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tattoo women/people unite!!!!

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There are some very sweet people here that I admire, like and respect. They also have tattoos. Their tattoos have special meaning to them. Sadly, they have been judged IRL because of them.


Some of the things I am reading are making my heart hurt for them.


To have an opinion and voice it in a graceful, respectful, tactful way is always fine.


It is better to place a higher priority on another's feelings and to hold our tongue rather than say something hurtful or unkind.


Can I make the rules for this thread?


1. Everything posted must be positive and uplifting.


2. All who want to share about their tattoo, please do so here.


3. Nothing about this thread can be mentioned elsewhere.


FTR, I don't have a tattoo, but I suspect some of our friends here have been hurt recently by some things said.


I hope this POSITIVE thread will get many responses. :)


Edited due to corrections. And I will say here that I HATE TYPING ON MY DROID. :glare:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I don't have any tats, and I don't know about any board buddies with them, but my speech teacher got a new tattoo during the semester. It was so very cool. It said, "Mischief Managed" (from Harry Potter). I do wish I had the guts to do something like that.


She's not even trashy or low-class or nothin'. :tongue_smilie:

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Aw, Denise, you are sweet. I didn't post in the other thread because I just didn't see the point. My tattoos:


A big floral one between my shoulder blades, a small butterfly on the inside of my left ankle (both of these were done at turning points in my life and have private meaning to me). I also have two that only my dh sees: three very small daisies on the top of my left hip (the three babies I lost), and an armadillo on the right side of my lower abdomen (secret meaning for dh and I that goes back 30 years).


They only show when I want them to, and I have never regretted any of them.

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Aw, Denise, you are sweet. I didn't post in the other thread because I just didn't see the point. My tattoos:


A big floral one between my shoulder blades, a small butterfly on the inside of my left ankle (both of these were done at turning points in my life and have private meaning to me). I also have two that only my dh sees: three very small daisies on the top of my left hip (the three babies I lost), and an armadillo on the right side of my lower abdomen (secret meaning for dh and I that goes back 30 years).


They only show when I want them to, and I have never regretted any of them.


you were one of the reasons that I wanted to start this thread!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


now I will log off for awhile. Dh is waiting for me. I had him turn on his work computer so I could correct my Droid errors and not look like a total idiot.:lol::lol::lol:


ETA: Thank you for sharing. How SPECIAL!!! now I *AM* off!

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I don't have tattoos and don't want any, but (as I mentioned in one of the other threads), I have fond memories of my dad's tattoos. He was in the Navy -- Popeye on one arm, eagle on an anchor on the other. He could make the eagle wave and Popeye toot his pipe when he flexed his biceps. It was really funny. I can't look at Popeye without thinking of dad. I love him and miss him. Very much.

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I guess I could post here. I have 6 tattoos, but I forget about them from time to time. They are tiny little black dots I got for radiation tx. I didn't have a choice, one is still pretty visible. Yes, while they aren't traditional tattoos, they are still tattoos.

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I have a tattoo.


Most people upon meeting me irl would NEVER guess that this skirt wearing, headcovering, homechurching, homeschooling housewife has a tattoo. :D


It's a small heart, about 1-1 1/2 inches. Red with a black border. Very simple. On my left shoulder blade. No one EVER sees it anymore but my dh.


I got it when I was 19. The *reason* I got it was just to prove to myself that I could do something that I was terrified to do. I guess at that point in my life, I needed to feel strong; and for some reason, being able to get a tattoo was terrifying for a number of reasons, so I did it.


I didn't read much of the other threads. If someone wants to judge me as something based on the fact that I have a tattoo, well, that's their perogative. I find it sad, but whatever. I've been judged for much worse. :tongue_smilie:

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There are some very sweet people here that I admire, like and respect. They also have tattoos. Their tattoos have special meaning to them. Sadly, they have been judged IRL because of them.


Some of the things I am reading are making my heart hurt for them.


To have an opinion and voice it in a graceful, respectful, tactful way is always fine.


It is better to place a higher priority on another's feelings and to hold our tongue rather than say something hurtful or unkind.


Can I make the rules for this thread?


