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Where have I been. . . Santorum homeschools 7 kids??

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Yes, we all knew.


But we talked about it one day when you weren't here and decided not to tell you. :D


We're kind of mean that way... ;)



PS. I found out about it here when someone mentioned it. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise, either.



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She also wrote the book "Everyday Graces: Child's Book of Good Manners". We checked this out of the library one time and enjoyed the different stories. If I remember correctly there is a nice little foreword in it about her family at the time and why she wrote the book.

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And she was a NICU nurse and then went on to become a lawyer.


I bow.


All I want to do at the ed of the day is have a glass of something alcoholic, not crack a book.


She's also an author.


I like her manners book for children: Everyday Graces

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Wait... So she's a nurse, a lawyer, an author, wife of a government official, and homeschooling mom of 7?


Can we vote for her instead? :D


No kidding!

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She also wrote the book "Everyday Graces: Child's Book of Good Manners". We checked this out of the library one time and enjoyed the different stories. If I remember correctly there is a nice little foreword in it about her family at the time and why she wrote the book.


Wait a sec- I own that book and totally did not realize that the author was Rick Santorum's wife! Personally, I think it would be pretty dang awesome to have a homeschooler in the White House. ;)

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Personally, I think it would be pretty dang awesome to have a homeschooler in the White House. ;)


Purely from a selfish-not-political-at-all point of view I think it would be unbelievably wonderful for the homeschool community to have a president and first lady who actually homeschool.

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Mr. and Mrs. Santorum HAVE 7 kids; 4 boys and 3 girls aged 20 to 3 1/2. The youngest girl is special needs and is too young to "officially" homeschool.


My dd and I met Rick Santorum along with some of the Duggar family a few weeks ago during a campaign stop.


I'm impressed he and his wife homeschool.....OK, mostly/all the wife.

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She also wrote a book called Letters to Gabriel about a child that they had that passed away. They knew all through the pregnancy that he was very sick and she went through all kinds of crazy treatments during the pregnancy to try to save him (like having a tube inserted into her stomach without pain meds). Very sad book.

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Wait... So she's a nurse, a lawyer, an author, wife of a government official, and homeschooling mom of 7?


Can we vote for her instead? :D


She sounds like the kids on this forum that have a long list of things they want to be when they grow up. She makes a good example of showing you do not have to limit yourself.

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This is an interesting counter-point: http://motherjones.com/politics/2012/01/rick-santorums-school-scandal


Basically, he has used public cyber charters, and one could argue that he only stopped when his residency was challenged. So much for "I trust parents to instill values, and instill citizenship and all those things much more than I do the education system in America today." He has been perfectly okay with the education system in America.

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I had no idea (but that's my usual state).


Mine Too.


This is an interesting counter-point: http://motherjones.com/politics/2012...school-scandal


Basically, he has used public cyber charters, and one could argue that he only stopped when his residency was challenged. So much for "I trust parents to instill values, and instill citizenship and all those things much more than I do the education system in America today." He has been perfectly okay with the education system in America.


technically, if he still owned the house in PA, (which, as I understand it, he STILL owns it) he was still paying property taxes, so he was still supporting the schools. But since he wasn't RESIDING there, he should not be able to use the PA school district. It seems to be a slightly blurred area, as he WAS still paying taxes. So I don't know that he should have to pay the money, but he did break a rule about residency.

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This is an interesting counter-point: http://motherjones.com/politics/2012/01/rick-santorums-school-scandal


Basically, he has used public cyber charters, and one could argue that he only stopped when his residency was challenged. So much for "I trust parents to instill values, and instill citizenship and all those things much more than I do the education system in America today." He has been perfectly okay with the education system in America.




By all accounts, politics aside, they appear to be sincerely nice people.

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]Originally Posted by Heather in NC

Wait... So she's a nurse, a lawyer, an author, wife of a government official, and homeschooling mom of 7?


Can we vote for her instead? "


I know, right? :iagree:

But yes, I knew they home schooled as well.

They did cyber schooling but then got in trouble because the mom took the kids to Virginia and they were staying there and PA found out and made them pay back all the money it would have cost to cyber school them in the state of PA. It was a mess at the time.

