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What is the story behind your username?


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Mine is due to a mistake... when I signed up, I thought I was naming our homeschool, not myself, so I was looking for a place name, not a name for me.


Little Nyssa is a house in Madeleine L'Engle's The Other Side of the Sun. It is named after Nyssa, a plantation in her book where blacks & whites lived as equals, an idealistic dream at that time, which did not survive, because it was burned down. Little Nyssa is named after that lost dream-- a sign that someone remembered it and that it was maybe not lost completely.


I've always loved her books-- she was maybe the first person to show me that it is possible to be a Christian in the 20th century-- and I love the themes in that book of courage, innocence, and also the seaside life that she describes so vividly, and 'playing Shakespeare' with the aunties, etc.


Also, I'm sure L'Engle was referring to St Gregory of Nyssa, whom I also like very much.:001_smile:

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I'm a mom who lives in LA. I don't really like my avatar since it makes me look sporty/sports fan (Dodgers). I like them and all but not a sports fan in general. At least not enough to want their symbol as my avatar. :glare:

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I was scared I was going "screw my kids up" by homeschooling. Crazy, now that I think about it because it's probably the exact opposite and PS was doing that.


Also, we have two cats and I'm pretty sure I was laughing at one being scared of something really benign like a shadow or something equally funny when I was trying to think of a username.


So, Hi! I'm Fraidycat.

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Splash is my dog. I like his name, dd named him, she was three and though that was the type of dog we were getting a Splash dog.(First one she saw at breeders was named Splash, I guess he should be happy that she didn't meet Bubbles first.:)0) That is how she referred to him while we waited to bring him home. He's a Portugese Water Dog.

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I've always found joy in teaching and wanted to be the kind of teacher who inspired children. Unfortunately, I had a very rough time in my last year teaching at a classical "Christian" school, and by the end I had lost all my joy. The administration was concerned more with numbers (high test scores, high percentage of honor roll students, number of children from prominent families, number of big name supporters, etc.) than with the actual children we were teaching. They wanted unquestioning obedience from students and staff and openly told me that they did not care about motivations. I was instructed to use punitive punishments for any and all disobedience and not to talk with the children about why they had disobeyed and how to make better choices in the future. I felt as if I were being forced to manufacture robots rather than cultivate wisdom and virtue in sentient beings. That broke my heart, and I knew I could no longer be involved with an organization that was becoming more and more dysfunctional. A year after I left, the school self-destructed as a direct result of the lies and schemes of the administration.


After leaving the school I decided to become a private tutor working with homeschool and b&m school families. I also teach college English part time. In the last few years, as I have kept in mind my belief that educating the mind means nothing without first reaching a student's heart, I have rediscovered my joy, not only in teaching, but in life in general.

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I had been perusing this board for months prior to our decision to homeschool. Then when we made the giant leap from private school to our own, I kind of floundered in the specifics of names, etc. I kept thinking we would have such a creative name for our homeschool (which is required on our Letter of Intent), but it never happened. So I started a blog with this same title. I keep trying to think of this as an adventure as we delve into unknown waters (for us). I have always admired the chutzpah of explorers. Just hope I don't wind up dead, trapped or frozen on some forsaken patch of land during these adventures...:lol:

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I'm Jess, and I've been Replanted (over and over it seems).


I grew up in MA, went to school in NY, moved to PA when I got married and lived there for 8 years, and then moved to different parts of PA during the past 3 years.


And now we're moving to Texas!


I know that for some people, this is would not seem like a lot of moving, but I'm a real settled-down-home-body. I'd be very happy to never move ever again.


Anyway, 'replanted' also comes from that wonderfully annoying saying "Bloom where you are planted." (I heard that a lot from my husband when we got married,):tongue_smilie:, (hopefully now he is wise enough to know that it's just not that simple.)

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Preacher Brent Thomas and then our anniversary December 1994


It used to be part of Brent's email addy because when he played church league softball the teenagers would scream gooooo pbt. We shared the same email for a long time so when he got a different email I just kept his and I use it as a username all of the time.


