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If you believe the world is ending on 12/21/12...

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I don't believe the world is going to end on that day, but think it could be beneficial to people who do. Maybe they will try to be better people, more loving, more caring. Live like they were going to die. Or maybe not.


I think people who believe this are worriers. I'm not going to worry about something that can't be helped if it happened anyway.

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I don't believe it at all, but we have talked about all this hype with our kids and said that really, you should live every day as if it could be your last...because it could be. You never know. So, nothing should be left unsaid, unresolved, undone, as much as we are able.


Of course, noone is perfect about that. But we nearly lost my dad to a heart attack, and my dh to an accident with a tree, so my kids understand that concept that someone could be here one minute and gone the next.


If you love someone, tell them, show them.

Don't go to bed mad. Take care of things in a timely fashion.


So, basically, life really *shouldn't* change...in my opinion. :)

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I'd be really surprised to find out that anyone here actually believes that. :001_huh:


Do I need to go ahead and apologize now for offending someone? :tongue_smilie:


The only reason I wondered was because there are all sorts of shows about this (History Channel, for example). But I don't know anyone IRL that thinks this. Yet, it's got to have enough opinion in order to have entire documentaries about it.

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I don't know about that. I think it's good fodder for a documentary. They have tons of documentaries about alien abductions.


Exactly....and these are "experts" discussing it. That's why I wondered if people really believed this stuff and what they are doing about it.

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Yeah, I don't generally like to make fun of people, but I'm having a hard time with this one.






BTW, I'm thinking we should put a a GIGANTIC Christmas light display over Thanksgiving -- think National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -- because we supposedly won't have to mess with taking them back down.

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I have met people, specifically homeschoolers, who believe the world may end then.


Also I have a neighbor who believes in Sasquatch. We thought she was joking for the longest time, but finally DH pushed her too far with his teasing and she got very upset.


Plenty of people believe...uh all sorts of stuff.

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what? why am i getting out of debt? i should be living it up & charging it up!!!:D


My parents knew a couple that did this during the build up to the Y2K scare. He took out every credit card he could and charged everything and took cash advances. The idea was that all the computers would crash and he would never have to pay it back. I think he even took out loans. He was always trying to convince my dad to do the same. I don't think my dad could ever get a hold of him after January 2000. He was probably ruined financially.


I think if people really thought the world was going to end it would be awful rather than people seeing it as a last chance to be more loving to each other.

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Oh wait, did you mean 12/12/12 or 12/21/12? It needs to happen on 12/12/12 because I have an appointment on the 21st.


Waaaaait a second. Do you *seriously* have an appointment set already for a date still over nine months away?! I just asked my dh (incredulously, I might add) why in the WORLD he let his doctor make an appointment for a YEAR from now when he saw said doctor last week. He didn't know why he did that, other than the discharging nurse asked him to. :glare: I'll be calling and cancelling that on Monday. :tongue_smilie:


I don't even like to make my next dental cleaning appointment when I go in for the current one, and that's only six months in advance. Now, I DO, because otherwise I'd "forget", LOL. (I loathe the dentist). But still, I don't like it.

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I don't even like to make my next dental cleaning appointment when I go in for the current one, and that's only six months in advance. Now, I DO, because otherwise I'd "forget", LOL. (I loathe the dentist). But still, I don't like it.


Well, I do the 6-month out appointments for the dentist and for my mammograms. I had a biopsy in December 2010 and they are watching me every 6 months for I don't know how long. When I get near the appointment, I can always call and change it but so far we always make our appts. just fine. But no, I can't see making one beyond that.


Oh, it took my dd19 three months to get an appointment with a neurologist. I thought that was a bit much but that was the soonest we could get in for a consultation.

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I don't believe it but I'm always open to the possibility that no one knows what's going to happen on any given day. Look at people who suffer from natural disasters or wars. It might seem their world is ending. Even with that thought however, I do not try to live my life to the fullest. I just live my life comfortably. I'd rather not approach it like a last-minute workout before a weigh-in. Life is what it is and my choices will affect it obviously. But I'm happy being with my family and do not feel a need to earn points on some imagined, or at least invisible, scoreboard.


I don't understand people who take out lots of credit and spends lots of money under such circumstances. Even if the world does end and mankind is wiped out, it seems a bit like stealing. I'd be wracked with guilt and wouldn't enjoy my last year on earth anyway.

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Oh, y'all are hurting my feelings! We have the whole basement stocked full of non-perishables, but now that you made fun of me, don't come knocking on my door after the natural disasters start rolling in on 12/21! I won't help you now.


That's also why I've been collecting curricula we couldn't possibly use for many years to come. How else am I going to teach the kids while guarding the compound from you freeloaders and growing all our own food? I surely won't have time to make up my own courses then. And I won't be able to download anything else from Google Books because the pole shift and solar flares will totally kill all the electronics. That, my former friends, is where the chaos will start!


It will just be me, DH, the kids, and ManBearPig. I'm totally serial.

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The only reason I wondered was because there are all sorts of shows about this (History Channel, for example). But I don't know anyone IRL that thinks this. Yet, it's got to have enough opinion in order to have entire documentaries about it.


