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Do you like Mother's Day?

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The title pretty much says it all.


I am not feeling the love. I feel like there's so much pressure to be valued in a certain way - to be the kind of mother who is just so awesome that everyone in her family makes a big fuss over her.


I worked my behind off all day accomplishing a ridiculous amount of things in hopes that then I could have some R&R tomorrow. Because I "should," because it's Mother's Day. I don't even know if that makes sense! I wore myself out so that tomorrow I can do less, but nothing's been taken off my plate.


Do you like Mother's Day?

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I like Mother's Day. I like it best if I can go away, alone, for the day. :D My family is saying that they'll cook, or bake or take me out to eat. It all sounds like a bit of a hassle. I'm recommending take out and movies! If we hadn't been on the go so much I would've planned a day away at museums and eating good food.

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Do you like Mother's Day?


Well, not right now I don't! I'm a little ticked at dh who didn't take the kids to get me a gift (even though I practically told him what I wanted and I always get him a father's day gift!). My dd is so excited though because she made me something at preschool. She has wanted to give it to me for days, but I kept suggesting that she save it.


Is it wrong of me that I would for my family to make a *tiny* fuss over me on mother's day? Maybe a small gift and a dinner out? I have always planned our mother's day outings (typically dinner or ice cream out) so that I would keep from being disappointed. This year I did not and I am quite sure I will be disappointed.


Dh thinks it is a Hallmark holiday and he has trouble supporting it. I think it is nice to recognize mothers and I make sure that I do something special for my mom and mother-in-law each year.


How's that for an answer? :D


ETA: my dh works out of town for long stretches of time (sometimes only 5 days but typically 15 days). I guess I would just like to hear that I am appreciated for what I am doing here while he is away.

Edited by mandos mom
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I admit my idea of the perfect Mother's Day would be if I could just lay in bed and read all day or something. I'd like to have a day where I'm not available.
We usually celebrate Mother's and Father's Days a week later over sushi (because it's something we all like), but I told DH that this year I'd like him to take the kids to the park long enough for me to watch the last six episodes of Arrested Development. If there's time left over to read, well, it would be a pity to waste it. :001_smile:


ETA: MIL is currently not talking to us, so there's no sense of outright dread this year.

Edited by nmoira
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Do you like Mother's Day?


Ba Humbug. :mad:


I married into a family where the women all cook for the family Mother's Day gathering. I've done everything I could to get it changed and it always winds up back at this because that's what MIL wants.


Every year I feel just plain mean because my wants and needs don't matter one iota. I'm not even a big holiday person and normally holiday stuff just rolls right off of me, but the pretense of this being my special day is absurd.


My family is all asleep and I still have a mountain of dishes to tackle before I get started on desserts for tomorrow. Not a single offer of help today from any of my teens...I'll probably go off if someone hands me a card or gift.


I have arranged to go over to a friend's for tea tomorrow after the family thing. I think of it as Post Mother's Day therapy.

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I like Mother's Day Saturday. My dh & ds works Sunday so we usually celebrate on Saturday. We plan a big day of whatever I want. This year we made the front yard a beautiful haven, all working together. Dh made dinner & bought a pie. This type of thing happens every year. We plan all holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, etc in advance. I have never been let down and neither has anyone else in the family that I know of.

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Not really. Remembering to wish my mother a happy mother's day before she wishes me one and pretending to be pleased and fulfilled by things that don't please and fulfil me is hard work. Now MIL has been widowed, I can convince dh to go and visit her, and leave my introverted self be.




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Nope. I like regular days. The best gift the fam can give me is to treat M. Day like any other Sunday.


I'm reminded of a woman I knew when I was a kid. She had thirteen children and refused any acknowledgement of Mother's Day. Her stance was, "If you can't be nice to me the rest of the year, don't even think of trying to compensate on one day." Her kids were nice, too (well, except for one; but 12/13 is pretty good). Maybe she was onto something.

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I have no expectations. And my expectations are always exceeded.;) In some respects Mother's Day is for my kids, not for me - an opportunity for them to show me the love that I feel every day and for me to thank them for it. I don't care how they show it. I don't expect any special show of love from my dh, though he supports the kids in anything they do.

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Well, not right now I don't! I'm a little ticked at dh who didn't take the kids to get me a gift (even though I practically told him what I wanted and I always get him a father's day gift!). My dd is so excited though because she made me something at preschool. She has wanted to give it to me for days, but I kept suggesting that she save it.


