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How many days a week are you out and about?

How many days a week are you out and about?  

  1. 1. How many days a week are you out and about?

    • One day a week
    • Two days a week
    • Three days a week
    • Four days a week
    • Five days a week

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I'm talking about weekdays, not weekend. And I mean days when you have things going on outside the home (or people coming to your home) for sports, church, music lessons, playdates, etc and you're also doing schoolwork. So if one day is co-op day and counts as your school for the day, don't count that. Only count weekdays when you have extra activities in addition to schoolwork.

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1/2 a day on Friday we help at a horse farm which is about 5 minutes away.


Mon evening Ds has CCD after dinner.

Tues Boy Scouts, 5 minutes away.

Thurs afternoon three have CCD before dinner.


BUT CCD is about a block away. We ahve a zilch ride. Many times we walk.


But apart from Friday morning, we're hitting the books. Schooling takes time.;)

Edited by justamouse
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Tuesday for CC (well, that is school!)

Wednesday at lunch time for swimming

Friday Mornings for PE or Art

And the occassional medical appt. after 3:30


I consider it all "school" though. Except medical appt. but those aren't exactly play time. ;)

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I put 4, although it really depends on the week. Our week goes like this:


Monday late afternoon - soccer

Tuesday morning - violin lesson


Thursday late afternoon - swim lesson (will end in Dec.)

Friday morning - Co-op P.E./Zumba and choir


We are only doing K this year so we have lots of extra time to fit things in. Our co-op days are not every Friday. We meet two Fridays of the month and the other Fridays we may do something special with co-op or we may not. So far, we mostly stay home on those other Fridays.

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With four active kids, we are out 5 days/week.


Monday: karate for three kids (1 mile from the house)

Gymnastics for 5 yo (25 minutes from house)


Tuesday: Karate for three kids

Violin lessons for 11 yo


Wednesday: Karate for all four


Thursday: Piano for one

Brazilian Ju Jitzu for one


Friday: Various things. Something always comes up.


Sat: Gymnastics for 5 yo

Orchestra for 11 yo


Come winter, we'll have two doing conditioning 2 −3 times/week for baseball. And, then come spring, of course, there'll be baseball 6 days/week. Oh - and starting in January, I'll be taking my 15 yo to the community college for his classes. ACK!!!




Right now, what is killing us is the different doctors my kids see. Eye appointments (two of them), dentist (all), orthodontist (two kids), allergist (1 of them), and most recently, a surgeon for one. They ALL happened last month!!!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I'm talking about weekdays, not weekend. And I mean days when you have things going on outside the home (or people coming to your home) for sports, church, music lessons, playdates, etc and you're also doing schoolwork. So if one day is co-op day and counts as your school for the day, don't count that. Only count weekdays when you have extra activities in addition to schoolwork.


Monday- I shuttle my 17yo back and forth to the community college and work with my little guy. At 3 in the afternoon I leave for work.


Tuesday- We do CC Foundations and Essentials, so I guess that counts as school. However, we do a other things when we get home, and I have my extra student this afternoon as well.


Wednesday- I shuttle my 17yo back and forth to the community college and work with my little guy. The little man also has violin and math tutor. We also typically go to the library in the afternoon.


Thursday- I have my extra student all day (about 9 hours). I also have to leave the house and take the 17yo to work. Extra student's mom picks him up.


Friday- The little guy has art and drama lessons.


Saturday- I work half day. In order to complete all our school work and to do everything we do, we school on Saturday. It's just the way it is.


Sunday we typically don't do school, but we run errands. There is never a day when I just stay home with just my kids and do school.




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I'm out every day.


We have music lessons on three days, Robotics and FLL practices that right now (crunch time for both) take big chunks of four days, art lessons on two days, a co-op that is for enrichment, teens volunteering, Scouts weekly, 4-H every other week, a writing class I teach, swim lessons, and a few more Driver's Ed lessons left.


Not all of our learning takes place in our house, so I don't mind at all. We still easily get everything done, and my dc have plenty of time to relax and play. We've been busy and we've tried staying home much more (lesson: never let people with different resources and priorities than your own guilt you into doing it their way!,) and this is what makes us happy, useful, and productive.

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That's really hard to say.


For the first five years, our schedule was this: Monday and Tuesday, stay home until at least 4 in the afternoon; Wednesday, library, maybe some goofing off with friends after lunch, church in the evening; Thursday, field trip--usually just dc and me, sometimes with a few freinds; Friday, stay home and clean house, park day once a month.


No field trips on days other than Thursday; no co-op or other regular activities with homeschoolers before 3 or 4 in the afternoon.


Dds had dance classes in the afternoon, 5 o'clock or later. A couple of times there was sports--again, late in the afternoon.


Church on Wednesday evenings.


So, we were out of the house several days a week, but we didn't do anything with others before late afternoon.

