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Family cleaning time--do you do it?

How do you keep up with household chores?  

  1. 1. How do you keep up with household chores?

    • Weekly all-family cleaning time
    • Daily "chore time" for all
    • Just do it yourself mostly
    • Let it go until someone can't stand it...:)

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My kids think we are the only ones in the world who take a couple hours (usually on the weekend) and clean as a family. And I'm not even talking deep cleaning...just sweeping under couches/tables and the rest of the floor, vacuuming carpets, dusting (maybe), wiping surfaces, folding clothes, and picking up/putting away.


Now we may be different just because M-F we are never together...Dh works 2nd, I work 1st shift, kids go to 1/2 day classical school. But I wondered if other people have a better system than this...my kids are starting to say, "I HATE weekends!" Maybe we should get them busier every day? :)


(ETA...we do do some things during the week, of course...the kids have an area to sweep almost every day, they clear table/counters and clean after meals and generally do little things as needed).

Edited by Carrie Sue
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There wasn't an option for more than one, but we do daily and weekendly. :D Daily we have chore time first thing in the morning. Everyone gets up, makes their bed, gets dressed, tidies their room and bathroom, and then comes down for breakfast. On the weekends we all pitch in for about an hour or two to do the deeper cleaning - extra laundry, dusting, collecting trash, yardwork, etc.

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We clean as a family on Saturday morning. We are all just too busy during the week for anything except dishes and laundry. We've got a routine and division of labor and knock it out in a few hours. It's not the most fun way to start the weekend, but we all like a clean house.

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We do daily - for a grand total of 15 minutes, and we all do it at the same time.


If I let people do it when they want to during the day, I end up nagging and waiting around for the job to be done. I also get a lot of "she only worked for 5 minutes and I worked for 15!" or peopel who promise to do it later - only to be invited out or something:glare:


I find it easier on me to be drill sergeant around cleaning once a day for a period of time.

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I have a set of chores that I do daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly.


My children have chores as well. They are clearly printed on cards in their own slots for each day next to my dc's names. They earn tickets for each chore they do and get to spend their tickets every Saturday morning when I open up the reward boxes.


My children have to make their beds, brush their teeth, get dressed, put laundry away, and spend 20 minutes each weekday reading. IF these are completed without being told they earn a ticket. If they are reminded to do any of these chores they are to still do the task but don't earn a ticket.


We don't spend any alloted time cleaning together as a family. We don't have to since we do our daily chores. There will be times we all are picking up rooms and doing a quick tidy, so I guess you could call that family cleaning time.


My kids are to have their bedrooms cleaned before bed each evening AND if they want extra computer, tv, or outside play time they have to have their rooms picked up before any of that takes place.

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We clean as a family on Saturday morning. We are all just too busy during the week for anything except dishes and laundry. We've got a routine and division of labor and knock it out in a few hours. It's not the most fun way to start the weekend, but we all like a clean house.


This is our routine, too. I'm glad to be able to show this thread to my kids, too. LOL

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Can I say "all the above"? We keep up with things daily/ hourly and do deep cleaning on weekends or as needed. Once upon a time, I had set chores posted in the kitchen with detailed intructions, now we just clean after ourselves and when something extra needs to be done -we do it.

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We do it all - everyone has daily chores, but we also have family cleaning time - this isn't scheduled, exactly, but it happens once or twice a week when things are getting out of hand. Everyone is designated an area to "whip into shape" for 20 minutes or so. Everyone is supposed to do "after-meal" clean-up, but we're having a hard time getting into that habit. :glare:


We haven't tackled deep cleaning much - although we are slowly adding it in. I bought a long-handled duster to get the ceiling fans/lights and corner cobwebs. I'm telling everyone that if we go through each room once every 2 weeks or so, things will stay fairly dust-free.


I think sometimes when you have lots of kids and/or little ones, it just takes longer to be able to fit those things into your "schedule" because just making and keeping ANY kind of schedule is a challenge.