Is it wrong of me that I would for my family to make a *tiny* fuss over me on mother's day? Maybe a small gift and a dinner out? I have always planned our mother's day outings (typically dinner or ice cream out) so that I would keep from being disappointed. This year I did not and I am quite sure I will be disappointed.


Dh thinks it is a Hallmark holiday and he has trouble supporting it. I think it is nice to recognize mothers and I make sure that I do something special for my mom and mother-in-law each year.


How's that for an answer? :D


ETA: my dh works out of town for long stretches of time (sometimes only 5 days but typically 15 days). I guess I would just like to hear that I am appreciated for what I am doing here while he is away.


Can I change my answer? :D


It is 12:09am here and my 8yo ds just brought me my mother's day present. It is a small brown paper bag that he decorated (Happy Mother's Day...I love you...that sort of thing) and he put three pennies inside. He says he made it last week and has been hiding it in his bedroom. He was so excited that he woke up to give it to me. I guess I love mother's day now. :)

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I like it well enough, but sometimes it seems contrived. We should appreciate each other in our respective family units and the roles we all play.


It's a Hallmark holiday and like most others, there are good things about it, but also bad.


How about the women who cannot get pregnant, or who have only had miscarriages? The women whose mothers mistreated them and worse. Those mourning the loss of their mothers. These days exacerbate the feelings unnecessarily imho. My heart used to break at my old church on mother's day when one lady, who had lost her only pregnancy, never knew if she should stand and get her flower. That's tough.


I always want to be aware that not everyone is celebrating on a day like that.


Sorry for the rambling.

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I like it much better now that I've managed to move the previous generation's mothers day to the day before. For about the first 10 years of my kids' lives, my mother still wanted it to be all about her. We had to go where she wanted to go. And then we had to visit MIL as well. That would take up the whole entire day every year.


I finally had a hissy. Well, it might've been a few hissys over a few years before it finally stuck. I'm happy to have a day that honors my mother, but darn it, I want a turn too. Like while I'm still doing active mother of minor children duty, not after they've grown, not when I'm a grandmother (then it's their turn!) So now the day before, I spend the day with my mom, dh with his, doing whatever makes them feel special. And mother's day itself is mine. Aaaah. I don't even care much what we do or if anybody makes a huge fuss over me - I'm just so relieved that "my day" finally isn't all about running all hither and yon making the previous generation happy.

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My first mother's day my daughter spit up down my back and then her diaper leaked poo. I was sorely disappointed. :D It wasn't at all what I had imagined.


I've learned to lower my expectations...a lot.


Tomorrow my son-in-law is graduating from a local university. I volunteered to babysit my grandchildren so my daughter/his wife can enjoy the ceremony without wrestling small kids. They are going to feed me after the graduation so all is good.

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I enjoy it. My family spoils me :) All I wanted was help getting the house clean. The kids picked up toys while I was at rehearsal today and my wonderful husband scrubbed the bathroom. Some thing I cannot physically do right now. Then they took me out to Olive Garden and we had a lovely dinner. Tomorrow is church and then steaks at my parent's house. Dad, dh, and sister will do moat of the cooking while mom and I hang out. I do love to cook though and my mom has an awesome kitchen....so I will help.


I don't buy cards for any holiday, but I will grab some fresh flowers in the.morning, my mom loves flowers :) I would go see my grandma if I could, but she lives 3+ hours away, and I am not up for a day trip.


We use any holiday as an excuse to eat good food and hang out by the pool.

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Can I change my answer? :D


It is 12:09am here and my 8yo ds just brought me my mother's day present. It is a small brown paper bag that he decorated (Happy Mother's Day...I love you...that sort of thing) and he put three pennies inside. He says he made it last week and has been hiding it in his bedroom. He was so excited that he woke up to give it to me. I guess I love mother's day now. :)


That is so sweet!

