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Movies that make you cry

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I'm another sap. I sobbed my eyes out when Heidi got taken from her grandfather. I can't even hardly read a touching Christmas book without crying. Little Librarian is going to reread those books as an adult and wonder what the heck was wrong with me sobbing during them. :001_smile:

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Out of Africa. Sweet fancy Moses, I cried for about 30 minutes until the end of the movie (I knew what was coming), and then I cried off and on for about 30 minutes after it was over. I've never cried that much over a movie ever!


After that, it's the old standbys: Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment, and Toy Story 3. Oh, and, bizarrely, Armageddon, that movie with Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler about an asteroid hitting the earth. I won't say anymore about why, but the relationship between the dad and daughter affected me very deeply. The rest of the movie was enjoyably cheesy, but there was about 5 minutes' worth that left me a wreck.

Edited by melissel
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I took my dd to see the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast today. At the end, I cried like a baby. Not because of the love story, but because of the scene at the end of the play when Mrs. Potts kneels down, arms open, saying, "My boy!" and Chip goes running into them. No one else is the place is shedding a tear, and I've got them running down my face. :001_rolleyes:

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Up -- saw it soon after my father had passed away, and in the first part of the movie, all I could think of was my mother missing my father.


Empire of the Sun -- love, love this movie; I am not a big movie person, but I don't understand why this one was not more acclaimed; I felt it was quite powerful--about a boy who was living in China when the Japanese took over in WW2

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As others have mentioned:


Steel Magnolias




And also:


Nestor, the Long Eared Donkey

Charlotte's Web

Love Actually

Polar Express

Home Alone

Uncle Buck

Pretty Woman (esp the line that mentions "we think you have a lot of potential)

Harry Potter - the last 4




And adding:


Love Story

Gone with the Wind

Schindler's List

All the American Girl movies I've watched with dd. (I'm just a big sap)

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Tous les matins du monde. I start crying about 10 minutes in and don't stop until 10 minutes after it's over. The music haunts my dreams. Here is a

. Unfortunately, it is in French and the subtitles on this version are in Polish (I think). However, you don't need to understand either language to understand the story and music.
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Dying Young


Untamed Heart


OTOH, I have to be the only human that did NOT cry at Titanic. Everyone in the theater was bawling and all I could think was "you all knew the ship was gonna sink, right? And I can't believe she got off the lifeboat for some guy she met like 12 hours ago!"


There is clearly something wrong with me. :tongue_smilie:

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Some of us were crying mingled tears of pain and mirth, not sure whether to laugh or cry at such a monumentally bad movie.;)


I loved that movie! I saw it three times at the cinema and bought the video!


Then one day I put it on and wondered what on earth I liked so much. I mean the frocks were good, but suddenly that was all I liked about it, so I gave the vid to my sister. I couldn't sit through it ever again, not even for the frocks.


Must have been part of a mass hallucination or something.:confused:



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Most recently (I don't go out to many movies) but Hotel Rwanda - I was crying (snuffling, gulping air) for a half hour after the movie was over.


Others I remember - I cried when Spock died in Star Trek movie number 3?


The Heart is a Lonely Hunter


I generally don't cry too much in movie theaters.

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I remember very well when it came out at the theater. A dear friend of mine asked if I wanted to go see it with her teenage dd and her dd's friend. They wanted to sit in the very first row. I cried.....literally sobbed (it was the hardest thing not to make any noise and embarrass myself to death!). I still remember the scene when she remembers him as she's walking up the steps and Leonardo is by the clock and turns around with his hand outstretched.......:crying: I really like the movie, and I have the vhs. But, I rarely ever watch it because I just can't bring myself to see it again.


Another one that I cried hard at the theater was Steel Magnolias; Sally Field's scene. I was with my mom at the theater that time.


Moulin Rouge makes me cry at the end, every.single.time (and it's not like I don't know how it will end!).


I just watched a movie for the first time this week called I Am Sam. I was in puddles. Great movie, btw....loved it.


There's a lot of movies that I cry at. But, I cry really easily.

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If I even think about Terms of Endearment I start to cry. When Shirley Maclain is screaming for someone to give her daughter the pain medication gets me every single time.


My daughter sobbed when Dobby died in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. At first we thought she was laughing but then saw the tears running down her face.


BTW, I love this thread!!!


Elise in NC

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P.S. I love you- 1/2 a box of tissues.


Eight below - complete day lost to tears (we used to have huskies. I told my mom she is never allowed to watch that movie)


Frequency - makes me cry for some very personal reasons.