1. Everything posted must be positive and uplifting.


2. All who want to share about their tattoo, please do so here.


3. Nothing about this thread can be mentioned elsewhere.


FTR, I don't have a tattoo, but I suspect some of our friends here have been hurt recently by some things said.


I hope this POSITIVE thread will get many responses. :)


Edited due to corrections. And I will say here that I HATE TYPING ON MY DROID. :glare:


That is so kind and thoughtful of you. :001_smile:


I have 4 tattoos. I have 3 on the back of my neck- one sun (dh has a matching one) and 2 swallows next to the sun.


I have one on my ankle that I designed, to represent the period of time in my life when I had an eating disorder and God saved my life, I had a very deep and personal relationship with Him at the time.


I love the one on my ankle, not crazy about the ones on the back of my neck. It's a good thing they're not in a more visible place. :)


I'm the one who started the original tattoo thread because I am planning to get a half-sleeve in a couple weeks. I think they are very pretty, it's been something I have wanted to do for awhile, and we can afford it without starving our children or whatever else was assumed. However, now I am re-considering.

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I have one small tattoo on my left ankle that I got when I became a master diver. It is a sea turtle with a dive flag on its back. I will get another when I someday get my black belt. It will be on my right ankle, and will be a modification of my sensei's logo, with my black belt date. They are both important achievements for me that I have spent many years working toward. I have contemplated getting something representing ds (and soon to be my 2nd ds), but haven't settled on anything yet. I tend to take a LONG time to decide - it is permanent after all. :)


I was not hurt by anything said in the other threads because I don't care what anyone else thinks about my tattoo. It is special to me, and that is all that matters. I do appreciate the thought behind this thread though. Thanks Denise!

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I have a smallish tattoo on my upper arm. It is an infinity symbol with my first initial and dh's first initial. We both got them on our 8th wedding anniversary (Infinity looks like a sideways 8...) I'm in my late 30's, so I don't really see it as an impulsive, youthful decision.


I also wasn't offended by any of the posts in the other thread. As several people mentioned, it is akin to not liking a particular style of hair, clothes, accessories, etc. People judge other people based on those things as well. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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I have a tattoo.


Most people upon meeting me irl would NEVER guess that this skirt wearing, headcovering, homechurching, homeschooling housewife has a tattoo. :D


It's a small heart, about 1-1 1/2 inches. Red with a black border. Very simple. On my left shoulder blade. No one EVER sees it anymore but my dh.


I got it when I was 19. The *reason* I got it was just to prove to myself that I could do something that I was terrified to do. I guess at that point in my life, I needed to feel strong; and for some reason, being able to get a tattoo was terrifying for a number of reasons, so I did it.


I didn't read much of the other threads. If someone wants to judge me as something based on the fact that I have a tattoo, well, that's their perogative. I find it sad, but whatever. I've been judged for much worse. :tongue_smilie:


I am one of those people who would have never guessed that you would have a tattoo. You go girl. :) I love the story behind why you got it. :) And btw, I would never judge you for it! hehe :tongue_smilie:

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I have 3 tattoos. One is on my shoulder blade, and 2 are on my right thigh ( outer). No one ever sees them unless I am at the pool. They have special meaning for me. They remind me of how far I have come:D.


I am thinking of getting a new one ....for my 50th birthday. I have just been united with my birth family....and I have found I now have 2 sisters and a brother I didn't know about...and guess what?? Both of my sisters and my brother have tattoos....and both of my sisters HOMESCHOOL!!!!! Wild, huh?



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I don't have any tattoos, but think they are very cool!


I keep waiting for the relevant event to come along, when the money is available, when I have a solid idea of what I want, and when I have access to a great tattoo artist, plus a big ol' chunk of courage, all to hit me at the same time.:D


As of now, I'm thinking like Truscifi - when I get my black belt may well be that time. Although I'm thinking more along the lines of a tramp stamp in the middle of my low back, saying something like "warrior woman" or maybe a related tribal design.


I have already decided what I am going to say to people who ask how I will feel about the tatt when I am old and wrinkly (since I'm middle aged, I'm closer to that time than most here). I'll just smile and say, "I'm going to feel like a tough old broad who can kick the [butt] of anyone who makes fun of my tattoo!"

