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Need funny book!! Please give me recommendations.

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I need some light-hearted, funny (not stupid) reading. All of my reading lately has been "self-help", "improvement", how to teach better, live better, be better, etc. I just want to sit down and enjoy myself reading a good book.


NOT a drama! NOT a heart-break! NOT a love found, lost and found again. YUCK! I get too emotionally invested.




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The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University by Kevin Roose


The History of the World According to Facebook. I almost never laugh out loud and this had me serioulsy LOLing. (I should caution this book has both language and irreverant moments so don't hand it out to the kiddies.)


Fields & Pastures New: My First Year as a Country Vet by John McCormack

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The Don Camillo books are a light enjoyable read. They are a series of about six books about an Italian priest and his nemesis the Communist mayor set in the 1950s in Italy. The priest sometimes talks to Christ on the cross who talks back.


The first in the series is The Little World of Don Camillo by Giovanni Guareschi. There are a number of equally enjoyable sequels.


Books by Bill Bryson are another possibility. He writes non-fiction that is usually entertaining; lots of travel books as well as books about language and a recent biography of Shakespeare. One of my favorites is The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got that Way.




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Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding


A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson






Also, anything by A.J. Jacobs (The Guinea Pig Diaries; The Year of Living Biblically; etc...).


I'd love to add something more but these are three of my favorites. A night curled up with any of these authors will keep things light.

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The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro. It's hilarious, completely inappropriate, and awesome. I have never laughed so hard while reading a book. Bad language and inappropriate situations, but nothing gratuitous.


Seconded. And in the same vein, any of Jen Lancaster's memoirs (her novel, not so much).

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One for the money by Janet Evanavich.


Think Sandra Bullock in Miss. Congeniality. If you liked that movie, you will like Stephanie Plum. A little bit of mystery, a little bit of action, a couple of hot guys (no teA (first book at least)) and a lot of laughs! Grandma Mazur made me laugh out loud!

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Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K Jerome

Birds, Beasts, and Relatives or My Family and Other Animals, by Durrell

Tom Jones

Heart of a Dog (short and very funny, early 20th cen Russian parody)

The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald

P.J O"Rourke is funny if you don't mind some sex, and drugs, and rock and roll.

S.J Perelman if you do.

I roared through Innocence Abroad

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The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro. It's hilarious, completely inappropriate, and awesome. I have never laughed so hard while reading a book. Bad language and inappropriate situations, but nothing gratuitous.


"A drunk girl is never a pretty girl." :lol:





Sh!t My Dad Says is funny but there is a lot of bad language.

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James Thurber is one of my favorite humorists. I now keep copies at home. Secret Life of Walter Mitty is one of his most well know but I like the ones he does about the battle of the sexes best.


The Night the Ghost Got In and The Night The Bed Fell are so funny. I love Grampa, who thought the police were deserters from Meade's army. "Back to the lines, ye lilly-livered cattle!"

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I would suggest both the Mrs. Pollifax series and the #1 Woman Detective Agency series. They are not comedic, but are light-hearted and sweet. The Mrs. Pollifax series does have funny, laugh-out-loud parts. The #1 Woman Detective Agency series has some deeper, poignant scenes it is as well.

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One for the money by Janet Evanavich.


Think Sandra Bullock in Miss. Congeniality. If you liked that movie, you will like Stephanie Plum. A little bit of mystery, a little bit of action, a couple of hot guys (no teA (first book at least)) and a lot of laughs! Grandma Mazur made me laugh out loud!


Janet Evanavich is my go-to author when I want something light and fluffy. Stick with her "number" books and stay away from the books where she co-authors with another woman. I can't think of the woman's name, but imo, they stink.


"One for the Money" has been made into a movie with Katherine Heigl as Stephanie. I think it comes out this month. I wish they would have picked someone else as Stephanie.

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of great suggestions. I don't see Real Ponies Don't Go Oink mentioned yet. Very funny short stories.


any of the Jeeves books by PG Wodehouse




I'm listening to these as an audiobook right now and enjoying them. The Martin Jarvis reading are perfect.


Any books by Dave Barry or Erma Bombeck.:lol:




A funny book that I read recently: Cooking with Fernet Branca by James Hamilton-Paterson. It's a parody of all the move-to-Tuscany/wish-you-were-here-travel-memoirs/foodie books. Very entertaining, imo.



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This has been my favorite fun book lately:


Whatever You Do, Don't Run: True Tales of a Botswana Safari Guide by Peter Allison


Here's a link:




The sequel is good too.


Yes, this was a fun read! There is one more serious chapter where he gets into the history of Botswana, but as I am enchanted with the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series I enjoyed that part as well.


Didn't know there was a sequel. Off to check that out.

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