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Gift for a husband who doesn't want/need anything or have any hobbies?

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My husband does not need anything for Christmas. He can't even think of anything that he wants! I certainly do not have this problem LOL.


He doesn't really have any hobbies....doesn't read, doesn't play a sport, doesn't work with tools, etc. He LOVES football and has season tickets to the local NFL team, but he doesn't really need anything other than that for football. He doesn't care for knick knack football decor, doesn't care for mugs featuring his team, or anything like that. He has a watch. We like watching DVD seasons, but we have Netflix.


I feel like I buy him t-shirts and polo shirts every single year. He's asked for a windbreaker with his favorite team's logo on it, so I'll try to search that out. But what else?? What do you get for someone who needs and wants nothing? I really do not have fun getting his Christmas and birthday gifts...it's too difficult!

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I make "love" coupons. Some for grown up only time and some for things he likes me to do like "1 hour of alone time" (this is big for us we enjoy having a bit of time to just kind of veg out...watch guy movies or chick flicks, or play games or whatever).


eta: my hubby loves his e-reader so I get him something to download on Christmas eve (usually have it all in my cart and then just set it to download that day). He's also a big nerd so I like getting him philosophical things to read/watch/do. If you've got a geeky guy check out think geek

Edited by jillian
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I make "love" coupons. Some for grown up only time and some for things he likes me to do like "1 hour of alone time" (this is big for us we enjoy having a bit of time to just kind of veg out...watch guy movies or chick flicks, or play games or whatever).


Wow! :D Those must be some coupons!

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That's a tough one! Does he like techie things? iPod? iPad? Upgraded phone? Bose radio? Maybe a speaker system for the TV so he can watch the games on tv in stereo?


Does he drink coffee? A Keurig? I think I want one! A gift certificate to your local coffee place?


A promise for a date night once a month? (I know you just had a new baby and that might not be possible for just the two of you, but as a jumping off point.)


Does he exercise? Weights? New exercise clothing?


DVC???!!! LOL

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My dh is the OPPOSITE. He's not a football guy and reads ALOT! He too doesn't work with tools though.


My dh loves throw blankets. Almost always says we can never have too many (I beg to differ)!


My dh loves Amazon gift cards since he reads alot. But that isn't for your dh.


I had my dc make a pillowcase for dh last year with their handprints on it and their names written underneath. He liked this actually. He won't wear tshirts with handprints though.


My dh loves coffee and tea and would adore a new mug, again another opposite of your dh...:lol:


My dh loves sweaters as he claims he's always cold.


He loves slipper socks and shamelessy even toe socks! Of course he likes slippers too.


My dh loves warm beanie hats too.


My dh likes when I have custom things made for him to remind him of how we met and fell in love. So little trinket things like that are always a hit for my dh.


Not sure if ANY of this was helpful!

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Does he have a parking pass with his tickets, or can you upgrade either the parking pass or the tickets? When my dh goes to games, he tailgates. Would he like a mini grill?


He has a parking pass and tailgates with his cousin/aunt/uncle before the game. They provide the grill so he doesn't need one. He's not really a griller.


I make "love" coupons. Some for grown up only time and some for things he likes me to do like "1 hour of alone time" (this is big for us we enjoy having a bit of time to just kind of veg out...watch guy movies or chick flicks, or play games or whatever).



The coupons might be good! I'll have to really do some thinking on what I might can put on them.


How about a night out? Dinner and a movie?


Are there any attractions (i.e. museums, parks) close by that you could buy him a membership?


How about something crazy like a hot air balloon ride or skydiving tandem?


I personally always like the experience gifts the best. :D


Hot air balloon?? Skydiving tandem?? Heck no LOL! I'm scared of heights, much less falling from them! :lol: We already have a zoo membership through is work. Not many other memberships we could have around here.


That's a tough one! Does he like techie things? iPod? iPad? Upgraded phone? Bose radio? Maybe a speaker system for the TV so he can watch the games on tv in stereo?


Does he drink coffee? A Keurig? I think I want one! A gift certificate to your local coffee place?


A promise for a date night once a month? (I know you just had a new baby and that might not be possible for just the two of you, but as a jumping off point.)


Does he exercise? Weights? New exercise clothing?


DVC???!!! LOL


Not a coffee drinker, doesn't really listen to the radio much (except sports talk radio on his drive home), we have the new iPhones, and I've asked him about speakers/surround sound before and he wasn't interested. He exercises occasionally but his work provides membership to the YMCA, so he goes there and uses their stuff.


But hey, I could get on board with the DVC option LOL!


And the date night thing might be good....that could go along with the coupons.


Husband and I don't exchange gifts. Both of us are the way you described your husband. We just usually buy something for the house (an oven hood one year). LOL.


Does he even want you to buy him something?


