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Do you feel having a family blog is dangerous?

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I have a family blog because we live in another country from my family and I want to keep them up to date. Through blogging, I have met a ton of wonderful moms with lots of common interests. However, recently I've become pretty concerned about internet safety. I don't use our full name in posts, but it really wouldn't be that hard to figure that kind of thing out I think.


I got an inappropriate comment yesterday on a post that is over two years old about my son getting potty trained. Now I'm all weirded out.


Looking for some perspective...

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I have avoided blogging because I do think it's just putting too much information out there in the big wide world. I'd be worried about what it might lead to--stalkers or other weird stuff. I know that it isn't very hard to figure out the names/locations/details of the people whose blogs I read . . . and if I had ill intentions, I'm pretty sure I could find most of them.


That said, I know nothing bad ever really happens to the bloggers I know. So perhaps there isn't much evidence to support my fear!

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I have a blog. I don't use our full names and I changed my kid's first names. That was more for privacy than safety. I just felt that they weren't making the choice to blog so I wanted to respect their privacy. I'm sure is someone really wanted to they could figure out who we are and where we are but I don't see that as much of a risk. For one, my blog is very small and I don't have many readers.


I used to use photos on my blog but I saw that someone had happened upon my blog using a very weird search term. I typed in that same search term and came upon a few websites that were unbelievably disgusting. They were essentially child porn sites but people were clearly copying photos from other people's sites that were not meant for that purpose. I don't want to get too detailed but it made me physically ill. I didn't see any photos of my own kids but even the thought that it was possible was just horrible. So I now only use photos that are non-identifying and I'm very careful about what photos I post (no swimsuits for example). I'm not terribly overprotective and I'm not usually that worried about things like modesty...but in this case I was just too weirded out and decided it wasn't worth it.

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I do which is why I don't do a family blog with updated pictures. I do have a sewing blog and sometimes they make an appearance but it is with nicknames only.


If I had a family one it would be private and invited guests only and the reading audience would be small. I don't even like posting their pictures on facebook but they are on there.

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I used to be a regular blogger. Never had the big time audience at all, but it chronicled our journey to our kids, life afterwards, etc - typical mom blog stuff. I blogged about race issues some, adoption, etc. Basically, just our story and life.


Then I received a nasty comment on a picture post. I never posted full names, but the occasional first name (usually just initial) and pics of my kids. I tracked the comment to a hate group in the Middle East. Seriously. I scrubbed the blog of pics, changed names, and hardly blog anymore. Even if you password protect what you write, I imagine any decent hacker can get around it.


I'm just starting to contemplate another blog geared towards homeschooling. No pics of the kids. No location. (Never did that anyway) No names. But I don't know, I'm still a bit spooked by it all because what Midwest-living mama expects to get blasted by a Middle East hate group??

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Thanks for all the thoughtful comments.


I realize that bad things can happen, blogging or not, and I don't want to be paranoid if the risk is really negligible. But like someone mentioned, I am not really sure how or where this personal information might be used in the future, and so I'm starting to wonder if maintaining my blog is imprudent.


Still thinking on it.

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I have a family blog because we live in another country from my family and I want to keep them up to date. Through blogging, I have met a ton of wonderful moms with lots of common interests. However, recently I've become pretty concerned about internet safety. I don't use our full name in posts, but it really wouldn't be that hard to figure that kind of thing out I think.


I got an inappropriate comment yesterday on a post that is over two years old about my son getting potty trained. Now I'm all weirded out.


Looking for some perspective...


I've blogged for five years. I don't post specifically identifying info, but if anyone took time to read, they could easily find me. (I have a pics of my personalized license plate and my home, and work info, and it'd be simple to find my general location.) I've never had any concerns about it, and I've never heard of anyone being "found" and endangered because of their blog--with the exception of a health insurance company monitoring the mother of a very ill boy (really).:confused:


I would be unnerved about the comment, although I wouldn't feel endangered. (Depending on what it was--the ick factor of possibilities on potty training threads, kwim?)


Do you have some sort of tracker so you can tell where visitors' ISPs are located? Is it possible that it's one of those "bot" commenters? You might consider blocking anonymous comments, or making your blog available only to those who use a password that you provide (hugely inconvenient for readers, and only the most devoted grandparents might continue to jump through the necessary hoops).


Again, I personally wouldn't feel unsafe. You might add on a tracker, monitor it, and then reassess if this person continues to comment.