I don't know about that. I think it's good fodder for a documentary. They have tons of documentaries about alien abductions.


Exactly....and these are "experts" discussing it. That's why I wondered if people really believed this stuff and what they are doing about it.


Expert wackadoodles. :D


Aren't these experts for profit?

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Oh, y'all are hurting my feelings! We have the whole basement stocked full of non-perishables, but now that you made fun of me, don't come knocking on my door after the natural disasters start rolling in on 12/21! I won't help you now.


That's also why I've been collecting curricula we couldn't possibly use for many years to come. How else am I going to teach the kids while guarding the compound from you freeloaders and growing all our own food? I surely won't have time to make up my own courses then. And I won't be able to download anything else from Google Books because the pole shift and solar flares will totally kill all the electronics. That, my former friends, is where the chaos will start!


It will just be me, DH, the kids, and ManBearPig. I'm totally serial.



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Well, I have made a vow to go minimalist on all my personal belongings and to get the scrapbooks up to date.


But that has more to do with my next birthday being the half-century mark combined with a recent trip through my mom's garage and attic. ;)


And hey, I believe in Sasquatch! I mean that I find it entirely reasonable to expect that there are still undiscovered species on the planet and I find it rather arrogant to think we humans know everything about what is out there. It's too bad true cryptozoologists get lumped in with the reality show whackadoos. Off my soap box now. :D


Auntie M

(who is now marking 12/21/2012 on her calendar as "Day of the Big Squatchdown")

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I don't believe it but I'm always open to the possibility that no one knows what's going to happen on any given day. Look at people who suffer from natural disasters or wars. It might seem their world is ending. Even with that thought however, I do not try to live my life to the fullest. I just live my life comfortably. I'd rather not approach it like a last-minute workout before a weigh-in. Life is what it is and my choices will affect it obviously. But I'm happy being with my family and do not feel a need to earn points on some imagined, or at least invisible, scoreboard.


I don't understand people who take out lots of credit and spends lots of money under such circumstances. Even if the world does end and mankind is wiped out, it seems a bit like stealing. I'd be wracked with guilt and wouldn't enjoy my last year on earth anyway.


I like this. It happens to be exactly how I feel too. :D

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I grew up in a church/cult that predicted the return of Christ a few times. My father also did once. He moved us to the beaches of Hawaii when I was 2 because we were suppose to meet Jesus there. After 6 months of living homeless, my grandparents convinced them to move near them.



I left that church/cult when I was 18, but the majority of my big family still attend off shoots of that church. But I'm pretty sure even they do not believe the world is ending on 12/21/12.

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Ok so Dh and I talked about this yesterday. It's not that people believe the world is ending, it's that they believe there will be a great change on that day. So for some, that may be end of the world, or it may be destruction of certain areas. I have a friend (Buddhist) who believes there will be a period of great peace over the Earth...and that this could bring the world together. I have another friend who thinks that this is the end of Christianity. He's a bit off, jumped around from a lot of fanatical religions as a child.


Anyway...so yes there are people who believe 12/21 is a big day...but I haven't personally heard anyone who believes the world is actually ending.

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Well, I have made a vow to go minimalist on all my personal belongings and to get the scrapbooks up to date.


But that has more to do with my next birthday being the half-century mark combined with a recent trip through my mom's garage and attic. ;)


And hey, I believe in Sasquatch! I mean that I find it entirely reasonable to expect that there are still undiscovered species on the planet and I find it rather arrogant to think we humans know everything about what is out there. It's too bad true cryptozoologists get lumped in with the reality show whackadoos. Off my soap box now. :D


Auntie M

(who is now marking 12/21/2012 on her calendar as "Day of the Big Squatchdown")

i totally believe in bigfoot. I have a slight addiction to those history/discovery shows about them. :)

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oh boy--been thinking about this one---Like I know how many "dooms-dayers" are out there (you know all the ones they show on those shows stockpiling food/supplies/amo/etc) and I wonder about all the other ones they don't know about-I fear that there will be panic and maybe alot of suicides in those that do fear that day....I asked hubby the other day if he thinks we should stock up on anything you know in case there is some kind of solar flare or something that disrupts things for a while and he said food and water maybe....that's about all I'm doing......LOL on another note :D 12-21 is my sister's birthday LOL she's going to have a bang of a time this year LOL (JOKE)


and yeah I"m more like the mindset that it's going to be a time of change (hopefully peace/harmony) rather than the end of it all--kiddo will ask every now and then about the world exploding on that day and I always try and re-assure him-try to keep him away from that on tv too.....

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Well, if the world ends then I won't need anything anyway.:D I've watched a few episodes of "Doomsday Preppers" and those people are just a little too errr...crazy for me. I don't plan to spend the next 20 years eating 20 year old pork and beans parked on the roof with my assault rifle protecting my stockpile of beans. I think I'll just take it as it comes. ;)


I don't put much stock in "expert" opinions on the end of the world, only God knows when that will be and I'm ok with that.

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I live in the land of the Maya, so the 2012 thing is everywhere around me.