My kids go by pbt's1stkid, pbt's2ndkid and so on.....

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Mine is what my dear friend's daughter called me. In our circle, the kids call all adults Mr. ____ or Mrs. ____. We are pretty close to this family and the daughter wanted something a little more personal so she started calling me Momma H. :001_smile:

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When I was a freshman in college one of my besties nicknamed me "Laughing Lioness of the Golden Grasses" around a campfire one night when we were all coming up with monikers for each other.


I like it for a couple of reasons- I'm a Leo (B.C. I really related to that) and because now I really relate to being part of the Tribe/pride of the Lion of Judah and Narnia is a defining story in our family. I am a strong, passionate, hard headed, opionated person (well, according to my dh! :lol:), and lioness seems to fit. Plus I have the hair for it (thank God- one of the attributes I have left in life!)


Golden Grasses is my blog name but it fits because we live on the Great Plains and believe me, in the fall, it is miles and miles of gold, waiting for harvest.


Plus I like the thought that grasses, like children are everywhere, but I/we are in the process of crafting something extraordinary from the ordinary (golden grasses instead of just green grass, amazing adults that are passionate instead of apathetic).

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Mine is just my first name...not very creative at all :tongue_smilie:


It's really my name, and I like it. :001_smile:)


It's my name. :lol: I'm so original. The 88 is the year I got married.


It's my name :)


At least I'm not the only one!

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Years back I used to poke into a classical Indian music USENET group to ask for help with Indian cooking. I was always very polite, but I found that I got better responses if people assumed I was an Indian male off at school somewhere and unable to eat Mummyji's cooking. :) I didn't lie, but I let my username get a toe in the door.


If you've every had India restaurant appetizers with the bright green and dark brown dipping sauces, you've eaten kalanamak.

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Mine's my real name. It was my grandmother's name. She died when my dad was 9 (of childbirth). She was named after a little girl down the street by her sister who was 10 years older.

So, I was technically named after a random girl in some street in Small Town, Missouri.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine is my favorite coffee drink. At the cafe I used to frequent, the owner would call out greetings to the regulars when we arrive. He never really introduced himself or asked for our names, but simply named us according to what we usually ordered: Iced Latte, Ms. Mocha, Mr. Romano, NoWhip, etc.

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Many years ago I did a bit of web design and taught classes on digital photography. I used to have to explain what a "pixel" is......now, not so much! I envisioned myself as a little Jack Russell terrier chasing pixels all day and had a cute little logo with a JR bounding off over hill and vale.


My avatar and siggy photos just reflect where we live in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Great thread....I've often wondered about other folks' usernames! :)

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We bought a 100+ year old United Methodist Church and renovated it making it our forever home or so we hope. We named the place, Faithmanor. I go by Faith on the board and I actually like that a MILLION times better than my actual first name.


The church was the one I attended as a child. My mom and dad were married in what is now my living room, as well as my brother, my aunt, and one of my cousins. Several funeral services for elder great aunts and uncles took place here too and while that might seem creepy to some, it's very meaningful to me. The property did not come with a cemetary and I am thankful for that because there are always legal issues with that.


I have very fond memories of attending Sunday School in the basement room that is now our 4-H supply room...of playing piano for the very first time for church in the same spot that is now my sewing area, of watching my baby sister being baptized, and of my dad, the head elder at the time, leading singing. I remember playing my first "performance" here...an offertory when I was in kindergarten - "Jesus Loves Me". By the time I was in 5th grade, I substituted for the regular pianist who was, at that time, 75. By 7th grade, I played for ALL of the congregational signing, all the weddings and funerals (at that point, given the average of the congregants, it was a whole lot more funerals than weddings), holidays, you name it. The original pianist was really struggling with arthritis and I vividly remember the day that she handed over the responsibility to me. I was quaking in my boots and for the first four Sundays, she sat on the very front pew next to the piano just talking me through it and encouraging me. She'll forever be one of my favorite people and it was really hard, a few years later, to play her funeral.