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Do you worry that going to the store is dangerous because somebody might follow you home? Being outside because somebody might see you? I just can't get worked up over somebody knowing our first names, state, seeing our pictures etc on our homeschooling blog. We are much more in the public eye every time we leave our house. Do I put up our last name, address and phone number in neon letters on my blog to make it easy for someone who wanted to "find us" through my blog? Of course not. But do I think there are great odds someone is going to want to do that to begin with? No, no more than I think there are great odds somebody is lurking and waiting to follow us home every time they see us at the post office, museum, or supermarket.

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No, I do not consider it dangerous. What do you think is going to happen?


As public employees, much of DH's and my information is public by law. Anybody who wishes to find our address and phone number and details about our work can easily do so, along with salary information.

I do not see why I should be concerned about a family blog. Anybody who sees us in town knows that we have children, how many, how old. And I highly doubt any body will travel to our location from afar based on a blog with the intent to cause harm.

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Do you worry that going to the store is dangerous because somebody might follow you home? Being outside because somebody might see you? I just can't get worked up over somebody knowing our first names, state, seeing our pictures etc on our homeschooling blog. We are much more in the public eye every time we leave our house. Do I put up our last name, address and phone number in neon letters on my blog to make it easy for someone who wanted to "find us" through my blog? Of course not. But do I think there are great odds someone is going to want to do that to begin with? No, no more than I think there are great odds somebody is lurking and waiting to follow us home every time they see us at the post office, museum, or supermarket.


:iagree: Exactly.

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:iagree: Exactly.


I have these mental images of sending my kids out to play and calling after them, now remember, wear the ski masks and call each other by your code names! And if a car goes by, roll under the bushes! Nobody can ever see us! Not in pictures, not in person! We don't exist! What's the mantra?


I'm a ninja. You can't see me.


Good job! Go play!



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Do you worry that going to the store is dangerous because somebody might follow you home? Being outside because somebody might see you? I just can't get worked up over somebody knowing our first names, state, seeing our pictures etc on our homeschooling blog. We are much more in the public eye every time we leave our house. Do I put up our last name, address and phone number in neon letters on my blog to make it easy for someone who wanted to "find us" through my blog? Of course not. But do I think there are great odds someone is going to want to do that to begin with? No, no more than I think there are great odds somebody is lurking and waiting to follow us home every time they see us at the post office, museum, or supermarket.


I agree completely.


I blog and I enjoy posting photos. My readers (both of them, LOL) know my general location but not specifics. I don't use our names, but I'm not overly cautious either. When we go to interesting activities, I usually link to them on my blog. So even though we live in the sticks, I'm sure people know the major city we are near.


I've made some great long distance friends through my blog. A few of us even exchange birthday, Christmas, and just-because gifts via mail.


I've gotten a couple of VERY inappropriate comments too. Just delete them and keep on rocking. Don't let Internet bullies ruin a great thing. That's EXACTLY what the *delete* key is for.

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My boys would LOVE IT if I let them do that in public!! :lol:


I have these mental images of sending my kids out to play and calling after them, now remember, wear the ski masks and call each other by your code names! And if a car goes by, roll under the bushes! Nobody can ever see us! Not in pictures, not in person! We don't exist! What's the mantra?


I'm a ninja. You can't see me.


Good job! Go play!



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I have a private blog but haven't written on it lately. I didn't get that much traffic when it wasn't private. It's mainly for family.


On one beautiful, interesting blog I have read in the past, the mom mentioned that she'd taken down some info because they thought it gave away too much. I wondered if she really did have "privacy" so, from stuff she'd already said, I did a Google search and quickly found out who she was, where they lived, etc. I thought about emailing her (she has quite a few readers) but I never did. I was afraid she'd see me as a stalker when I was just curious about blogger anonymity. I don't really care where she lives.


If it were you, would you want to know how easily your identity and whereabouts could be discovered?

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Just so you all know even if you keep your location and names off your blog, if the pictures you took were taken with a cell phone with GPS, there is software that will allow people to find out the exact location the photo was taken. That means if you post a photo of Jilly in her bedroom taken with your iPhone, people with the right software will know the exact geographical location of Jilly's bedroom!



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Just so you all know even if you keep your location and names off your blog, if the pictures you took were taken with a cell phone with GPS, there is software that will allow people to find out the exact location the photo was taken. That means if you post a photo of Jilly in her bedroom taken with your iPhone, people with the right software will know the exact geographical location of Jilly's bedroom!




Wow, that's creepy but good to know.

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I think there is a potential for some crazy person to use my blog in an unscrupulous way, yes. I also think there are many dangers of all sorts lurking out in the world. I've had my credit card information hacked 3 times, and had to shut down accounts, etc. It doesn't stop me from using my credit/debit card. I choose not to live in fear. I don't really post anything incriminating on my blog, so I can't see anyone using that information against me. Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. I can't control what someone else is going to do. Worrying about "what ifs" is something I choose not to do.

