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Kitchen Table Confessional

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What's *really* on your kitchen table right now?




1/2 foot high stack of VIP undone paperwork (I'll get it done tonight..ya..)

Microscope, slides, 1 container of Activia with one glob dot of yogurt left inside it..(we'll be doing slides tonight..right..)

Computer, mouse

2 placemmats (where are the other 2?)

Four pencils, two pens

Coffee Cup



Water Glass



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I worked on clearing mine off this morning while my son suffered through math, so it is fairly clean right now.


Glass cake server w/fall decorations (mini pumpkins and gourds) on top

Address book

Magazine I was reading during lunch

Mini travel chess set and golf magazine, both DS's items he needs to take to his room

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Crumbs and smears

A hotplate

A kitchen towel

and a red plastic cup


We do school at the dining room table ;) which is covered with school books right now.


Normally breakfast and lunch dishes would be there but I told them that if I ever find left over plates and utensils hanging around after a meal they would be grounded from screens for 1 day for each item left on the table. It only took once and the habit changed! (their drinking cups are ok ;) )

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The dogwood dippers for both dogs, yum sounds appetizing. How sad that the only thing that eats at our dining room table is our dogs. Big dog, who needs special food has dish on chair, little dog that doesn't eat as fast as big dog has dish under table so big dog can't eat her food! Sounds so appetizing!

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4 placemats, my oldest son got his all full of beefaroni so it's in the wash,

a lazy susan with a bunch of bananas on it

a bowl with 4 apples

3 trivets

2 empty glass pie plates (we use them for fruit bowls)

a cat toy

a plastic canvas magnet thing my dd made (it's still waiting for me to find a magnet for it)

a large glass bowl (another thing for fruit)

a 20oz coca cola bottle with about 3 oz left in it

a paper plate from my youngest son's corndog he didn't throw away after lunch

a loom woven pot holder

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2 plates (in use!)

3 placemats (not sure what happened to #4)

some mail

toddler bib that he should be wearing

wet cloth

a 25 piece puzzle

2 empty fast food bags that are supposed to be a project eventually

silicone trivet

more napkins than two children need

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Oh mercy. This will be humbling.


Tray from highchair, not wiped yet.

Three fall candle holders w/ candles.

One glass, one mug, one sippee cup.

One pen, one marker without cap.


Avocado (uncut).

Two bowls, one with macaroni remnants, the other with grapes.


Playmobil knight.

Bottle of bleach.


Tape measure.



GAAAHHH! Time to clean off my kitchen table! And to think, it was clean except for the candleholders this morning. Welcome to my life.

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I try to keep it clean, since my homeschooling days are past and I had books and pencils on my table for years!


Laptop is stuck there until DH gets the virus off my main computer.

2 scrabble books for my Face book Words with Friends game

pile of paperwork for Dh to give me permission to toss

Lion brand magazine to remind DH I need to hook up laptop to printer so I can print my Michaels coupon and get to Michaels tomorrow.

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SO SO funny that I just got on and saw this thread. I do not have anything on my table right now, but about 5 minutes before I got on the computer, I had just got done cleaning ALL of the papers and paint, glue, glitter, scissors, tape, markers, pencils, cups, plates, paper towels, etc.............. We made the mess last night and I had been dreading doing this all day!! :D

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I managed to get mine cleaned off this morning.


Currently my 13 month old monkey child is sitting on it waiting for me to come make him get off of it. He also dragged a bag of carrots up there that he pulled out of the fridge so that's the only other thing on the table.

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Hmmm...my "fairly clean" table is messier than some of these "messy" tables.


I have:

a flower in a vase

stacking weights that we were playing with before naps

watercolors, crayons, and a picture my daughter is working on

a plastic bag holding the glitter paint and stockings that my husband promised to help the kids with (on Monday, and it will probably sit there for two more weeks)


And my daughter added all of her gel pens and her note pad since I started typing this.


It's still pretty clean for us. Don't ask me about any of the other surfaces in the kitchen. And don't bump into the precarious stacks on our counters, island, stove, bookshelf, or computer stand.

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We use our dining room table for school and our sunroom table to eat. Those are pretty clear. We have a built in table in the kitchen which collects junk. Currently it has:


a water bottle

my purse

a birdfeeder kit that ds2 got at cub scouts

a bag of supplies I need to take to tonight's pack meeting

a fruit bowl with 2 apples and 1 tomato in it

2 cookbooks

1 envelope from a Halloween card from Grandma

1 Thank You note from my cub scout den that I need to take to the hardware store

2 bottles of wine

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Nothing, because I don't have one. My dining room table, however....

