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What do the children of the hive want to be when they grow up?

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Ds: (16) Game Designer for a video game company


That being said, I think ds would make a great stand up comedian or producer of a game show. He has quick wit and a zany sense of humor! I keep telling him how much math he has to take in college if Game Design will be his major. *eep* :001_huh:

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Ask your children what they want to be when they grow up, then post their responses word for word, and then put their ages after their response.


Let's see what sort of diverse responses we get from the hive children.


Today we were on a hospital tour for a homeschool group outing and the director asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up.


My daughter, 11, said a tattoo artist because her dad is a tattoo artist and she's been saying that since she was 5.


My son, 6, randomly said "Army" which was a new one on me (at this stage he'll say something different every time you ask him- later at home he told me he changed his mind and that he wants to be a babysitter and he'll put kids to bed at 8:30 but for a treat he'll them stay up til 9 or 9:30 sometimes).


The others were so diverse and cool. One wanted to be a doctor, one a vet, one a photographer, one wanted to own a bowling alley, one wanted to be a Pokemon cartoon artist, one wanted to be a princess, and one very little one said she wanted to be "Grace" (her big sister, which was adorable) lol.


So, what do your kids say, and how old are they?

Daughter 15: translator, ambassador, something with languages.


Son, 12: Scientist

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DD 19~wants to be an animator at Pixar.

DS 10~wants to be an engineer until he has enough money to become a pilot and then he will be a missionary pilot. This has been his plan since he was 6.

DD 9~wants to be a teacher or a doctor but dad wants me to be a doctor.(hehe cute)

DD 2~Says she wants to be a "Duhhy"(ducky). I definitely expected an animal when I asked. :001_smile:

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What a fun thread!


dd14 - Veterinarian\horse breeder

dd12 - Graphic Design Artist\Anime Artist

dd9 - Math teacher...and wants to adopt a "well behaved child".;)

ds5 - wants to design and operate carnival and theme park rides

dd3 - I just asked her and she said she wants to slide down the stairs. :confused:

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DD14 wants to move to Scotland and find the Loch Ness Monster. :001_huh: She's only half kidding. She's recently been researching colleges in Scotland.


DS11 has about 30 things on his list but he wants to be some type of scientist for sure.


DD8 wanted to be a dentist for a long time but now she wants to write and illustrate books.

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Ds 8 wants to be different things on different days of the week. Right now it's


Police officer/Detective


Video game developer




Dd4 wants to be an animal doctor (not a vet, she says :lol:)

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Dd 14, currently wants to be an interpreter for the deaf and possibly work with deaf children. She has a good friend who is hard of hearing and will eventually go deaf and a cousin who is hard of hearing. In his case no one can tell his parents why he has had sudden significant hearing loss so we have no idea what the future holds for him.


DS 12 currently says "I don't know"

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