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Do you worry that going to the store is dangerous because somebody might follow you home? Being outside because somebody might see you? I just can't get worked up over somebody knowing our first names, state, seeing our pictures etc on our homeschooling blog. We are much more in the public eye every time we leave our house. Do I put up our last name, address and phone number in neon letters on my blog to make it easy for someone who wanted to "find us" through my blog? Of course not. But do I think there are great odds someone is going to want to do that to begin with? No, no more than I think there are great odds somebody is lurking and waiting to follow us home every time they see us at the post office, museum, or supermarket.


I understand what you are saying, and maybe blogging is not a huge risk, but you are putting yourself out there for potentially anyone in the world who has internet access. That's what makes it different than just being out and about, going to the grocery store, etc. You are exposing yourself to (potentially) way more people online.


I'm not telling anyone not to blog, but I do think the risk is different than just being out in your community. I'm not sure how to measure that risk. I guess it depends on how many visitors and readers you have.

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We have one for the same reason as you and no, I don't think it's dangerous.

I use first names, but I'm careful not to include identifying information or too detailed location information.


I don't use first names, I use pseudonyms for my kids. I guess if you were determined you could probably figure out where we live, but I try not to use any identifying information.

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For the majority of people, I don't believe there's any danger at all. No more so than chatting with a friend at a coffee shop with the weird guy at the next table listening in - and he could follow you home.

My feelings exactly.


Many people who would never use their kids' real names online have no hesitation about calling their kids by name at a public park or something. Which is honestly likely to be more of a problem?


I tend to not use real names and other details because I don't want my posts easily searchable by people who know us in real life, not because I have any real concern about internet stalkers.


I'm not telling anyone not to blog, but I do think the risk is different than just being out in your community. I'm not sure how to measure that risk. I guess it depends on how many visitors and readers you have.

If you search around for info, you'll find that the risk is, realistically, very very low. Strangers do not seem to be targeting kids whose parents post their pictures on the internet for real life crimes.


The most realistic risk is having pictures used for nefarious purposes of some sort or another.


That's not to say it couldn't happen, but I think taking kids out in public is really a greater risk. And family members, friends, and others who are known to the family are the biggest risk.

Edited by ocelotmom
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Anything you do online is not necessarily private, regardless of the controls which are or are not in place.


Whether that could hurt you depends on what you put "out there" and what your vulnerabilities are.


This is worth discussing, but I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all rule.

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There is a concern that I have about this that no one is mentioning here. It is my family members' privacy rights in the future. If I post cute stories that could be embarrassing down the road, those could haunt my child when looking for a job or getting married or whatever. I believe that all of the information that we post is someday going to be compiled, even the things that we delete to some extent. It's just the way software is progressing. So I don't ever mention my DD's name here--never have, never will. And I don't blog, am pretty individual on Facebook, and guard her privacy for her future. It will be her decision, not mine, how much to put up.

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I have a blog that I post lots of things on....tons of photos. I'm not overly worried, but I do use a few safety measures. I never tell when/where we are going on a vacation until we come back. I don't use our real first or last names. I don't list our city though I'm pretty sure I've listed our state before.


Are these measures fool proof? Of course not....but I like having them in place.

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But, yes I worry about blogs more than facebook, because at least w/ facebook (so far) I can control who sees what I post.


Except that Facebook has legal rights to do pretty much whatever they want with your information, and they certainly do use it.


I don't blog right now, but I don't have any worries about something awful happening because of blogging. I don't think there's much risk there.


I do wonder about how a lot of kids will feel when they grow up and realize their parents put their whole lives out there on the Internet for everyone to see. I've seen some blogs that would rival reality television in that regard. (I'm not a fan of kids being used for entertainment on tv.) And what will these kids think of what their parents said about them when they're old enough to go search it out? Because of course they will.


I also wonder about people getting busted by family members for things they say online. There's an awful lot of public venting that happens on the internet.


I guess I think people shouldn't say things online that they wouldn't say to a person directly. If you'd hate for your kids/parents/friends to read it, then maybe you should reconsider writing it.

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I really don't worry about it. I post pics of my kids. I post places we have been. Statistically, my kids have a greater chance of someone they know doing something creepy.


I don't say anything online about my kids or family that I would not say to their face. Now that my kids are older they know what is on the blog and if they don't want me to share something I respect their wishes.

