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If we go ahead and legalize same-sex marriage,

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I think it already is widely accepted. My dh taught public high school here, and I have a friend who teaches in a nearby county. Both schools have had a huge increase in the number of homosexual couples over the last few years, especially lesbians. If kids are accepting it in the middle of Georgia, then I think they've come a long way on acceptance.


I'm horrified that there are pastors out there who would preach the things you all have said, but I guess there are radical muslims who would kill homosexuals. There will always be radicals and haters, though, regardless of laws or what the majority accepts.


:iagree: Interracial and lesbian couples are very out in my ds' high school. 20 years ago, I can't imagine that being the case. The good thing seems to be that there is little tolerance for bullying of ANY kind. My son's Christian, Jewish, agnostic friends etc. all speak freely about their beliefs. " Live and let live" might be the class slogan....:) It's quite refreshing!


However, my best friend just related to me that her elderly neighbor thinks the recent storms and outages are "God's punishment for abortion and homosexuality." :glare: Sad, really.

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This is one reason I'm glad I don't watch TV. I don't want to know who does what with their clothes off. Nobody knows what I do in my bedroom, so why do I need to know what they do in theirs?


:confused: Huh? Is that all that goes on in your relationship? I seriously doubt your relationship with your... husband? (guessing here, forgive me if I'm wrong) consists solely of being in the bedroom. You have conversations, a history, emotional ups and downs; you make decisions, share experiences etc.. etc.. and etc.. It's a relationship and guess what... gay people have them too!


Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that all they do is spend time in the bedroom. I find it interesting that people focus so much on that. It's easy to feel 'separate' from 'them' when what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is just so... different.


We're all people, full stop.

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I think as long as there are preachers advocating putting gay and lesbian people behind electric fences and beating boys for not being masculine enough, there will be proud gay and lesbian people proclaiming their identity. I am pretty sure the side advocating violence is going to have to stand down first.


Keep in mind that it isn't only Christian clerics preaching hate. Some other religions do the same.

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I read this headline to dh yesterday and he was shocked as he thought he already came out as well. I cannot see how he is attractive at all, nope don't get it. He's way too polished for me.

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I'd rather see people keep their private business private, whatever that private business is. I'm so tired of this being a major topic on every program, a major lead news story, and half the stories in the local paper. Enough, already.

I agree. I quit watching the news years and years ago because it was becoming more celeb gossip than news. I'd much rather we go back to real news than any more gossip.


FTR: I think that Cooper guy looks pasty and washed out. What are y'all seeing that I'm not?

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This is one reason I'm glad I don't watch TV. I don't want to know who does what with their clothes off. Nobody knows what I do in my bedroom, so why do I need to know what they do in theirs?


I assume that you also never tell anyone whether you are married or to whom then? Because I don't think Anderson Cooper gave any tawdry bedroom details here. He announced that he is getting married.


This is an annoying thing that straight people do. I hear it all the time. This is how the convo goes for me:


"...and what does your husband do?"

"My wife works at X"

"Oh, I really didn't need to know about what goes on in your bedroom!"


Happens at least weekly. If you all really don't want to know about my wife, stop asking about my husband.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.


:iagree: I was wondering about this about a month ago but wasn't brave enough to post the question here. :tongue_smilie: I was thinking that as more gay celebrities come out talking about having a "normal" life - of marriage, raising children, etc. that it will become more acceptable, or at least give these kids a chance to see they aren't the only one in the world feeling this way. Teens are often obsessed with celebrities and having ones that are openly like them could only help, IMO. I was thinking of Neil Patrick Harris at the time.


I don't think we should focus more on the sexual orientation of others, but rather that we'll be better off when no one feels the need to hide theirs. Things that are matter-of-fact are not newsworthy.


:iagree: It would be nice if when someone is asked about their spouse and their reply indicates same-gender, that people would just continue with the usual line of questions - "oh how long have you guys been together?" "how did you meet?" "do you have any kids?"

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I assume that you also never tell anyone whether you are married or to whom then? Because I don't think Anderson Cooper gave any tawdry bedroom details here. He announced that he is getting married.


This is an annoying thing that straight people do. I hear it all the time. This is how the convo goes for me:


"...and what does your husband do?"

"My wife works at X"

"Oh, I really didn't need to know about what goes on in your bedroom!"


Happens at least weekly. If you all really don't want to know about my wife, stop asking about my husband.



It never ceases to amaze me the ignorance that abounds.


I've asked someone about their dh, to be corrected that they had a dw. (I only asked at all b/c of wedding rings, otherwise, I wouldn't ask about a spouse at all).


My response? "Sorry for the assumption!" and carried on w/the convo.


