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Which vacation would you choose? (Read first post before voting.)

Which vacation would you choose?  

  1. 1. Which vacation would you choose?

    • Train trip from Seattle to Chicago
    • Car trip around our home state of Washington
    • Several weekend trips to different areas of the state
    • Week long stay at the ocean
    • Week long stay on Vancouver Island and/or San Juan Islands
    • Other: What's your idea?

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Poll to follow.


If you had some money given to you specifically for a family vacation (and you haven't gone on a lot of family vacations, beyond an annual 4-5 day trip to a beach house on Puget Sound), which of these on the poll would you -- and your kids -- favor? We have seven kids, with the oldest being 18.


Train trip from Seattle to Chicago

The train ride is 48 hours. We would not get a sleeper car, and all like this idea (so I'm not asking your opinion on riding the train for two days, but rather in comparison with the other trips, would this be the one you'd select?). I have a girlfriend in Chicago with whom we can stay for 5-ish days. We've not taken an out-of-state trip before. EMPHASIZING: We don't mind the train trip, in fact kinda look forward to it, so don't let that sway you. Just think of *Chicago*.

Car trip around our home state of Washington

There are lots of places in our state we've never been and so I mapped a trip today from where we live to Walla Walla, then to Spokane through the Palouse, then to Omak, then to Anacortes, then through San Juans to Port Townsend, then to Ocean Shores, then to Astoria, Oregon and then back home. Each day has about 3-4.5 hours driving.

Several weekend trips to different areas of the state

Similar to the above, but instead of doing it all in 10 days, taking 6 weekends over the course of the summer to hit some "hot spots" (our town is in the middle of the state, so we could fan out from here). Lots more total mileage this way, but easier to get away, possibly, and husband wouldn't have to use vacation time as much.


Week long stay at the ocean

When we go to the beach house each summer, we're on Puget Sound (which we love). We've not spent any extended time down at the ocean. We're familiar with a guest house that would sleep our entire family for a week's stay for under $1000. Optionally, we could get a beach house on the Oregon coast for five or so days.

Week long stay on Vancouver Island and/or San Juan Islands

I have extended family on Vancouver Island with whom we could stay. I used to go to Victoria every summer with my parents/sisters, but haven't been now since before we got married 20 years ago. Husband and kids have never been.


Would love to hear some opinions! :bigear:

Edited by milovanĂƒÂ½
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I chose the car trip one because, well, we LOVE car trips! We take at least three or four a year, and I think it's SO important for kids to really get to know their own country / state. Plus, I love Washington State, so you have a lot of beautiful scenery.


It was a close tie, though, with Victoria Island. But I figure you guys seem to have done the "go to a place and stay for a few days thing" with the Sound so maybe this wouldn't be novelty enough.


And, although I love Chicago, and we took our kids there last summer and did the Fields Museum and Navy Pier, etc, I didn't vote for it because of the train ride. Frankly, I would road-trip to Chicago so you'd have a car there. I hate being in strange places without my car. Even though we used public transit the whole time we were in Chicago, I still liked having my car there. I'm weird like that. I think it's also a lot cheaper to car trip than to train, so you'd have some more money to spend on outings.


All of your ideas sound fun, I hope you enjoy whatever you pick!!

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when dealing with such a wide age range, it's harder to come up with something everyone can enjoy. I'm also from WA, and I'd probably go to Vancouver Island as there is so much to do there. I don't know how sandy the ocean side beaches are, but I know PS beaches are rocky and seldom sandy. plus you have "city" things to do in Victoria. (you could even do the provencial musuem and call it "a field trip" ;))


I prefer the crossing at tswassen vs anacortes. (plus the ferry runs more often). though you could do WA state ferries, and stop off on San Juan and then do the Van. Isl. hop. there is a state park on the west side of san juan island which has a fabulous view of resident pods swimming past. there is also the history of british camp, and american camp and all the lime shipping points. (and the south end of the island by american camp is a desert.)


You can also take the black ball ferry from victoria to port angeles and get some of the north coast on your way home.

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Those all sound wonderful! I'd probably go with the beach house on the Oregon Coast because I love the Oregon Coast, but that's mostly because I prefer to spend our vacations with just my husband and kids, and not too much traveling, if possible. It's hard for me to be a houseguest for a long time, and no one in my family likes to spend time in the car every day. I'd go to the San Juan Islands if we could be on our own most of the time.

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I'd pick Chicago (or somewhere else out of the state), *minus* the train trip. (At this point in my life, unless I can get on the type of train/class that James Bond travels, I don't want to travel on the train. Yes, there's a story there. :lol:)


And, I'd probably choose to do the trip as one long one vs. doing the smaller trips of a couple of days.

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I would choose either a week long stay at the ocean OR a car trip around the state. If you choose to go to Vancouver, don't you need passports for everyone? That would be an enormous expense. Personally, I would not want to pack and unpack for 9 people for 6 long weekends, which is why I would choose one longer trip.