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3 days out, 2 in. But many times we are out for something like a field trip one of those 2 days. May be the death of me too. DS just started rehersals for community theater holiday show that is now eating up 3 nights a week too. :cursing: Thank goodness that's only a 6 week commitment.

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You didn't have an other option so I voted 1 day a week.


We go to Church on Sunday's. That's the ONLY outing the kids get to each week. We use to do Wednesday evenings at Church too but with only 1 vehicle amongst our family and dh not getting home in time to make it to the evening study for the kids we stopped.


The kids aren't in anything outside the home, we can't afford them to be. If we get another vehicle we'd pick up a thing or two during the week to do but for now we're stuck home everynight during the week. The weekends are our time for the kids to get out and go to the Library and Church.


One thing I'd like to do was more field trips once we get another vehicle.

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Day Event Time out of house


Monday - Martial Arts 2.5 hour

Tuesday - Speech class & geometry 6 hours

Wednesday - Martial Arts 2.5 hours

Thursday - Writing 2 hours

Friday - Geometry & martial arts 5 hours


It's a hectic schedule. Plus on Tuesdays I have choir practice in the evenings. Tuesdays are leftover or crockpot days. Ds has schedule school to complete on every day but it's a lighter load on Tuesdays and Fridays.

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Right now, what is killing us is the different doctors my kids see. Eye appointments (two of them), dentist (all), orthodontist (two kids), allergist (1 of them), and most recently, a surgeon for one. They ALL happened last month!!!


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you have a full schedule with activities, any appts. pretty much throw you over the edge. :angry: We have so many drs dd will be seeing in the coming weeks and months. See my breakdown thread. :sad:


Our current schedule is this:


Mondays dd11 volunteers at a retirement home 2 - 4

I pick her up at 4:00 and she goes to synchronized swim. Mondays we're home by 8:00.


Tuesdays - WONDERFUL enrichment co-op in the afternoon! Dd11 goes every week, I go every other week, spending one week at home with dd8, who ABSOLUTELY requires a very quiet schedule to keep her regulated, going to the co-op on other weeks while brother sits with dd.


Wednesdays, local homeschool group/co-op. Every other Wednesday it's a fulle day and we only get the basics done, opposite weeks we get everything done because it only meets in the afternoon. Both my girls do this group.


Thursdays HOME until 4:00 for synchro, this is the day dd8 stays with me and enjoys time with a friend there.


One Friday per month the girls have their friends over (first Fri) third Friday per month dd11 has a scheduled social time with her friends, something away from home. The moms are friends, too, and we all hang out together.


Weekends go through waves of being far too busy, then peace and relaxation.



I'm with Judomom. I hate it. Shoot me. ;) I really miss getting together with MY friends. I just can't squeeze much in unless it's a friend who has a kid that's friends with one of my dd's. :glare: Even then it's extremely difficult as our weeks are just SO full.


Summers I CLOSELY guard my time and make sure there is PLENTY of time for me to do what I want (kayaking, for instance. THERAPEUTIC!) and plenty of time for me to see my friends. I also do for my kids, but I make NO commitments for them (no camp, no classes, NOTHING, no matter how wonderful it looks! This is a time for ME to have a break!)

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We are out of the house 5 days, but most are pretty minor (I cut back a lot since last year).


Mondays: younger has music afterschool, older has tennis at 5 pm

Tuesdays: older has piano at 1 and younger has yoga at 3

Wed: younger has art class at 9 am and both have afterschool at 230

Thursday: homeschool fitness at 12 noon and both have afterschool

Friday: both have tennis in the afternoon.


We also have occasional park days and activities with our HS group.

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Monday and Wednesday mornings I teach, but I'm home by 10 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday nights I'm out (Tuesday to take DS to breakdancing, Wednesday to a small group that I bring the boys to), but not until after dinner. So I'm pretty much in between 10 and 6, at minimum, during the week. We take trips out around the neighborhood, but DH brings the car to work, so we stay within walking distance.


Saturdays are when I run errands and do most of my teaching prep. I'm usually out most of the day on Saturday.

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Usually about three days.


Our schedule is currently:


Monday evenings: Choir

Every other Tuesday: Girl scouts

Thursdays: Science club at the local science museum.


I do count these things as school. We will soon be adding music lessons for dd9 and some other class (hopefully active) for dd7. Also, my children are involved in community theatre and currently have rehearsals 3-4 nights a week. That is not year round though although getting to be more so. DD9 is heavily involved.

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I voted 4 days but 4-5 would be more realistic:


Monday- volunteering and pottery class

Tuesday- optional playgroup

Wednesday- nothing but we often have to use some time to run errands, go to the store, etc.

Thursday- choir and optional homeschool park day

Friday- nature class


I try to keep Tuesday-Thursday as open as possible and lately we haven't gone to playgroup/park day but we're still lucky to have even one day during the week when we don't have to go somewhere. Even when there aren't activities we still need to run errands, schedule appointments, etc.