I really need to swap for 'spouse', and get rid of assumptions.

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:iagree: I was wondering about this about a month ago but wasn't brave enough to post the question here. :tongue_smilie: I was thinking that as more gay celebrities come out talking about having a "normal" life - of marriage, raising children, etc. that it will become more acceptable, or at least give these kids a chance to see they aren't the only one in the world feeling this way. Teens are often obsessed with celebrities and having ones that are openly like them could only help, IMO. I was thinking of Neil Patrick Harris at the time.




:iagree: It would be nice if when someone is asked about their spouse and their reply indicates same-gender, that people would just continue with the usual line of questions - "oh how long have you guys been together?" "how did you meet?" "do you have any kids?"


:iagree: That is what happens about half the time these days though, which is great! But the other half.....:glare:

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Gay marriage is legal in MA as everyone knows. It is still talked about widely though. Very little,if at all bullying in the schools over it though.


I don't get the mindset of people who think that being in a gay relationship is all about se*.


My best friends are lesbians. They are raising a 6 yo girl together. They are a loving couple that just live their life.


They are getting married in August. I am in the wedding party. And so is my DH :D

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For me, I just wish that what someone's orientation is would be considered a private matter...in all walks of life. Including bullying.


It's nobody's flipping business what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.


It's called 'private life' for a reason. And I really wish ppl would embrace the idea.


:iagree: I feel that things like Facebook and other social networking sites have led to this overexposure of people's lives. Before, perhaps people were way too open about their lives to the people around them but now it's all online for everyone to see.


ETA: As for the original question, so long as being heterosexual is considered the "norm", I think people will always point out when someone is gay. Since gay people are by far in the minority, I think that will be a very very long time from now. So you're probably stuck hearing about it. ;)

Edited by Mimm
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Gay marriage is legal in MA as everyone knows. It is still talked about widely though. Very little,if at all bullying in the schools over it though.


I don't get the mindset of people who think that being in a gay relationship is all about se*.


My best friends are lesbians. They are raising a 6 yo girl together. They are a loving couple that just live their life.


They are getting married in August. I am in the wedding party. And so is my DH :D


:iagree: Just so I'm clear too, this does effect some of our dearest friends. Including single gender families that have chosen to homeschool their children. If celebrity gossip helps young people struggling with their identity, it's definitely a good thing. I think AC was just trying to live his life, but then saw people were labeling him secretive so he "came out". I applaud him for it.

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I honestly thought AC came out like five years ago?? :confused:





Not that I'm a fan of celebrity gossip, but I know I've seen this stated somewhere a long time ago.


I agree with him. It's about his privacy, not about hiding anything.


I've always wondered why I need to know someone's sexual orientation. Unless a person is active on the dating scene (whatever that is), how is knowing a person's sexual orientation necessary? It's irrelevant to everyday dealings. It doesn't affect one's ability to perform their work, do everyday tasks, be a decent neighbor and should not affect friendships. I guess it affects some religious choices, but outside of a small minority of religious groups, I don't think there's any relevance. What does AC's orientation have to do with his reporting?

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Not that I'm a fan of celebrity gossip, but I know I've seen this stated somewhere a long time ago.


I agree with him. It's about his privacy, not about hiding anything.


I've always wondered why I need to know someone's sexual orientation. Unless a person is active on the dating scene (whatever that is), how is knowing a person's sexual orientation necessary? It's irrelevant to everyday dealings. It doesn't affect one's ability to perform their work, do everyday tasks, be a decent neighbor and should not affect friendships. I guess it affects some religious choices, but outside of a small minority of religious groups, I don't think there's any relevance. What does AC's orientation have to do with his reporting?


Well he is now as greater risk of being a target in those countries he reports from that are not okay with a gay orientation. I'm thinking primarily Middle Eastern nations.

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Well he is now as greater risk of being a target in those countries he reports from that are not okay with a gay orientation. I'm thinking primarily Middle Eastern nations.


It also affects who will and will not talk to him, even in the US. It may affect which companies are willing to advertise on his show. It also affects his image, which is important in his position, whether it should be or not.


It a perfect world it SHOULDN'T affect his reporting, but in the real world, it absolutely does.

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I read his letter, I agree, it's not anyone's business. But it is part of the news of our era. I hadn't heard it before. It could be that announcing it wards off more rumors and talk about it.


Matthew Bomer came out a few months ago. I felt like his announcement was to shut down the rumor mill. Sadly, I think a few fangirls are still in mourning.

Edited by elegantlion
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I read this letter, I agree, it's not anyone's business. But it is part of the news of our era. I hadn't heard it before. It could be that announcing it wards off more rumors and talk about it.


