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Are there random things that you'd like to share, but seem to trivial to make a new thread about? Post them here!


Mine for today:

How you know you are raising military brats: they are watching a tv show in the other room and all of the sudden you hear them all shout, "there's no such thing as 2400! It goes back to 0000!!"

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My random thing:


I went to PT today and now I know why dh always smiles when he mentions the lady who does his PT. She is young and pretty. :glare: I feel petty about being a bit jealous, but didn't want to post a thread about how wrong my feelings are.


So now I've gotten it out. Thanks Mrs. M.

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Pretzels and Hershey's kisses = deliciousness.


The trick is to put half a kiss and two small pretzels in your mouth at the same time, then chew. Maybe not the best manners but oh so worth it!

I like pretzels and Nutella. Have you tried that?

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Are there random things that you'd like to share, but seem to trivial to make a new thread about? Post them here!


Mine for today:

How you know you are raising military brats: they are watching a tv show in the other room and all of the sudden you hear them all shout, "there's no such thing as 2400! It goes back to 0000!!"




My random thing:


I went to PT today and now I know why dh always smiles when he mentions the lady who does his PT. She is young and pretty. :glare: I feel petty about being a bit jealous, but didn't want to post a thread about how wrong my feelings are.


So now I've gotten it out. Thanks Mrs. M.


That would get to me, too. :grouphug:


Mine is from yesterday. DH was on a business trip, and we had the very best "DH Gone" day ever. I got up on time, didn't need a nap, did all of school (on time!), cooked dinner, washed dishes, and even had time & energy & motivation to sew. Wow. Usually I go into "mope around the house, I hate when he's gone, anything goes, who cares" mode. So, this is really good for me.

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Pretzels and Hershey's kisses = deliciousness.


The trick is to put half a kiss and two small pretzels in your mouth at the same time, then chew. Maybe not the best manners but oh so worth it!


I do almonds and dark chocolate. Sometimes if I don't have any good dark chocolate on hand, I make do with chocolate chips. :)

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I just made a coconut milk, chocolate, banana, strawberry milkshake. Num num num!


The two little children and their inability to sleep through the night are about to drive me insane or to the brink of tears.


DH's inability to tell the passage of time and to ever be on time, annoy me.


I put Chuck in a little tennis dress my grandma sent. She's got her hair in a pony tail. It's so stinkin cute.


I've messed up three times on my GFCF quest.


I really wish DH could get another job or get his business off the ground.


I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY! want to learn how to sew. I signed up for this and watched some videos last night. I'm scared and afraid of messing up (perfectionist tendencies) but I really really really want to learn. I have bought so many patterns when Joann does their 99 cent pattern sales, I want to put them to good use.

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DH has been away in Germany all week, I've been sleeping really badly, the boys have been louder and wilder than usual, and I'm terribly tired. So, I just ate half a box of chocolates while I've been on here, and I'm way behind getting everything done before bedtime.


Gosh, it feels good to get all that off my chest.

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random thoughts:


My dh watches too many stupid shows on TV. At least they make him laugh.


My dog and I sat on the porch for while this afternoon. It was tranquil.


I really love The Iliad, especially Lattimore's translation. I'm so excited to read it again with ds this fall.


My dog likes baby carrots.


My cat is driving me insane. I swear he has dementia, so we're trying to be kind, but sheesh he has turned into the demon cat from hell. We're making him sleep in the basement at night and I moved his litter box down there.

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Are there random things that you'd like to share, but seem to trivial to make a new thread about? Post them here!


Mine for today:

How you know you are raising military brats: they are watching a tv show in the other room and all of the sudden you hear them all shout, "there's no such thing as 2400! It goes back to 0000!!"


How do you say, "0000?" or 0001?


My random thought is that I have about 90 minutes until these people in my house expect to eat, and I have no idea what we'll be having.

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Nutella rocks!


My two year old sleeps better and longer ON me than by himself. But the upside? It gives me time to lurk around the hive! Love my laptop! Talk about a guilty pleasure.


The estimate for my daughter's braces will be around $4,500. And insurance will only cover $375. I am working up the nerve to tell my dh -good thing he wil be home late.


I am having too much fun planning out next year - BUT I also find it extremely stressful. Go figure.

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I love jazz, and our classical radio station is playing some awesome jazz right now. The kids are enjoying it too.