People are travelling here from around the world this year to be part of the ceremonies and what nots.:001_huh:


But the Mayan prophecy does not say that the world is going to end.

It's actually very unspecific.

It says there will be a very important energetic change.


Now, I don't believe in a God and I don't do yoga either, BUT...

given that this energetic change MIGHT happen (and because I like the idea of it) I have, this year:


- quit a 20 year addiction to nicotine (you know, just in case there is some sort of selection process - I don't want to get left behind with the smokers)


- decided to not worry about the future this year (but this also has a lot to do with realizing that my child is growing up very fast and I want to enjoy the rest of his childhood and not just worry all the time)


- been trying to consistently practice envisioning everyone waking up on 12-22-12 as the enlightened beings we should be (power of manifestation kind of thing) and we all live happily ever after. :001_smile:

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Oh, y'all are hurting my feelings! We have the whole basement stocked full of non-perishables, but now that you made fun of me, don't come knocking on my door after the natural disasters start rolling in on 12/21! I won't help you now.


That's also why I've been collecting curricula we couldn't possibly use for many years to come. How else am I going to teach the kids while guarding the compound from you freeloaders and growing all our own food? I surely won't have time to make up my own courses then. And I won't be able to download anything else from Google Books because the pole shift and solar flares will totally kill all the electronics. That, my former friends, is where the chaos will start!


It will just be me, DH, the kids, and ManBearPig. I'm totally serial.



Who/what is ManBearPig???

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Oh, y'all are hurting my feelings! We have the whole basement stocked full of non-perishables, but now that you made fun of me, don't come knocking on my door after the natural disasters start rolling in on 12/21! I won't help you now.


That's also why I've been collecting curricula we couldn't possibly use for many years to come. How else am I going to teach the kids while guarding the compound from you freeloaders and growing all our own food? I surely won't have time to make up my own courses then. And I won't be able to download anything else from Google Books because the pole shift and solar flares will totally kill all the electronics. That, my former friends, is where the chaos will start!


It will just be me, DH, the kids, and ManBearPig. I'm totally serial.


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Now, I don't believe in a God and I don't do yoga either, BUT...

given that this energetic change MIGHT happen (and because I like the idea of it) I have, this year:


- quit a 20 year addiction to nicotine (you know, just in case there is some sort of selection process - I don't want to get left behind with the smokers)


Made me LOL :lol::lol::lol:

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My mom believes something will happen. But then she's always been a little too intrigued by "out there" things. She practically has her own little religion. Must admit I find it annoying when she starts talking about buying a pistol to have on hand on 12/21/12, not to protect herself, but rather to do herself in quickly before the big asteroid hits the earth and causes widespread death and famine.


I then usually change the subject and ask how her little dogs are doing...for of course she owns little dogs.

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My mom believes something will happen. But then she's always been a little too intrigued by "out there" things. She practically has her own little religion. Must admit I find it annoying when she starts talking about buying a pistol to have on hand on 12/21/12, not to protect herself, but rather to do herself in quickly before the big asteroid hits the earth and causes widespread death and famine.


I then usually change the subject and ask how her little dogs are doing...for of course she owns little dogs.


Hehe, I could totally hang out with your mom.

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I have no worries about natural disasters or doomsday events on 12/21 (at least any more than usual--I live in Tornado Alley, so in spring and summer there's always a threat) and don't know anyone who believes otherwise. On another hs forum a woman said the magnetic poles are going to do something catastrophic this year and there's a vast government cover-up, though, so I'm sure there are those who take it seriously. I am a bit concerned that date will be selected for something like a terrorist plot, gunman scenario, or mass suicide pact.

Edited by WordGirl
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Oh, y'all are hurting my feelings! We have the whole basement stocked full of non-perishables, but now that you made fun of me, don't come knocking on my door after the natural disasters start rolling in on 12/21! I won't help you now.


That's also why I've been collecting curricula we couldn't possibly use for many years to come. How else am I going to teach the kids while guarding the compound from you freeloaders and growing all our own food? I surely won't have time to make up my own courses then. And I won't be able to download anything else from Google Books because the pole shift and solar flares will totally kill all the electronics. That, my former friends, is where the chaos will start!


It will just be me, DH, the kids, and ManBearPig. I'm totally serial.


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Love it! I'm so totally serial!

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I'll be happy when all this silliness is over and everyone can get back to more important things: making more Sherlock.

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Also I have a neighbor who believes in Sasquatch. We thought she was joking for the longest time, but finally DH pushed her too far with his teasing and she got very upset.


Plenty of people believe...uh all sorts of stuff.


Sooo...what do you mean?! YOU DON'T believe in Sasquatch?! How do you explain all those blurry, grainy home videos? What about Nessy or Chupacabra?




i totally believe in bigfoot. I have a slight addiction to those history/discovery shows about them. :)


"I do believe there is a squatch in these woods..." :lol:

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Sooo...what do you mean?! YOU DON'T believe in Sasquatch?! How do you explain all those blurry, grainy home videos? What about Nessy or Chupacabra?




She even pulled up some of those videos to convince DH. He was laughing too hard to properly focus on them though. I am sure he missed out on the finer points of the videos.

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