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I have to brag on my daughter.....

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As most of you already know, my almost 18 year old has Autism, and multiple learning disabilities. The psychologist who tested her, recommended that we start the paperwork for her to be on permanent disability.


That is not something she was comfortable with, at all, so we helped her to start her own company raising show goats, and selling goat milk soap.


This past weekend, she had a big show that was 30 hours over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Everything imaginable went wrong.


It poured Thursday night, and her assigned spot was flooded, so she was moved across the street behind a field almost out of sight from the food and music.


Friday, as soon as she set up, it poured again, and we had to go back home.


Saturday, she got sunburned, and we went for hours without a single customer even walking by her booth. She made sales to almost everyone who came by, but there just were not enough people.


The vendors around us started just leaving because it wasn't worth their time with so few people. There was plenty of grumbling because we all paid a high booth fee to get on, and they could not sell enough to make that up.


Instead of giving up, my daughter asked the coordinator if she could take a basket of soap across the street where the music and food was, and sell there. She made more in 2 hours doing that than we had for the 9 hours before.


She also put broken soap in the bathrooms with a sign for people to visit our booth if they liked it.


On Sunday, there were even fewer vendors who bothered to show back up. There was a huge trail ride, to the festival, where they had a sermon, Christian bands and a Bar B Q.


The remaining vendors were excited to see how many customers showed up on Sunday. Unfortunately, they did not want to leave their horses, to cross the street and shop. So the booths still got very little traffic, except for people searching for us because they loved the soap in the bathroom, or the ones that had already bought from her basket, but wanted to see the larger selection of scents at the booth.


The event coordinator stopped me to tell me how impressed she was with Dd's persistence and work ethic.


The vending coordinator for her big 8 week festival, kept telling her how great she was doing.


Some women approached her about vending at their Yacht club in November.


When everyone else was packing, up, there she was, still selling to the people who were picking up litter, and had just gotten off work.


Another vendor approached her, and said that she has a masters in marketing, and she will be available to answer questions, or give advice anytime, because she really wanted to see Dd's company grow.


When we got home, and counted money, she had made 5 times her booth fee. Much better than the established adult vendors there.


I'm just so proud that my child who used to not even be able to look at strangers, much less talk to them was able to push herself out of her comfort zone.


I'm so happy that she didn't just say, "This sucks, let's go home." like so many other people did.


I'm so proud that the first grade teacher who told me, "She is never going to make it." was so very wrong.


I'm excited about the doors that are opening up for her, despite her being "different".


Come celebrate with me!

Edited by amy g.
I found more typos
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Amy your daughter is an inspiration! It's amazing what she did, with all the challenges she's faced and all the negative things that have been spoken over her. She's like the bumble bee who doesn't know he shouldn't be able to fly.

Thanks for sharing!



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Your daughter sounds like an amazing young woman - good for her! As the mom of a boy on the autism spectrum, I especially appreciate hearing stories like this (I teared up while reading too!).


With that kind of drive and determination (and fantastic natural business/marketing instincts from the sound of it), she'll go far! :)

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:D I also refuse to believe my ds's dx is any excuse to do any less than our best. Even when I suffer under desires to protect my ds. When he freaked out during his first soccer game and the coach pulled him to me and I said he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to and he sucked up his tears and firmly said "no I want to play" and went back into the fray.


Happy for your dd!

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I'm so happy that she didn't just say, "This sucks, let's go home." like so many other people did.


I'm so proud that the first grade teacher who told me, "She is never going to make it." was so very wrong.


I'm excited about the doors that are opening up for her, despite her being "different".


Come celebrate with me!


This is sooo good on so many levels. Incidentally, did you know that one of Billy Graham's teachers also said: "He's never going to amount to anything" :001_smile:?

This shows what persistence and perseverance can accomplish in adverse circumstances!

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Thank you so much for the encouragement.


Her website is




Ds designed it for her years ago, and part of her rigidity is not wanting to change anything about it to make it more streamlined, and easy to use. It took her so long to learn how to update it that she does not want to go through that all over again with a new version.


The good news is that she was actually listening to the vendor about marketing. The woman explained how Miss Good is actually losing money when she ships. Dd admitted that she knew that, but couldn't figure out how to fix it.


I'm hopeful that she will be willing to let up a little of her fear-based control and make the changes she needs to make.

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Does your dd do online sales?


Reading this just made my day! It gives me hope for my own special needs kids, especially the one that I have been told since he was 5 years old will never make it, is unteachable, will never stand on his own 2 feet in this world.

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Ah, I went back and read the whole thread, and found your post where you put her website. Yes, it does need some updating. It's a bit confusing to order from. For example, if I were to order 'Creamsicle' soap, is the price for one bar? it's not clear.


More pictures of the actual product would be good.


Man I wish I lived in Texas. You all have a nice farm. :001_smile:

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