and we (my brother and I) are the oldest. Our sister is 14 months younger than we are (no wonder my mother didn't have any more after us! :D)


Even though I am a twin, I was techinically the "oldest" by 8 minutes and treated as such (bizarre, huh?). So I did grow up with a birth order feeling of being the eldest.


My sister has a 3 yo and plans to homeschool. My brother has twin dds and a son and is a public school teacher. He does not homeschool and is totally against it.

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I'm the oldest (31) ...I'm 2 1/2 years older than my brother and 8 years older than my sister. My brother has a baby, but I doubt they'd ever consider homeschooling...my sister doesn't have any kids yet, but I doubt it there too. Nobody that I know of anywhere in my family, immediate or extended does...I've always kinda been the odd duck. ;)

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I am the oldest of 4, 3 girls and 1 boy. We have all homeschooled. My younger brother is no longer homeschooling. His kids go to a Christian school that his wife teaches at. If they move back here they will be homeschooling again. I homeschooled my youngest sister's only child on and off until he graduated from my homeschool. I have 5 children and have homeschooled since 1986. 3 of my kids have graduated.

God bless,


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I am the oldest of two girls. My sister is 3 years younger. However, when I was 10 my mom remarried and her husband had 2 sons, both older, one 6 years and the other 3. So while by birth I am definitely an oldest child, there are some middle child things going on, too. My sister is the baby. For sure! :)


My sister doesn't homeschool, but has considered it. Her children will be 4 and 2 in September.

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I am the first of two kids. As a child I always "planned" (as young girls tend to do lol) to do the same...one girl then one boy. But, I doubled it...two girls, then two boys. :D


It is interesting that some many of us seem to be 1st borns. (I am too tired -- baby up a lot last night! -- to delve into just why it is interesting, but it will make good food for thought later! :tongue_smilie:)

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I'm the oldest of 2. My brother is 4.5 yrs. younger than me. I have 3 half-siblings who are much older than I am. They are my dad's kids from his previous marriage before his marriage to my mother. My half-siblings are all old enough to be my mother/father. I always displayed first-born characteristics...still do. It's tough, b/c my dh is the middle child of 3 and he displays typical middle child characteristics. Makes it very difficult sometimes for me to be that submissive wife and him to be the leader of the home when all my "instincts" are to take over!

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I have three younger brothers. I have a half-sister who is 12 years younger than I am, and she doesn't really keep in contact with the rest of us. I have some step-brothers (all younger), but they haven't kept in contact since we've all grown up.

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I am the third of four. I am the middle child if you count only the girls.

I've been told I am the typical middle child, whatever that means.


I married the oldest of six boys.

Boy, oh boy! Do we ever have different personalities!

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I'm the middle child, only girl. My younger brother is 11 yrs younger than I, and profoundly retarded. My older brother is a lawyer; he and my dsil homeschool. (I thought my sil was CRAZY for even thinking of it, but that was long before we had our ds :)!)

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