The congregation eventually could not afford to hang on as many of the younger couples left for bigger, gliztier churches and left behind a handful of elder folks trying to keep it together. They ended up having to put it up for sale and then join a congregation six miles north of here (this happened long after I'd been through college and had married - living out of state). You've never seen such happy people when they found out we would be moving into the area and buying the property. For them, that was like one of their own children coming to take care of home for them. I've had more than one drop by, have a cup of tea with us, and tell us their memories. One of my favorites is the one about the church treasurer meeting his wife (they were both teens at the time) in my dining room. She was holding onto the center support pillar and twirling in her poodle skirt. He said the minute he spied her he knew he wanted to marry her, but that she was a Jesus loving person and he was not so he better "get with the program"...ended up as an ordained elder! They've been married 59 years and were wed in the living room too.


I relate more to my boardname than I do my family name. Since I was named after my mother, my family has always called me by my middle name which I do not like one.little.bit. For the most part, I've trained a LOT of people to switch to my first name, but I'd be thrilled if everyone called me Faith!


Faithmanor - oh, my avatar is a picture of the piano that sits in my living room.

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We bought a 100+ year old United Methodist Church and renovated it making it our forever home or so we hope. We named the place, Faithmanor. I go by Faith on the board and I actually like that a MILLION times better than my actual first name.


The church was the one I attended as a child. My mom and dad were married in what is now my living room, as well as my brother, my aunt, and one of my cousins.


Wow, what a neat story!

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Guest StonehavenFarm


Stonehaven comes from the Scripture that refers to Christ as my rock and refuge. We were trying to come up with a homeschool name and I loved that reference...But ROCKHAVEN didn't sound right. Also, we are a small farm (55 acres) with sheep, cattle, chickens, pyrenees and mini donkeys.....hence 'farm".

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We bought a 100+ year old United Methodist Church and renovated it making it our forever home or so we hope. We named the place, Faithmanor. I go by Faith on the board and I actually like that a MILLION times better than my actual first name.


The church was the one I attended as a child. My mom and dad were married in what is now my living room, as well as my brother, my aunt, and one of my cousins. Several funeral services for elder great aunts and uncles took place here too and while that might seem creepy to some, it's very meaningful to me. The property did not come with a cemetary and I am thankful for that because there are always legal issues with that.


I have very fond memories of attending Sunday School in the basement room that is now our 4-H supply room...of playing piano for the very first time for church in the same spot that is now my sewing area, of watching my baby sister being baptized, and of my dad, the head elder at the time, leading singing. I remember playing my first "performance" here...an offertory when I was in kindergarten - "Jesus Loves Me". By the time I was in 5th grade, I substituted for the regular pianist who was, at that time, 75. By 7th grade, I played for ALL of the congregational signing, all the weddings and funerals (at that point, given the average of the congregants, it was a whole lot more funerals than weddings), holidays, you name it. The original pianist was really struggling with arthritis and I vividly remember the day that she handed over the responsibility to me. I was quaking in my boots and for the first four Sundays, she sat on the very front pew next to the piano just talking me through it and encouraging me. She'll forever be one of my favorite people and it was really hard, a few years later, to play her funeral.


The congregation eventually could not afford to hang on as many of the younger couples left for bigger, gliztier churches and left behind a handful of elder folks trying to keep it together. They ended up having to put it up for sale and then join a congregation six miles north of here (this happened long after I'd been through college and had married - living out of state). You've never seen such happy people when they found out we would be moving into the area and buying the property. For them, that was like one of their own children coming to take care of home for them. I've had more than one drop by, have a cup of tea with us, and tell us their memories. One of my favorites is the one about the church treasurer meeting his wife (they were both teens at the time) in my dining room. She was holding onto the center support pillar and twirling in her poodle skirt. He said the minute he spied her he knew he wanted to marry her, but that she was a Jesus loving person and he was not so he better "get with the program"...ended up as an ordained elder! They've been married 59 years and were wed in the living room too.


