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10 yr old gives birth

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Apart from the shocking nature of her age, what caught my eye in this article is that her early pregnancy was attributed to the global(?) trend of early onset puberty. I'm curious what others think is causing this trend? I assume as an indigenous person she had less exposure to pollutants and dietary growth hormones than a typical westerner, which puzzles me even more.

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Apart from the shocking nature of her age, what caught my eye in this article is that her early pregnancy was attributed to the global(?) trend of early onset puberty. I'm curious what others think is causing this trend? I assume as an indigenous person she had less exposure to pollutants and dietary growth hormones than a typical westerner, which puzzles me even more.


I wondered the same thing when I read that. :confused: I hope someone on here has a good answer/theory.

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Her early pregnancy was caused by the sick b@stard that r@ped/s3xu@ly abused a child.




The youngest mother on record was a 5 year old, and that happened in the 1930s.


Yes, the average age of first menses has been falling for the past 120 years, though no one really knows why.


And, yes, precocious puberty is a real issue that has has always affected some girls.


But neither of those things are really the issue here. The issue is what Parrothead said.

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Apart from the shocking nature of her age, what caught my eye in this article is that her early pregnancy was attributed to the global(?) trend of early onset puberty. I'm curious what others think is causing this trend? I assume as an indigenous person she had less exposure to pollutants and dietary growth hormones than a typical westerner, which puzzles me even more.


Pollutants don't just stay within the borders of a country or a jurisdiction. Hormones are no different. Plastics are a huge contributor to synthetic estrogens in the environment, and Columbia has its plastics producers.



Also, I agree with Parrot, that the ultimate cause isn't early puberty, it's the SOB who raped her.

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I wonder if her pregnancy was viewed within her tribe as rape or if she was a child bride? I've read quite a bit on indigenous South American tribes and I think once the girl has a period she's considered marriageable. If girls are having periods at younger and younger ages then I hope this custom is amended!

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My cousin who is 44 started her period at age 9. So I'm not sure this girl just doesn't happen to be at the low end of the range of natural fertility.


That said, since developing countries do produce export crops, it is entirely possible if not likely that she was exposed to non-natural stuff that affected her that way. I know a rich Indian guy who admitted that hardly any of the produce on his farms could be considered "organic" because their goal is to maximize production. The technology to do so is available worldwide to those with money.

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I assume as an indigenous person she had less exposure to pollutants and dietary growth hormones than a typical westerner, which puzzles me even more.


She's from La Guajira which is on the coast close to Lake Maracaibo (which is heavily drilled for oil). And, of course, Chucki is right!!!

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I had a very close friend who got pregnant in 5th grade. (I am 44). She was obviously pulled from school, and she gave birth to the baby by C-Section and never returned. The family moved away. So, it happens here as well, and it happened back in the 70's. But, agreeing about the sick b*stard part.


I actually ran into this friend of mine a few years back. She brought it up briefly, and then mentioned it was way to painful to discuss. I can't even imagine..............

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I was reading yesterday that some girls ovulate up to a couple of years before their first menses. Chances are she needed the c-section as she had not yet gone through puberty, so her hips hadn't developed sufficiently for childbirth. Scary that one can even get pregnant that early, but if it is true that ovulation CAN occur that far ahead of the onset of true puberty, than biologically it makes more sense.


Culturally, her tribe may have a lot of young mothers... perhaps this is just how it is for them.


Regardless, I am horrified at the idea of someone my dc's age being a parent. And I am horrified at the idea that this could be considered as culturally acceptable anywhere.

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Guest submarines
Her early pregnancy was caused by the sick b@stard that r@ped/s3xu@ly abused a child.


What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?

I'd be more apt to think that way if the girl were between 13 and 15yrs. Historically speaking, even with child brides, I believe that it was generally considered humane and respectable to wait until the child was of a certain age...10 being something I have only heard of in one circumstance, historically (Mohammed).

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?


I've never been known to be all that PC, and yes, I say any man (using that term loosely), regardless of his culture, who has intercourse with a CHILD is a sick b@stard.

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I'd be more apt to think that way if the girl were between 13 and 15yrs. Historically speaking, even with child brides, I believe that it was generally considered humane and respectable to wait until the child was of a certain age...10 being something I have only heard of in one circumstance, historically (Mohammed).

What mommaduck said. :iagree:

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I've never been known to be all that PC, and yes, I say any man (using that term loosely), regardless of his culture, who has intercourse with a CHILD is a sick b@stard.


So if this "man" is 11, does that still make him a sick b@stard?

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?


It disgusts me that this happens, but yes, I wonder if I would still be as disgusted if I lived in one of these cultures that has been doing it for a thousand years. You would think there would be an inborn reaction that this is still a child. But given how often it goes on, I wonder if that is really the case.

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I had a very close friend who got pregnant in 5th grade. (I am 44). She was obviously pulled from school, and she gave birth to the baby by C-Section and never returned. The family moved away. So, it happens here as well, and it happened back in the 70's. But, agreeing about the sick b*stard part.


I actually ran into this friend of mine a few years back. She brought it up briefly, and then mentioned it was way to painful to discuss. I can't even imagine..............


Close to the same situation, except we were in third grade when she got pregnant, fourth when she had the baby. The family moved and her parents raised the baby as their own. This was in the 1980s. Her "boyfriend" was in middle school.

