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Changing a baby's name?

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I want to change my little guy's name. For those who remember I was in much angst regarding a boy's name and finally decided (after almost a week after his birth!) on Cory William. Well...now I want to change it! The other day we were looking at him and someone mentioned a name and it "clicked" - it is the perfect name for this kid! I even love the meaning ("loving nature").


So...wwyd? I don't assume to have more babies (even though I would love nothing better!) and so feel that if I've found a name I really love I should use it. Thoughts? Am I completely nuts? I have the first year to change names without paying any fees.

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Go for it!

If you believe it is a better name for him, I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't change it.



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OK, so, um, here's the deal...everyone I have shared it with hates it. I mean really hates it. It's not even a name I would have considered except my little guy just "looks" like this name (I'm afraid to post it here because of reactions...although maybe if 100% of you agree that it is dreadful I should not change it...hmmmm). What to do...what to do??

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OK, so, um, here's the deal...everyone I have shared it with hates it. I mean really hates it. It's not even a name I would have considered except my little guy just "looks" like this name (I'm afraid to post it here because of reactions...although maybe if 100% of you agree that it is dreadful I should not change it...hmmmm). What to do...what to do??


Is he going to hate this name when he grows older? If so, just because he looks like this name, I wouldn't saddle him with it. If you think he'll like his name then go ahead!

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...

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OK, so, um, here's the deal...everyone I have shared it with hates it. I mean really hates it. It's not even a name I would have considered except my little guy just "looks" like this name (I'm afraid to post it here because of reactions...although maybe if 100% of you agree that it is dreadful I should not change it...hmmmm). What to do...what to do??


I'm afraid you'll have to tell us the name. It's really the only reasonable solution :laugh:.

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...


First of all, he's ADORABLE! :)

Second, I REALLY LIKE the name Oliver. Would you keep the same middle name?

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...


I absolutely adore the name Oliver. And that is one cute baby. Change the name.

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...


That is not near as bad as I was expecting:tongue_smilie: I was thinking maybe you were going to name the babe Sue like the Johnny Cash song.

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...


I happen to love the name Oliver. I have a friend that named her baby Oliver, and they call him Ollie


If you love the name way more than his current one, change it. I think Oliver is much more dignified than Cory for when he is a grown up anyway ;)


He is gorgeous BTW

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"Oliver"? People hate the name "Oliver"??? :001_huh:


As long as you don't call him Ollie, I'm good with Oliver.


And if you call him Ollie, you'll never catch me groaning over it. :)


What is required in your state to change his name after leaving the hospital?

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"Oliver"? People hate the name "Oliver"??? :001_huh:


As long as you don't call him Ollie, I'm good with Oliver.


And if you call him Ollie, you'll never catch me groaning over it. :)


What is required in your state to change his name after leaving the hospital?


:lol: I just posted how my friend calls her little Oliver Ollie

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Where did you see that it means "loving nature"?
In my baby name book just today! I was about to put it in the give-away bag when I thought I'd just see what the name meant. If it meant something dreadful like "he who eats nails" or something I would have dropped the idea of changing his name. How sweet is "loving nature", though??


OK, maybe I'll do it...maybe...maybe... I'm nothing if not wishy-washy. :D

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I love Oliver but DH would never go for it.:glare:


Oliver was one of my college roommates' maiden name, so I tried to convince her to name her son that. She liked the idea but didn't use it, but she's pregnant with boy/girl twins now so I have another chance to persuade her!:D

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Doesn't he look like an "Oliver"? (said in a very tiny voice for fear of the reactions to this name, lol). This picture doesn't do justice to his huge gray eyes and enormous cheeks that rest on his chest! And his personality is to die for! So sweet and happy...a loving nature for sure! OK, let me have it, ladies. I can take it...I think...maybe...


I think Oliver would be a perfect name for him. And what a beautiful little boy he is!

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I agree that Oliver is a great name for such an adorable baby!


In my baby name book just today! I was about to put it in the give-away bag when I thought I'd just see what the name meant. If it meant something dreadful like "he who eats nails" or something I would have dropped the idea of changing his name. How sweet is "loving nature", though??


OK, maybe I'll do it...maybe...maybe... I'm nothing if not wishy-washy. :D


So, does "loving nature" means that it is in his nature to be loving, or that he adores the outdoors?

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Well, I don't dislike the name Oliver--but I do think Cory sounds more like the personality you described him having. The name Oliver has always reminded me of Oliver Twist...orphans, mean men, and dark forebodings.


But, if you feel strongly about it (like the name Cory is going to irritate you for the rest of his life), do it quickly to cut down on the confusion.


I wasn't sure we'd picked the right name for our youngest for the first few months, mostly because people kept thinking we were saying Roman (do NOT like that name), and because the meaning didn't have the significance that the meaning of the other kids' names had. But I love it now, and it really does fit better than the other names we'd considered.


Guess I'm the dissenting voice, but I'd stick with the current name. Whatever you do, may you love his name:D.

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Dd5 has a birth name I hate. She is adopted but we haven't changed her name legally yet. (It is complicated but in essence....She is my great niece so 1/2 of her bio family still call her by her bio-name.) We call her a completely different name that has absolutely nothing to do with her birth first or middle name. LOL




When I tell people her birth name, I get a variety of comments. Since people know we don't like it and call her something else, we get pretty honest reactions. Some people tell me "thank God you changed it, I hate that name!" and some ohh and ahh about how beautiful it is. LOL There really isn't much middle ground, it is love or hate.



I wish I could have changed her name when she first came to us at 5mth old. If I knew now, where we would be with the family situation, I wouldn't have worried about the family and just gone with me gut instead.

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I love that name.


Also fwiw my parents changed my name at a couple months old and I'm so glad they did. I like the name they changed it to much more than the first one.


My mom also changed my name when I was like 2. She consulted a child psychologist at the time about 'damaging' me by changing my name. They said that it would be waaaaay more damaging to have a mother who was unhappy with the name for the rest of my life. :lol::lol:


Robin in NJ

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Love the name Oliver! I wanted to name ds1 Oliver but there is a famous German soccer player with that name and a lot of people were using that name in Germany (where ds was born) at that time so dh deemed it "too trendy". I think Cory is okay for a little guy but doesn't age as well as Oliver would for a grown man.

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