Not bashing them. Actually they are a very nice family.

Not only is she a nurse, lawyer, author, homeschooling mom to 7 , but she's also a mom to a special needs child ( their youngest was born with Triosomy 18) too!

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I frankly do not consider the educational choices of a candidate to be much of a factor in their fitness for office. Homeschooled or cyber school or not, I have no interest in seeing anyone named Santorum in the White House come 2013, him or her.:tongue_smilie:

I'm not voting for him either. But I don't think we're allowed to discuss that here. ;)

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I can't stand Santorum politically, but I've found myself in the position several times of defending him to others over the cyber school thing. Every article about it was really a dig at homeschooling. And the position of congressional families in terms of where to live and so forth is always tough - no matter what your party. It struck me as one of those attacks that one only lobs at the other side, never at your own. And I hate that stuff.


I'm perfectly happy to challenge the man on the actual issues... But not on this board, of course. ;)

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Wait a sec- I own that book and totally did not realize that the author was Rick Santorum's wife! Personally, I think it would be pretty dang awesome to have a homeschooler in the White House. ;)


I have it, too, and I would most definitely vote for her!


Well, now this whole election has jumped up to a whole new level of interest for me!

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Purely from a selfish-not-political-at-all point of view I think it would be unbelievably wonderful for the homeschool community to have a president and first lady who actually homeschool.

And by "actually homeschool," I would want to see a room set up in the White House with the First Lady actually in there teaching her own children, as opposed to the children having tutors for everything.

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And by "actually homeschool," I would want to see a room set up in the White House with the First Lady actually in there teaching her own children, as opposed to the children having tutors for everything.

Or even without a dedicated room.

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And by "actually homeschool," I would want to see a room set up in the White House with the First Lady actually in there teaching her own children, as opposed to the children having tutors for everything.


The First Lady would have too many official duties to HS herself but I would love to see a grandma or aunt HS the President's kids in the White House :001_smile:

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And by "actually homeschool," I would want to see a room set up in the White House with the First Lady actually in there teaching her own children, as opposed to the children having tutors for everything.


Is it really for anyone to judge another person's means of schooling? I may not like the Santorums (at all) but how they do homeschooling is not my business. I admire any parent who educates their children well, regardless of if it is how I would choose to do it. Being First Lady is NOT really conducive to being inside the White House 5 days a week, a lot of travel and entertaining is part of the job. I also agree that the cyber schooling thing is a non-issue. If a Senator from a state is not a resident, I don't know who is. I assume the Santorums paid taxes in their home state, even if they really lived in VA. Of course it is all moot. He is not going to get the nomination.

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Is it really for anyone to judge another person's means of schooling? I may not like the Santorums (at all) but how they do homeschooling is not my business. I admire any parent who educates their children well, regardless of if it is how I would choose to do it. .




There have been numerous threads where someone asks about being rigorous enough, or what's the bare minimum, or unschooling, etc., and WTMers come out of the woodwork defending a parent's right to educate however they see fit.


But cyberschooling is wrong? How is that different than taking online classes through Potter's School? How is that different than Lisa Whelchel using SOS for all of her kids but then being hailed as a homeschooling expert? How is it different than using co-op classes or classes at the local CC or some other way of farming out subjects?


So unless you teach your kids every subject yourself, at home, in a dedicated schoolroom, using no outside help whatsoever including online courses... You are not "actually" homeschooling?


Sheesh. :glare:



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But cyberschooling is wrong?



Just in case this is related to my link (because, well, everything is about me :tongue_smilie:), I mention the cyberschooling since it's thru a PUBLIC CHARTER school. So, officially, his children were using the services of public school. You know - the American school system he doesn't trust to educate his children.


Now who knows, maybe they just tweaked the public school materials so they could use the materials (for free) but didn't have to deal with all the people in public schools and could keep things in line with their faith.


However, I don't think I can say much more and not violate the "no politics" clause. other than to say no one had better tell me i should vote for him because "he's a homeschooling parent, too!"

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