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It disgusts me that this happens, but yes, I wonder if I would still be as disgusted if I lived in one of these cultures that has been doing it for a thousand years. You would think there would be an inborn reaction that this is still a child. But given how often it goes on, I wonder if that is really the case.

So it is just a cultural difference? In this culture sex with a child is called pedophilia, and is punishable with jail time.

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The whole concept is disturbing, but I found this statement to be especially so...


“'We’ve already seen several cases [of pregnancy] in girls of the Wayuu ethnicity,' Efraín Pacheco Casadiego, director of the hospital where the girl gave birth, told RCN La Radio noticias. 'When in fact [the girls] should be playing with dolls, they are having to care for a baby. This is shocking.'â€


That is just WRONG. I wish the ages of these fathers were available. However, I'm leaning toward Chucki's comment regarding r@pe which is why the "jurisdiction is keeping tight-lipped".

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That is just WRONG. I wish the ages of these fathers were available. However, I'm leaning toward Chucki's comment regarding r@pe which is why the "jurisdiction is keeping tight-lipped".


The Colombian constitution guarantees the Wayuu their land and their autonomy, both of which give them their sovereignty within the country of Colombia.

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When I read the story I followed a few rabbit trails and read somewhere about Lina Medina who was the youngest mother on record; giving birth at 5 years old! When I read about her on Wikipedia, I found a list of the youngest birth mothers.... it was very disturbing to read, especially the section where it told who the Fathers were. :ack2:




I was about to post the link above. Unfortunately, this story is far from unique.

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When I read the story I followed a few rabbit trails and read somewhere about Lina Medina who was the youngest mother on record; giving birth at 5 years old! When I read about her on Wikipedia, I found a list of the youngest birth mothers.... it was very disturbing to read, especially the section where it told who the Fathers were. :ack2:





That is so disturbing...I wish I hadn't looked at it. How horrible.:crying:

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No, it means their parents are. They've lived long enough to know the dangers of pregnancy on little bodies.



Not sure I get you here, are you meaning the parents of the pregnant girl?


From my understanding quite often the parents don't realise there child is pregnant until they are pretty far along, perhaps already in labour.


I personally know someone who was repeatedly raped by her father, she got pregnant at age 12. She didn't know she was pregnant, her parents realised when she was over 5 months, they then preformed an abortion on her. The thing she is most traumatized over was the abortion. This lady is now in her 50's

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Not sure I get you here, are you meaning the parents of the pregnant girl?


From my understanding quite often the parents don't realise there child is pregnant until they are pretty far along, perhaps already in labour.


I mean, assuming we are talking of two children marrying, both sets of parents. Having a cultural tradition of early marriage does not necessarily mean the relationship must be consummated immediately. The adults in the situation should know better and care enough about the health of their children and grand children.


I personally know someone who was repeatedly raped by her father, she got pregnant at age 12. She didn't know she was pregnant, her parents realised when she was over 5 months, they then preformed an abortion on her. The thing she is most traumatized over was the abortion. This lady is now in her 50's


That is horrible on many levels. :(



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I mean, assuming we are talking of two children marrying, both sets of parents. Having a cultural tradition of early marriage does not necessarily mean the relationship must be consummated immediately. The adults in the situation should know better and care enough about the health of their children and grand children.




That is horrible on many levels. :(




Thanks for explaining.

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I think hormones in food, parabans in products, and other chemical factors weigh in. I remember clearly that most of the girls I went to school with did not get their period until 7-8th grade. Now it seems all my DD's friends in 6th are getting it. Not even the obviously more developed girls!!! :confused:

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?


After having lived in a culture other than my own for the last 3 years I just have to say... Hogwash.


People use that excuse all the time here, too. "it's not wrong, it's just different!" and "it's a cultural thing!" are used to explain all kinds of things and it is a bunch of bunk.


Sure, some things are just culturally different like Indian women wearing red saris on their wedding day instead of white bridal gowns. No big deal.


But some things are different AND wrong.


It is what you call STATISTICAL MORALITY. If 51% or more of a given population decides that something (like having sex with a 10yo girl) is ok, then it is "culturally acceptable."


Thank goodness I do not rely on the capricious whims of man to decide what is right and wrong.





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Does anyone remember this story of a 10-year-old divorcee from Yemen? Unfortunately child brides are still common in many parts of the world, and while the husbands may agree to wait until puberty at least for sexual intercourse, those promises are not always kept. I remember reading a national geographic article about child brides some time ago--there was a story of a young girl seeking a divorce, it may have been the same one from the article linked, and the judge initially questioned her ability to make that decision based on the idea that she was too young. Um, if she's too young to choose a divorce, she is definitely too young to be married...

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I am not trying to be icky here but I keep looking at my 7 year old who is small by nature but anyway, wouldn't that just tear a little girl up? I mean a grown man basically doing that with a little one wouldn't that just cause some massive damage? Wouldn't the girl need to be hospitalized? I just cannot see how that would be possible I mean they are so freakin small couldn't that damage their insides, their hips even?? I would just think after the act or whatever is performed that the child would need medical attention or am I just crazy?


I have never comprehended this type of thing I just don't see how that would be OK and a child get up to go play afterwards.

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