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Want to see how nuts my neighbor is??

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What exactly are they trying to see?


You and the kids should go out there and wave and smile and do thumbs up with winks. :tongue_smilie:


oohh ooh.. and make some signs that have witty sayings.

Oh!! I think a sign is a great idea!!! I think a big smiley is in order:001_smile:

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is that even legal??

That's a good question. But you know she has called the police so many times on the neighbors around her that even they cringe to have to come up here. She has 4 false house alarms in the past few months that I am sure they are charging her for as well.

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Oh, that is just begging for mischief.


I honestly don't know how you are controlling yourself. You are a much better person than I am.


and, yeah, my first question is if it's even legal for her to do that. But you now have a picture for proof that she's taping you.

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Why is she doing this?

How do you know she didn't just put the camera up there out of the reach of her kids or something?


What's the backstory?



That window is in the mudroom, she has an 8th and 10th grader, she has called the cops on us for everything you can imagine like trying to flood her yard with pool chemicals(our pool is salt water:glare:)....you name it. She hides in the house all day. She also told the police that she thinks we have listening device that allows us to hear into her house. :bigear:

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Oh, that is just begging for mischief.


I honestly don't know how you are controlling yourself. You are a much better person than I am.


and, yeah, my first question is if it's even legal for her to do that. But you now have a picture for proof that she's taping you.


:iagree: So much fun that could be had . . . .

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Make signs that say

"just did the dishes"

"all my laundry is folded"

"making a cake"

"shaved my legs"

"scooped the cat poop"

"called grandma"

etc. etc. etc and change them every 15 minutes:lol::lol:


Shaved my legs! That made me laugh!


Oh walk by with big headphones and an antenna pointed at her house...


Oooo Ooo OO! Make a tin foil hat!!!


Get a see and spell and rig it like ET did and take it out there. Make like you're phoning home! Point at her house while "phoning".

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In all honesty it sounds like she has paranoia schizophrenia. Do you ever see family coming over to help her or make sure she is taking her meds??


Maybe you could make a sign reminding her to take her meds every day?!


That is creepy and strange. We have a creepy and strange neighbor, too... She is agoraphobic, severely depressed, with a host of other issues. She was my "project" neighbor for a while (you know, kill her with kindness) but the issues just spiraled out of control - she is really out there, and is fairly hostile now. I wouldn't be surprised to see a video camera pointed at our house now! If she did it, I think we'd have to have some fun... :D

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First call would be to the police to find out if her videotaping YOUR property is legal. If it is, I would be on the search for the biggest, nastiest poster of the most disgusting naked guy I could find. Are there any posters from the guys from "Deliverance?" What about the Baron Harkonnen from the first "Dune" film?


Although a mirror is rather clever...


What a complete whacko though!!!

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She hides in the house all day. She also told the police that she thinks we have listening device that allows us to hear into her house. :bigear:


Oh, poor thing.


I am giggling a little at some of the suggestions (love the update signs!), but she sounds like she's not mentally stable.


Must be difficult to live next to, though. The camera is too much. Maybe you should call the police just to find out if it's legal, and put up a curtain.



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If you don't want to taunt her from your window, what about using some of the room divider advice. Go by some cheap PVC or dowel rods, make an upside down "U" shape and hang a tarp across it on your side of the property line. That way you still get light from your window, but she can't tape you and yours.

I like this idea. I agree with the "don't taunt her, she's mentally ill" camp. I would probably just block the view (e.g. with a tarp as above), call the police to make sure the camera is legal, and carry on with life.

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Oh, poor thing.


I am giggling a little at some of the suggestions (love the update signs!), but she sounds like she's not mentally stable.


Must be difficult to live next to, though. The camera is too much. Maybe you should call the police just to find out if it's legal, and put up a curtain.




This is the best answer. :)


But, in one of those stranger-than-life situations, you'd probably need to check that hanging a tarp is legal, too. (Depending on where you live.)

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Maybe I am not understanding what's happening here. It seems to me that a very weird, paranoid woman has installed a "security camera" in her window. Even though that seems very strange, and I wouldn't like it if I lived in the camera's range, I am thinking it has to be legal to put cameras around your house for "security." Right? Security cameras are pretty much every where in America.

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I'd be worried. What will she try next? What will she do when she is repeatedly not satisfied with the outcomes of calling the police? She could become so frustrated that she acts desperately - imo.


While all of these suggestions made me giggle - they also made me cringe. I wouldn't antagonize a crazy person. I'd quietly consult with a lawyer. You want a written record. Also, what is this camera pointing at? Your bedroom? Your child's bedroom??


Don't ignore your intuition. Protect you and yours. Build a fence.


But, it's just my opinion.

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I would call the police. That is like voyerism or something isn't it? I would be freaking out to be honest. A security cam is one thing my dad has had those but you cannot just aim one into ones window. If she is that mentally ill I would be afraid of what she is going to do. Alot of illnesses can cause violent behaviors.

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My mom and dad used to live next to drug dealers. They also cooked Meth. Ugh. Anyway..they had a surveillance camera on the side of their house pointed at my parents (I'm sure I killed a kitten there but I don't much care right now..lol) house. My mom could walk to the mailbox and that thing would follow her from her house to the mailbox and back. It was remote controlled. The cops were watching them close...they often used my parent's property to do sting work to try to catch them. My parents moved away (for obvious reasons) so I'm not sure what came of that.

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we had a neighbour like that once.

My DH was injured at work, and had to go on Workers Compensation. Our neighbour spied on him for over a year. Someone from the insurance company thought they were giving us a tip and told us we should put lots of fertilizer on the trees on the fence-line, But we already knew she was doing it.


As soon as The would step out the door, she would stand at her window watching him. Sometimes she would stand right next to the fence and stare at him. If I saw her I would go outside and wave to her.

Our properties are on 5 acres, so the houses have a little space between.

About 3 years later, when they were shifting Her husband came over and apologised.

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I wouldn't give a hoot what she got on tape. I would just have crazy freaky sex right in the window facing the camera -- 10-12 times a day, at all hours.


Because if she's a going to be a whackadoodle, you might as well have fun with it.

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I wouldn't give a hoot what she got on tape. I would just have crazy freaky sex right in the window facing the camera -- 10-12 times a day, at all hours.


Because if she's a going to be a whackadoodle, you might as well have fun with it.



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Get a fake video camera and point it at her?


Yikes. I am glad I have normal neighbors.


Oh walk by with big headphones and an antenna pointed at her house...


I'd stick up a mirror to reflect the camera back at her.


Haha love these ideas. And the constant sign changing ideas telling them all the painstaking details of the mundane things you did that day. (Maybe you can rotate in "Can I borrow a cup of sugar?") :D

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I would be a little worried. Can' t paranoid types lash out if their delusions make them believe they are cornered/threatened.


While it is pretty bizzaro-funny that she would stoop to this, I'ver heard recently about a man at my dh's work that thought he was being "surveiled" by his co-workers...and eventually snapped and attacked his family. Gives me the creeps...wishing you all relief (if she's just goofy) & safety (in case she's truly nuts).

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While it is certainly strange that she has a video camera pointed at your house, I just wanted to point out that from her point of view, it might be just as strange that you've taken a photo of her house and posted it on a message board.

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