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I don't dare leave without putting my face on (unless I'm going out to exercise.)



Same here... it's just the way I am, and the way I prefer to be. The only people who see me without it (other than my family) are the ladies at Curves, first thing in the morning, before the shower....

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I don't think I completely abandon make-up most days or even any unless I have to leave caught off guard. It feels good to have a little. I used to really look together when my first was 3 but then she was an only child I had time! Now with three-two under 5-I feel like I don't get the time to really put together cuteness! Plus I don't think I can afford the clothes I used to!!


Nice seeing all the variety in opinions!

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I almost always have eyeliner and mascara on (waterproof, so it doesnt sweat off when I'm teaching fitness classes) Lipstick in winter and, at the end of winter when my natural paleness becomes something closer to dead-looking, BB cream. ;)

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I have often times wished I was "that girl" who put makeup on every day. I often times try to make myself do it... I just hate taking the time! I wear makeup for weddings and most birthday parties... major holidays... and that's about it.



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It depends. If it's quick errands and I didn't put on makeup that morning, no big deal. But if I'm going anywhere else, I usually wear makeup. I do think I look better with it, but maybe that's just me. DH can't tell whether I'm wearing it or not. :)

As far as hair, I'd rather put on makeup every day of my life than fix my hair. Bleh... I just hate straightening, curling, whatever. I really do just hate it. With my current haircut, I take some 'beach hair' type stuff and mess it all up when it's wet, then let it dry. The messier it is with this cut, the more I like it.

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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I haven't worn make-up since I was a teenager. I never cared for the way it looked or felt on my face. I've been to lots of Mary Kay and other make-up parties and every single consultant put glow in the dark pink on my lips and cheeks--no thank you!! My cheeks and lips already have a nice healthy pink tint to them. The make-up looked so odd!

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If I am leaving the house, I put on mascara and tinted lip gloss. I will use more for special occasions. My eyes "disappear" without mascara, and I have no natural color to my lips. On the rare day I get to stay home all day, I don't wear any.

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Not only do I not own any make up, but I have no idea how to even put make up on.


This is me. I didn't even wear makeup at my wedding. I would need a lot of instruction if I were ever to wear makeup in public;)

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When I worked I wore full makeup every day, but now I only wear it on special occasions. Most days I use a tinted moisturizer (even at home), and when I leave the house I put on some lip gloss. Sometimes I use a little blush, but not often.


I stopped wearing contacts about 6 years ago because of my allergies. Recently I decided to give them a try again. What a shock it was to see my "naked" eyes. I didn't realize how much my glasses hid my short eyelashes. It didn't make me want to start wearing mascara again though.

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It depends. If it's quick errands and I didn't put on makeup that morning, no big deal. But if I'm going anywhere else, I usually wear makeup. I do think I look better with it, but maybe that's just me. DH can't tell whether I'm wearing it or not. :)

As far as hair, I'd rather put on makeup every day of my life than fix my hair. Bleh... I just hate straightening, curling, whatever. I really do just hate it. With my current haircut, I take some 'beach hair' type stuff and mess it all up when it's wet, then let it dry. The messier it is with this cut, the more I like it.

I would love to see a picture of your hair or the hairstyle from a website. I would much rather put on makeup than fix my hair. My hair is too long right now (just long enough to get into a ponytail) so I've been pulling it back into a ponytail every day. Ugh.:glare:

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I will rarely leave the house without foundation, bronzer/color on my cheeks, and lipstick. I do not wear mascara. I probably should because my lashes are really light in color. But, my eyes are so sensitive and I am supposed to put drops in 4 times a day for dry eyes. I have always had really wet eyes, but the eye doc said it is because I actually have really dry eyes :001_huh:. Anyway, mascara and I have never gotten along. I end up with raccoon eyes within an hour or two.

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make up?




i remember i wore it in my twenties....

and twice in my thirties....


that's the last time i think.... about 20 years ago....




and i've been out of the house a few times in those years ;)


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I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.

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I don't own makeup. Partly because I'm pretty clueless on how to use it so it takes forever to put on and usually doesn't look that good. Partly because I just don't care that much, lol. I used it a little when I was a teen, and for a phase that lasted about a month several years ago. I used to wear it for weddings and funerals...