Edited by hillfarm
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I have 3 tattoos. One is on my shoulder blade, and 2 are on my right thigh ( outer). No one ever sees them unless I am at the pool. They have special meaning for me. They remind me of how far I have come:D.


I am thinking of getting a new one ....for my 50th birthday. I have just been united with my birth family....and I have found I now have 2 sisters and a brother I didn't know about...and guess what?? Both of my sisters and my brother have tattoos....and both of my sisters HOMESCHOOL!!!!! Wild, huh?



That's so cool! Congratulations on meeting your birth family! How wonderful! :)



I have already decided what I am going to say to people who ask how I will feel about the tatt when I am old and wrinkly (since I'm middle aged, I'm closer to that time than most here). I'll just smile and say, "I'm going to feel like a tough old broad who can kick the [butt] of anyone who makes fun of my tattoo!"

Love it! You go girl! hehe :lol:

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I posted on the other thread about my tattoos. Here is a pic of the butterfly in memory of my deceased sister! She was killed at age 23 (I was 24). At 32 years old, I chose to get this as my birthday present as a sign of ending my grieving over her death. She had a purple & turquoise butterfly on her hip. Mine is somewhat different & flying because I finally let her go.


Sorry the pic is HUGE!



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I'm not bothered by the anti-tattoo sentiment. (I have one and DH has seven.)


But all this tattoo talk has me itching for another one. :)



I am currently waiting on my tattoo artist to land in a new studio so I can get my next one! I'm not sure exactly what it's going to be yet but something symbolic of my kiddos. Either Earth/Wind or Fire/Ice or Lightening bolt w/something feminine to symbolize my kids completely opposite personalities.:)

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I posted on the other thread about my tattoos. Here is a pic of the butterfly in memory of my deceased sister! She was killed at age 23 (I was 24). At 32 years old, I chose to get this as my birthday present as a sign of ending my grieving over her death. She had a purple & turquoise butterfly on her hip. Mine is somewhat different & flying because I finally let her go.


Sorry the pic is HUGE!






I'm not bothered by the anti-tattoo sentiment. (I have one and DH has seven.)


But all this tattoo talk has me itching for another one. :)



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I have 3 tattoos. One is on my shoulder blade, and 2 are on my right thigh ( outer). No one ever sees them unless I am at the pool. They have special meaning for me. They remind me of how far I have come:D.


I am thinking of getting a new one ....for my 50th birthday. I have just been united with my birth family....and I have found I now have 2 sisters and a brother I didn't know about...and guess what?? Both of my sisters and my brother have tattoos....and both of my sisters HOMESCHOOL!!!!! Wild, huh?





that is seriously amazing in so many ways.


FWIW, I don't think they are trashy or low class. I appreciate people who get them to mark milestones in their lives-I think it's a very instinctual/human/rite thing to do.


I just dislike this thing where kids get them because they're cool. We have lots of 'cool' tatts around here. They're more like a status symbol (as in I had enough to pay for a ____) than anything else.

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I have a tattoo of a horseshoe on my shoulder blade.


I had dreamed of owning a horse as far back as I can remember. I worked my booty off in college going to class full time, working a regular job full time, and working on a horse farm every available second I could to afford my first horse. It was one of the happiest days of my life signing those papers for that horse. I had made my childhood dream come true. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I haven't been able to afford another horse since and I may never again.


I got my tattoo for my love of horses and because I made a dream of mine come true.

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I have two tattoos. I have a magnolia tree on my back that has three beautiful singing bluebirds (my three daughters) on one branch and a nest with a little blue egg (the baby we lost) on a lower branch. It is beautiful and means the world to me. I have to go one more time for it to be completed. I also have a small swirly abstract tree on my left inner wrist.

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First, can someone please tell me how to post a picture on here?


And Denise, thank you for starting this thread. I wasn't offended by the other posters. They are entitled to an opinion. Although, I do not think that crude remarks were needed.


I have a tattoo around my ankle. Like someone else said, it is kind of like a charm bracelet. It has meaning to me.


