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Our puppy is at the vet.....

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And I am hoping beyond hope he will be ok.


Last night I went to bed early because I as SOOOOOOOOOOO tired. Right before bed dd says, "Look at Cooper's butt. It's green!". I did notice a greenish tint on the blond fur around it but it didn't really alarm me at the time. I told dd maybe it looked green because he was licking it. I wondered why he would be licking to the point his fur was all saturated.


Today I came downstairs to puddles of green on the maple flooring. I noticed a large black smudge on our sectional. When I smelled it, I immediately knew something from an engine caused that mark. I called dh to see if he put it there, he did not. I had already cleaned up the green puddles and never thought to smell them.


I went outside to open up the chickens. I yelled at Cooper, who was happily chasing the ducks. I watched the chickens for a few minutes then came back to the house. That's when I saw that Cooper had delivered the container of his drink.


There was no label on the container but I brought it to the vet. They were concerned as he had belly pain. Did the container have antifreeze in it? They checked urine for crystals. There were none. They told me he has to stay with them a day or two. They will hook him up to IV's to try to flush everything out and they are giving him activated charcoal. They are concerned about his kidneys and said he is nowhere near out of the woods. We have to have his blood rechecked next week.


I then brought the container next door to the mechanics to see if they had any idea of what it could be. They were puzzled because it was a green oil. They assured me it had no antifreeze in it. They. Thought it could be two stroke oil. They couldn't figure out WHY anything would ingest it. I then went to Napa Auto and they also said the only green oil they know of is two stroke, and why in the world would my puppy ingest it? They were so nice and printed out a 13 page document on the stuff for me to give to my vet.


It is a waiting game now.


Cooper is the most amazing dog. He has the most wonderful personality! I hope that he will suffer no ill effects from this. I did not know that it was a serious situation last night. I hope that he suffers no organ failure. We are crazy about him and he is the best thing that has happened to our family in a looooong time.


Please keep Cooper in your thoughts and prayers.

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I'm sorry about your pup :grouphug:


If you need more toxicology information on the oil, there is a national animal poison control center. It is sponsered by the ASPCA and run through the vet school at the University of Illinois. There is a fee for the service ($65). They do very good work and are available for consult by phone any time.


Best wishes for a quick and full recovery for Cooper.

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I'm sorry about your pup :grouphug:


If you need more toxicology information on the oil, there is a national animal poison control center. It is sponsered by the ASPCA and run through the vet school at the University of Illinois. There is a fee for the service ($65). They do very good work and are available for consult by phone any time.


Best wishes for a quick and full recovery for Cooper.


I was going to call to ask the vet, but the bottle had no label on it. I spoke to a mechanic, as did the vet tech, and brought in the bottle. I also brought it to Napa Auto Parts. Both places felt it was two stroke oil due to the teal color. I can't really call without knowing for certain...... But I did bring an analysis of the oil back to the vet to read. Kidney failure was reported in rats. :(

Is it possible it could be degreaser? That can be green and greasy. I hope the puppy turns out to be just fine.


It feels oily.


This waiting game is killing me.

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Poor puppy poor puppy I hope his tests come back with good news.:grouphug:


We are picking Cooper up at 5:00!!! He goes back in for blood work tomorrow and again next week. I hope his kidneys are ok!!!


We are not out of the woods yet but I am so glad he is coming home today!

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Glad to hear he's coming home! Poor thing, I hope he's okay. The nasty things that dogs will eat and drink never fails to amaze me. My mom's dog growing up used to eat books. Not just chew them up, but actually eat them. I guess he was hungry for knowledge. :tongue_smilie:

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We are picking Cooper up at 5:00!!! He goes back in for blood work tomorrow and again next week. I hope his kidneys are ok!!!


We are not out of the woods yet but I am so glad he is coming home today!

I'm so glad he's coming home. I hope he'll be ok. We had our own puppy scare recently (he got into snail bait) but thankfully he's recovered just fine. I hope it will be the same with Cooper.


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Glad to hear he's coming home! Poor thing, I hope he's okay. The nasty things that dogs will eat and drink never fails to amaze me. My mom's dog growing up used to eat books. Not just chew them up, but actually eat them. I guess he was hungry for knowledge. :tongue_smilie:



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Glad to hear he's coming home! Poor thing, I hope he's okay. The nasty things that dogs will eat and drink never fails to amaze me. My mom's dog growing up used to eat books. Not just chew them up, but actually eat them. I guess he was hungry for knowledge. :tongue_smilie:


The new hs kid's excuse: Sorry, Mom. I can't do my work. The dog ate my math book.

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Sorry to hear you had more animal stress. I know you love them all so deeply, I am sure you are hurting right now.


I am glad he is home and doing better.



I think your vet needs to start a frequent flyer program. You would have a vacation earned, just since the first of the year.


I hope he is better soon and I will also send up a prayer that you have no vet bills in April!

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Sorry to hear you had more animal stress. I know you love them all so deeply, I am sure you are hurting right now.


I am glad he is home and doing better.



I think your vet needs to start a frequent flyer program. You would have a vacation earned, just since the first of the year.


I hope he is better soon and I will also send up a prayer that you have no vet bills in April!


Funny, I was thinking that last night. I hope they give you a nice discount.


How is Cooper today?

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I'm sorry I didn't log in sooner.


Cooper is doing fine!!!!!! His bloodwork came back normal!!! The vet seemed surprised but said the charcoal pulled everything out of his intestines. She was excited for us and we are beyond elated!!! I was really scared we could lose him. SO THANKFUL we don't have to face that!!!


Since his bloodwork came back normal, there is no reason for another test next week.



This time, no discount. :glare: i am not happy about that but don't care at the moment. i am SO relieved that he will be ok!!!


I did pull three ticks off him in the waiting room..........:cursing:

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