DD4 found a box in the garage with a collection of her artwork from the past few years. She and I have been having fun rifling through it, and now she's happily painting me some more "just because I love you, Mommy". :)


DS8 is on a "chemistry kick" again and has been learning about all kinds of interesting stuff all day (his own online research). I became slightly alarmed when he told me he had just come across a recipe for home-made napalm. Thankfully, he quickly moved on. I'm fairly certain there's some government agency already monitoring our IP address based on some of the research DS does.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm a genealogy junkie. I've been spending lots of time at ancestry.com.


Why, oh WHY, do people publish family histories that have no documentation or notes!!?? :banghead: :cursing: :banghead:


The amount of bad information is just awful. People have ancestors who are married before they're born, who have babies at 90 years old (women!), and all sorts of other things that can't be possible. They aren't even thinking about what they're writing, but just copying and pasting to their tree which just continues to perpetuate the bad information. It makes sorting it all out so much more complicated than it should be.


I'm sure they are the same people that post cr*p on FB without checking snopes first.


Thanks. I feel better now.

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I put magenta streaks in my hair. I also have a mild case of shingles. I do not know if I am young and fun or old and sickly.


My dd comes home from her first sleep away camp. I have no idea what to expect.


I am craving a Dairy Queen chocolate dip cone.


Someone stole our credit card number (again!) and the company shut the card off and didn't notify us. I discovered the card was turned off when I rolled into a gas station on fumes.


I love reading about people's random things! :001_smile:

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I just made a coconut milk, chocolate, banana, strawberry milkshake. Num num num!


The two little children and their inability to sleep through the night are about to drive me insane or to the brink of tears.


DH's inability to tell the passage of time and to ever be on time, annoy me.


I put Chuck in a little tennis dress my grandma sent. She's got her hair in a pony tail. It's so stinkin cute.


I've messed up three times on my GFCF quest.


I really wish DH could get another job or get his business off the ground.


I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY! want to learn how to sew. I signed up for this and watched some videos last night. I'm scared and afraid of messing up (perfectionist tendencies) but I really really really want to learn. I have bought so many patterns when Joann does their 99 cent pattern sales, I want to put them to good use.


your milkshake sounds amazing!!! yum.


learning to sew -- You Tube videos. I only quilt, no garments or things, or I would offer to "teach" you. But also I only mostly sew by hand, not machine, so far. But, I've found you tube videos helpful in learning, as well as various on-line tutorials (pinterest is a good place to search for that, or interestingly, sewing machine websites often have projects and tutorials as well.


One website with easy-to-follow tutorials for lots of stuff is Moda Bake Shop which is a blog. You have to click around in their "recipes" for the types of patterns you are wanting to follow, but they have plenty of different project types and easy to follow photo tutorials that go step by step.


Best of luck! Buy some cheap fabric, trace/photo copy your easiest pattern, cut it out in the smallest size and just try it. Then you'll be learning it w/o ruining the real pattern or the $$ fabric. have fun!

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My random thing:


I went to PT today and now I know why dh always smiles when he mentions the lady who does his PT. She is young and pretty. :glare: I feel petty about being a bit jealous, but didn't want to post a thread about how wrong my feelings are.


So now I've gotten it out. Thanks Mrs. M.



DH has been away in Germany all week, I've been sleeping really badly, the boys have been louder and wilder than usual, and I'm terribly tired. So, I just ate half a box of chocolates while I've been on here, and I'm way behind getting everything done before bedtime.


Gosh, it feels good to get all that off my chest.


Tackling the two above at once? When my dh is gone a LOT, I get jealous over any woman he mentions in passing. It's so stupid, I know, but I can't help it.


Our library gave out free ice cream treats today. The boys enjoyed that.


At the library? My kids would love that too!


random thing


Today at the park a woman told her young tot to throw her plastic popsicle wrapper on the ground. Way to go scum bag. This city isn't trashy enough. So I went and picked it up and threw it out.




I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY! want to learn how to sew. I signed up for this and watched some videos last night. I'm scared and afraid of messing up (perfectionist tendencies) but I really really really want to learn. I have bought so many patterns when Joann does their 99 cent pattern sales, I want to put them to good use.


There are some really simple patterns out there. I haven't learned to properly sew, but I can make simple things...mostly costumes, lol.


I am so sick of my son telling me that, botanically, a tomato is a fruit.


Actually, it's a berry. Go blow his mind now. http://www-plb.ucdavis.edu/labs/rost/tomato/Reproductive/anat.html But, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes.


