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S/o how often do you shave your legs?

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The make up thread got me wondering. Am I the only woman who doesn't care if my legs are shaved? I get mad itching disease (I made that up for myself :D) when I shave. I shave every friday....uh, well because DH and I have the night to ourselves and he likes it, but he would never say other wise. I don't wear short shorts. The only thing I'll wear is like bermuda length or capris so sometimes I'll shave a few inches. It takes me FOREVER to shave my entire legs so I just would rather not fuss. If I could just stand under a giant laser beam, cover my head and get rid of all the hair on me I'd be happy.

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I have no hair on my legs above the knee so I only have to shave from the knee down. In the winter I will shave if I'm going to wear a skirt for some reason and can't wear boots. In the summer, I'll shave every few days if we are spending a lot of time at the pool or in public.

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I generally don't show my legs, mainly because I don't like having to shave them. I will shave them if I plan to show them in public and the growth is more than a few days.' Sometimes months go by, sometimes (rarely) it's a couple times in the same week.

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Funnily enough I shaved my legs this morning, first time in about two months (that was the last time I went swimming). I only shave from the knee down, but my goodness they were furry shins this morning :lol:. I'll probably shave more often when the weather's warm enough to wear shorts - about once a week or so.



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I'm not sure. Maybe 3 times per year? I'm not very hairy on my legs though. It's like hair only seems to grow on my ankles. It doesn't grow higher up than that. Weird because the hair on my head would lead one to believe I'm hairier than Chewbacca.


Chewbacca :lol:


My hair is really light. I once had my legs waxed. OMG I literally burried my face in the table thing and CRIED to myself. Like tears came out.

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Daily -- I wasn't allowed to when pregnant. Apparently the position makes for contractions. I looked like a werewolf by the time I delivered. The scratchy feeling drove me nuts. I still totally love being able to shave my legs daily.

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Daily -- I wasn't allowed to when pregnant. Apparently the position makes for contractions. I looked like a werewolf by the time I delivered. The scratchy feeling drove me nuts. I still totally love being able to shave my legs daily.


:confused: Who forbade shaving? I think I shaved more often during my pregnancies than any other time in my life simply due to the number of exams. :lol:


As for the original question, maybe once a month in the summer. Not at all in the winter.

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I hate going to the beach because it requires me to shave above my knees and I itch for weeks afterward.


I have been shaving once a week so I can wear a knee-length skirt to church. But now that summer's here, I need to shave more often. I have dark hair, fair skin, and jeans don't mix well with FL summers. :glare:

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Daily -- I wasn't allowed to when pregnant. Apparently the position makes for contractions. I looked like a werewolf by the time I delivered. The scratchy feeling drove me nuts. I still totally love being able to shave my legs daily.


I had those orders with my pregnancies. DH shaved mine twice a week for me. I miss that. :D


The goal here is twice a week, but that only happens when he's in town. If he's not, I shave if I'm going to wear a short skirt instead of a long one (read, all of the long ones are dirty…).

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When I'm going swimming or wearing shorts (read: rarely). Underarms are every day (or every other day, depending when I shower), though.


My DH doesn't care. As a matter of fact it is a long standing joke in our house now that I better not shave my legs if I want TeA time. It always seemed like the days that I shaved were the days he was zonked from work and had trouble staying awake through supper, the kids were ornery and wouldn't go to bed before we were falling asleep, etc. :D Now, after my showers I tell him I made sure not to shave just for him so as not to upset the delicate balance of our mini-universe. :)

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Not at all in the winter time and maybe just twice over the summer. I have very little hair on my legs and the hair that does come in is soft and blonde. I only really shave it because when the sun hits it you can see it. :) Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother.

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Every second day in the summer and maybe once a week in the winter. I wear dresses, skirts and shorts when I can.


:iagree: I have black wiry leg hair and pale white skin. If I had the soft blonde hair that I have on my arms there I wouldn't bother.

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Almost never. I am not a hairy person, at all. I used to shave as a teen just because I "could". I got over that by my 20's...haven't shaved much since, and can't even remember what my reasons were when I did. I don't pluck my eyebrows, either. They are "barely there" brows. So, that makes me...completely removed from hair removal?

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If I could just stand under a giant laser beam, cover my head and get rid of all the hair on me I'd be happy.




Once at summer camp in high school.




I'm jealous of people who can shave twice a week or so. I can shave in the morning and have stubble by evening.


Try using eucerin lotion after you shave. I used to get follicular is if I tried to moisturize with just anything. Eucerin is all I can use that doesn't cause itchiness.

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I shave mine once in a great while during winter. DH has a full beard so I say my full bearded legs are justified! I have to kiss his face, he doesn't have to kiss my legs.:lol: During the summer, I will usually shave once every week or so. (Can you tell I hate shaving my legs?)

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When they need it. Which is completely subjective when I look down at my legs. A couple times a week during the winter, a few during the summer, any time I have to teach Pilates or yoga, where my legs can end up right in front of someone's eyes when I help them with a pose.


I used to have crazy itching. Disposable razors were the worst, so I used the ridiculously expensive (but sharp) Venus ones and it was a bit better. A few years ago, I decided I'd had enough of spending that kind of money, so I bought a vintage, double-sided safety razor at a junque shop ($3), and a pack of razor blades ($6 for 15) and, guess what? No more bumps, no more itching! After 25+ years, I discovered (for me) simple is better. Bonus: the pack of razor blades lasted about a year!

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in the winter less & in the summer more. how often that is depends on my outfit:D





A funny side note. I had been wearing mostly capris lately, so I had been shaving only to my knee. The other day I bought a new pair of shorts, and threw them on when I got home. My dh suddenly decided to take us out for ice cream. As we are sitting on the benches at the ice cream place, I look down and see man thighs. :001_huh: Apparently quite a forest had appeared since the last time I shaved above the knee :lol:

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