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About half of the time, it's everybody all at the same time.


The other half of the time, people do their set of cleaning jobs, but not at the same time, but usually Friday (required of children Scout camping on the weekend) or on the weekend.


The dc have a weekly rotating schedule of household tasks that covers a majority of what needs to be done with cleaning (and cooking). Dh does most of the grocery shopping and laundry (there is a dc-assigned task to bring it down from the bedroom hampers and to help sort, and everyone puts away their own folded clothes, but dh washes, dries, folds). I pick up the slack in any area, especially with the youngest, and handle the heavier/nonweekly cleaning.

There are some tasks on the kids' lists like cooking and dishes which need to get done daily, but for the most part, the cleanliness of the house degenerates during the week and then we whip it back into shape on the weekend. We don't have any neatnicks and only one truly messy person, so this generally works well.

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Sort of weekly. :)


Small family, small house in the city = not all that much cleaning required.


I did major cleaning on Fridays--laundry, bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming (in addition to any daily vacuuming), clean the car, everything. On Friday, because I wanted our weekends free for goofing off, and because I like easing into the week on Monday rather than having to worry about laundry and whatnot.

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I do most of the weekly/seasonal work, but the children keep things going on a daily basis. Actually I ended up using the same system as Mom and Dad used with us. Shortly before dinner is 'evening tidy up'. The house gets picked up, swept, vacuumed, trash and recycling taken out, and dirty laundry taken to the laundry room. The kids also help clean the kitchen after meals.

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For the poll, the family time cleaning AND daily chores apply for us.


Daily there are dishes and cleaning up the living room (and school stuff) before dad comes home.


During the week but usually not daily, there is garbage to take out, bathrooms to tidy up, floors to sweep, etc.


Our Saturday family clean consists of bathroom deep cleaning, vacuuming, yard work in warmer weather, dusting, and cleaning bedrooms. It doesn't take too long.

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:lol: Please tell your kids they are NOT alone!


We have always have a 'team' chore time every day AND on the weekends, because it means everything gets done and everyone helps. The kids also are responsible for their own bedrooms, a few regular chores like trash and pet feeding that don't get done as a team, their own laundry, and they each have small areas of the house that are their responsibility (ds4 has the strip of floor where the pet food and water dishes are, he has to keep that area clean. dd8 has the laundry room, ect).


I think that having their own responsibilities that they complete when they need to be done is great for building up the habit of being responsible and reliable. I also think that it is great for the kids to learn to work as part of a team, and I think that it is important that the kids learn that it is everyone's responsibility to make the home a pleasant place to be and not just mom's job.

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I definitely do more around the house than my DC do... but they help out. Daily. I'm a little bit of a neat freak and there is no way I could keep up with everything without their help.


Plus, I think if they know they're going to have to put their things away, sweep the floors, etc they're a lot more likely to help keep things picked up and clean in the first place, KWIM?

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Oh, come on, someone join me in the "let it go until we can't stand it" category. :D


We do keep things tidyish and dh and I do the dishes and everyone clears plates and so forth, but for the sweeping, dusting, bathroom cleaning, tidying of things that have built up cleaning, we just do it when it reaches some critical mass or when we're about to have company. But when that happens, I usually make the kids pitch in and they're very good about helping.

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I chose weekly, all family, but it's more than that. :) My kids all have chores to do each day. For my girls that includes their laundry, cleaning their bathroom (they have a 1/2 bath in their basement bedroom), animal poo duty and more. They work on those lists M-Th, the days we school. Friday is "Family Cleaning Day" and the kids and I work on cleaning the house-sweeping floors, vacuuming, dusting, tidying main rooms, etc. I don't do cleaning days on Saturday because I want a day "off", too. Sundays are taken up with church. :)

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I voted daily chore time for all, but my kids are still pretty little so I still do most of it. They help with general tidying and picking up of their own toys and things. Oldest dd puts away her own clothes after I sort them out. Older ds and younger dd are starting to help with their clothes a little. DH and I do most of the rest, though I think dd's ready to start learning a few more things.