AND, I did not get it when I was young and now "regret" it. I am 44, and I got it for my 40th birthday as a gift to ME.


I am currently getting one drawn up of musical notes(since people call me the Human Jukebox as I love music so much). It will have each of my children's names, including a note with angel wings for the twin baby girl I lost.


I have been thinking about it for a while. I am pretty sure it is going to be placed on my left inside wrist.


So, if it wrinkles as I get older, they will just look like antique musical notes :lol:

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I have a tattoo of a horseshoe on my shoulder blade.


I had dreamed of owning a horse as far back as I can remember. I worked my booty off in college going to class full time, working a regular job full time, and working on a horse farm every available second I could to afford my first horse. It was one of the happiest days of my life signing those papers for that horse. I had made my childhood dream come true. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I haven't been able to afford another horse since and I may never again.


I got my tattoo for my love of horses and because I made a dream of mine come true.


I love the story behind your tattoo. :)


That's what I find fascinating. I never realized how many stories there are behind getting a tattoo until I started watching that show Miami Ink. It really opened my eyes and gave me a whole new appreciation for tattoos as well as the reasons people get them. I really thought it was just body art before that. I realize now how much deeper (no pun intended) it goes. I think it's cool and a really individual way to mark milestones in life.

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I have two tattoos. I have a magnolia tree on my back that has three beautiful singing bluebirds (my three daughters) on one branch and a nest with a little blue egg (the baby we lost) on a lower branch. It is beautiful and means the world to me. I have to go one more time for it to be completed. I also have a small swirly abstract tree on my left inner wrist.


Please post pics when you tattoo is done. I can't wait to see it.


My niece designed a beautiful tattoo for her left shoulder blade. It includes flowers from the state she was born in. The flower stems have the first letter of her name, her mom's name and her grandma's name in them. I think there are a few other things in the design with special meaning. Wish I had a picture of it.

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I have two tattoos. I have a magnolia tree on my back that has three beautiful singing bluebirds (my three daughters) on one branch and a nest with a little blue egg (the baby we lost) on a lower branch. It is beautiful and means the world to me. I have to go one more time for it to be completed. I also have a small swirly abstract tree on my left inner wrist.


I love your tattoo Nakia. It's so beautiful. :grouphug:

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Hi fellow tattoo-ies! :lol:


I have 3. The first one is in the right side of my back, high enough that you don't see it when I bend over and my shirt moves. I got it when I turned 21, it's a shooting star and I chose it because I was at a point in my life when I finally believed I could do anything. I also have a small butterfly on my upper thigh that I got on my first vacation with my husband. It always reminds me of when we fell in love. I didn't get it for that reason, but I'm glad it turned out that way. The third is on the inside of my right ankle, it's a tiny tribal sun that I got when I moved to CA.


I've had them all for at least 10 years, and don't regret them at all. :D


PS, I love tattoo pics!

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I don't have any tattoos, but I've always wanted one. I just can't ever settle down to deciding what I want, let alone where.


I know I'd want it to be small, and I'd definitely want it where it could be covered up easily in street clothes. One of my guiding goals in life is not to draw attention to myself. So, the last thing I'd want is to stencil onto my body anything that encourages people to look at me. But I would like one for myself.


My daughter wants one, too. Since she's an actor, she can't have anything too obvious. The last I heard, she's thinking maybe a few musical notes behind one ear.


She'd also like to pierce her nose.


Dad is not happy about either of these possibilities.


We're waiting until she's 18. If she ever decides to go through with either of these things, the plan is for me to go along and get something done, too. It'll be a mother-daughter bonding experience, right?


Of course, that would require me to decide what and where . . .

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When I was in my twenties, I mentioned to an ex that I'd like to get a tattoo. "You'll never do it," was his reply.


Boy, did that bring me up short. I didn't get a tattoo to prove anything to him, though. I got it to prove something to myself: Did I want to be the kind of person who talked about doing things but let being afraid (of it hurting, of what others might think, of the committment) stop me, or did I want to be the kind of person who followed through on what I really wanted? I sat on that for a few weeks until I saw a sun (on a mailbox, no less!). I knew instantly that was what I wanted. It's on my right ankle.