I relate more to my boardname than I do my family name. Since I was named after my mother, my family has always called me by my middle name which I do not like one.little.bit. For the most part, I've trained a LOT of people to switch to my first name, but I'd be thrilled if everyone called me Faith!


Faithmanor - oh, my avatar is a picture of the piano that sits in my living room.


Oh my goodness,! I got all teary-eyed reading this. How beautiful!


Mine is my initials, which I initially (ha!) used on another board and then I had to change my password and they required me to have a username that was longer, so I added the 11 because my ODS was born on 11-11. I'm not very original.

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Wow, what a neat story!


These are great stories!


Faith, I have never heard a story like yours before. That is amazing!


:) I've always thought it would be wonderful to renovate a church to live in if it couldn't be used as a church any longer. Probably more complicated than I'd be capable of handling, though.


My user name is obvious. I was on the (old) forum early enough that I was able to claim an easy "susan" user name. Although for a while on the old board I used my initials because I'd forget which forum I was on.

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I've always thought it would be cute to have a little girl with the first name April and the middle name May. When I had to pick a name here....some were already chosen that I tried and then I just couldn't think of anything. But, I've had a couple of people pm me about the name thinking it really is my name. I think I disappointed them when I told them it wasn't my real name. :001_huh: Sorry.... :blush:


ETA: Well, I obviously changed my name (and my font & font color) since this was posted.  The meaning of my new name is obvious....I'm married to Batman (literally.....now you can all just think about that for awhile :001_smile: ).

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I've always thought it would be cute to have a little girl with the first name April and the middle name May. When I had to pick a name here....some were already chosen that I tried and then I just couldn't think of anything. But, I've had a couple of people pm me about the name thinking it really is my name. I think I disappointed them when I told them it wasn't my real name. :001_huh: Sorry.... :blush:


Aww...I like your username!


My username was my cat's name when I was a kid. I always misspelled it for some weird reason. I think R. was his middle initial. So, he was Star R. Buck. :tongue_smilie: Yeah, I'm weird. :001_unsure:

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I really enjoyed reading this thread! I have a smile on my face!


Mine is "bacon lover" without the spaces and vowels. Since I discovered bacon (um, around age 1), I have had some form of bacon-related nickname. Bacon, baconhead, oinky.....I LOVELOVELOVE bacon! My mother always had to shoo me away when she was making it. As a teen, if it was getting late in the morning and she wanted me up, she would just put on some bacon. I would emerge within 10 minutes. True story!


As an adult, I search far and wide for the "perfect" bacon. Pastured, organic, uncured, local.....blahblahblah. (is there such thing as a bacon connoisseur?? I have been to a bacon-tasting. It was divine!!)


Okay, nuff said.


(just finished eating some, actually...on my blt)




:lol: Funny!


By the way, could you please change your avatar. I always think it's a spider and it creeps me out!! How about a cute little piggie?


I was raised in the jungle, by apes...




Mine's a typo, which I didn't catch until after I'd hit the submit button. It could be worse I suppose..




Don't hurt yourselves trying to figure mine out - it doesn't mean anything.


Oh, come on! Tell the truth. You were sitting in your car and looked down at your hand. There was this weird blue stuff on it and you yelled, "Aca blue!?!?"


Anyway, that's the story I envision. :D


By the way, kudos to you for wearing your seatbelt. :001_smile:


Aww...I like your username!


My username was my cat's name when I was a kid. I always misspelled it for some weird reason. I think R. was his middle initial. So, he was Star R. Buck. :tongue_smilie: Yeah, I'm weird.


Thank you. I always thought you really liked coffee.

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When my DD was first learning to babble, she was also at the crawling stage. Despite my best efforts at cleaning and babyproofing, she would find things she shouldn't have. I would tell her "Mommy needs", hold out my hands, and ask her to bring me her newfound treasures. She caught on quickly, bringing me things and saying "Meena"--her version of "mommy needs". DH and I thought that was possibly the cutest thing ever (she was our first child so we were easily impressed :) ), and DH started calling me Meena.

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