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daily and weekends. I constantly am decluttering. I have found that if I am very diligent, especially on Friday afternoons, Saturday morning cleaning takes very little time, like less than an hour. If the house is decluttered and straightened, then it takes very little time to scrub bathrooms, mop floors, vacuum and mop.

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I didn't know how to answer. My girls do have daily chores that they do (making their beds, putting away their own laundry that I've folded, refilling toilet paper in all of the bathrooms, sweeping the hardwood floors with the central vacuum, setting and clearing the table, etc.). I also ask them to do various small tasks daily. Also, our house is picked up daily. We aim for very little clutter. Then, once a week, we all work together to make sure that the house is perfectly ready for our two cleaning ladies to come. :001_smile:

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I didn't vote. We used to clean as a family on Saturday mornings when the boys were small. We still had some daily chores, but knocked out the bigger stuff then. (We rocked out to the Beatles...:D)

When we moved here 10 years ago, dh started to work Saturdays, and I just couldn't seem to follow thru with a family cleaning. We only do individual chores now, unless someone is coming over (like this weekend--parents are coming and we need to spruce up the place, so we'll be working together tonight).

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You want to see ours? It takes an hour every Saturday morning. I can cut and paste from Evernote. :)


14yo - with special needs:

Strip bed of sheets and place in laundry room

Empty all trash bins into large trash bag, carry to garage bin



Dust all downstairs baseboards and moldings

Dust bedroom/straighten up

Take off sheets and place in laundry room

Dust special needs brother's room including baseboards

Clean kid’s bathroom with sister



Dust chairs downstairs

Dust stairs and upstairs hallway baseboards

Dust Dad and Mom’s bedroom

Take off sheets and place in laundry room

Dust bedroom/straighten up

Take off sheets and place in laundry room

Clean kid’s bathroom with brother



Deep clean kitchen

Dust downstairs furniture, windowsills

Organize closets/tidy up desks, paperwork, drawers and cabinets in kitchen and schoolroom

Clean master and downstairs bathrooms

Wash all sheets and towels in house!



Clean out cars and garage

Lawn care

Sweep/dampmop hardwoods downstairs before Sun afternoon small group


My Daily: laundry, all cooking and cleanup with help from kids, and tidying

Edited by LNC
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There wasn't an option for more than one, but we do daily and weekendly. :D Daily we have chore time first thing in the morning. Everyone gets up, makes their bed, gets dressed, tidies their room and bathroom, and then comes down for breakfast. On the weekends we all pitch in for about an hour or two to do the deeper cleaning - extra laundry, dusting, collecting trash, yardwork, etc.

This is how we do it. We all have daily chores, the kids have special Weds. chores, then Sat. we all pitch in with what needs to get done. I do mopping/vacuuming on Thurs.

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We do daily - for a grand total of 15 minutes, and we all do it at the same time.


If I let people do it when they want to during the day, I end up nagging and waiting around for the job to be done. I also get a lot of "she only worked for 5 minutes and I worked for 15!" or peopel who promise to do it later - only to be invited out or something:glare:


I find it easier on me to be drill sergeant around cleaning once a day for a period of time.


This is what we do. There is no way I could keep my kids motivated for 2 hours in one day. Part of that is my dislike for cleaning rubbing off on them. We can do 15 or 20 minutes a day though, and there is very little complaining.

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I coudn't pick two. We try to have a weekly family cleaning time. Includes, changing beds, vacuum, dusting, kitchen, bathrooms, & basic tidying. But, we also try to do a 10min cleanup every few days. This is mostly a basic clean up and tidying...whatever we can do in 10. It's amazing how much we can spiff in 10 min.


But, it is getting harder to do the weekly cleanup because my kids are older and often busy on the weekends.