He says he doesn't want/need anything. But then he says he looks forward to opening gifts on Christmas morning. But then he says he's always disappointed. I'm like HUH???!!!!! :confused::confused::confused:

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My dh is the OPPOSITE. He's not a football guy and reads ALOT! He too doesn't work with tools though.


My dh loves throw blankets. Almost always says we can never have too many (I beg to differ)!


My dh loves Amazon gift cards since he reads alot. But that isn't for your dh.


I had my dc make a pillowcase for dh last year with their handprints on it and their names written underneath. He liked this actually. He won't wear tshirts with handprints though.


My dh loves coffee and tea and would adore a new mug, again another opposite of your dh...:lol:


My dh loves sweaters as he claims he's always cold.


He loves slipper socks and shamelessy even toe socks! Of course he likes slippers too.


My dh loves warm beanie hats too.


My dh likes when I have custom things made for him to remind him of how we met and fell in love. So little trinket things like that are always a hit for my dh.


Not sure if ANY of this was helpful!


Your husband sounds so EASY to buy for LOL! I wish mine was so easy!

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Husband and I don't exchange gifts. Both of us are the way you described your husband. We just usually buy something for the house (an oven hood one year). LOL.


Does he even want you to buy him something?


I get my husband the word--a-day calendar he wants every year and he gets something small for me. But we don't do big gifts for each other yet. Let the finances go for buying stuff for the kid(s) and for others.

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Maybe gift cards to his favorite restaurants? (For more than you'd normally spend on a meal so he can get something really expensive without feeling guilty?) I do this at dh's favorite steakhouse so he can get the ridiculously prices appetizers, steak, lobster, and desserts that he loves but wouldn't typically buy.


I don't know. My dad is the same way and his birthday is in a week, so I'm looking on here for some ideas for him.

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How about a framed family pic with your new babe too?

Or one of those digital photo frames loaded with family pics??


I guess photo gifts are my go-to ideas for those I have no clue for. ;)


I was thinking of getting DH a nice shaver (he tried growing a beard earlier this fall :eek: don't want that to happen again!!)


Maybe a new recliner chair or something? We've done that for a FIL who has everything.

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I do not appreciate your marrying my husband!


No wonder he travels so much "for work".


I've given up on buying anything for him.


Oh goodness sakes...please put up a WARNING sign next time for this sort of remark....


I about spit my water all over my laptop!! BAHAHAHAHAHA :rofl:

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My husband does not need anything for Christmas. He can't even think of anything that he wants! I certainly do not have this problem LOL.


He doesn't really have any hobbies....doesn't read, doesn't play a sport, doesn't work with tools, etc. He LOVES football and has season tickets to the local NFL team, but he doesn't really need anything other than that for football. He doesn't care for knick knack football decor, doesn't care for mugs featuring his team, or anything like that. He has a watch. We like watching DVD seasons, but we have Netflix.


I feel like I buy him t-shirts and polo shirts every single year. He's asked for a windbreaker with his favorite team's logo on it, so I'll try to search that out. But what else?? What do you get for someone who needs and wants nothing? I really do not have fun getting his Christmas and birthday gifts...it's too difficult!


Does he like to eat? Food. something fun, unique, specialty. Not everyday food, of course. lol!

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Would he be into fancy shaving stuff? DH's face gets irritated from regular 3 blade razors (Like Gillette Mach 3 and so on). He read an article and expressed an interest in learning to shave w/ a safety razor.


For his bday this past year I got him a nice razor http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Jagger-De89lbl-Double-Safety/dp/B002RBF1PO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319834645&sr=8-1 that works with blades so they actually cut the hair, they don't pull like the Gillette Mach whatever razors. I got him some shaving soap, shaving brush, this book http://www.amazon.com/Leisureguys-Guide-Gourmet-Shaving-Enjoyable/dp/1463595344/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1319834708&sr=1-1-catcorr and a few other things. For Christmas I just picked up some Art of Shaving items from Sephora's friends and family sale.


DH is a pretty rugged guy but I think he likes pampering himself w/ a nice shave now :lol: There's a bit of a learning curve but the book was apparently helpful.

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Thanks for this thread! My dh is like yours- no hobbies, doesn't read or do sports. He does like tools but owns every tool known to mankind and there is truly nothing left to buy him in that area. But I got an idea from someone above- he loves his George Foreman Grill and I hate, hate, hate it. It is SUCH a pain to clean. But it's a pain because it's one of the bigger ones so hard to get in the sink, etc. I thin I'll buy him a new GF Grill- the small 36" one since he is the only one who ever uses it anyway and usually just to do 1 hamburger. I am sure he'll love this and they have specialty pads/sponges with grooves for cleaning it now so I got him those too!


So glad for this thread- I always struggle with him doubly b/c his birthday is 12/24 so I've got double the gifts to buy all at once and never any ideas!