Matthew Bomer came out a few months ago. I felt like his announcement was to shut down the rumor mill. Sadly, I think a few fangirls are still in mourning.

Ah, I missed that one. That is a sad day for womankind.

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I assume that you also never tell anyone whether you are married or to whom then? Because I don't think Anderson Cooper gave any tawdry bedroom details here. He announced that he is getting married.


This is an annoying thing that straight people do. I hear it all the time. This is how the convo goes for me:


"...and what does your husband do?"

"My wife works at X"

"Oh, I really didn't need to know about what goes on in your bedroom!"


Happens at least weekly. If you all really don't want to know about my wife, stop asking about my husband.

Often people are idiots. :grouphug:

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:confused: Huh? Is that all that goes on in your relationship? I seriously doubt your relationship with your... husband? (guessing here, forgive me if I'm wrong) consists solely of being in the bedroom. You have conversations, a history, emotional ups and downs; you make decisions, share experiences etc.. etc.. and etc.. It's a relationship and guess what... gay people have them too!


Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that all they do is spend time in the bedroom. I find it interesting that people focus so much on that. It's easy to feel 'separate' from 'them' when what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is just so... different.


We're all people, full stop.


I assume that you also never tell anyone whether you are married or to whom then? Because I don't think Anderson Cooper gave any tawdry bedroom details here. He announced that he is getting married.


I think SKL is a single mom who adopted her daughters, but she can clear that up if I'm mistaken.

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I think as long as we live in a heteronormative society people are going to need to 'come out'. Keeping quiet about such things only furthers the myth that 'everyone' is straight. Unless people speak up and put a human face on any minority, there are those who will think that 'those types' don't live around here.


And telling someone you are married doesn't tell them what you do in the bedroom! Unless that is the only way you interact with your spouse? Maybe it is, I don't know. It tells people that you are part of a family.

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I think as long as we live in a heteronormative society people are going to need to 'come out'. Keeping quiet about such things only furthers the myth that 'everyone' is straight. Unless people speak up and put a human face on any minority, there are those who will think that 'those types' don't live around here.


And telling someone you are married doesn't tell them what you do in the bedroom! Unless that is the only way you interact with your spouse? Maybe it is, I don't know. It tells people that you are part of a family.


Yes. This, exactly. When I tell you I have a wife, I'm telling you who is in my family, not what we do in private. And if no one ever comes out, then gay people (especially youth) don't get the opportunity to know that they are not alone, and you get folks who assume that gay people are some kind of crazy fringe movement, when in reality we're mostly just regular people living regular lives.

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Many people (hetero and homo) take their own lives b/c of torment within.


How many heterosexuals take their lives because they are shamed, bullied, and made to feel disgust at their heterosexuality?

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So, I guess those of you who claim that they don't 'want to know' about someone's sexual orientation are also campaigning to rid the English language of gendered pronouns.

You must want to get rid of all photographs because they might have pictures of children and families and that means SEX.

You want to get rid of all holidays, because celebrating holidays implies spending them with families and that means people had SEX.

In fact, you had better start working on getting rid of families because in order to tell someone about your family means telling them about your sex life.

You want to stop all conversation because people might talk about how they spend their time and that might slip in to dangerous territory of admitting to having families, and we know what talking about families means.


Wow, we had better get rid of this board, because if we home school our children it means we have children. And admitting to having children is telling everyone about your sex life.

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How about on things that matter? Contributions to society? Important things.


Like Anderson in a kilt.


Can you photoshop that, Ibby?



This is a public board, out there for anyone to read. We've discussed all manner of personal topics, including sex. We do this because these "personal" matters are important parts of our lives and most of us feel the need to connect, to share, to be heard, to empathize, to feel like we belong. We're by-and-large intensely social creatures. Do some people share "too much"? Or not listen enough, or at all? Sure, there are examples of that in all groups and belief systems. But it's extraordinary to me to hear people say that no one should share because we are (in reality) uncomfortable about hearing what this or that group has to say.


I realize that we're talking about "news" and such, but how much of your day is spend discussing "important" things (and who gets to define this)? And how are you going to define "contributions to society"? Is the nice retired lady I see every morning on my way back from walking my dog contributing to society? That garden is her life, and it will probably die with her. But she always takes the time to talk with the kids and ask them what they're doing, and answer any questions they have. Her garden is a sight to see and she makes our neighborhood a bit nicer.


And (to veer off a bit) would it matter if she were gay? It would if she felt the need to hide it, and the reality is that many do. Is an actor who comes out and jeopardizes his future career opportunities contributing to society (and there's plenty of evidence that certain types of roles will no longer be offered)? Takes guts, no? Maybe makes it easier for the next guy to not feel that he has no choice but to hide that aspect of who he is and pretend to be other in public.