However last year I didn't even wear any to my own wedding.

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My eyes "disappear" without mascara, and I have no natural color to my lips.


I do look better with mascara, but hate taking it off. Even the wash off type is a pain. I've gone to bed too many times with mascara on, so I just don't wear it anymore. My lips are very pale too, but at least lip gloss is easy to wash off.

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I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.


I find the bolded to be very insulting. Because I don't wear make-up, I look unprofessional?


I wore make up at my sister's wedding earlier this month. A "swipe of blush and a bit of mascara" because my sister was paying a lot of money for professional pictures and I didn't want to ruin them by looking washed out, which I know cameras tend to do to people. So I suppose that counts as "benefiting," but I did NOT look like me. It was "natural looking"-ish (aka no unnatural colors) but it didn't look like me. It did NOT make me "feel better" about my self. I felt foolish, conspicuous, and like a fraud. I could barely stand to let my husband see me.


"There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something." Really?! What an ugly generalization and attitude to have.

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I find the bolded to be very insulting. Because I don't wear make-up, I look unprofessional?


I wore make up at my sister's wedding earlier this month. A "swipe of blush and a bit of mascara" because my sister was paying a lot of money for professional pictures and I didn't want to ruin them by looking washed out, which I know cameras tend to do to people. So I suppose that counts as "benefiting," but I did NOT look like me. It was "natural looking"-ish (aka no unnatural colors) but it didn't look like me. It did NOT make me "feel better" about my self. I felt foolish, conspicuous, and like a fraud. I could barely stand to let my husband see me.


"There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something." Really?! What an ugly generalization and attitude to have.


Now, while I can see a lot of people disagreeing, even strongly disagreeing, I just don't see how it's 'insulting'.



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Now, while I can see a lot of people disagreeing, even strongly disagreeing, I just don't see how it's 'insulting'.




I do. Why can't everyone do what is best for their body and their face and their marriage and their cultural norms and stop judging what others do or don't do.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I wear it once in a great while, mostly for going to church or if I'm dressing up.

Someone asked about skin care routine--I wet my face in the shower. I don't wash it, usually. I have few wrinkles and no blemishes. If I'm taking off makeup, I use a wipe and then rinse.

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I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.


I also try look my best every day, but my personal method does not include adding stuff to my face. My DH prefers me without makeup (he can touch my face and kiss my lips without worrying about messing up a thing!)


Why must a person add stuff to her face to look natural? How about being truly natural, and embracing natural beauty?


Just because a lady decides not to wear makeup does not mean she doesn't brush her hair. I receive a lot of compliments on my long, curly hair.


I don't believe a woman has to wear makeup to look professional. My business school teacher insisted all the girls at least wear mascara and lip gloss to interviews (to look professional.) When our class was invited to a law firm for an interview, I was one of only two girls in my class who didn't wear makeup. Guess who was offered the job? Little ol' me, who didn't wear a speck of makeup!


Also, my dd8 has never watched me apply makeup, and she's very picky about her appearance. Her beauty routine just doesn't include adding stuff to her face!

Edited by oasis
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Wow. This is making me feel better. I HATE make up, but I thought I was the only adult without perfect skin who decides to ditch it. I have some tinted moisturizer, just because I don't have the best skin tone after years of tanning too much. I have a product that I am using to treat that though.


There's a difference between not wearing makeup, and not getting dressed/brushing your teeth and caring what you smell like etc. My DH prefers me with bare skin.


Oh, I know what thread I'm going to start :tongue_smilie:

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I married my husband because he said he likes me because I don't wear makeup, I don't paint my nails, he can drink a beer with me, AND I don't own 50 pairs of shoes.


I mean WHAT is not to love about a guy who says that?! :001_wub:

LOVE it! My DH says that too. I always wish we could know couples in real life more like us LOL. I totally cannot keep up with the fashionista type of wives.

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I put make-up on at some point almost every day, but if I'm going somewhere in the morning or early afternoon and haven't put it on yet, it doesn't bother me. I know I look a little younger and more put together with a little foundation, bronzer, eyeliner and mascara on, but it's not a big deal.

