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Do you use religious or secular science curriculum?

Do you use a religious or secular science curriculum?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you use a religious or secular science curriculum?

    • YEC-based religious curriculum
    • OEC-based religious curriculum
    • other religious curriculum
    • secular curriculum
    • Both
    • We don't do science.
    • Other
    • I love polls, but hate giving answers.
    • I hate polls, stop it.
    • The Stig

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What grades?? (I voted both).


I am graduating dc#2 this year and there are no more. (Happy dance)


I have always used Christian (mostly Apologia, some BJU). But this year, dd was unhappy with our selection. Ds (in college) takes out his anatomy book, dd fell in love with it. Science is going much better. So much better that I am questioning everything I used in the past... So its not like she is slacking, hey, she is in high school and is using a college book. I even found cool stuff online to use to go with the book!


If there was a dc#3, texts I would explore using are Conceptual Chemistry, Hewitt Conceptual Physics, and (I think) Campbell Biology (there is a thread about biology in the high school section that caught my eye with the specifics).


If you are talking about before middle and high school, we didn't use textbooks, we went by interest and used DK and the like in subjects of interest. And learned a lot and had fun doing it.

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We use secular curriculum. My older kids' book happens to be the same book that the honors Biology classes in our local school districts usually use.


But their syllabus is put out by a company affiliated with our church, so it often includes information on how what the book says fits in with our beliefs.


The little ones are completely secular, we don't see the need to cross-reference until they're late logic/early rhetoric -- our religious beliefs are usually easily compatible with most current mainstream scientific thought.

Edited by higginszoo
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All 3 are Christian and young earth. My dd13 takes science online with Veritas Press. They use Apologia. I don't like doing Apologia myself, but my dd has enjoyed the class.


I've used BJ. I liked it better than Apologia as far as teaching it myself. I love Rod and Staff. They make a thorough course.


I would use anything that I thought was good. I don't care about young earth/old earth, or even if it taught evolution. I need something easy to teach at home.

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What, no CSI option?


We use Rainbow, but I chose it because of it's humorous tone, not because of it's religious implications, which are few. (I don't think it's either YE or OE?) I also add in other secular resources.


I wonder how many are religious personally but science secularly? I bet quite a few.

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ACK!! How to vote? The Stig...Secular Science...The Stig...Secular Science...



Secular science for us.







But I wish the poll would have let you vote for more than one option! Just so The Stig wouldn't feel quite so lonely.:D





After all, SOME SAY... The Stig thinks science is another word for 'flappy paddle gear box.'

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:iagree: God used secular science. :D


We use only secular science materials. I find religious science programs to be completely unusable.


And I do love the Stig. ;)



I had to look up the Stig. It made me feel "ignernt".


I'm with you on the religious science programs. I think they mess up both the science and the religion and give a wonky view of both of them. I don't think God has revealed enough information, or that science has discovered enough information yet to be able to completely understand it all. And I don't think it's ok to just make stuff up to fill in the gaps, or bend this a little here and that a little there so they seem to match up. I see science and religion as two different ways of exploring creation and coming to understand more truth--but I think there is only one actual, objective truth being both revealed and discovered. But making stuff up, and bending the edges, and glossing things over only serve to cloud the truth, and doesn't serve either religion or science well.


Ahem...and that is my soapbox for the evening....cough....cough...

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I've used and am using both. I don't feel strongly one way or another for young earth and old earth. I do have difficulty believing big bang and evolution.


We've used:



Real Science 4 Kids

TOPS Learning Systems

Astronomy: A Self-Study Guide

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I use creation based, YE Science. I believe that God created everything, and since he is the author of all, he is the author/creator of Science. So... Science acknowledging God, or Science that is devoid of recognizing the Creator. Just because certain Scientists don't acknowledge God's "hands" in Science, doesn't mean that they aren't/weren't there. If I believe (and I do) that Jesus died on the cross... and came back to life.... and that I am meant to be a Christian (Christ-follower)... then I can believe that he created the World that we live in....


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I voted both. I have never purchased a religious science spine, but am not greatly troubled by allowing dc to read religiously slanted science materials we come across in our journey.


My great fear is that I will end up either stuck with a religious program or with creating my own ,(yet again), next year when we cover space science.

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