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I assume that you also never tell anyone whether you are married or to whom then? Because I don't think Anderson Cooper gave any tawdry bedroom details here. He announced that he is getting married.


This is an annoying thing that straight people do. I hear it all the time. This is how the convo goes for me:


"...and what does your husband do?"

"My wife works at X"

"Oh, I really didn't need to know about what goes on in your bedroom!"


Happens at least weekly. If you all really don't want to know about my wife, stop asking about my husband.


Frankly, I think it is more offensive that people ask "what does your spouse do" as if that defines you (or me) as a person. You need not worry about me ever asking you what your husband (or wife) does. It's belittling.


People make assumptions about other people all the time. For example, you just assumed I'm heterosexual and married (and ignorant). I choose not to be offended.


I have friends of both sexes with whom I do just about everything that is appropriate for polite conversation. I do not understand the need to specify whether I also have a sexual relationship with such people. That said, if you told me you had a wife or were marrying your girlfriend, assuming it was in a context where I should care, I would react the same way as I would to a heterosexual marriage.


So AC is getting married. Do we know which of the CNN reporters are in heterosexual marriages? Generally, no. It is no more newsworthy than whether or not I am married.

Edited by SKL
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Anderson Cooper. Shocking, right? :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the news update. :001_huh: I could careless who's doing what - that includes the Kardashian family. They aren't gay but we have to see their stories all over the place.


My hollywood news exposure is minimal because I don't watch much TV. I get my news from NPR, the newspaper and NYT online.


If you don't want to know then don't watch Fox News and the like.

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I don't think the media hype as all that much to do with being gay, really. We are apparently completely fascinated with who's dating who, who's divorcing, who's having a baby, how much are they spending on dinner, how much are they spending on clothes, etc. I get tired of so-called news outlets having these kinds of things as headlines. I always wonder, "Who the heck cares?", but obviously many do.


:iagree: I just posted something similar before I read your post. :001_smile:

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So AC is getting married. Do we know which of the CNN reporters are in heterosexual marriages? Generally, no. It is no more newsworthy than whether or not I am married.


Yes, we do. I see births of babies announced, weddings etc mentioned on a regular basis. Heck, there was one of those morning news show guys whose entire wedding was orchestrated by Martha Stewart. It went on for months. One of the blond Fox news women (I can never tell them apart) had twins recently. There were pictures of her and her entire family in the media.


So, it does seem to get mentioned quite often.

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from FB:


Love this! :lol:


So AC is getting married? Good for him. I'm happy that he's able to be himself.


I just don't understand everyone's problem with people coming out? As has been pointed out, this is the world we live in. People are curious about celebrities, hetero or homo sexual, babies, marriages, girlfriends/boyfriends, it is what it is. On top of that, heterosexual is considered to be the "default" position by many. Until it's not, yes, people will have to make announcements. If they choose.


Now *sigh* Silver Fox is out of my reach...

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How many heterosexuals take their lives because they are shamed, bullied, and made to feel disgust at their heterosexuality?


Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

So overeating = paedophilia?

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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.


What in the world does being gay or straight have to do with pedophilia? I hear this all the time, and it's just about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Two adults having a loving relationship, no matter what kind of genitalia they have, has nothing to do with an adult sexually assaulting a child.


Also, if you're trying so hard not to "condone or promote sin," you might want to try doing a little less judging and a little more using your brain.

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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Seriously?! Comparing what 2 consenting adults do to abusing a child?


I just threw up in my mouth. Disgusting.

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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.


er... what? so, gay=pedophile=overeating=aberrant behavior? I'm not sure I follow that, but... what were you saying about logic?

Edited by lauranc
spelling error
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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Hmmm, so homosexual teens get what they deserve is what you're trying to say, then?

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Hmmm, so homosexual teens get what they deserve is what you're trying to say, then?
Especially the fat ones. :glare:
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Keep in mind that it isn't only Christian clerics preaching hate. Some other religions do the same.


But the clerics making headlines about it generally ARE Christian. It sickens me to hear those in positions of power and influence advocate such hateful attitudes.


astrid (who admits a wee crush on AC-- and yes, it definitely IS the eyes. And the unassuming, somewhat shy demeanor. LOVE HIM.)

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astrid (who admits a wee crush on AC-- and yes, it definitely IS the eyes. And the unassuming, somewhat shy demeanor. LOVE HIM.)



I just want his mom to give me some free jeans. (Well, if I was still in high school and it was 1986.)

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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

And thanks for demonstrating exactly WHY s*xual orientation is still a needed topic of conversation in today's day and age.


I honestly tend to forget this kind of mindset exists. :glare:

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