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The past three years have stunk. I'd like to wish my mom a happy day but she's out of the country and has been each MD three years running. Dh hates the pressure of the day. And, dh always forgets his own mother (not close) which puts stress on me. Since my own mother has been out of the country, I forget mil. And here I sit on the eve of MD and haven't done a thing because I only remembered mil last night. I feel like a heel even though it's NOT MY MOTHER, and I miss my own mom. :glare: I know with that last statement I sound like such a child but we're close and life is stressful this week especially and talking with her would make life "all better". :(

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I like what DH has planned this year. He's getting better. Last year he and his dad made bacon wrapped hot dogs for me and my MIL. :001_huh: We tried to be gracious that day, but have harassed hem sufficiently this year and are getting steak and shrimp tomorrow!!!


I expect DH to take the kids to get me a gift. I'm glad he's doing more than that, but I don't expect it.

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There is all sorts of pain involved. My husband and I agreed several years ago to not celebrate it.




If you have issues with your own mom or MIL, I can understand not wanting to celebrate with them, but I don't understand why there would be "all sorts of pain involved" if it's just you, your dh and your kids.


It doesn't have to be some huge, earthshaking, philosophical thing. Wouldn't it be fun just to have your dh and kids spoil you for the day?


I'm sorry Mother's Day has been painful for you in the past. :grouphug:

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I like it well enough, but sometimes it seems contrived. We should appreciate each other in our respective family units and the roles we all play.


It's a Hallmark holiday and like most others, there are good things about it, but also bad.


How about the women who cannot get pregnant, or who have only had miscarriages? The women whose mothers mistreated them and worse. Those mourning the loss of their mothers. These days exacerbate the feelings unnecessarily imho. My heart used to break at my old church on mother's day when one lady, who had lost her only pregnancy, never knew if she should stand and get her flower. That's tough.


I always want to be aware that not everyone is celebrating on a day like that.


Sorry for the rambling.


I don't want to be aware of it.


I'm aware of other people's struggles all the time. Of course, it's sad when others have no reason to celebrate, but on certain days of the year, I'm going to be selfish and just have a good time and enjoy the day and make happy memories with my family.


I was feeling sad about the loss of my own mom earlier today, and I know I'll think of her tomorrow, but I'm not going to dwell on it this year.


It's my turn to be the mom now.


And I'm going to enjoy it, without feeling guilty that others may not be having a great day. Because I'm sure they're having great days when I'm not, and also because I can't fix what's hurting them.


And also because my dh and my ds will be going out of their way to make sure I have a wonderful day, and I'm not going to ruin it by feeling guilty that I'm having fun while someone else isn't.


Selfish? Yes.


But I'm doing it anyway.


Sorry if I sound heartless.

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Can I change my answer? :D


It is 12:09am here and my 8yo ds just brought me my mother's day present. It is a small brown paper bag that he decorated (Happy Mother's Day...I love you...that sort of thing) and he put three pennies inside. He says he made it last week and has been hiding it in his bedroom. He was so excited that he woke up to give it to me. I guess I love mother's day now. :)


What a sweetie!!!! :001_wub:


He's not even my kid and I want to give him a big hug!

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I don't want to be aware of it.


I'm aware of other people's struggles all the time. Of course, it's sad when others have no reason to celebrate, but on certain days of the year, I'm going to be selfish and just have a good time and enjoy the day and make happy memories with my family.


I was feeling sad about the loss of my own mom earlier today, and I know I'll think of her tomorrow, but I'm not going to dwell on it this year.


It's my turn to be the mom now.


And I'm going to enjoy it, without feeling guilty that others may not be having a great day. Because I'm sure they're having great days when I'm not, and also because I can't fix what's hurting them.


And also because my dh and my ds will be going out of their way to make sure I have a wonderful day, and I'm not going to ruin it by feeling guilty that I'm having fun while someone else isn't.


Selfish? Yes.


But I'm doing it anyway.


Sorry if I sound heartless.


Actually I don't think it is heartless at all. We are all in such different places in our lives. Maybe that is why I don't like so much the mandated day. We should value our moms, dads, kids, etc on a regular basis.


One thing this forum has taught me is that there will always be someone celebrating something while someone else is lamenting a loss of one kind or another.


Like I said before I am rambling. Plus, I'm taking cough sryup with codeine so I may not be coherent at all. :tongue_smilie:

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Actually I don't think it is heartless at all. We are all in such different places in our lives. Maybe that is why I don't like so much the mandated day. We should value our moms, dads, kids, etc on a regular basis.


One thing this forum has taught me is that there will always be someone celebrating something while someone else is lamenting a loss of one kind or another.


