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Our baby is with Christ today...

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My friends,


I want to let you know that this afternoon I misscarried. My doctor was contacted and I was told it was a complete miscarriage and no surgery was needed. It happened naturally at home with my family.


While my heart grieves I know that God's will prevailed. Even though my heart's desire was to have this baby, God knew the outcome before we did.


Our baby is now with the Lord. I rejoice that one day I will be reunited with my two babies. One first one I lost on July 1, 1997 and this one I lost today July 3, 2008

My eyes are filled with tears and my heart feels empty inside. I cannot God why. I am not angry at Him or anyone.


God answered our prayers when we asked for whatever happens to be His Will. It may not be the answer I wanted in my heart but I accept His will.


I am resting at home and taking Tylenol for the pain. Tim has been very supported. He is grieving also. My oldest son Michael understands what has happened and he has been near me all afternoon, hugging me and telling me he loves me.


Right now, I am a "jumble of emotions" but I wanted to let you all how much your thoughts and prayers have been a great help to us." Jesus is holding me up through this and I give all the glory to Him.


Thank you Jesus for blessing me with my family and friends and the wonderful people here. :grouphug:

Thank you Lord for my little one. May I be reunited with my baby in heaven one day...

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I am so sorry. I have two babies in heaven also. Your babies were born into the arms of Jesus, and they are experiencing exquisite joy right now. Think of how beautiful it will be when you see them, and will never have to say goodbye again. You are glorifying God in your loss.


Your present suffering is working an eternal weight of glory beyond anything you can imagine right now.


I know it is hard. I wish I could give you a hug.



Tracy in Ky

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Oh Sandra..... I can't see through my tears. I'm so very, very sorry.


I know your pain all too well, my friend. You'll all be in my prayers.


There is coming a day when no heartache shall come

No more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye

All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore

What a day, glorious day that will be


There'll be no sorrows there, no more burdens to bear

No more sickness, no pain, no more parting over there

And forever I will be with the One who died for me

What a day, glorious day that will be


What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see

And I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace

When He takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land

What a day, glorious day that will be

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My friends,


I want to let you know that this afternoon I misscarried. My doctor was contacted and I was told it was a complete miscarriage and no surgery was needed. It happened naturally at home with my family.


While my heart grieves I know that God's will prevailed. Even though my heart's desire was to have this baby, God knew the outcome before we did.


Our baby is now with the Lord. I rejoice that one day I will be reunited with my two babies. One first one I lost on July 1, 1997 and this one I lost today July 3, 2008

My eyes are filled with tears and my heart feels empty inside. I cannot God why. I am not angry at Him or anyone.


God answered our prayers when we asked for whatever happens to be His Will. It may not be the answer I wanted in my heart but I accept His will.


I am resting at home and taking Tylenol for the pain. Tim has been very supported. He is grieving also. My oldest son Michael understands what has happened and he has been near me all afternoon, hugging me and telling me he loves me.


Right now, I am a "jumble of emotions" but I wanted to let you all how much your thoughts and prayers have been a great help to us." Jesus is holding me up through this and I give all the glory to Him.


Thank you Jesus for blessing me with my family and friends and the wonderful people here. :grouphug:

Thank you Lord for my little one. May I be reunited with my baby in heaven one day...


:grouphug: Sandra. I'm sorry.

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Sandra, I am with you right now. I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks on Friday. The one thing I kept saying to myself: "Everything will be okay. Nothing can hurt the baby."


A Psalm for your baby, based on Psalm 23, written by David, who knew the heartache of a child who died in the womb


The LORD is baby's shepherd,

Baby shall never be in want.

He makes baby lie down in green pastures;

He leads baby beside quiet waters.

He restored baby's soul;

He guides baby in the paths of righteousness

For His name's sake.

Even though baby walked through the valley of the shadow of death,

Baby feared no evil, for You were with baby;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort baby.

You prepared a table before baby in the presence of my enemies;

You have anointed baby's head with oil;

Baby's cup overflows.

Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow baby all the days eternal life,

As baby dwells in the house of the LORD forever.


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Sandra, I am with you right now. I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks on Friday. The one thing I kept


Oh {{Lee and Sandra}}, I am praying for you both!


I have gone through a miscarriage as well. It is so hard. I think the strangest thing is when the Dr. asks you how many pregnancies you've had and I have to say 6, but I only have 5 of them with me here on earth. The other one is waiting for me up there. :)


I am praying for you both!



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