It really marks a turning point in my life. Up until that point I hadn't realized how much I let anxiety and fear of the unknown, or other people, make my decisions for me. I still remember how empowered I felt. That tattoo isn't that remarkable artistically, but it's meaningful to me.


For our 40th, a friend and I went for tattoos. This time I got autumn leaves blowing across my right shoulder, five of them. I have five children, and the friend I went with and are a part of a group of five women who've been friends since....gosh, age 12? 13? A long time. We've been a part of one another's lives--marriages, divorces, medical crises, jobs and job losses.... I feel like I carry them with me.


My friend and I are quiet church-going women, btw. You'd never guess on meeting either of us that we have tattoos. :) Interesting note about who gets tattoos: The tattoo artist who did my leaves said that at their studio, they saw mostly college students and professionals in their forties, especially women.


The opinions of others don't really bother me. I didn't get my tattoos for others. I got them to mark something meaningful to me.



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I don't have any tattoos, but I've always wanted one. I just can't ever settle down to deciding what I want, let alone where.


I know I'd want it to be small, and I'd definitely want it where it could be covered up easily in street clothes. One of my guiding goals in life is not to draw attention to myself. So, the last thing I'd want is to stencil onto my body anything that encourages people to look at me. But I would like one for myself.


My daughter wants one, too. Since she's an actor, she can't have anything too obvious. The last I heard, she's thinking maybe a few musical notes behind one ear.


She'd also like to pierce her nose.


Dad is not happy about either of these possibilities.


We're waiting until she's 18. If she ever decides to go through with either of these things, the plan is for me to go along and get something done, too. It'll be a mother-daughter bonding experience, right?


Of course, that would require me to decide what and where . . .


I got my first tattoo when I took my oldest to get one at 18. He still talks about how cool he thought that was.

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I have three: Snoopy on my right hip, a daisy on my left pelvic bone and a dagger with a rose wrapped around it on my right shoulder blade. They all represent things to me: Snoopy is for the loss of my first love and the profound impact that had on my life. The daisy is for my childhood best friend that was killed by a drunk driver when I was 19 and the dagger/rose combo represents a somewhat dark period of my life that I survived and came out better on the other side.


I did not read the other threads as I recognized immediately that they would possibly make me mad and I chose not to go there. People can think what they want. I am who I am and make no apologies.

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on the top of my right foot. One is pink and one is red. It is all outlined in black.


I have to buy shoes that specifically show it off (and I do because I love it). I got it about 5 years ago, and I have never regretted it.


My 2 oldest dds have tattoos, and oldest dd's fiancĂƒÂ© has a ton of them (though most aren't visible when he's wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt (he never wanted them to affect his ability to get a job). He's a great guy who's very responsible and is going to make my dd a great husband, so they don't bother me a bit!

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I have two.


The first is a rose over my heart that represented a new stage in my life after I left an abusive relationship.


The second is a wolf pup howling at the moon just above my right shoulder blade. My husband loves wolves and I got it when he and I were dating after he got his orders to be deployed at the start of OIF1. We went to the courthouse and got married 2 weeks before he left and I spent the first year of our marriage waiting for him to come home. I survived 3 more year-long deployments after that. That tattoo means so much to me. I don't care who thinks it's trashy.

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My first tattoo is a little pink rose on my right outer ankle. It is for my boyfriend that got killed in Operation Just Cause when I was in high school.


#2 is a bee on a daisy on my left foot. My name is Melissa and it means honey bee in greek.


#3 is a celtic knot meaning friendship. My best friend has the same one in the same spot on the inside of our left ankles.


#4 is a the name of my ex....


#5 ...is an abstract flying stork (for me being a labor and delivery nurse), it is on my left bOOk which now covers #4:D


#6 is a moose on my right deltoid. Above ex called me Moose in Junior High and High School (we were jr H and HS sweet hearts and got back together when we were 29) I won't get this one covered...he is cute!


#7 is a tribal band with my name above it and ex's name below on my left deltoid.