Like I said before I am rambling. Plus, I'm taking cough sryup with codeine so I may not be coherent at all. :tongue_smilie:


I could use some of that cough syrup tonight. I don't have much of a cough, but the codeine might be fun. :D


I totally get the idea that we should value each other every day, but I just think a special day is fun, too. I figure I'll take it when I can get it. :D (We fuss over my dh a lot on Father's Day, too, so it's not just a Mom Thing. :001_smile:)

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I don't like it.


Too commercialized.

Too much hype.

Too much focus on me, which causes me to cringe over what I know to be a year full of failings.

Too much pressure on dh and the kids to make the day perfect.

Too much drama about who it's actually for and who to celebrate it with.


Our celebration of the day is pretty well laid out, at least it has been for the last few years. The only things I ask are not to have to cook a meal, and to not have to go to anyone else's celebration of MD (I call my own mom and dh takes his mom out for a meal on a day near to but not on MD). If my children, of their own initiative, have chosen to do or give something, I cherish it, but I am honestly quite happy with no gifts.


Hope I don't sound grinchy. It's been a source of stress in the past and we already have plenty of that!

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Nope, hate it. It's contrived and ridiculous.


It isn't contrived and ridiculous for all of us. In my family it is genuine and not ridiculous at all. But as I said earlier, I have no specific expectations. So no one has to try to meet them. And I don't get hurt because my expectations aren't met. Anything that does happen on that day - specifically directed to me as an expression of love as their mother - is totally from them. I don't find it ridiculous to let my children express their love for me on a particular day. I suppose the choosing of this particular day is contrived in a sense, but I can live with that.

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I like Mother's Day. Usually I pick something fun for the family to do. Not this year, though, but I'm good with it. My DH is at a cub scout campout with my youngest, and my oldest is at a boy scout campout. Why the heck do they plan these things on Mother's Day Weekend? Anyhow, I'm sure everyone will arrive home exhausted, but I'm really OK with it this year. I'm kind of thankful that my DH could take my little guy on the camping trip -- he really needs some dad time. I guess my Mother's Day gift was a whole 24 hours to myself? :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmmm... well, first I got my feelings hurt, because my bio-daughter told me she thinks it's creepy that I might watch.... my husband's ex-wife's daughter this summer.... (creepy?? her mom asked me!!!) She's 3 and cute and I get to send her home at night... on top of that, she likes me! And my almost 9 year old son loves her... he calls her his "sister's sister"... that's how he refers to her... so cute :) Got to hear about how my step-daughter thinks I do a horrible job with my son and how she's afraid I'll ruin her sister. :(


I could go on... but.... I really would love to be with my mom and daughter someplace wonderful tomorrow... :)


Instead... I'll be with a larger amount of people... trying to enjoy one of my mom's last Mother's days... :(

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No. It's stressful. And EX made it very clear how much of a pain in the butt it is for him to take dd14 out to buy me something. And, he informed me we'd be having lunch at HIS favorite restaurant. I don't even know what time we're supposed to be there. I pretty much figure tomorrow will be about him, as most holidays are.


When Father's Day rolls around, he'll expect royal treatment and throw a fit if he doesn't get it. So, I'm expecting a fit for father's day. So be it.

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No. It's stressful. And EX made it very clear how much of a pain in the butt it is for him to take dd14 out to buy me something. And, he informed me we'd be having lunch at HIS favorite restaurant. I don't even know what time we're supposed to be there. I pretty much figure tomorrow will be about him, as most holidays are.


When Father's Day rolls around, he'll expect royal treatment and throw a fit if he doesn't get it. So, I'm expecting a fit for father's day. So be it.


Why does your ex need to be involved at all? Shouldn't it just be a mother-daughter day for you and your dd? And why would you be involved in Father's Day?


I'm sorry he's such a nuisance, but if he's your ex, he should start learning to stay out of things that no longer concern him. Starting with Mother's Day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Edited by Catwoman
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Nope, hate it. It's contrived and ridiculous.


I'm sorry to hear that it's that way for you, but in our family, Mother's Day has always been very special and lots of fun.


It is certainly neither contrived nor ridiculous for us.

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I don't like it.


Too commercialized.

Too much hype.

Too much focus on me, which causes me to cringe over what I know to be a year full of failings.

Too much pressure on dh and the kids to make the day perfect.

Too much drama about who it's actually for and who to celebrate it with.


