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What are your children doing for school today?

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Nothing. I have come down with an awful summer cold. I thought I was feeling a bit better today, but after a shower and a load of laundry, I am wiped out. Being sick is no fun!

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Two of my kids are off to the state fair today, so no schoolwork for them. Oldest dd is in pain from her orthodontic appt yesterday, so we'll see what she's up to. I'll probably do some reading with her. Oldest ds will be working on his history paper, doing some history reading, and math.

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ds8 - one chapter Life of Fred, One lesson FLL, one lesson SOTW

dd7 - two pages MM, two lessons BJU reading2,

ds5 - one lesson SM, one chapter from C.S. Lewis "The Magicians Nephew"


In the summer I try to alternate what days we do things and we never really have a full day of school. My 5 yr old reading was his idea, I normally wouldn't have handed a book like that to a 5 year old.

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Great Girl: pre-reading her calculus text for next year's class so she can hit the ground running in college.


Middle Girl: algebra, Greek, world history, Bible, arithmetic, and practicing piano right now.


Wee Girl: TOPS lentils, Miquon, finished Stuart Little, and right now playing with the toys she got for her birthday yesterday.


We work hard over the summer. It's just too hot to do much else.

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DD8 is sick so she gets a pass today (well, she is working her way through all of the Great Brain books today, does that count?)


DS6 did grammar, writing, and German. He was ahead on spelling and math so I gave him the day off from those.


I'm hoping none of the other kids get whatever DD has.


Feel better krazzymommy!

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No school today. dd4 and daycare girl 2 are currently watching a dvd while lunch cooks. DS13 is cooking the lunch and after lunch while daycare girl naps he will be trimming the front hedges. I will simply sit here and pour coffee down my throat :) while finishing planning out what curric I am going to order next month

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We have a light schedule in the summer. We don't do formal math/etc.


DD- Polish, art, reading


DS - Polish, programming, reading


I am trying to take the summer to make them more fluent in speaking (Polish) , and my main concern with DD is to get her reading fluently.

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Great Girl: pre-reading her calculus text for next year's class so she can hit the ground running in college.


Middle Girl: algebra, Greek, world history, Bible, arithmetic, and practicing piano right now.


Wee Girl: TOPS lentils, Miquon, finished Stuart Little, and right now playing with the toys she got for her birthday yesterday.


We work hard over the summer. It's just too hot to do much else.


We used TOPS lentils When the kids were younger. They loved it and it morphed into an intricate game involving bottle cap characters and magnetic force fields.


The kids are working on and off on math do they can start taking classes at the public school in Aug.

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We used TOPS lentils When the kids were younger. They loved it and it morphed into an intricate game involving bottle cap characters and magnetic force fields.


The kids are working on and off on math do they can start taking classes at the public school in Aug.

You know, I actually got it for Middle Girl, but the manual was so confusing it ended up on the shelf for a couple of years. Now I have a handle on it and it's going beautifully, and Middle Girl helps Wee Girl do it, to their mutual satisfaction.

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They *begged* for Science in a Nutshell at 7:30am.:glare: So, we started at 7:30am:sleep: (It did turn out to be fun after I woke up.) and did a long list of math/LA after.


We did some FLL, Apples & Pears, Singapore math, silent reading & narrate, handwriting - OH! the misery of HANDWRITING:svengo:, some math facts drill, Dancing Bears for the youngest...

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Ds has discovered Harry Potter so I have been going really easy on him for the past couple of weeks to allow him time to read through the books. :D Today he did math, writing, and memory work review. He read most of the morning.


Dd worked on a story she has been writing.


It is 95 degrees (102 heat index) here so no one wants to play outside!

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Very light here today as DD has a friend over to play. Lots of fort building and dress up with a bit of nerf guns and some outside play.


History lesson from SOTW. Map and coloring.

RA - The Family Under the Bridge

DD is reading No Dogs Allowed during rest time.

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We tried to do school but I am so tired from the antics of the board late last night I called it a short day. Now they're watching cartoons while I try to stay awake.


Aww, what did I miss? The ONE night I don't stay up 'till midnight reading the forum... :glare:


They *begged* for Science in a Nutshell at 7:30am.:glare: So, we started at 7:30am:sleep: (It did turn out to be fun after I woke up.) and did a long list of math/LA after.


We did some FLL, Apples & Pears, Singapore math, silent reading & narrate, handwriting - OH! the misery of HANDWRITING, :svengo:some math facts drill, Dancing Bears for the youngest...