I'm a genealogy junkie. I've been spending lots of time at ancestry.com.


Why, oh WHY, do people publish family histories that have no documentation or notes!!?? :banghead: :cursing: :banghead:


The amount of bad information is just awful. People have ancestors who are married before they're born, who have babies at 90 years old (women!), and all sorts of other things that can't be possible. They aren't even thinking about what they're writing, but just copying and pasting to their tree which just continues to perpetuate the bad information. It makes sorting it all out so much more complicated than it should be.


I'm sure they are the same people that post cr*p on FB without checking snopes first.


Thanks. I feel better now.


Oh my gosh, I SO know how you feel! I got this whole history thing from my mom (not something she made, something someone had passed on to her) on her mom's family. About half of it was wrong. :tongue_smilie:

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DH has been away in Germany all week, I've been sleeping really badly, the boys have been louder and wilder than usual, and I'm terribly tired. So, I just ate half a box of chocolates while I've been on here, and I'm way behind getting everything done before bedtime.


Gosh, it feels good to get all that off my chest.


Now I know where my normal "DH is away on business" day went! Sorry you got stuck with it! :D

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Are there random things that you'd like to share, but seem to trivial to make a new thread about? Post them here!


Mine for today:

How you know you are raising military brats: they are watching a tv show in the other room and all of the sudden you hear them all shout, "there's no such thing as 2400! It goes back to 0000!!"




I am so sick of my son telling me that, botanically, a tomato is a fruit.


Want to trade sons? DS9 and I just argued the exact opposite points to each other, not half an hour ago. :lol:


OK, my thing to share is that for various reasons (that I don't want to discuss because they make me fussy :tongue_smilie:), Mother's Day and Father's Day were both big stinkers here this year. So, from Friday evening through Sunday night, it is officially Parents' Weekend. There will be food and drinks and plenty of relaxing. There will be twinkling lights and homemade margaritas served poolside. It will be wonderful (or else...).


Oh, and yesterday I got a rug for my schoolroom that I've been coveting since I first saw it in a good friend's baby's nursery more than 12 years ago. It's just... :001_wub:.

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I woke up extra early with the full intent of cleaning out tornado alley aka the playroom, clean all the bedrooms and get as much furniture moved so I can shampoo the carpets (thanks puppy). Well I did start tornado alley but now I'm sitting here reading "random things" and would really like a nap.


Ok I'm going back in. :lol:

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I have utterly, completely fallen off the weight watchers and running wagon. I am exhausted, cranky, and probably dehydrated from drinking all Diet Dr Pepper and no water. I think I may be a little anemic (which I usually am). Not sure what I plan to do about this.


Our new chore chars ( Accountable Kids) are working great, but at the front end are a little more work for me. The plus side is that the tv hasn't been on nonstop all day and the kids have been playing great together.


I have a very messy, cluttered, and repair-needing home and not much energy to do anything about it.


We are going on a small road trip vacation next week and I am SO excited! We are also going to visit my family in Indiana in the fall and it makes my heart sing :).

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I have utterly, completely fallen off the weight watchers and running wagon. I am exhausted, cranky, and probably dehydrated from drinking all Diet Dr Pepper and no water. I think I may be a little anemic (which I usually am). Not sure what I plan to do about this.


The podiatrist today told me I couldn't run for at least two more months because my foot is still pretty broken. Do you know how much weight I've gained in the 9 weeks since I broke my foot? That is on top of the weight I gained leaving Hawaii because I did so many more physical outdoor activities there. It's so depressing.

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I am sick of the kid's obsession with minecraft.




:iagree: Ds5 begs for it every.single.day. He plays with the monsters off, and he builds incredible, crazy things, but he doesn't want to do anything else any more! He has trouble with people understanding what he's saying because he gets excited and talks really fast and doesn't take the time to enunciate. And all the wants to talk about is the "fix game" as he calls it. So because they don't understand the context they understand even less of what he's talking about. :banghead: But then the other day as he was talking to his Nana about it he told her that he said "you, Mommy, Dad, and I will play together. We will need 4 beds for everyone. You need 3 wool to make a bed so we will need 12 wool." That was cool. :tongue_smilie:

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Amazon delivered my organic palm oil shortening today and left it on the back step in the sun. It was 100 degrees out today. :-P


Last week I ate a whole jar of nutella. Every morning I had nutella, yogurt, oats, and sunflower seeds mixed together. I have decided nutella is on my banned foods list.