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We have a daily big and a daily small chore for each child. It rotates each week. They can do their chore whenever they like during the day as long as it is done before they play. (Twins get up and do it before school and the other two wait until after school generally.)


On Saturday everyone can relax until 10, but then they need to get around and eat. After everyone is done eating there is a family cleaning time. I may or may not help depending on what I have left to do. My chores are cooking, laundry and folding, and homeschooling/correcting/planning. If I don't have any planning or financial stuff to work on then I help. Some Saturdays I spend the entire day catching up on planning or trying to implement new accommodations for the kids' special needs other Saturdays I do deep cleaning that the kids just can't do right :tongue_smilie:

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I do most of the cleaning around the house during the week. The kids take care of their own rooms etc.. Sat. is altogether different :) My kids each have a few chores that they specifically know how to do, - dishes, vacuum , bathrooms, etc.. that they help me with, and I usually reward them with something if they go over and above their regular jobs!

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My kids think we are the only ones in the world who take a couple hours (usually on the weekend) and clean as a family. And I'm not even talking deep cleaning...just sweeping under couches/tables and the rest of the floor, vacuuming carpets, dusting (maybe), wiping surfaces, folding clothes, and picking up/putting away.


Now we may be different just because M-F we are never together...Dh works 2nd, I work 1st shift, kids go to 1/2 day classical school. But I wondered if other people have a better system than this...my kids are starting to say, "I HATE weekends!" Maybe we should get them busier every day? :)


(ETA...we do do some things during the week, of course...the kids have an area to sweep almost every day, they clear table/counters and clean after meals and generally do little things as needed).

We do it daily, but that is because there are so many of us and it would be a disaster to only do it on the weekends. Add my husband's unpredictable schedule to that.


However, when I was growing up, we had our daily chore and we spent EVERY Saturday morning cleaning as a family. Laundry, sweeping, mopping, bedrooms, bathrooms, yard work...you name it. Mom and Stepdad worked M-F. Kids were at school M-F. Sunday, kids were sent off to church and parents got a break. So Saturday it was! After our chores, we could go off an play or wander the town to our hearts' content.:001_smile:

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We do weekend deep cleaning on Sat. morning before we do anything else. Vacuum, bathrooms, dusting, towels, bath mats - all the things I don't want to do during the week. We've convinced all our neighbors its a great thing so the kids don't feel too persecuted - all their friends are cleaning too. :D

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We play "the clean up game". My aunts and I grew up playing it too. All the jobs are written on individual slips of paper, take turns drawing, and trade jobs if you want.

We put on some good music and get to it.

You can be free for the weekend as soon as you've done all of your jobs, (each task has to pass inspection).



I like it because it's a little fun in the beginning, everyone knows exactly what they need to do, and mom gets to make sure some of the little things that needed to get done, get done.

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We clean as a family on Saturday morning. We are all just too busy during the week for anything except dishes and laundry. We've got a routine and division of labor and knock it out in a few hours. It's not the most fun way to start the weekend, but we all like a clean house.


this is what we do.

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We do a few different things.


Our morning routine includes me cleaning the toilet while the kids clean the bathroom, also they clean the dining room while I (and sometimes dh) do the washing up and quick kitchen wipe/tidy.


Most days we also have one or two sessions of "chores" which can be anything I think needs doing the most. I try to vary this so it's sometimes everyday stuff (eg folding and putting away clean clothes, vacuuming) and sometimes a bit different (eg polish all the shoes, declutter a cupboard).


Every so often we'll do a Bedroom blitz, which is where we take an hour or so to clean up all the bedrooms together, one after the other.


Then we have buckets full of occasional tasks, and every so often we get to draw a job from those. With the job buckets we have one called Family Fun, which is full of activities that we schedule after the jobs are done.


Apart from the above, we're trying to cultivate the habit of cleaning up after oneself, which is great in theory but a challenge for adults and kids alike.

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