Schindler's List - went to the theater to see while I was going through cancer tx. Cried through most of it. Me and a group of older Jewish women were the only ones there. We all left in tears. Made cancer tx look simple.


I'm sappy too. We're watching Fellowship of the Ring today. I'm sure I'll cry at several points, as I always do.

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Oh, shoot, I cry at everything. I get all teary when Lightning McQueen gives up his chance for the Piston Cup at the end of Cars. There are a lot of scenes in the LOTR trilogy that make me cry. Steel Magnolias makes me cry. The one movie that actually had me sobbing in the theater was The Green Mile; I'd read the book and knew the ending that was coming, and it did me in -- I buried my face in DH's shoulder and sobbed.

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Ordinary People

The Way We Were

Life is Beautiful


...and the movie with the all-time best last scene in the history of film, Cinema Paradiso. There are quite a few movies that bring me to tears, most of them either in the oldies-but-goodies or foreign categories.


Ooo--you made me look CP up--so glad I did! Did you see the "director's cut," where footage he cut was added back in? It makes the ending so bittersweet. Great film w/o the extra scenes, but takes a bit of a different turn when you see them.


(btw, it's nice to see you here)

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You all must be young uns! I am 44 and no one has mentioned:


Brian's Song???? UGH UGH!! Worst movie, they made us watch it in 8th grade PE...I think our teacher took joy in making us cry before heading to our next class.



The Deer Hunter

Schindler's List (the music alone will get me crying now)

Saving Private Ryan

Benji (ugh, it ruined animal movies for me for life)

Where the Red Fern Grows

I Remember Mama (old black and white one)

And yes I cried at ET

The Champ

Oh and that ice skating movie where she went blind "The roses!! Look out for the Roses!!!!"

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Lonesome Dove has been making me cry for almost 25 years. All I have to do is hear the music.


Legends of the Fall is a close second. Especially when the father rejoices that all of his children are gathered around his table.


I cry at just about anything. But I don't like movies that are made to be tear-jerkers- like Terms of Endearment and Beaches. (Probably because I can't really watch due to the flood of tears.)


I cry at Lonesome Dove. I sobbed a few nights ago at Gran Torino. I LOVED The Help, but cried through it.


I also cry at the Olympics. Some contests are so emotional! Don't even get me started on award ceremonies...

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You all must be young uns! I am 44 and no one has mentioned:


Brian's Song???? UGH UGH!! Worst movie, they made us watch it in 8th grade PE...I think our teacher took joy in making us cry before heading to our next class.



The Deer Hunter

Schindler's List (the music alone will get me crying now)

Saving Private Ryan

Benji (ugh, it ruined animal movies for me for life)

Where the Red Fern Grows

I Remember Mama (old black and white one)

And yes I cried at ET

The Champ

Oh and that ice skating movie where she went blind "The roses!! Look out for the Roses!!!!"



Oh...The part in Schindler's where you see the red coated little girl, and then later see her body on the pile of bodies--Oh, my. I love how he used color just that once, to make real what was so unreal, to bring to specificity pain that can be so general, and thus, so easy to ignore.

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I also cry at the Olympics. Some contests are so emotional! Don't even get me started on award ceremonies...




I was in the hospital after just giving birth to ds during the last Olympics and they were showing a montage of supportive parents. There was one clip where a young runner fell during an event and couldn't walk. His Dad jumped the fence and helped him cross the finish line. I was an absolute wreck. The nurses were really worried about me cause I couldn't stop sobbing and my blood pressure was way up. They were probably thinking PPD but it was just those dang Olympics!

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Lonesome Dove kills me. Can't watch it without crying buckets.


I cried at Titanic because I knew the boat really sank. All I could think while the people were trying to get off that boat and later, floating in the water, was that real people felt terror like that. I wasn't really crying so much for the character.


Sophie's Choice. Just thinking about that movie makes me cry.


Also, many of the ones already mentioned. I don't watch too many movies any more that I think will make me cry. The last time I cried at anything was actually an episode of "The Tudors", in the episode where Thomas More is beheaded. The acting in that episode, particularly the end was just brilliant. I didn't just cry, I sobbed.

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Love Story

Terms of Endearment



Andre (I've seen it at least 30 times and I *still* cry every time I see it!)

Dolphin Tale (I cried the first time I saw it and will likely cry every time I do)


Oh, how could I forget Love Story?!?! And, Gone With the Wind. I always cry at that one, too. It's so sad to not know you already have everything you could ever want until it's too late. Must go edit my list.

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