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Husband and I don't exchange gifts. Both of us are the way you described your husband. We just usually buy something for the house (an oven hood one year). LOL.


Does he even want you to buy him something?


That's what we do, too. I think I'm getting bathroom drywall or tile this year. :D

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If your husband doesn't have anything he wants, and there isn't anything he needs, what about a donation to a charity in his name? Or in lieu of a gift for him, picking a couple things up for an Angel Tree Ministry. Providing Christmas dinner and gifts for a local needy family. Food banks, women's shelters, foster families, etc would be blessed!

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ARGH. I feel your pain.


Mr. Ellie has interests, but they are specialized, and he doesn't talk about them (unlike me--everyone knows what I like and don't like :lol:). I have to have my spidey senses turned on all.the.time to figure out what to get him other than clothes. He loves the clothes, but still, every once in awhile, I want him to have that Something Special. And every once in awhile, I manage it.

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Are we married to the same guy?


I end up buying DH socks, underwear, and small drill bits every year-because by Christmas, he needs new stocks of all three. Other than that, I usually get him something neat to do with DD, like a science project or building project kit and items-because he enjoys that kind of thing, and doesn't get to do it as much since I'm the homeschooling parent and he's the "working more than full-time so that we can afford for me to be at home" parent-so Christmas is a good time for him to really get to do something neat and fun with her.

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Would he like a membership to a wine/beer/cheese/chocolate of the month club? An entire year is not in our Christmas budget, but I've given DH 2-3 months before.


That's funny...I was *just* looking something like this up online. He likes cheesecake. WOW, they are EXPENSIVE. I'd only be able to do a few months as well. I wonder if he'd like this?

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Apps for his iPhone?


Or, along the Netflix lines... And since you have iPhones... What about an Apple TV? It's in the $99 price range, I think. It is excellent for streaming Netflix, plus you have access to all of your iTunes purchases (movies, etc), access to rentals through iTunes, a few sports channel options, youtube, and more. I love the way the Apple TV syncs with iPhone - we use the AirPlay option all the time to play movies from our iPhones that the kids make. (Wow, I sound like *such* a Mac Geek.)


...If you make the coupons... what about, a-hem, something new for *you* to wear? :tongue_smilie:


Think Geek products always make my DH smile. A something-of-the-month club would be good for my guy, too. Maybe wine?


Experience gifts are big here, too - upcoming concert tickets are good. Last year it was Blue Man Group for all of us. Another time it was the Radio City Christmas Spectacular - which meant a nice trip to NYC.


My DH is a lot like yours, but I must say that with time, I've figured out that the little boy in him wants a new toy on Christmas morning... which, for him, usually means a gadget with an apple printed somewhere on it. :)

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Does he drink wine/beer/liquor? I often get my husband a box of assorted bottles of wine. He has a small wine cabinet in the cellar so he keeps them there.



My DH likes to get microbrewed beer he hasn't tried before. One year I got him his own small kit so he could brew his own beer. Maybe you could start a hobby for him. :D


Another strange hit here was an inscriber. It is for labeling metal in case it gets stolen. He put our last name on all the kids bikes, scooters, and then all of our electronics and even some of his tools.


His favorite cookies, "Oatmeal Raisin" are another favorite.

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Last year, I gave my hubby several "experiences." I wrapped a symbol of what we were going to do, and printed out a description to go with it. I had us going to a monastery (I put the rolled up description in our statue of St. Francis and put him under the tree), to the DC Hawaiian Festival (wrapped a pineapple), to a comedy club (can't remember what I wrapped, but I included money for an appetizer) and so on. I just looked up stuff that was local and fairly cheap. I spent $75 for 8 "experiences."

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I just found this website recently: www.datingdivas.com

They have some really fun date ideas--some more expensive than others; some stay-at-home-after-the-kids-are-in-bed ideas, etc. I am going to plan a date for every month of next year--write it all up in a fun way, put it in an envelope with a little bit of cash for the date, find something little to go along with the date/theme idea, put all of the envelopes in a decorated box/gift bag of some kind--and there is dh's Christmas present!


Another idea--not sure if you are familiar with the whole 72-Hour Emergency Kit idea...(our church encourages us to have emergency plans and supplies)...but perhaps you could prepare some kind of this kit for your family or each family car or to keep at his office, etc. I don't know, this might be just an LDS type of thing, but I did this for dh a few years ago and he was really grateful. If you google 72 hour kit, there are a lot of government and red cross type of sites that will have lists. There are also stores (Emergency Essentials comes to mind) that sell the kits all assembled.


My dh always likes to get framed pictures of the kids for his office; one year I did a photo collage of our family hikes/vacations; maybe a photo book or calendar with pictures of your kids?