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There is a concern that I have about this that no one is mentioning here. It is my family members' privacy rights in the future. If I post cute stories that could be embarrassing down the road, those could haunt my child when looking for a job or getting married or whatever. I believe that all of the information that we post is someday going to be compiled, even the things that we delete to some extent. It's just the way software is progressing. So I don't ever mention my DD's name here--never have, never will. And I don't blog, am pretty individual on Facebook, and guard her privacy for her future. It will be her decision, not mine, how much to put up.


I didn't mention it specifically, but yes, it is part of my motivation for not using names. Future employers, future boyfriends/girlfriends, future (or potentially current) same-age bullies...

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Everything you post has a risk, you just have to weigh the positives vs. the negatives.


I have a family blog because we live in another country from my family and I want to keep them up to date. Through blogging, I have met a ton of wonderful moms with lots of common interests. However, recently I've become pretty concerned about internet safety. I don't use our full name in posts, but it really wouldn't be that hard to figure that kind of thing out I think.


I got an inappropriate comment yesterday on a post that is over two years old about my son getting potty trained. Now I'm all weirded out.


Looking for some perspective...

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I have these mental images of sending my kids out to play and calling after them, now remember, wear the ski masks and call each other by your code names! And if a car goes by, roll under the bushes! Nobody can ever see us! Not in pictures, not in person! We don't exist! What's the mantra?


I'm a ninja. You can't see me.


Good job! Go play!




Literally:lol::lol:over here!! Lovin' it:tongue_smilie:!!

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No, I don't think it's dangerous.


Do you worry that going to the store is dangerous because somebody might follow you home? Being outside because somebody might see you? I just can't get worked up over somebody knowing our first names, state, seeing our pictures etc on our homeschooling blog. We are much more in the public eye every time we leave our house. Do I put up our last name, address and phone number in neon letters on my blog to make it easy for someone who wanted to "find us" through my blog? Of course not. But do I think there are great odds someone is going to want to do that to begin with? No, no more than I think there are great odds somebody is lurking and waiting to follow us home every time they see us at the post office, museum, or supermarket.







I understand what you are saying, and maybe blogging is not a huge risk, but you are putting yourself out there for potentially anyone in the world who has internet access. That's what makes it different than just being out and about, going to the grocery store, etc. You are exposing yourself to (potentially) way more people online.


I'm not telling anyone not to blog, but I do think the risk is different than just being out in your community. I'm not sure how to measure that risk. I guess it depends on how many visitors and readers you have.


But it's highly unlikely that someone somewhere in the world will target you or your children. It's more likely that some crazy person in your town will target you.

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I do not think having a family blog is anymore dangerous than leaving my own home, or just being in it for that matter. I am not aware of any stories of people being attacked or harmed because of having a blog. I do think we need to be careful of the images posted and words used on the blog because it can cause your images to be pulled up on Google image searches. Last month I noticed I had one hit from a Google image search that turned out to be a search that would be done for inappropriate images. One of my pictures happened to be in that search because right above the image I used the words "Little Ladies" in reference to my daughters.:001_huh: I immediately changed my wording! It freaked me out a bit but it was one search and the image was in no way inappropriate. I have never received any strange comments on my blog though.

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Dangerous? Depends on what you are posting.:D


For our unusual family dynamics, it would give us a little more information out there than I am comfortable with. The exposure would have the potential to embarrass or even harm other family members. I know that anything done on the internet is not anonomous, but I'd like to keep as much anonymity as possible. That is why we rarely post names, photographs, or detailed information.

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For some people perhaps. But now, through this forum, we know not to worry about American families since they all value their guns and conceal carry permits. Should some internet creep find one of them in real life, well, you know how that will end. LOL


Now you have me sputtering! Or at least snorting and LOL!!:lol:

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There is a concern that I have about this that no one is mentioning here. It is my family members' privacy rights in the future. If I post cute stories that could be embarrassing down the road, those could haunt my child when looking for a job or getting married or whatever. I believe that all of the information that we post is someday going to be compiled, even the things that we delete to some extent. It's just the way software is progressing. So I don't ever mention my DD's name here--never have, never will. And I don't blog, am pretty individual on Facebook, and guard her privacy for her future. It will be her decision, not mine, how much to put up.


:iagree: Well said! I also have never used my dd's and ds's names here or anywhere else on the WWW for that matter. I refuse to have a facebook account and I don't and won't blog.


Like you, it isn't just for safety (although that's a part) but it is more so for privacy. I just don't want anyone to know details about me and my family. I'm a really private person. Anyone that needs to know something about me and mine will be told by me personally. Otherwise, they have no business knowing it. ;)

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