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Grocery cosst on average...

How much on average per week?  

  1. 1. How much on average per week?

    • 100-150
    • 150-200
    • 200-250
    • 250-300
    • 300-350
    • 350-400
    • 400-450
    • 450-500
    • 500+
    • Other :)

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I know there have been a lot of these posts :) but I want the poll to see a snapshot.


Grocery includes things like toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, cleaning supplies and the like. These are for things absolutely needed. For instance paper plates aren't needed.


We are a family of 5 and I am *trying* to eat better. No processed food and more organic. I want to try and get into a more vegetarian diet, I would like to eat meat only once or twice a week.


So how much do you think, realistically, you would spend weekly on needed things? Not including unforeseen things like a burnt out mixer (yea happened to me once) or other such things. :D

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We have four people in the house, including two teens (one of whom eats more than either of the adults). I've been aiming to spend under $150 per week and doing just fine.


We have three vegans and one vegetarian, and we use only cruelty-free/natural household cleaners and personal care items. I do buy some junk food like chips and frozen potato products and soda.

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I voted $100-150. My grocery budget is $400/month for 2 adults, 2 boys (8.5 & 4.5), and a cat. We eat mostly whole/organic foods all the time, and I use a lot of natural, homemade cleaners. We don't use paper plates, napkins, or paper towels, and we don't buy bottled water or soda. Occasionally, I will buy organic juice for the boys. I do coupon/stockpile for toothpaste, shampoo, and soap when I can.

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We're trying to stick to a budget of $450/mo for food and $50/mo for household stuff (ie cleaning stuff, toilet paper, etc). So that'd be in the $100-$150/week range. We eat a mostly whole foods diet (except for DH who eats a lot of processed foods). We do eat a lot of cheap stuff like potatoes and beans, but we also eat a lot of meat, expensive gluten-free grains, and lots and lots of butter so those drive the costs up. Oh and my family eats a TON. The kids and I all have really high metabolisms and I think each of us eats half again what the average person of our age would eat. And DH is a big guy so he eats a lot too.

Edited by caedmyn
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Our grocery budget is $700 a month (four people), and we generally stay under it. This does include primarily grass-fed, locally sourced meats and around 50% organic veggies/fruit. However, I also buy almost no paper/cleaning products (we use cloth and bulk vinegar/Dr. Bronner's, which go a long way), and when I do buy them, I do so using coupons and get great deals. Right now I have a few months worth of free toilet paper downstairs, for example.


I do think I could lower my budget a bit, but right now, given our current habits, this is what we spend.

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At $100 per week we eat really well and have lots of treats in the house. At $75 a week we eat a balanced diet but miss some of our favorites. $600 per month is what I average for groceries/toiletries/weekly breakfast out/2-3 dinners out or takeout, plus some wine/beer/Starbucks/treats grabbed for the kids. We are usually 2 adults and 2 children (plus teenage stepson some weekends). We live in a very low COL area, I make almost everything from scratch, I pack DH's lunch, and I am starting from a well-stocked pantry.

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We spend about $150 a week. Sometimes it can be a bit higher, but not much. There are three of us plus two cats and a dog. Basically, three adults since dd is a teen.


We are all watching our weight and trying to eat healthier. We tend to buy a mix of frozen diet meals, lean protein (usually chicken and fish), veggies/fruit and low fat snacks. Also buy diet soda and coffee, which gets expensive. The $150 includes everything else as well such as toiletries and pet food.


I use to use coupons and shop sales. When I did that, we spent about $100 a week. It was a lot of processed foods though, and we just don't eat that way now.

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I was keeping it at $150 per week diligently. I was couponing and cutting costs as much as I could.


We have now opted to get almost all processed foods out of the house and it is upping our grocery bill significantly.


I started with $200 we got for Christmas gifts and spent that on a jump start for food.


At Costco I have already spent $400 this month. ($200 of Christmas money plus $200 of our $$) Now, we are set for a while on several things due to that, so that isn't just a 1 week splurge, but it was more than I thought it would be. That includes a big toilet paper and paper towel purchase as well as dog food.


Other than that, I bought:



organic salsa




loads of other produce


10 pounds of frozen chicken

4 pounds of ground turkey




15 gallons of milk

5 pounds of cheese


Cream Cheese (several New Year's parties to make dip for!)

brown rice


dried figs



craisins (yes, I know they have sugar)


Organic PB



flax seed


almond butter

organic jam


and the list goes on, but you get the idea.....lots of INGREDIENTS rather than prepped foods. I am trying. I really am.....it just gets hard when you have to spend so much time in the kitchen!



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I must be weird, because I spend under $100 per week. Probably around $50 for myself and two 5-year-olds. This is without scrimping (mostly organic foods), but we don't buy meat or snack food/drinks. And it doesn't count the kids' school lunches (which are included in their tuition).

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I spend about $300 a month for me and dd13. This amount has actually gone up because I quit eating at fast food places (but overall, it's cheaper to buy groceries than eat out, I just mean my grocery bill has gone up). This includes all food, paper products, pet foods, cleaning items, toiletries. I do buy some processed foods (Lean Cuisines and canned soups for work) but for the most part, our food is just regular food.

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I average about $80/week but we do buy our beef in bulk which adds $10-15/week additional. Then I have about $20 for extras--little things that Walmart sells that we need.


23ds is disabled so he gets a small amount of food stamps which helps but doesn't cover the cost of his food.

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I'm hovering between $130 and $150 these days with 4 full time kids and one occasional teenager (plus dh and myself.)


That sometimes includes pet foods, though I try to get dh to pick it up elsewhere. It does include 7th Generation diapers (relatively pricey) now that our dryer is on the fritz, as well as a little bit of prepared baby/toddler foods to supplement his regular diet.


We don't do cold cuts other than some cheese (I'd rather slice up leftovers), I make our bread, I do stock up on GM cereals when they're on sale, and I've cut back on my kids' milk consumption.


The bulk of our total goes towards produce, since our garden isn't matching our needs just yet. (Not a single speck to preserve this past year! :001_huh:)

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We try to stick to $500 a month sometimes we go over. But I buy in Bulk from azure so that reduces the price of some things that are $$$ in the stores. I can get organic rice, apples and flour for much less than from the grocery store. We stock up on beef about twice a year and I got chicken at a cheap price as well.

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No, not weird. We have 4 of us who eat like adults plus a 7 year old who can come close!


So, my $150/wk is probably less per person than your $100/wk.


Dave Ramsey says a general rule of thumb is $25/wk per person. Now, that was a few years ago that he said that, but we *can* stick to that if we need to.




I must be weird, because I spend under $100 per week. Probably around $50 for myself and two 5-year-olds. This is without scrimping (mostly organic foods), but we don't buy meat or snack food/drinks. And it doesn't count the kids' school lunches (which are included in their tuition).
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I kept track of all receipts in 2011 (including picking berries at berry farms, farmers market purchases, plus toiletries and paper products--anything I get at the grocery store). I met my goal of averaging $650 per month. Some months are a lot higher when I am stocking up (berries in July, baking products in Nov/Dec). Some are lower. But anyway, $650 per month puts me at exactly $150 per week ($650x12/52) which falls into two categories in your poll. I voted the lower one ($100-$150).

Edited by Ali in OR
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We spend less than 100 a week, including all other grocery items (walmart items). Of course, I make all of our cleaning supplies, most of the beauty supplies, and have very few paper products in the house (cloth everything, nearly). But we are gluten free, mostly whole food vegans, so i think it all evens out in the end.

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