#8 is 2 red roses covering the ex's name in #7 because aparently I have a hard time learning!!! hehehehehe


I am done, (I think!). I would like to have something with my kids' names??? Lesson for anyone getting tattoos...don't get anyone's name that you REALLY don't want to be a permanent part of your body or you will have to find interesting tattoos that cover said name up!!! :lol::lol::lol:


My only requirement for my tats is that they are completely covered when I am at work. I love my tats (NOW!!!) and I am not ashamed of them but I do think that people think differently of people with them. I want to convey a professional nurse look, not a tattooed woman look. When I am out and about, I don't care if they are showing. (I do keep my arms covered with long enough shirts at church, too, I should add)

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I have two. My first was a four leaf clover on my right hip with my oldest sons name above it. I chose that because I had a difficult pregnancy and a very dangerous birth, we both almost died. Also his name Cullen is Irish so I felt that the Irish symbol for luck was appropriate for him. My second is a stargazer lily on my upper back with my daughters name above it. Her name is Lilith and her nickname is Lily. Both tats were gotten when said child was around 6 years old and they helped me decide how I was going to permanently honor them. I have one more I want. Something for my youngest. His name is Barrett and his nickname is Bear. I was thinking something like a bear claw but can't decide how to do that without it being really masculine. I also haven't decided where it's going to be. I will know when it's right and when I'm ready. With the last two when I knew I knew and have never regretted it.

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I guess I could post here. I have 6 tattoos, but I forget about them from time to time. They are tiny little black dots I got for radiation tx. I didn't have a choice, one is still pretty visible. Yes, while they aren't traditional tattoos, they are still tattoos.


I got mine blue! But I have only 3. I got them last year for radiation for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. One between my bOOks, and one on each side about 6 inches from my underarms.

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I have one- its a small heart (about the size of a quarter) on my hip, in just the right spot so I can wear a bikini and no one would ever see it.


I got it while I was going through a divorce, and was also in the middle of the pain that comes with leaving the faith you were raised in. The tattoo is something that was a tangible representation of me doing something I never thought I could, but secretly wanted.... during a time in my life when I felt out of control. I didn't think I could survive everything, and my tattoo is still something empowering for me.


It does represent a very dark time of my life though, so now, I would like to add to it- I want to add a ribbon up from the heart that would be in the claws of a robin in flight. Something to represent how I feel now, free! To show that I am moving on, and happy.


I don't think I will do it until I am done having kids (I have another 1-3 in my future :D and the spot it would go would be all sorts of streched out if I have more kids). The heart however, has survived two pregnancies without getting messed up.

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I have two - a rather large phoenix (a very feminine one) on my right shoulder blade/back - with one wing kinda extending on my arm, and a sea turtle on my lower back.

I don't get offended by what people think of me or them. But, like I said in one of those two threads, I do use a person's judgment of me (based solely upon having tattoos) to weed out people I have no interest in spending time with.

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I have a tattoo, upper left shoulder blade/back area, and I absolutely love it. It's not "pretty" or artsy or anything you'd look at and admire, really; it's very plain and simple. But it is full of meaning -- a symbol for each of my boys, a symbol for my dh & I, a symbol for a baby we lost to miscarriage, and a symbol of the two countries that will always be part of me now (US/Brazil).


I am still debating what exactly my next tattoo will be; I know there is one more I want to get, just haven't figured out exactly what and where. The meaning for me comes first, then the design follows from that.

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I don't have any tats, and I don't know about any board buddies with them, but my speech teacher got a new tattoo during the semester. It was so very cool. It said, "Mischief Managed" (from Harry Potter). I do wish I had the guts to do something like that.


She's not even trashy or low-class or nothin'. :tongue_smilie:


OK, NOW I want a tattoo like hers!! :D

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I have 4 tattoos as of right now. I got my first at 18, the next 3 in quick succession and other than adding to one to make it nicer I have not had any further tat work since I got pg with ds13. I want to do a cover up on one to make it better. I want to get one to represent my kids and perhaps the ones I have lost.


My current tats are

1. rose on the left hip (it was my first and was wall art)

2. runes on my inner left wrist (this is the one I added to. I had them add to it to look like the runes are carved into a stone

3. maple leaf in center of left upper arm. (this one I want to do a cover up and put a better looking maple leaf, this one I got out of my sociology textbook in college and well, it looks like one of those fake ones you get on Canada day. time for an updated look.)