Is there a hobby or activity that the two of you might want to start together? You could get a magazine, supplies, clothes, whatever to go along with it. Maybe you two want to start roller-blading, maybe you want to start bird-watching, coin-collecting, Geocaching, etc. Even if he doesn't currently enjoy the hobby...if you two do it together, maybe it will become one?


Good luck!

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My DH is a lot like this too. In recent years, we've started picking something big that we both want and making that our gift to each other. One year it was bedroom furniture. Another year it was a flat screen TV and a new entertainment center. We still usually have a few small things for each other on Christmas morning, though that's getting even harder now that we have mp3 players and Kindles :glare: I did just buy him some expensive chocolate from Finland for Christmas today though (he served a mission there).

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Are we married to the same guy?


I was wondering that, too. This guy must get around, huh?


I've posted about my gift-buying wows elsewhere, but I'm in the same boat with a lot of you. My husband has no hobbies to speak of. He plays World of Warcraft, but only because some of his work friends play. He actually quit for a few months and went back reluctantly just recently. So, no gift buying opportunities there.


He does not enjoy receiving clothing as gifts. The single exception is snarky t-shirts, but I gave him far too many of those last year.


There is no food he especially loves.


He doesn't drink coffee. He does occasionally drink tea, but we've worked that angle more than enough times already.


He does drink alcohol, but he's not terribly picky about it. So, "something special" isn't going to be meaninful.


He doesn't watch sports or use tools.


We live in a house that it too small to contain all of the shelf-sitting memorabilia we already own. Literally, one wall of our bedroom is lined with boxes we didn't even unpack when we moved this past summer.


He has a bad back and hates to travel. Some days, he's up to doing things, but others he is not. And we never know from day to day.


We have a joint bank account that is stretched to the maximum at the moment. There is no way for me to buy him anything big without him noticing the outflow of money. (He tells me repeatedly that it is our money and I have every right to spend it. But it feels weird to me to take money he earned and use it to buy him something he could perfectly well get himself if he wanted it. But that might be my issue.)


I bought him a nice electric razor a couple of years ago.


I did nice framed photos of the kids last year.


I've done photo books from Shutterfly a couple of times.


He already has a new computer, iPhone and iPad.


He watches a lot of TV, but there is no single show or genre he especially loves.


We had a Roku, but he got rid of it a couple of years ago when he bought the Mac Mini (or whatever it's called).


We don't do lists, because he believes presents should be a surprise.


He loves to give and receive gifts. It's important to him.


We live in Florida. And we already have enough throw blankets to last a lifetime.


I'm at a complete loss this year.


So, unfortunately, I'm no help. But at least I can commiserate.

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  • 2 years later...

my dh is like that too. some gifts that he liked were a gym membership, magazine subscrition (he likes mental floss and pop sci), a boat ride around NYC, I once ordered a box of honeybell oranges delivered around his birthday (those were soooo awesomely delicious!), I tracked down an OOP book that he had loaned to someone and never got back, I had his ugly, bulky carry-on that I hate repaired for him before an upcoming trip and once when I was really stumped I wrapped a big empty box. in the box was a note "this big box of nothing saved you $500". and then I gave him a new winter hat (boring but the box gave him a good laugh).

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I say find out what is on his "bucket list" on the sly and then start working on ways to help him check the boxes.  For my DH's 40th I bought him the first 3 classes for Advanced Free Fall Skydiving (I watched from below :) ), on our 20th anniversary he scuba-dived in Hawaii...  I'm trying to figure one out for Christmas. 

What about one of the racecar driving experiences?  Or "spring training" camp with his football team? 

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That's funny...I was *just* looking something like this up online. He likes cheesecake. WOW, they are EXPENSIVE. I'd only be able to do a few months as well. I wonder if he'd like this?


I second the Special Food (or Drink) option.  You could make coupons and commit to making him one homemade cheesecake per month.  My dad loves homemade Angel Food Cake, and my dsil makes him one each month.  He eats it & then returns the cake pan & she fills it again. :)


My dh loves dried apricots, so I bought a large supply for him to snack on.


We've also used the Special Food gift option for our hard-to-buy-for parents.

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That's funny...I was *just* looking something like this up online. He likes cheesecake. WOW, they are EXPENSIVE. I'd only be able to do a few months as well. I wonder if he'd like this?


They have those "of the month" clubs for just about everything.  I got DH a "Hot Sauce of the Month" club subscription a couple of years ago and he loved it.  He might get it again this year, because, like you, I don't know what to get him.  He's a musician, but he buys what he wants when he wants it, except for the really expensive stuff, which.....just, no.  I'm not spending a bazillion dollars on yet another guitar, or yet another pedal.  And he has 40,000 t-shirts and hats with "Fender" and "Gibson" on them.  Sigh.


I feel your pain, and I can be of no help whatsoever.  

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Nicole89

I heard you can buy some land in Ireland and name him Lord of it I was told its not to much either it could be a gag gift

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