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Michelle Duggar Miscarried

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thats horrible...and I hope people don't blame it on her having so many kids. I have a friend who only has one kid and has had 4 miscarriages. No one knows if its the number of kids, or the fact that out of 20 pregnancies the odds are she may miscarry a few. I have had one miscarriage out of 4 pregnancies. It happens.

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A miscarriage is what brought them to not use any birth control. At 45 I think she needs to seriously consider thinking a bit more about having further children. They would not have announced it if they didn't have signs that the baby was healthy. 2nd trimesters are not the norm so I do have to wonder if her uterus is just not up to carrying babies anymore.:confused: I love them. My kids had started brainstorming J names.

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I think her body has just about had it IYKWIM.


That's pretty much up to them to decide, not us. It really was a crummy feeling when someone judged me for being pregnant because they didn't feel I was up to it. It doesn't matter if it is baby #3 or baby #20.


And I'm not sure how that is sad for the baby but not for the family.

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That breaks my heart. Michelle and Jim Bob seem to really love each child they have.


I believe that it is their choice to have as many children as they want. Many people were unhappy when I announced my fourth pregnancy. My third child has Cerebral Palsy and they thought it was more than I could handle. It was very hurtful. Each child is a blessing!


Elise in NC

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That's pretty much up to them to decide, not us. It really was a crummy feeling when someone judged me for being pregnant because they didn't feel I was up to it. It doesn't matter if it is baby #3 or baby #20.


And I'm not sure how that is sad for the baby but not for the family.


:iagree: I think it is a terrible thing for others to try to assign a reason for a miscarriage. My mil told me she figured the reason she never miscarriaged is because she is so stubborn and her body is sturdy. :glare: She told me this in response to my miscarriage. Yeah. Thanks, so I guess I am not stubborn and my body wasn't sturdy enough? She only had 2 kids.


1 in 4 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.


I'm sad for anyone that has a miscarriage.

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Poor thing. I wouldn't wish a pregnancy loss on my worst enemy.


I had a premature baby born at 22 weeks (who didn't survive) in my very first pregnancy, so it's not necessarily related at all to having had multiple children.


Since she's now had PE twice, I'm wondering if her body recognized it. I went into labor several hours BEFORE I started having testable PE symptoms other than high blood pressure in my 2nd pregnancy, and according to my perinatologist, that's not atypical once you've had PE, especially not if it was early-the body seems to recognize those early signs and try to get the baby out of harm's way-even if the baby really isn't ready to come yet. In my case, I was far enough along that it was OK, but if you're still in the 2nd trimester, it could easily cause a miscarriage.

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1 in 4 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.


The odds are it was bound to happen. She's had 19 babies and this is only her 2nd M/C -she's a lucky lady. I was always so amazed and a little jealous how she seemed to just have one healthy pregnancy after another.


I've had 3 kids and 2 M/C - no signs except for when I went for a routine U/S. It can happen to anyone.


I'm sure they will try again ;)

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I think most of us here (irrespective of religious bend, thoughts on BC, or family size) would consider this very distressing and sad news. From the get-go when a person knows their are pregnant, losing that pregnancy is horrible.


For it to be second trimester, and after having positive signs of pregnancy, as well as likely feeling the child move within her, that makes it even harder. Plus, if she had no physical indication that anything was wrong, that's hard. She was going for a routine ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby, so she was likely 18ish weeks (give or take).


I suspect the whole family is grieving right now. I am profoundly grateful they are going to get the chance to do a proper funeral/memorial for the baby. from http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20552173,00.html

She says the family will select a name after they know if the baby was a boy or girl, and then plan to have a funeral service.


I grieve with her, I've had 3 m/c are each one rips a piece of your heart out with it. I'm glad her faith is giving her something upon which to hang on. Whether you agree with her faith or not, she is a woman trying to live it. Imperfect human, trying to live as she believes. That alone deserves respect.



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It's a lot harder to carry to term as a woman ages. Sometimes it's not so much about getting pregnant as it is staying pregnant when you're in you mid to late 40s. She must have waited to announce the pregnancy --so it must be a rough mid term loss. That's very sad.


My m/c was at 14 weeks. It was terrible. I was in my twenties, so physically, I rebounded quickly. Emotionally, it stays with you forever.

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