1. Laptop

2. Grammar Books, Vocabulary books, science book, civics book, math books, stack of mail, stack of library books, some watercolors, a couple of glasses, and the phone.

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We only have one table, in the dining room. Right now it has 3 woven placemats, one decorative box that will hold napkins as soon as I buy some, salt and pepper shakers, a book on wiring, the wiring housing for an electric baseboard heater, and the electric bill. My dh doesn't have a desk upstairs yet otherwise his stuff wouldn't be on there.


Don't ask what's on the classroom desks. :lol:

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Our kitchen table is big enough to have a big mess on it and still fit the eaters, so unfortunately, it's a horrid mess.


1 butterfly house

1 science experiment kit

DSM-IV Made Easy

some D&D books & supplies

Kingfisher Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals

junk mail waiting to be recycled

National Geographic for Kids

the empty soup pot from lunch

a piece of bread

empty wrapper


a shirt (dd's)

a cleaning rag (hah--maybe it will clean itself?)

a couple random bits of junk



Sooooo. I am going to go clean the table now. Again. I cleaned it two days ago, and the day before that, and the day before that. It's like a rift in time and space, sucking everything towards it (as is the kitchen bar).

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I'll play ... and then have dd clear it like she was supposed to.


2 half-empty Diet Coke bottles (2 liter and 20 oz) left by our weekend house guests that nobody here will drink (two of us can't have artificial sweeteners, due to allergies).

1 half-empty Mountain Dew 2 liter, also left by house guests, and earmarked by my teen for Saturday morning, when he has to get up early for youth group retreat, after a late night at his homeschool group's dance.

Empty gallon milk jug

Black Sharpie

Art book

A few packets of dried tempera

A large shoe box full of Play-Doh toys

2 partly full bags of cereal

a crumpled paper towel

3 out of 4 place mats

a milk safety seal

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Mine is usually pretty clear, not today!


A pile of Scout folders

A sewing machine

A half made costume

Folded washing

Two empty handbags

Some clothes DH bought at the op shop.

A pink teddy bear

A pink felt pen

A pair of scissors

A bag of Scout badges

2 tea light lanterns (that's the only thing that SHOULD be there!)

2 costume hats

A camera lens

A newspaper

A coat hanger

A cosmetic bag

2 computer cables

The remnants of a shirt I cut up

A tape measure, cutting board and other sewing paraphenalia


Boy, when I type it out, the list looks worse than the table!!

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Oooohhhh!!! I really want to answer this one because it is going to make me feel so good - and G-d knows I REALLY need something - ANYthing - to make me feel good today!


~On the center of the table, a pretty variegated-orange doily that I crocheted a few years back

~On the doily is a candle holder with a candle and small arrangement of pretty fall-colored flowers around it


That's it! :)

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My kitchen table has:

laundry - stacked and folded


a cat food dish


However, the dining room table has:

a 2liter bottle of soda, half finished

a glass of water

a hot toddy that I am drinking right now

a cup of soda

a wrapped present for a friend's wedding

a Bell Pepper seedling

a tutu

Nilla wafers

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and other stories

a new kitty litter scoop (un used)

a card my husband gave me for our anniversary on the 1th

a glue stick


sun glasses

a bag of stuff to decorate my friend's car after the wedding

the microwave and toaster (our kitchen is being renovated)

Costco receipt

and the laptop I'm typing on.

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I'm so glad I'm seeing this thread now and not when it was originally started. Right now it holds only the decorative basket full of pinecones, silk fall leaves and tiny pumpkins. At the time the thread began I would have said, "What table? It's a mess of various school books, notebooks, pencils, etc that seems to be suspended in midair." :)

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The kitchen table is not used except as a dumping place. It has a plastic organizer box filled with old magazines, offers etc. that need to be filed or more likely thrown out. It has two plastic organizer boxes filled with dh's supplements and medicines. It has two boxes of this year's Christmas cards which just came in the mail. It has one day's worth of mail which I haven't gone through yet. It has an empty flower pot that is filled with weird things like a potholder, a lightbulb, some batteries which may or may not be dead. . .

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