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Tattoos...what is your opinion?

What do you think of tattoos?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of tattoos?

    • Ugly, trashy, low-class.
    • I wouldn't get one, but I do think body art can be beautiful.
    • I am happy with the tattoos I have and would consider more.
    • Other.

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I voted other. I think the majority of them are ugly, and most of them tacky (especially when they're partially obscured by clothing.) I wouldn't call them "low class" though, unless the tattoo was obviously offensive (like the tattoo on an unconcealed part of the body of a spread-eagle woman with large bOOks that I once saw)

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I voted other. I think if it is well thought out, and in moderation they can be pretty cool. Not a fan of overly large tattoos, or a lot of tattoos covering an area. I actually love Victoria Beckham's Hebrew tattoo, but I know of a girl who for her 18th bday, her mom took her to get her first tattoo...a very large Death Star (Star Wars) on her upper arm! What the heck were they thinking?


I am starting to think that you should be at least 40 before you put something permanent on your body. I think of the things that I would have probably chosen when I was in my 20's and I cringe! Now, I am older, wiser, and know what I could handle looking at for the next 40 years. I also think about when I am in a nursing home. When the nurse's aide is helping me on and off the toilet...would I really want them seeing that? Because lets face it, those tats are not going to hold up to age and gravity!


My oldest DD is intrigued by tattoos. I told her that, if she wanted us to pay for a wedding dress, she would not get one (that could not be completely covered up) until she was married. I am not going to pay all that money for a dress, when the only thing people are going to be looking at-- is the gigantic Death Star on her arm! :lol:

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I am starting to think that you should be at least 40 before you put something permanent on your body. I think of the things that I would have probably chosen when I was in my 20's and I cringe! Now, I am older, wiser, and know what I could handle looking at for the next 40 years. I also think about when I am in a nursing home. When the nurse's aide is helping me on and off the toilet...would I really want them seeing that? Because lets face it, those tats are not going to hold up to age and gravity!


My oldest DD is intrigued by tattoos. I told her that, if she wanted us to pay for a wedding dress, she would not get one (that could not be completely covered up) until she was married. I am not going to pay all that money for a dress, when the only thing people are going to be looking at-- is the gigantic Death Star on her arm! :lol:


These are really good points! :lol: about your daughter!! That sounds very reasonable to me! ;)

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I like the ones I have and will be getting more. I have 3 so far. All signify important times in my life. I have a larger one on my back of 2 Brian Froud boy faeries, for my boys. I have a celtic knot on my shoulder for my heritage. My most recent was for my 15 anniversary. I got the picture from our wedding invitation on my ankle.

My next one will be in honor of my parents. I will be getting my dad's favorite coin (he's a collector) surrounded by my mom's favorite flowers.

Aside from the one on my ankle, all can be hidden, even in the summer. I thought long and hard before getting the one on my leg and decide that I could live with covering it up if I need to.

My dh goes for funny ones. His next one is going to be a hoot.

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Other: I do think body art can be okay and I have a little one but I wouldn't do it again (not that I really regret it or think it's ugly but idk, I just wouldn't do it again). I don't usually like large tats. So I don't think they are low class (but of course can be), I do think they can be neat and I have one but wouldn't get another.

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I voted other. I have seen some tastefully done tattoos, but I have also seen a lot of crude trashy ones. I have watched too many people who had been hasty in their decision to put something permanent on their bodies and then regret it as they get older.

I would not ever get one, although I've thought about it in the past, mostly because I know that I can't just change my mind once it's done. Also, when I was younger I thought the butterfly on the small of the back was awesome till I had an older brother tell me that guys usually call those tramp stamps and tend to look at those girls in a not so nice way. Not exactly the message I want to send to the rest of the world.

All that being said, I don't think of other people as trashy if they happen to have a nice tasteful tat on their ankle or small of their back or so on.

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I voted other. I think the majority of them are ugly, and most of them tacky (especially when they're partially obscured by clothing.) I wouldn't call them "low class" though, unless the tattoo was obviously offensive (like the tattoo on an unconcealed part of the body of a spread-eagle woman with large bOOks that I once saw)


:iagree: There are some seriously gross tattoos out there. Like the inmate at the local county jail that had "F*** the World" in giant Gothic letters on his forehead.


The ones that make me cringe are always on the collarbone/chest/sternum area. I can't imagine how much those had to hurt!

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I I also think about when I am in a nursing home. When the nurse's aide is helping me on and off the toilet...would I really want them seeing that? Because lets face it, those tats are not going to hold up to age and gravity!




:iagree: Also, the ink starts to fade over time, and starts to look like dirty skin rather than art.


I think they can look attractive in moderation. But I was once visually scarred by seeing a bunch of retirees at a swimming pool (who looked like they'd led hard lives of drinking and smoking and plenty of sun damage) sporting tattoos that looked to be about 50 years old . So now when I think of elderly with tats, I think of sagging, smoker's skin that has old, old ink.

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Other: I don't have any tattoos, I think they can be lovely, I could see myself getting one if there was something I really wanted.