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Well I dunno. I'm simply so drop dead gorgeous that I'm not sure any make up could improve me.




Me, too. :lol:


I don't wear one bit of makeup, ever. If my world turned upside down and I found myself at an actual formal event, I would, because it would be appropriate to match the setting, but that never happens in my life.


I wore makeup often when I met my husband. After awhile I stopped wearing it, and he never noticed! That was the year I learned he was color-blind and the specific colors he couldn't see at all were my usual lip and cheek color, and eyeliner. That was funny!


I've never cared what anyone else thought, so I don't wear it now. I've always been concerned about animal cruelty in testing, and I've always had sensitive skin, and I'm allergic to wheat...LOL All of that cuts down on product options.


Thankfully, I have a very good complexion and good color. I am neat and clean and I try to smile often so as not to bring down the neighborhood appearance standards by my lack of war paint.

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I wear make-up maybe once or twice a year, for special occasions.


I have a "If you don't like it, don't look, there isn't a gun pointed at your head." mentality.


I will mostly "dress up" in jeans and a nicer t-shirt to go out for the day, but I have been known to run to the store in sweats and baggy t-shirt. I really could not care less what strangers think of me based on my appearance in the 2 second encounter we might have. If anyone feels the need to judge me as "lacking", they are probably not someone I care to know anyway.

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I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.


Well. A little education may be in order.


I do look my best for my husband. He prefers clean faces and so do I. Nobody thinks it's odd to look nice for one's husband. We just have different ideas of what 'nice' looks like.


I don't wear makeup but I can assure you my long hair is brushed and carefully arranged every single day. My children are as clean as whistles with washed faces, combed hair, and clean, mended clothes whenever they leave the house. I am a good example of good habits and good hygiene to my children and my community.


YOU benefit from a swipe, slap, or brush of makeup. I don't.

YOU think it looks natural. I think it looks attractive, sometimes, but always unnatural.

YOU think you look younger. I think middle-aged women with makeup often look older.

YOU feel better about yourself. It just makes me feel like I want to wash my face.

YOU think you need makeup to look professional. I don't.


I think you should speak for yourself.

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I wear makeup anytime I leave the house. It just takes me a couple of minutes to apply a few things and I feel so much more polished. I guess it is just what is normal in my part of the world. I can't think of one person I know who doesn't wear makeup.

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I love makeup. I wear it almost everyday. A couple times/year I run to the store without makeup on.






Oh, that's an easy choice for me. I always choose myself.:D The kids are cute enough on their own. I can live with DS wearing his shirt backward and DD having a bit messy hair.:tongue_smilie:



LOL! That's me, too. I like make-up, even though I don't wear a lot of it at once. Every day I wear tinted moisturizer, mascara and lip gloss. If I'm working out of house, I add a bit of powder, eyeshadow and blush, and I might choose a lipstick instead of lip gloss. I'm blessed with great eyebrows, that I only have to pluck occassionally, so I don't "do" my brows.


And I totally get choosing yourself over the kids. If I could look as completely adorable as my son does when just rolling out of bed, I wouldn't HAVE to wear any make-up. :lol:

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I wear makeup maybe once a year, if someone is getting married and i remember to pack some.

I shower, shave and keep my hair neat and tidy except when exercising and then I look like Cousin It:tongue_smilie:

I wear comfortable clothes that I feel good in so in my eyes I look good;)

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Well I dunno. I'm simply so drop dead gorgeous that I'm not sure any make up could improve me.





I'll bet you are, too!


Unfortunately, I am not, but I think a gal can look awesome with or without. It's more the attitude than the paint anyway. I'm just a lot more tolerable to look at with a bit of paint. :lol:

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I've always had a strange relationship with make-up. I've always been drawn to unnatural, bright, crazy colors. I don't like neutrals. I don't like the varying shades of brown, pinks, or peaches for a "natural" look. I don't wear make-up for beauty or for attention.


I don't wear anything when I'm home. Normal day to day running around, I wear an SPF 50 tinted face powder over a sunscreen. Then a lipgloss.


When I go out on a date with dh, or sometimes just late trips to Target or grocery shopping, I usually do something quite artistic. :tongue_smilie:

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