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I'm a genealogy junkie. I've been spending lots of time at ancestry.com.


Why, oh WHY, do people publish family histories that have no documentation or notes!!?? :banghead: :cursing: :banghead:


The amount of bad information is just awful. People have ancestors who are married before they're born, who have babies at 90 years old (women!), and all sorts of other things that can't be possible. They aren't even thinking about what they're writing, but just copying and pasting to their tree which just continues to perpetuate the bad information. It makes sorting it all out so much more complicated than it should be.


I'm sure they are the same people that post cr*p on FB without checking snopes first.


Thanks. I feel better now.


I abandoned my genealogy hobby when I learned two very important family facts:


1. On my Mom's side somebody has deleted (files, photos, all) entire people and relationships according to her religious preferences. All those divorcees and children of dubious paternity removed, whoosh, left the family ancestry.org site looking like Swiss cheese. Nevermind that we all actually know these illegitimate people and happily enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with them every single year.


2. On my Dad's side we learned two years ago that the family name isn't ours at all! Nope. A Native American ancestor four generations ago left Georgia with one name to go see kin in Oklahoma, came back a year later with a new name (my maiden name) and it 'took.' We had never known that. So all of the people of our last name that we'd tracked down for our family tree...aren't ours. It was a swiped name. The dude who signed the Declaration of Independence and helped to found Rhode Island is no relation. And great-great-great-uncle never even left a written record of the reason why he picked that name.


Yeah, genealogy is crap.

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I went to the gym last night to work out while the DC were in martial arts, and ended up picking them up early after Sensei called me. I was a sweaty mess. My youngest had what was an unknown injury, and I couldn't track down DH to come help. So we went by home and found DH outside, and then went to the ER. Still a sweaty mess. We got home at 1 am, and I was up all night with said kid, changing ice packs with some dozing in between. Spent the day keeping life going. Still a sweaty mess.


Finally just got a shower...whew!

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I abandoned my genealogy hobby when I learned two very important family facts:


1. On my Mom's side somebody has deleted (files, photos, all) entire people and relationships according to her religious preferences. All those divorcees and children of dubious paternity removed, whoosh, left the family ancestry.org site looking like Swiss cheese. Nevermind that we all actually know these illegitimate people and happily enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with them every single year.


2. On my Dad's side we learned two years ago that the family name isn't ours at all! Nope. A Native American ancestor four generations ago left Georgia with one name to go see kin in Oklahoma, came back a year later with a new name (my maiden name) and it 'took.' We had never known that. So all of the people of our last name that we'd tracked down for our family tree...aren't ours. It was a swiped name. The dude who signed the Declaration of Independence and helped to found Rhode Island is no relation. And great-great-great-uncle never even left a written record of the reason why he picked that name.


Yeah, genealogy is crap.


That was the conclusion a family member of mine came to. Some things are best not investigated...

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Random musings:



I am secretly enjoying my dh being gone for the week. It makes suppers so easy.


I hear ya. Only in our case, it's when the kid is at summer camp. When I don't have to prepare proper, balanced, on time, indisputably nutritious dinners, something in me kind of rebels. So for the past several days, it's been, "OK. It's eight o'clock, so we should probably eat something. Tonight it's a corn flakes/baby carrots/tuna burgers from definitely no more than two days ago...maybe three/Greek yogurt buffet! Enjoy.


My random thing? I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the evidence is overwhelming: my cats are intentionally messing with my head.

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Mine love Minecraft too. I tried to play around with it, but apparently I'm just too stupid or lack imagination or something. I don't get it.


I get it, but I couldn't sit and play it for hours. Which is weird, because SimTower is my all-time favorite video game.


DH and our good friend/honorary uncle introduced DS4 to it. Every. Single. Conversation. with this child since Sunday has started with, "Can I play the digging game?" :glare:


Random musing: I made the Thermos hot dogs someone had mentioned on a picnic thread here before for our zoo trip today. Turned out great! Now how do I get the aroma of wiener out of the Thermos??


Side rant - Facebook doesn't pay me to be a virtual therapist. :banghead:

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We processed our first chickens yesterday. I am presently making a chicken soup from the necks and it scares me!!!!!! :ohmy:


I was fine through the whole thing yesterday, but actually eating a bird I have raised has me a little freaked out! :eek::blush::tongue_smilie:

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