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We recently went to Victoria & loved it. We took the Tsawassen crossing and took a double decker bus to V. We brought the kids birth certificates & that was enough. But recall things are a lot lore expensive there, and don't forget your kid's medication like I did-- had to pay a fortune and waste time finding a Dr to prescribe it.

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Personally I prefer big, memorable adventures and voted for the Chicago trip. If the oldest is 18 this may be your last vacation together and I would do something out of the ordinary. All of the other trips seemed kind of like more of what you always do. But that is me and maybe not what you are looking for in a vacation.


Why won't you need passports for Vancouver (which would be my 2nd choice)?

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Just to throw another idea out there...


What about a shorter train trip? Glacier National Park in Montana. I heard it is beautiful and easy to access without a car. Lots of hikes etc...


Just as you have been to the beach it sounds like. It is out of state, and could be fun.

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I voted the train trip because we've often considered doing the opposite trip on the Empire Builder (WI to WA), and each time dh's aunt (who lives in Oregon) has tried to convince us that its crazy.


I suppose it depends on how little your littlest is. Unlike a car, you can wander around a train all day if you choose. No park stops though.


A train is an adventure though. I'm not sure a beach house is an adventure.


My second choice would be small trips all summer. Make the whole summer an exploration of your area.

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I can't answer yet because you didn't mention what you'd want to do in Chicago. I know there's a lot to do, but what kind of money are you willing to spend?


The train trip would be the bulk of the adventure. In Chicago, we'd spend most of the time in the suburbs with my friend. Maybe one day downtown. Or up to a monastery in WI for a day. But the bulk of the $$ would be on the train trip.

Edited by milovanĂƒÂ½
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Just to throw another idea out there...


What about a shorter train trip? Glacier National Park in Montana. I heard it is beautiful and easy to access without a car. Lots of hikes etc...


Just as you have been to the beach it sounds like. It is out of state, and could be fun.


Idea #6!


ETA: As I've thought about this some, a train trip to Redding, California might be something we'd like as there's a monastery near there that we could visit for several days. Hmmmmmmmm ...... this might be the winner, but we'll see. Thanks for helping me think outside the five-sided box I'd created.

Edited by milovanĂƒÂ½
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The train trip would be the bulk of the adventure. In Chicago, we'd spend most of the time in the suburbs with my friend. Maybe one day downtown. Or up to a monastery in WI for a day. But the bulk of the $$ would be on the train trip.


So the bulk of your vacation would be spent on the train??? No, no, no! I adore Chicago (went to high school in a northern suburb and have loads of friends who live in the city), but I wouldn't want to waste my vacation days on a train, especially in a regular car. No way, no how.


I'd probably go with Canada if you already have passports. If you're going to need one for your oldest, start the process now! My mom had to get a new one last year and it tool 7 weeks for it to come in.

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I voted Chicago since you haven't been out of state, but honestly, Chicago isn't really a great destination IMO.


The other ideas all appear to be things you've more or less done similar types of... and the ocean in those areas isn't quite the same as a southern area where you could swim...


So, we'd still be brainstorming...


There are many National Parks not far from you. Could you camp and to Yellowstone/Tetons or similar?


Could you sign up for notice of last minute bargains and fly somewhere interesting for a weekend?


For me, a priority would be out of state and different, so if Chicago is it, I'd go and have fun...

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I always think it's bad when we don't know what is in our own state. I voted for the ling car trip but if I could have voted for more than one, I would have added the weekend trips. I think we should more than just know, I think we should visit the touristy parts of our own states.


After that, I would choose Chicago. (DH wouldn't. There are rules/laws up there he has a philosophical issue with.) There is a lot to see and do in the city.

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Those all sound wonderful! I'd probably go with the beach house on the Oregon Coast because I love the Oregon Coast, but that's mostly because I prefer to spend our vacations with just my husband and kids, and not too much traveling, if possible. It's hard for me to be a houseguest for a long time, and no one in my family likes to spend time in the car every day. I'd go to the San Juan Islands if we could be on our own most of the time.


:iagree: It's not the quality of the train trip that would deter me, it's the 4 days of travel. When the travel days start to almost match the vacation days, it's too much for us. And I have a hard time being a guest for that long, too, especially with children. I would either go with the beach or islands.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Well, I voted Chicago but you have to do stuff when you get there! That might change my answer.


I've done that trip (also without sleeper car) and know someone who did it recently as well. It's fine. It's not that long. You can see some beautiful vistas from the train.

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Poll to follow.


(and you haven't gone on a lot of family vacations, beyond an annual 4-5 day trip



This made me laugh, because that would be considered a vacation for us. :lol:


I chose the car trip one because, well, we LOVE car trips! and I think it's SO important for kids to really get to know their own country / state.


:iagree: for both of the above reasons.

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Lol. So not an option. Neither is the sleeper car (but we don't care).


