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My terrible horrible no good very bad day

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Just wanted to share. Need to vent somewhere.


We were out of our house for a month because of a hot water heater flood. They had to empty the house and rip out all the floor. We are back in but are down to subflooring in most of the house and nothing is where it goes. The water company was going to adjust our bill because of the leak (which went on for three or so weeks before we found it). Also during this time we got a new dog, Rover. He's an Aussie who has been nothing but sweet and calm. We have another Aussie who is awesome.


So yesterday. Took my 6YO DD to the doctor for bleeding in her stool (which I posted about). It was a worrying visit; the doc was concerned and we are hoping it is nothing serious. We were supposed to collect a stool sample the next time she went (:001_huh:) and she is going to have a colonoscopy next week. We get home and there is a shut off notice from the water company on our door. I call and tell them I thought they were adjusting the bill; they tell me they are still waiting on a letter from our plumber. Fine. I ask if I can bring the money in sometime today. They tell me that it's no problem. I have just enough to cover it. While I am on the phone, DH opens the back door and the new dog shoots out it and right for the goats. Our mama goat, our favorite who is the herd leader and protecting two babies and the other two younger goats, tries to block him from getting to the others and he attacks her. It's horrifying to watch. We make it out there and she is hurt badly. Multiple deep gashes on a front leg, six inch gash on a back leg down to the bone through tendons and etc, gashes on her udder plus smaller cuts in several places. She can't stand. Through a lot of struggle (and help from friends and neighbors) we get her in the back of our van. The after hours vet meets us there. They work on her for two and a half hours. She is stitched up given multiple shots and decent odds of making it if we can keep infection out of the udder. I pay them the money I was planning to pay the water bill with figuring I can go by tomorrow and talk to the water company. They are pretty understanding when you do that.


Of course, DD has to poop while we are there and I can't think of any way to get a stool sample. :tongue_smilie: We get home around midnight and my girls are exhausted. We carry the goat to her stall, make sure she's comfortable and leave her til morning. We talk for a while about what to do with the new dog. Is he trainable or do we have to find him a new home? We decide to sleep on it.


I am up at 6:00 after a night of weird dreams. I go out and check on the goat and give her a pain shot. She is able to get up a bit which is a really awesome sign. I see DH off to work and drive up the hill to milk our neighbors goats (they are out of town) leaving the dog shut up in the house. When we come back down we find that the dog has knocked out the glass in our bedroom window by jumping through it and gotten out and is after the goats. He's got a baby in his mouth and our sweet mama goat, as hurt as she is, is after him. As I am screaming and running after him, I fall on the gravel tearing my knee to shreds. After DD8 gets the dog, I sit down next to the goat to assess. Her udder has been ripped half off and my knee is gushing blood and needs stitches. Goat first. Call the vet and load her in the car again (she's back to not standing, poor thing). We get there (and the girls are STARVING by this time) and they stitch her udder again - three layers - milk duct, tissue, and skin. Her chances are downgraded a bit because infection is so likely. DD8 is crying because she loves new dog and knows we will have to get rid of him. My heart breaks for her.


The vet tends to my knee also using some stitch tape and cleaning it out. He thinks it will hold. If not, I'll go to the ER. Strange to have a vet working on me. :lol: We swing by McD's which we never do, with a goat in the back. I have to pay more of course at the vet. We stop by the water office - dirty, stinky,and bloody though I am, and they tell me they have already turned the water off. Their records say that I said we would pay yesterday. I didn't but it's a pointless fight. So there is no water and no money to get water because I gave it all to the vet.


We get home and eat our crappy food and get the goat settled again. DD6 (with the poop issues) says her belly hurts and so now I have a call into the doctor.


Can I quit?


Trying to hold all this in light of the abundance I know I have but just needs to vent. You deserve a cookie if you read all this.

Edited by sunnylady303
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I'm almost afraid to ask, but how was the baby goat after the dog got ahold of it? And when is mama goat going to be out of the woods?