I feel your pain. I just spent what felt like FOREVER with ds5.5 doing handwriting. He forgot how to hold his pencil :confused: 3/4 of the way through but wouldn't let me stop and insisted on finishing. :banghead:

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A short lesson in Saxon Alg 1/2

one section of Kilgallon's Grammar for Middle School

one section Science Fusion on space exploration + virtual lab

played games on icivics.org

2 worksheets from Easy Grammar Plus

one lesson in Daily Grams

final test from Vocabulary Workshop A (to verify we didn't need to do the whole book)

played a few games from Seterra for geography


Now we're headed to the used bookstore and maybe aikido tonight, depending. Tomorrow is going to an early movie with friends and likely out for pizza at lunch, followed by a writing class at the public library on adding paranormal elements to your writing.

Edited by KarenNC
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We just started our new year this week. Yesterday was heavenly. Today was part heaven part further south. ;) BUT we did get done!


Today with my 2nd grader we did AAS, MM, WWE (2 lessons), MR Q Science.


They are currently playing with the neighbor kid and ballet starts in an hour.

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Still going...


A little math, some phonics, some history read alouds and a field trip to the science center. This trip was organized by another group and we just signed up with another family we're close to. The other family and us were the ONLY people who showed up when it was supposed to be 15 kids. I was just floored. I've heard people talk about flaky homeschoolers who do this sort of thing, but this was my first experience with it on this level. I've been to a lot of group field trips and while occasionally someone flakes out, this was like a whole other level.

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We had a beautiful full day scheduled of math, history, reading, etc. But instead we got to get a new key made for the van, drive to the next major town north of us to pick up the last two boxes of tile that matches ours in the state and drive back home.


The good news was that we got to move back home today after two nights of sleeping at my mom's. We don't have a sink and have to step carefully on the tile as we use the toilet tonight but our bathroom will soon be done. :hurray:


Who knew that a leaking toilet would lead to a whole bathroom remodel and new lights in most of the house because they were all going bad and the contractor is affordable. :001_huh:

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DS did math, spelling, reading, dictated a paragraph about our vacation, and colored a map. He also played chess with me and helped me weed the garden.


DD did vocab, math, an extra math puzzle, and colored a map. She is playing at a friend's house right now, and when she comes home she has to catch up her reading log and write a paragraph about our vacation.

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DS-5: Counting, some verbal math, coloring, playing with legos


DD-8: Read newspaper, finished Charlotte's Web and discussed that, verbal math lesson, couple pages of Beast Academy, Editor-in-chief lesson, cursive practice, spelling test, Language Smarts four pages, Logic Countdown 1 page, Building Thinking Skills two pages, Writing with Ease, Science lesson on light and reflection, Literature-read Ozymandias and discussed, reviewed for Exploratory Latin exam, reviewed geography flashcards, reviewed Foundations flashcards, reviewed English from the roots up cards (4 of these for this week), reviewed new poem to memorize..........started 'Beany and the dreaded wedding' (her choice). She is on some educational game on the computer now....not sure exactly what.


Can you tell it is too hot to do much today? We have days like this and then days when we do a few things and go outside......

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dds practiced the violin starting at 6:30am.

(i couldn't make this up, could I?!)


then, theater camp runs 8am-4pm, and the younger two are doing that. they get a high school drama credit for it at the end of the month, so that is great. it is shakespeare, so there is lots of learning going on.


i pick them up at 4pm, feed them in the car, take them to dance. i pick them up at 7pm, and then they come home and do more music practice.


and that is school for today.


its fun for them; i'm bored out of my tree.


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We are on a lite summer schedule, so today my 9 year old did a lesson in his saxon math(54) book, and read his reading book (rangers apprentince) for about 45 minutes, my 7 year old did a lesson in her saxon math(2) book, and finished up a Junie B. Jones book, and read 4 books to her little brothers, my 4 year did some work in his Phonics Pathways book, and listened to stories, and they all listened to a chapter of sotw 1, and colored a picture of the the sphynx(sp), and that is pretty much it. We start our regular schedule on Aug. 6th!!!!

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Dr. Jones : lesson in OPGTR, math worksheet, wrote her friends name once, played Dreambox, one lesson on head sprout, and read a Dora reader.

Mowgli: 1/2 worksheet mm, one lesson fll, one sentence copy work, a

couple sentences from aas, and, she read a bit from gooney bird Greene.


We also went to the library and splash fountain today.

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DS was supposed to finish up his alg 1 chapter 1-5 assessment, but then again, he was supposed to have completed it last week! :toetap05:


He told me he's going to do 2 chapters a week so he can be done before "summer break" is over. :001_huh: I'm not going to hold my breath, but I am doing my best to hold him to it! :lol:

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We just finished our 7th official day of homeschooling. :)


We started off with some reading together, then writing and grammar. Dom played Lego while I did spelling and math with Max, then we all did Dom's math together. We spent most of the afternoon reading about, drawing, and doing a little research on snakes - our animal of the day.


I just ordered a few more things and I haven't figured out exactly what I want to be doing, but it was a fun day. :D

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