Ack! I so think that you *would* care after the first 18 hours on the train! ... I've done long train rides without a sleeper car and I *know* you say you're perfectly happy with the idea, but there is Absolutely No Way I would do 48 hours without a sleeper. Much less with kids! *shudder*

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If your family really doesn't mind the train without a sleeper car, then I'd vote for Chicago. Not because I love Chicago - I'm sure it's lovely but actually I've never been! But because it sounds the most distant and different from the things that you normally do, so I think it would have the biggest impact and be the most fun. I live in the Southwest, and while we have lots of amazing, fun weekend type vacations that we can, and often do, do on a long weekend, nothing feels as much like a vacation as going to a completely different part of the country. Since you don't get to travel often, and since your oldest is 18 and may not go on many (if any) more family vacations with you, I'd want to make the most of this one! Do it as big as possible. You won't regret it.


When I lived in upstate NY, my mother and grandmother rode the train from TX to NY to visit me. My grandmother was 86 at the time. They didn't have a sleeper car, and while they were pretty tired when they arrived, they did just fine, had a wonderful time, and were so glad that they'd done it. It really is possible to enjoy a long train ride without a sleeper car. In my experience, the chairs are quite comfortable. The only problem I've run in to is annoying people, such as the 14 year old boy behind me who was playing a movie on his laptop at full volume without headphones at 2:00 in the morning! So my biggest piece of advice regarding riding the train is: bring earplugs. :D

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Have you done that long of a train trip recently? DH and I sleep horribly on trains, even WITH a sleeper car. This isn't unusual for me, but DH can usually fall asleep immediately pretty much anywhere, so he was very surprised. If I spent 2 days on a train, I'd spend the 5 days in Chicago trying to catch up on sleep before I had to head back. But maybe you've done this and you know you all sleep like babies on trains, in which case never mind :)

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I prefer low stress vacations so I said beach since it seemed the easiest. Car trip sounds good too but not many weekend trips because that would get stressful and weekends are when DH gets stuff done. I skip staying with others cause that just hasn't worked well for me so far.


Train sounds neat too but it would be a higher stress trip to me, maybe you're family is more laid back.

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Not when traveling by car.

I would double check that if I were you. We travel down to the US every two years and needed passports at the border the last time we went. I believe they started requiring them June of last year. I LOVE Vancouver Island, but if you need passports that's gonna get pricey.

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Hmmm...that's a though one. But seven kids for 48 hours on a train, without a bed...I think I would go crazy. I also HATE car rides so I wouldn't vote for either of those. I like both week long stay at the beach/ocean ideas. That is right up my alley :)


But just think about what you and hubby will be the most able to relax and spend some time together. If you go with the family one will there be lots of "help" with the kiddies? Casue that sounds b.e.a.utiful LOL


WE do a week long vacation with my whole family, I'm talkin' Grandpa, Grandma, Sisters, Brother-in-laws, Cousins etc. And it is (or rather was, we haven't done one in ahwile, since there are so many of us now LOL) great! So many hands make for lite work :) The 3 C's :Cleaning , Cooking, Child Care was spread out and everybody got a break.


I also LOVE a cruise idea, cause you don't have to cook or clean at all. But that might be way out of the budget LOL

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If your family really doesn't mind the train without a sleeper car, then I'd vote for Chicago. Not because I love Chicago - I'm sure it's lovely but actually I've never been! But because it sounds the most distant and different from the things that you normally do, so I think it would have the biggest impact and be the most fun. I live in the Southwest, and while we have lots of amazing, fun weekend type vacations that we can, and often do, do on a long weekend, nothing feels as much like a vacation as going to a completely different part of the country. Since you don't get to travel often, and since your oldest is 18 and may not go on many (if any) more family vacations with you, I'd want to make the most of this one! Do it as big as possible. You won't regret it.


Ding ding ding ding! This is exactly it. This is kind of a "once in a childhood" kind of trip so I lean toward doing something totally out of the ordinary. A week at the beach sounds LOVELY, but we do 4-5 days at a beach nearly every year, so going to Chicago really appeals to me because it's just different. We won't have the finances to do a ton of extra stuff in Chicago, and staying with my girlfriend would be a treat (she's married with young kids too, and has offered to let us stay there), not a stressful burden. Yes this trip would be harder on ME and less relaxing, but that's not what I'm after. I'm after memories for the kids. And the train ride truly doesn't deter me. It starts at midnight so we'd "sleep" the first night, then go all day one day, sleep again, then go until about dinner time the 2nd day. I figure we'd crash at my friends' through the next morning and then be raring to go! :001_smile:


The trip to Vancouver Island is probably my second thought because it's similar to the first -- something we haven't done before. We have family on the island, so would stay with them as we traveled around. Same with traveling around the state -- something we haven't done and seeing the state we live in is appealing. It's hard to decide! We'll probably take a poll with the kids.

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