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Do you let you kids do school in their PJ's  

  1. 1. Do you let you kids do school in their PJ's

    • Yes, on a fairly regular basis.
    • Only for special occasions or if they are sick.
    • never
    • obligatory other

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Yep. Dh works from home. No one ever just drops by. We have no reason to get dressed if we aren't going anywhere. We also tend to change into pjs as soon as we get home from somewhere.

Yep except that as soon as dh gets home from work he showers and is in pjs.

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I long for our jammie days of the past. Right now we are out the door 5 days of the week. Most of those days are by lunchtime. My kids are normally dressed by 9ish. Sometimes that is before we get to the school table, sometimes that is after. I, on the other hand, tend to wait until last minute before switching out of my pjs and into my clothing.

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I put yes, but in reality everyone is usually dressed. I make my ds11 get dressed before lunch just because if I didn't, he'd never change his clothes. And, I want to be ready to leave the house when it comes time to go to afternoon activities.


I homeschool either fully dressed or in my workout clothes if I wake up late and don't have time to shower after my workout.

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Ours is time-based. Our general rule is to have day clothes on by 9:30 a.m. School here often startes much earlier than that, so pjs are OK then. But, at somewhere around 9-9:30, we'll break and get dressed. On good days, school is done about that time! (We will start at 6:30 pretty regularly).

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Shoot yes. And I'm in mine too! I get dressed in jeans/tshirt when I'm going out. PJ pants and huge shirts are my daily dress. The only people that ever come to my door unexpectedly are the meat truck man and JW with their tracts, neither of which stay more than 2 seconds when I tell them no thank you and bless them with a great day.

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This is an astounding surprise to me, people! I'm serious. I never in my dizziest daydreams thought most homeschoolers stay in their pjs. I know I'm OCD and all, but still. I'm shocked.

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This is an astounding surprise to me, people! I'm serious. I never in my dizziest daydreams thought most homeschoolers stay in their pjs. I know I'm OCD and all, but still. I'm shocked.




I was getting a feeling which is why I searched for and then put up a poll. I am surprised that there are so many of us that stay in our pj's, happy though:tongue_smilie: I am not the only one.


Last year was our first year, and to start with I made ds get dressed, and we started early, just like school. Then he asked for pj days, we started school later, then dd gave up on pants. She walks around in a tshirt and undies. She comes home, and takes of her pants:001_huh:, then somewhere along the line, I started to get dressed later. I wonder where I will be in 2 more years...


Now I need to check who among us is an early bird (another poll). I struggle getting us anywhere before 10:30. I don't know how I used to have ds up, dressed fed and at school by 8 am....



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Unless someone is sick, my girls are up by 8am, have breakfast, get dressed, and are ready to start school betweem 9-9:30am. The same goes for Mom, except I am usually up betweem 7-7:30am to get a head start. I like to wake up and have my breakfast before all the commotion begins. We take baths/showers at night before bed.:001_smile:

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Yes and no - it's complicated.


If it's cold outside {and inside}, then DD normally wears sweats to do school in, and she also sleeps in sweats.


If it's warm, she wears a school uniform that we mutually decided on at our thrift shop. This way she is not mistaken for one of the local public school kids {we live a block from the elementary school} and it also seems to help her transition into school mode better.

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When my kids were younger, we were up and dressed, had breakfast, and completed chores by 8:30AM. My 17 yr. old DD has of late been staying in her PJ's throughout the school day. It bothers me, but she insists that she is much more comfortable that way. :tongue_smilie: Everyone else is dressed for the day. DD has been embarrassed a few times when someone has stopped by.

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I started out lax on the PJs, but then school started getting pushed to later and I got lazy about working out and doing chores because I was still in my PJs. Now, I immediately put on clothing so if I don't workout first thing, I can fit it in when I have 30 minutes. Having clothes on also motivates me to clean the house. My kids are more alert in regular clothes, plus they know that when school is done they can race outside to play with the neighborhood kids instead of waiting to change out of their PJs.

Edited by ErinE
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Unless someone is sick, my girls are up by 8am, have breakfast, get dressed, and are ready to start school betweem 9-9:30am. The same goes for Mom, except I am usually up betweem 7-7:30am to get a head start. I like to wake up and have my breakfast before all the commotion begins. We take baths/showers at night before bed.:001_smile:


Me, too, except everything here is a little earlier than those numbers. I need to take dd14 to B&M school by 7:35, so we do all need to be getting our act together pretty early (though I don't mind if the boys do the car ride in their pjs). I have always in all my motherhood years really needed (psychologically) to get up before all the commotion begins. I also just feel lonely and rudderless if dh has left for work before I'm up, so that is another reason I get up as early as I do. :001_smile:

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Often enough that they ask me where we are going when I tell them to get dressed.


My youngest is usually wearing nothing but underwear. It's a very unusual day when she keeps clothes on. I used to try and get her dressed in the morning and she would take them off, then put on a different outfit and take that off, leaving clothes scattered around the house where they dropped. I do less laundry if I just let her stay undressed until it's time to leave the house.


DS refuses to wear anything but sweat pants (sensory issues) and half the time that's what he sleeps in too.

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I love this, I started another poll (about start times) but between yes and sometimes at the moment almost 75% school at least sometimes in their PJ's:D


I hope this is sighted in some article about homeschoolers in USA Today:lol::lol:

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We often wear pjs. I do slip on a bOOk shelf the moment I get up though. I just can't walk around without one comfortably. I will brush my hair and put on a little lip gloss, but stay in my pjs. :D We also change into comfy clothes or pjs upon returning home.


My mother is like this, and she didn't even homeschool. My mom is my neighbor and she will meet me out front, half way between our houses to hand me something and we will both be in pajamas. But, I don't garden in mine. :001_huh: It is quite normal to see my mother in front of her house bending over a plant in flannels and a night gown :lol:.

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"The moral fiber in America is dwindling away," Mr. Williams says. "It's pajamas today; what is it going to be tomorrow? Walking around in your underwear?"



Ok, this quote is ridiculous to me. I see this sort of dress a lot in the grocery store too, because we are so close to a university. The girls/young women are always dressed like this. But, the fact is, they are wearing more clothing than what I see on some teens in the mall. I don't mind it all. The article is talking about layers of full pants, tops, and hoodies. It's not like this is lingerie wear!

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