Our celebration of the day is pretty well laid out, at least it has been for the last few years. The only things I ask are not to have to cook a meal, and to not have to go to anyone else's celebration of MD (I call my own mom and dh takes his mom out for a meal on a day near to but not on MD). If my children, of their own initiative, have chosen to do or give something, I cherish it, but I am honestly quite happy with no gifts.


Hope I don't sound grinchy. It's been a source of stress in the past and we already have plenty of that!


Well, you kinda sound a little tiny bit grinchy. :D ;)


I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking that every holiday should be the perfect day where everyone is in a great mood and everything goes just as it was planned, and everybody gets along perfectly and no one whines... and then when any tiny little thing goes wrong, there are meltdowns all around.


I have found that, on holidays, it's often best to lower the bar a little, and everyone will have a better time. When you go for perfect, you set yourself up for disappointment. And perfect is probably more likely to happen when no one is stressing about it, anyway.

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Do you like Mother's Day?


No. It is Mothers' Day here now, and I have had a pretty miserable day. I was clear about what I wanted to do (nothing expensive, an early breakfast out) but because I didn't organise it, it didn't happen. Because dd is at a school that doesn't do "busy work" like Mothers' Day cards, and ds is at home, there weren't even any cards from school.


Luckily I am used to this phenomenon, so I had dh take the kids out on Saturday afternoon and I watched a DVD in peace. One year I am going to be brave enough to go away on my own for Mothers' Day - now that will be a Mothers' Day worth celebrating!


I have to say, last year ds was at Kindy/preschool and they put on such a lovely day for us - apart from teaching the little ones to give us a shoulder massage and performing a hilarious concert, the kids made us cupcakes and a framed picture of themselves. It's definitely the thought, not the expenditure, that counts.

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As a pastor's wife, Mother's Day kind of stinks. It's a work day for my husband, so I have to take care of the kids as usual and get them to church. After church we usually go out to a park together or something.


I've found that I'm happier on Mother's Day if I just let go of expectations. I know that my family loves me, and I don't need breakfast in bed to prove it. ;)

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Why does your ex need to be involved at all? Shouldn't it just be a mother-daughter day for you and your dd? And why would you be involved in Father's Day?


I'm sorry he's such a nuisance, but if he's your ex, he should start learning to stay out of things that no longer concern him. Starting with Mother's Day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




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No. I like routine, and such things muss with mine. It always seemed like something made up to help encourage people to buy things.


Christmas and Mother's Day ... when I used to see the general public, there were always a couple old ladies who came in just to cry because their children didn't contact them/invite them over, etc. That sealed my dislike of them.

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sure. i like it. it's not a hugely different day for me though. my husband has already left for work and it isn't even 6am. he'll be there until 6pm. i'm sure he'll fall asleep early once he gets home. the kids and i will do nothing out of the ordinary today. i will get a new bottle of perfume that i chose (which i hesitate to type knowing how controversial that is) but i'm excited about that just the same. i'll get a couple of extra hugs and kisses today & a homemade card. so i'm good with that:)

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As a pastor's wife, Mother's Day kind of stinks. It's a work day for my husband, so I have to take care of the kids as usual and get them to church. After church we usually go out to a park together or something.


I've found that I'm happier on Mother's Day if I just let go of expectations. I know that my family loves me, and I don't need breakfast in bed to prove it. ;)


lol. yep. it's not really any different. we went out on friday and called it sunday. we had a nice family bike ride and went to the movies.:)

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No! I feel the same way you do. For years, I had mothers day dinner here. I did all the cleaning and cooking so my mother, mother-in-law and step-mother would have a special day. I made sure they had flowers, a nice dinner, cards from the kids etc.


Well, my mother and mother in law are gone now.


I now have 4 adult kids and 3 not so little kids. They are very capable, with my husband to plan something I would like.


I told them I was handing over the reins of mothers day planning and they had better get busy planning. I was going to be very disappointed if they did not do something to make my mothers day memorable....


I also warned dh that Fathers Day would be completely commeasurate with Mothers Day this year....As would coming birthdays and Christmas. I mean it.


I am a really good mother. I work full time, homeschool , Take complete care of our household finances and cleaning etc. I deserve some recognition. If I don't get it, maybe I am not appreciated and shouldn't be trying so hard:tongue_smilie:


I guess...I am tired of being overlooked!

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