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For those who have 3 or more children...

When was your 3rd child born in relation to the first 2?  

  1. 1. When was your 3rd child born in relation to the first 2?

    • My 3rd child was born some time in between my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born earlier than my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born later than my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born approximately the same time as one of my first two children.

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I was told by my doctor that the 3rd child is usually born sometime in between the time the 1st and 2nd child was born. For example, my first was 37 weeks and my second was 40 weeks, so I should expect baby #3 to be born some time in between 37 and 40 weeks.

I'm 36 weeks now and was wondering when your 3rd child was born in relation to the first 2?

Edited by Moniksca
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My first I went into labor at 39 weeks, one day. My second was born on his due date - 40 weeks exactly. My third I went into labor at 39 weeks, five days. My fourth I was induced 3 weeks early for emergency reasons.

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All right about at due date. For first labor started the night of her due date but she was born about 27 hours later--birthdate two days after due date. Second dd was induced 5 days early--she probably would have gone to term. Third was born 1 day before due date.

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First was 12 days late. Second was 7 days late. Third was 18 days late. Fourth was 14 days late. Fifth was right on the due date (:svengo:). Sixth was 14 days late.


Editing to add...The first two were induced, the last four were not. The first 3 were all normal pregnancies with doctors visits at appropriate times. The last 3 were all under my supervision. So, applying this theory to my last three (since the circumstances where identical each time), it isn't true for me.

Edited by peachskittles
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Love these...doctors go by 'charts' babies go by their own design! :)


First son...due date May 7th...born May 26th with full induction, max pitosin you could take and labor was over 40 hours...one push and he was out (over 9 pounds)


Second daughter..due date February 27...born March 2nd ...induction/full pitosin...37 hours and one push...if I can just get to 10 centimeters they pop out! 8 pounds 11 ounces


Third daughter...due date April 15...contractions/early labor started mid March they put me on bed rest....when her due date came and passed...they had me come in weekly for sonogram to check on her...finally, on April 26th they induced me...this time 16 hours and one push...but both her and my first born were fairly late..only my second came within a week of her due date (always late of course)...this last one was 9 pounds 9 ounces.


They have their own time! :)

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First two were somewhat late.


The third one was Miss Punctual. I was positively horrified that I, of all people, gave birth to a child who has already at birth demonstrated a tendency to come on time or - gasp! the horror! - even a bit earlier. :001_huh: We are going to work very hard with her to overcome that big problem. :lol:

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I'm a weirdo. All 3 of my children were born at 38 weeks, 2 days. I have NO idea why. I went into labor naturally. Because my first two matched, I joked around that I knew the day my 3rd would be born, and dang if she wasn't born on that day!!! I couldn't figure out what kind of message I was getting. :)


What changed was the length of labor. That went down with each child.

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My third was the only one who came on her own-about five days before her due date. My first was a c-section when the found out a day before my due date that he was breech and I was starting contractions. And my second, they induced me on my due date.


I remember hating those last few appointments at the doctor, especially when they give you the false hope of not coming in again...only to be there next week with no baby yet.:glare:

It was harder for me when the doctor told me I should have my baby anyday and it still took longer.

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I didn't vote b/c most of mine were induced but I can tell you that the first was 9 days late when I was induced and the 2nd came on his own 5 days early. The third was induced at 5 days early and I was maybe only 1cm at the time but due to rapid labor I needed to be watched. For me time has nothing to do with it. It is weight. 8lbs 6oz was where I popped with number 2. The 5th was 8lbs 4oz when I was induced and I had been having contractions the day before. The 4th and 6th were much smaller (7 1/2) and they would have been 3 weeks late to reach a weight that would have made me go.

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First child 40 weeks 4 days (4 days late)

Second child 40 weeks 6 days (6 days late)

Third child 39 weeks 6 days (an hour and a half early, he was born at 10:30 pm the day before he was due)


I didn't believe I was actually in labor with my third child because "he wasn't due yet". Obviously he had other plans.

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1st @ 38 weeks (6lbs even)

2nd @ 36 weeks (4lbs even)

3rd @ 38 weeks (7 lbs, 6oz my giant baby)

4th @ 37 weeks (7lbs, 1 oz)


#2 I was on bed rest for weeks 30-36 for pre-term labor

#3 I was on bed rest for weeks 20-36 for pre-term labor (and then nothing for 2 weeks :glare:)

#4 I was on bed rest for weeks 28-36


For each pregnancy I was hospitalized multiple times for Hyperemesis gravidarum which is extreme morning sickness.


I had PPD after pregnancies #2 & #4


I have had as many miscarriages as I have live children.


Clearly my body hates to be pregnant!


Amber in SJ

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Wow, I think my Dr. is set on inducing me. I had a super quick labour for ds #2, I was 2cm dilated at the dr's appointment and had ds 2 days later (I walked in w/ my contractions 8 min apart and had ds an hour later) so he said that if he saw the same signs he'd offer me the option of induction. I'm farther from the hospital this time around w/ hubby working 14 hr days so I don't know what I'll do.

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