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If you could do anything today, all day, just YOU, alone..

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I would be at a spa...getting a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, hair cut, another massage, so aromatherapy, some acupuncture, some yoga and meditation and then another massage.....Oh, add in a big cup of tea ( herbal, not the other kind silly,). And a bar of Godiva Dark Chocolate. I'd say, that'd do it......

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It would definitely include sleeping. Maybe I'd get on my bike (new, haven't ridden a grown-up one for years), wander out to a secluded place in a forest, and just watch the wonders of nature unfold. Then ride home for an early bedtime.


The spa sounds good too, though.

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I would be at Disney.


If I am alone I can afford the more expensive food places, I would have a nice very leisurely meal at Boma and then go sit on a balcony sipping coffee and watch the animals at the watering hole and feel like I was back home in Africa.


Then I would ride exactly what I wanted to!

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Aaaahhh.. All day. Alone. Bliss. I would be at a tastefully and sparsely decorated hotel where I can take a nap, lounge in my bathrobe, then believe it or not, read and plan for school next year. I would also read fiction instead of nonfiction, a good novel.. Room service would come in and serve me anything I wanted to eat at any time of day. The shower sprays from many different directions, sooo nice. One can dream, right? :)

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I'd be lounging in a comfy chair positioned on a tropical beach with a cold drink in one hand and a book in the other. I'd spend the day listening to the sounds of the ocean and the breeze and nothing else (because, of course, this is a private beach I'm lounging on). Late in the afternoon I'd head back to the beach house for some fresh sushi (delivered to my door). Then back out to my spot on the beach to watch the sunset......

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Most of the things I really want to do (travel, etc.), I want to do with dh. A day alone? Something simple like a whole day quilting or riding my bike on a beautiful trail.


Think I'll go for a bike ride now- thanks for reminding me that I can actually take time for myself!

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I would go for a long hike in the mountains, and bring my kindle to read while I rest by a lake shaded by aspens. That is my happy place.


I'd be doing the same thing. In the Jackson/Yellowstone area. I probably wouldn't do as much hiking but I would find a nice spot near elk or bison. I cozy up with my ipad (as a reader) and just sit and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds.


I like Jenny Lake, but it tends to be too populated.

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I would hit my favorite beach restaurant and sit at my favorite table on the deck all day with a book, a drink with an umbrella in it (since we're pretending we'll pretend I'm not pregnant and can have that :D), and the best she-crab soup known to man. Then I would take an evening swim and stay in my favorite hotel. Including a visit to their fabulous spa.


Wow. That sounds great, and it has been a rough week. I should go do that!

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I would hang out on a beach in Hawaii. Possibly with a nice beach umbrella so I don't burn. With a cooler of cold drinks.


It's snowing here. :eek:


I just realized you're where I want to be! :D My Aunt posted on facebook that it's snowing there. My Grammy told me you guys were 2 inches away from the snowiest winter EVER. Think you'll break it?

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Since this is a fantasy day and I'm hungry for spring blooms...I'd love a day wandering Keukenhof in Holland. Tulips, daffodils...There would be good coffee, excellent food, and sunshine...probably a chair to sit in so I could just soak up the flower power...


In reality...any lovely nature place would help, especially if there is coffee and food delivery...

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I would be at a spa...getting a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, hair cut, another massage, so aromatherapy, some acupuncture, some yoga and meditation and then another massage.....Oh, add in a big cup of tea ( herbal, not the other kind silly,). And a bar of Godiva Dark Chocolate. I'd say, that'd do it......

Oh I like the way you think!! I may have to cave in a spend the day scrabooking since I am so far behind. I need to organize my pics and get into a good digital routine since actual scrapbooks may not be happening here soon.

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Sleeping some place warm...maybe a nice screened-in sleeping porch some place warm. Did I mention that it needs to be warm, and that I want to sleep?


-from cold, rainy Oregon after a night of disrupted sleep thanks to my cat. And the end of a week, so I'm always tired and worn out by now.

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This is fantasy, right?

A yoga class

A mountain hike

A champagne breakfast

A day on the beach with all the books and magazines I want, a bronzed waiter bringing me some exotic lunch, and perhaps more champagne.