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I don't really like them, but I've learned to not automatically judge someone as trashy for having them.

Ds has some he did himself. I don't like those, and it would thrill me if he had them taken off, but not because they are so ugly, they just stand for ugly things and represent his rebellion.

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I voted "other." I don't think of them as ugly, trashy, or low-class (well, depends on the tat, on the placement, etc. of course), and I don't usually think of them as beautiful either. They're "meh" with me. They don't appeal to me personally for religious reasons, but I don't hold others to that at all and really don't think about it beyond knowing I'd not get one.

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I don't have any, neither does dh, my brother, or my parents. Our friends do and my sil has a small one.


I don't really care either way. I have never bothered to form a strong opinion on the subject. I do know people who have very strong opinions on tattoos and body piercing. One person I know will even request a different waiter if hers has a tongue piercing. She really can't stand them.

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A small, discreet one doesn't bother me. But I just don't care for the big, in-your-face tatts I often see.


For the record, my oldest son has several, most of which I really don't like. He is 22yo and doesn't live at home, so there's not much I can say. In fact, it is his goal to become a tattoo artist. He is a very talented artist; I so wish that he had chosen a different avenue of expressing himself. I love him, and I'm looking forward to seeing him in a couple of months when he comes for a visit. But I still wish he didn't have all those tatts.

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I voted "other". I generally really dislike tattoos. I dislike the permanent body-modification aspect, the way they look over time, most tattoo designs... I think they *can* look "ugly, trashy, low-class", but I know plenty of well-educated, creative people with tattoos that aren't like that. I have only rarely seen any that I actually *liked* and even when I think they're decent (interesting, creative, well-executed) designs, I don't care for them. ... All of that said, I don't think badly of anyone for having tattoos per se. (Certain tattoos in certain places though... Ahem.)

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I like the ones I have and will be getting more. I have 3 so far. All signify important times in my life. I have a larger one on my back of 2 Brian Froud boy faeries, for my boys. I have a celtic knot on my shoulder for my heritage. My most recent was for my 15 anniversary. I got the picture from our wedding invitation on my ankle.


I have a Brian Froud on my back shoulder blade. :D A water nymph. She doesn't have wings and Froud's picture didn't either, but I've been thinking a lot lately of adding some wings to her. I've also really been having an image of a dandelion "puff" with a few seeds blowing away in my head for awhile now.


Honestly if someone were going to judge me as "trashy" for having two tats then that person wouldn't be worth my time.


I'm not a rude person by nature but I cannot ever let rudeness about others appearances go without pointing out that *everybody* has something about them that could be unattractive or unappealing to someone else.

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I voted "other." I've never seen one that I'd consider getting myself, even the ones that are good artistically. Also, I've seen sooooooo many that are bad art and/or trashy that it doesn't leave me with a very favourable opinion of them in general.

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My dh has tattoos, and I probably would if they were free. My main objection is the cost. In my heart, I feel like the money could feed a child, so who am I to waste it on ink?



Just curious... How much do tattoos cost?

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I don't have any. My dh has 3, including 1 that was drawn by our 19yo. The 19yo has 2, one he got in Ireland (a Celtic knot) and another tribal that he got for my dh's birthday (they went together.)


I do plan to get one eventually, but I don't know what yet. I do know where. I won't get one that I can't cover up easily, and recommend the same for my dh and ds (and they have done so, so far anyway.)


I know lots of people with tattoos, including people you would never think to have them.;) There are some I don't like, just like there are piercings I don't like.


To each their own. They aren't hurting anyone.:tongue_smilie:

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Other: I do think body art can be okay and I have a little one but I wouldn't do it again (not that I really regret it or think it's ugly but idk, I just wouldn't do it again). I don't usually like large tats. So I don't think they are low class (but of course can be), I do think they can be neat and I have one but wouldn't get another.

Same here. Have one, probably wouldn't get another.

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Just curious... How much do tattoos cost?


$50 and up. A local shop was doing a charity thing where you donated $50 to the charity and got a tattoo worth $150. I know ds paid $150 for his in Ireland. I don't know what dh exactly paid for the two they got on his birthday, but I think it was $250 or so. It was his birthday present (to get a tattoo with the ds.)

Edited by Renee in FL
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I am happy with the one I have which I had done right after my divorce and represents my freedom.


I may eventually get another one incorporating my children's names in some way.

I had a single strand of daisies done (arm band) on my upper left arm for the same reason. I can hide it when I need to by wearing a shirt with sleeves.


I should add that I find neck tattoos absolutely trashy. See also gauged ears.


One of my employees describes people with neck tattoos as a "person who has given up".


I have two tattoos - my arm band and one on my ankle. Both of mine are almost two decades old, and still have most of the color in them. Sunblock helps keep the coloring.

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You could have just put "I don't like them" instead of "ugly, trashy, low-class" to allow people the opportunity to be a litttttttle less offensive to those of us who have them. Just saying.


As for me, I put other, because I have them, and like the ones I have, but don't want any more, so I didn't want to put the option that included "would consider more."