4. Flower/barbed wire chain around my right ankle (down low over the ankle bones and a tiny bit on the top of the foot.)


I never read the other tat thread, I figured it would bother me so I ignored it,

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I got one in college that you can't see and I forgot I had it since my belly rolls covers it from my sight, lol. I wish I hadn't gotten that one. However, it does have great memories from that time in my life.


My other one is visible. And I am sure people have judged me by it.


But I am the most boring, unexciting person these days. I am not hanging with lowly types of people, I am not going to biker bars(they scarre me), and any past groups of lowly people are so far removed from me b/c I am too normal for them :tongue_smilie:


I actually got my visible tattoo while married to my dh. He thought it was a great idea and encouraged me. I get lots of people commenting on how nice it is. The tattoo actually is related to my sorority ties. So it's not a lowly thing. I did it to be a sign of my snooty days in a sorority :lol::lol::lol:


But I don't care what people think. I am a Christian, grew up in the church and not once did I ever hear of the verse about not altering your body. Never. And in the context of that verse it goes on about not eating certain foods too. People can't use one portion of a verse to condemn me. :glare:


I will say that often those 'lowly' people so many here seem scared to be associated with are the best people. They will come help you in a heartbeat. They don't care what others think, so you can truly be yourself with and not be judged. And they often are wiser than you would judge them to be. Dh has a white collar job so our circles are often the same kind of people. But the few people we know outside of that circle are really good people. And I wish people wouldn't judge on style. Hair color, piercings, job, tattoos. People don't have to fit your ideal to be good people. I wish the judgement of the other thread wasn't there. but it shows what people really think around here. :001_huh:


Would I get another tattoo? Yep. Would I tell my kids not to? No. But I would advise them that what they do now lasts. And to be smart about it. And not to judge people who have them.


I actually would love to get some crazy color in my hair. But I won't. I don't have the clothes to pull it off. But in another lifetime I would have chosen to be more different than I am today. I used to be different and liked that crowd of people. Now, I am just a plain, boring person with little style in my hair or clothes. B/c honestly, most people judge you and you can't really be yourself unless your whole circle is a little different and accepting of individuality. And that is sad. Sadder more that so many people here think people who want to be different are 'lowly and trashy'. :glare:

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I was away this weekend and missed the whole tattoo thing. I do have one tattoo, but it doesn't hold any special meaning. BUT... there are lots of other people that have tattoos in memory of my oldest son that mean the world to me. I believe we are up to 9 people that have tattooed themselves for him. My son loved his tattoos and his love of them has spread to so many. I was proud of what my son had. My husband is currently designing me a tattoo to get in honor of my son that also includes my other two children in the mix. I am excited to know that when it is done - it will be full of the love our family shares. So that is my 2 or 3 cents on tattoos!

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I will say that often those 'lowly' people so many here seem scared to be associated with are the best people. They will come help you in a heartbeat. They don't care what others think, so you can truly be yourself with and not be judged. And they often are wiser than you would judge them to be. Dh has a white collar job so our circles are often the same kind of people. But the few people we know outside of that circle are really good people. And I wish people wouldn't judge on style. Hair color, piercings, job, tattoos. People don't have to fit your ideal to be good people.


So true.

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I have a few. I have one on my left book in memory of my first boyfriend who is also the father of my oldest dd. He passed away 9 days before our dd was born. It's a heart with a banner that has his initials which are the same as dd's initials. I have a Hindu tree of life on my left ribcage in memory of my father who passed away when I was 11. I had two small tattoos, one of each shoulder blade that I recently covered up because they were old and faded. I covered them with flowers that have specific meanings and two birds that represent my two dds. In the middle of the flowers I have an infinity symbol which is surrounded by cheetah print. The infinity symbol represents the love for my dh and I'm obssessed with animal print. I want quite a few more and a half sleeve but can't afford it right now. I got my first 3 tattoos when I was 19 and didn't get anymore until almost 20 years later. I could care less if people judge me for my tattoos. I think tattoos are a beautiful form of art and love to hear the stories behind them.

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