Dinner on a lovely patio um, maybe with some champagne

My favorite movies and an iPad until I fall asleep.

Edited by joyofsix
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I am sick. I am craving sleep. So today, I would go back to bed.


Since money is no object and this is a fantasy, at the end of the day, I would wake to find my yard landscaped, Easter prep done, a few meals in the freezer, laundry and housework done, and a nice hot cup of tea steaming on my bedside table.



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Wow, what a thought!


I would sleep a little later than usual and then got for a nice, long walk around the park with my dog. I would walk as long as I felt like doing so, without having to worry about getting home and making sure my son does his schoolwork and feeding everyone breakfast and all of that.


I would shower and dress and then grab a book before heading out the door. Because I've lost some weight (well, re-lost the weight I thought I had lost a couple of years ago) and my body shape has changed quite a bit, I would really enjoy going shopping, all by myself.


When I got tired, I'd go to a restaurant for lunch without having to worry about whether it serves anything my other family members like to eat. I would have my lunch and read my book.


Then, I'd either go back for some more shopping or maybe go to a movie that only I want to see. My first choice would be to go see a great off-beat film at the independent movie theatre where they have couches and tables and an actual menu of food they bring right to you while you watch the movie. (Obviously, if I've just had lunch, I might change the order of things a bit.)


Finally, I'd stop at a bookstore and browse as long as I wanted.


Most of all, I wouldn't mediate a single argument between my children or cook any food for anyone.

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Sleep and/or stay in bed reading until I feel like getting up. Shower in a real nice probably water-wasting shower. Have breakfast - probably some combo of eggs, good meat of some sort, fruit, cheese, and a latte - while reading or watching TV. Go for a good long bike ride through somewhere scenic. Stop at a cafe and have lunch and coffee and sit around reading for a while. Ride back (preferably I've stopped somewhere well past the halfway point so that the ride back isn't equally long). Take a nap. Go for a swim. Possibly reverse the order on those last two. Eat dinner while reading. Watch some movie I've been wanting to see (or just TV - we don't have one, so it's a novelty, and choosing what *I* want to watch is even more of a novelty) while sitting in a hot tub, with an ice cream sundae and something cold and refreshing to drink.

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I'm serious.


I just want to be left alone for a while. I want a period of time that I am not responsible for anyone else, and I can just be.


:iagree: Then if I wake up for a bit read until I fall back to sleep.

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I would go to the best bookshop in the world and spend the day choosing books to take home! :D


This - except I'd find a quiet corner of the bookshop to sit and read all day while someone brought me tea & biscuits.

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I was going to say spend the day with my friend, maybe stay in a nice hotel on the beach, reading, talking, eating, walking....but you said ALONE. I don't want to spend a day alone. That's torture...ok, not quite.


If I had to spend the day alone, I'd probably stay home, hang out online, read a book, and eat something yummy while my family was out (no kids). Maybe I'd go out to a movie, if I got too bored.

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I would be at a spa...getting a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, hair cut, another massage, so aromatherapy, some acupuncture, some yoga and meditation and then another massage.....Oh, add in a big cup of tea ( herbal, not the other kind silly,). And a bar of Godiva Dark Chocolate. I'd say, that'd do it......
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I may have to cave in a spend the day scrabooking since I am so far behind. I need to organize my pics and get into a good digital routine since actual scrapbooks may not be happening here soon.


This is what I'd do, too - get my digital photos weeded out, printed, and into scrapbooks.


If this task were done (definitely a fantasy) I'd spend my day... taking photos! :D Somewhere beautiful, of course.

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I would be at Disney.


If I am alone I can afford the more expensive food places, I would have a nice very leisurely meal at Boma and then go sit on a balcony sipping coffee and watch the animals at the watering hole and feel like I was back home in Africa.


Then I would ride exactly what I wanted to!


Hey!!! Can I come with you!?!? :001_smile:


I see someone mentioned a cabana boy. I'd like that. And a beach. And a hammock between two palm trees. Please???? Mariann!!! Oh Mariann!!! I can see you sharing this with me even though we're supposed to be alone!

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