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My son starts chemo tomorrow.

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Tomorrow is the day my 4 year old son starts hydroxyurea to help control his sickle cell. It is a form of oral chemo that I will admiister at home. It shouldn't be a big deal, but there is the possibility of him feeling sick, losing some hair, and the typical negative things associated with chemo. The negative side effects are only likely initially while they adjust his levels. The doctor feels that the benefits will be bigger than any of the side effects.


I am hoping to ask the right questions tomorrow and really understand what we are starting. A good friend is watching the baby, and my girls will be at church camp. I will be able to be completely focused on my son and his appointment. I hate that he is sick enough to need this, but I hope it will really work to make him stronger and healthier.

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I am sadden to hear about your son and the difficult time that you all are going through. I also cannot help but know that God will show you some wonderful things...His plans are not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)


Dear Lord,

Thank you for all that You have created us to be. And thank You for loving us so much. It is because we know that You love us that we know we can face many difficult things because You are with us. We do not go through these times alone; You carry us through them.

Teach us, like Job, to say, "Thou He slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:15) We will trust in You.


Thank you, Jesus. Amen

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I hate that he is sick enough to need this, but I hope it will really work to make him stronger and healthier.


Oh, I hope so! It never ceases to amaze me, what he's gone through ~ what you've gone through. May the Peace that passes all understanding be with you, (((Cathy))).

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My heart aches for you -- I can't even imagine. Sending courage to both of you and healing to your son. I hope this treatment will strengthen him even more than you might have expected! Peace, also, to your other children who I know must struggle with all of this as well.

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Praying for you. I know how hard it is to have sick children who are suffering through procedures. I would suggest something little but special for him as a way to help. When I was little and had to travel long distances and with long waits for apppointments and procedures, my mother would always have some good Swiss darkk chocolate for me to make it better. It did. For my children, it was little Matchbox cars. Make your own better memories to supercede the not so good ones.

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I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you and your boy during this first week of chemo for him. Hope you're both doing okay, though I can't imagine it's been a wonderful week for either of you.



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