Baby goat (Eleanor is her name) was okay. Evidently she is small enough that the dogs jaws closed around her but didn't hurt her really. Mama goat (Kasiana is her name) won't be out of the woods until we are sure infection doesn't set into her udder. Vet gives her a 50/50 chance.


Doctor says if DD's belly pain doesn't get better in the next 30 or so minutes, we need to go to the ER.

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I'm sorry to hear about your day- how exhausting. We had a pygmy goat who's whole back end was torn open- she lost her tail too. Neighbor dogs. She got maggots on day 2 or 3 which was absolutely horrifying to deal with, but in retrospect was probably good for her. Cleaned everything out, and then we got rid of them, yk? Terrible though. She made a good recovery though, and lived a good, long life after that. I hope your poor mama goat recovers well. I pray your dd's issues are minor and that the water problem is resolved quickly. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Baby goat (Eleanor is her name) was okay. Evidently she is small enough that the dogs jaws closed around her but didn't hurt her really. Mama goat (Kasiana is her name) won't be out of the woods until we are sure infection doesn't set into her udder. Vet gives her a 50/50 chance.


Doctor says if DD's belly pain doesn't get better in the next 30 or so minutes, we need to go to the ER.


How many days till the infection risk is gone?


I hope DD's tummy settles down and it's nothing serious. You've been through the wringer!!

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It's days like today when you know you have to laugh or you will cry


I hope your dd's tummy is just hurting from needing to poop and nothing serious.


Get dh to call that plumber and have that letter faxed over to teh water department asap and have him deduct the cost of reconnection from the bill you owe him. as I am sure teh water department will charge one, and it is due to the plumber not submitting the letter that the charge will be there.


That was very kind of the vet to fix up your knee, he probably figures you are already funding his yacht with that goat he may as well help ;)


Get rid of the dog. Smashing through glass, attacking the goats repeatedly. This is not a dog I would want in my home. Too aggressive and you have too much on your plate to deal with an idiot dog.

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Oh, you poor dear. That is truly a horrible day. I wish I lived near you, I'd bring you some chocolate (and some wine). Praying for nanny goat to heal up quickly, and your dd to be feeling better. Hope tomorrow is a much much better day. :grouphug:

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Just checking back in to see how you are doing....:grouphug:


Thanks. You are all so sweet. It's amazing how heartening support can be - even cyber support.


It is morning here - "a new day with no mistakes in it" as someone posted yesterday.


DD saw the doc yesterday so we didn't have to go to the ER. She is still concerned but DD's pain is gone. We are still waiting for a second chance at that stool sample. :001_huh:


Water is still off but I'll be going first thing after they open to turn it back on.


When we got home after dark last night from the doctor, DH couldn't find the goats. He hunted in the dark and found them nestled away in a little shelter in the back of the field. Mama goat couldn't (or wouldn't) walk so he carried her. She's not up yet this morning either which is a little worrying.


My knee is really painful. And not just where the stitches are but inside, like I hurt the bones or tendons or something. Hopefully that will go away as I move around.


As for the dog, he is so sweet with people. I think his herding instinct has just gotten programed strangely. Regardless, we can't have a dog that is going to take every possible chance to get out and get at the goats. Maybe if it was just me and DH, but with two young children and their friends around there are too many opportunities for him to slip out and do horrible damage.


DD8 is so heartbroken and I don't know how to help her.


By the morning light I am less pitiful feeling. I am aware of God's grace and all I have to be thankful for. What a bad day yesterday but we are blessed for sure. Hoping for a better day and a healing goat and healing for my girls' bodies and hearts.

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came by with coffee to wish you a "Good Morning"....


Thanks! Can I have mine with extra cream and sugar? :D


DD had to poop again while we were at the water company paying the bill and could. not. wait. So still no stool sample. :001_huh: More blood though which is worrying.


Seriously my mood is so improved by the support here. Who knew?

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