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I like the ones I have and will be getting more. I have 3 so far. All signify important times in my life. I have a larger one on my back of 2 Brian Froud boy faeries, for my boys. I have a celtic knot on my shoulder for my heritage. My most recent was for my 15 anniversary. I got the picture from our wedding invitation on my ankle.

My next one will be in honor of my parents. I will be getting my dad's favorite coin (he's a collector) surrounded by my mom's favorite flowers.

Aside from the one on my ankle, all can be hidden, even in the summer. I thought long and hard before getting the one on my leg and decide that I could live with covering it up if I need to.

My dh goes for funny ones. His next one is going to be a hoot.


All of yours sound just so beautiful! I would love to get one someday, something about my children.

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You could have just put "I don't like them" instead of "ugly, trashy, low-class" to allow people the opportunity to be a litttttttle less offensive to those of us who have them. Just saying.


I think she chose that wording because it was specifically used by more than one person in the other tattoo thread, but I could be mistaken.

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You could have just put "I don't like them" instead of "ugly, trashy, low-class" to allow people the opportunity to be a litttttttle less offensive to those of us who have them. Just saying.


I decided to read that as "ugly OR trashy OR low-class." Unattractive might have been a better choice of words.

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I decided to read that as "ugly OR trashy OR low-class." Unattractive might have been a better choice of words.

I suspect that the line came from the other thread regarding tattoos. In that thread they were described in similar words.

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Other. Somewhere between trashy and with the potential to be beautiful, and it depends a lot on the person wearing them.


It bothers me to see "kids" who make minimum wage sporting tattoos. It's sad to me that they find this an appropriate way to spend money they barely have. It bothers me to see young women (20) with heavy tats. What will those look like in 30 years? I wonder about it. Don't they?


But they can be very nice on adults who are a bit older.


I grew up before tattoos were popular. Back then, they were just trashy or meant you were in the military or prison (and you could tell by looking which it was).

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I have a Brian Froud on my back shoulder blade. :D A water nymph. She doesn't have wings and Froud's picture didn't either, but I've been thinking a lot lately of adding some wings to her. I've also really been having an image of a dandelion "puff" with a few seeds blowing away in my head for awhile now.


Honestly if someone were going to judge me as "trashy" for having two tats then that person wouldn't be worth my time.


I'm not a rude person by nature but I cannot ever let rudeness about others appearances go without pointing out that *everybody* has something about them that could be unattractive or unappealing to someone else.


:iagree: I bet your nymph is perty! I actually took 2 separate Brian Froud guys from the faerie book. One is sitting cross-legged, the other is hopping over him. I got the hats colored my boys' favorite colors.


All of yours sound just so beautiful! I would love to get one someday, something about my children.


Thanks! It's a great idea!


Just for fun here's the one I got for my anniversary a few years ago. It's the only one I can photograph without lots of help or mirrors. :lol:

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I should add that I find neck tattoos absolutely trashy. See also gauged ears.


On the throat or the back of the neck…or both? I don't mind the back of the neck, but the throat ones say murderous gang banger to me. (Please don't everyone shoot me…they just honestly kinda freak me out.)

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You could have just put "I don't like them" instead of "ugly, trashy, low-class" to allow people the opportunity to be a litttttttle less offensive to those of us who have them. Just saying.


I was offended by those words as well, but I chose them because SEVERAL people in the other thread used those exact words to describe their absolute disgust over tattoos. I was rather shocked, actually. So I wanted to give an option in the poll for people who felt that strongly about it, as apparently many do. :001_huh:

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In the context of tattoos or not, I personally think that when people see a human being they consider to be ugly, trashy and low class they need to look at themselves and examine a few things:


-Why do they have distain for the poor?

-How can a person be ONLY ugly? That comes from within, not from the trappings of appearance.

-What precisely gives them the right, wisdom or at times self doubt and hate to label people as "trashy"? Essentially this is calling a fellow human being a piece of trash. The tattooed barista or IT guy is not a piece of trash anymore than the man sleeping on the street is.


For Christians especially- Jesus would certainly not consider people trash or care about someone's class status. Don't judge based on the outside and preconceived biases of something.


It can be something you don't like without being so negative and condescending. As homeschoolers we all live on the fringe and are condescended to at times. There are countless threads here decrying the judgments, real or at times perhaps even perceived or imagined, of non-homeschoolers. People like us who make such a fringe decision should have the mental ability to parse class and status from someone's appearance. In some ways the "What are you going to do when you are an old lady?" question is the tattooed person's equivalent to "What are you doing for socialization?" Believe me, most people with serious bodywork have thought about it deeply.

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I was offended by those words as well, but I chose them because SEVERAL people in the other thread used those exact words to describe their absolute disgust over tattoos. I was rather shocked, actually. So I wanted to give an option in the poll for people who felt that strongly about it, as apparently many do. :001_huh:


I think you need to consider the demographics of this board. :tongue_smilie: it doesn't shock me at all. :)


I have 3 small tattoos, got them all ten - twelve years ago and don't regret them. I probably won't get any more, in my old age I've become neurotic about

what I put into my body.

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