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As little as possible. It averages to less than once a week, unless you count Wed. evening Bible class. I purposely wait until weekends to do all of my errands, library runs, and grocery shopping. Up until this year we shopped every other Thursday. Shopping with 9 precious little one in tow, did not make me into a very fun person to be around. So for everyone's sanity that no longer happens.

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I replied "one day", without reading the OP :tongue_smilie:.


Tues. is our co-op day, so we are out of the house all day. I suppose it does count as our school for that day, since we don't plan to do any other schoolwork that day. However, that means our regular school work has to be crammed into 4 days instead of 5, so that is the day "outside the home" that has the greatest effect on getting our school work done.


Based on the OPs parameters, however, I would say 4 days a week, because on the other four "full day" school days, my kids have activities, such as soccer and karate. Those aren't until 8pm, though, so they don't interfere that much with school.

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Monday night--orchestra (1 hr drive away)


Tuesday night--swimming (1 hr drive)


Wednesday afternoon--swimming (only 15 minute drive), night---Bible study


Thursday afternoon--violin lessons, night--swimming (both are an hour drive from home)


Friday afternoon--swimming (only 15 minutes drive)


Sunday---church, also an hour drive.


That's 6 days. I tend to stay home on Saturday unless there is a swim meet or other event.

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It's usually 5 days a week here but really only two interfere with school. I tutor two mornings a week (during school, obviously). He has theater Mondays and Fridays but it's in the evening so it doesn't interfere. I also work two days a week, but ds is old enough that we have his routine so he does things independently while I'm gone and dh works with him during lunch.


Being out of the house was way worse when the kids were younger- if we had a morning class or field trip, it was awful trying to fit school in that day. Now, not so much. Weird, since the workload is heavier...but perhaps not considering I'm down to one student and he's older.

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4 weekdays for us. Friday is the ONLY day of the entire week that we aren't required to be somewhere (although DD11 often goes to the barn to ride her horse). Monday through Thursday and Saturday and Sunday we have activities that we must leave the house for. It is exhausting but the girls love their activities, and they broaden their lives so much. :001_smile:



DD8-- Ballet, Tap, Jazz

DD11-- Jazz



DD8-- Cheer Dance

DD11-- Modern Dance



DD8-- Hip Hop, Ballet

DD11-- Horseback riding lesson



DD8-- Art

DD11-- Art



DD8-- Ballet

DD11-- Horseback riding



DD8-- Gymnastics

DD11-- Gymnastics

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Monday is soccer for dd15 and Cub Scouts for ds8.


Tuesday is soccer for dd11 and violin for dd15 and guitar for ds17 and geometry tutoring for dd15.


Wednesday is soccer for dd15 and Girl Scouts for dd15 and cheerleading for dd11.


Thursday is soccer for dd11 and alternates weeks with Girl Scouts and choir for her, too. It is also choir for ds8 and Girl Scouts for dd6.


Friday is soccer for dd15.


(Saturday is cheerleading and soccer for dd11 and Sunday is church for the family and soccer for dd15 and Youth Group for ds17.)

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I put two, but I'm not sure as one is after hours.


Monday is our out of the house day. The only day I have a car. Violin lessons in the morning, then usually visiting/park/library/errands.


Wednesday DD has youth group in the evening. That's it. I really do not like to leave the house! :lol:

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We are out Thursdays. We have enrichment co-op from 8:30-1. I schedule all appointments, errands, and extras after that. If they don't fit in that day/time we don't do them.


I can not afford (mentally or financially) to do any more than that. You know the saying... "When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

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We are out Thursdays. We have enrichment co-op from 8:30-1. I schedule all appointments, errands, and extras after that. If they don't fit in that day/time we don't do them.


I can not afford (mentally or financially) to do any more than that. You know the saying... "When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."


This is me, too. I cannot imagine being out 4-5 days and being sane (let alone on top of our school work!). Kudos to you who can, though -- it's just not me!

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4 days a week are swim team.

1 day a week is dance.


Neither happen before 4 p.m., so we're generally home and in the neighborhood all day. Both kids do dance, and both swim. :) It's very manageable. I'm too old to have it any other way. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm talking about weekdays, not weekend. And I mean days when you have things going on outside the home (or people coming to your home) for sports, church, music lessons, playdates, etc and you're also doing schoolwork. So if one day is co-op day and counts as your school for the day, don't count that. Only count weekdays when you have extra activities in addition to schoolwork.


I'm not sure how to vote. I bring ds up to the high school for an hour every day. So....since that's school that probably doesn't count. Other than that, it's to the library Read Naturally program twice a week (little dd is in it, I am one of the volunteers), Zumba 1 night a week (sometimes 2). I feel like I'm running a lot. But, I know people who have there kids in everything under the sun and I don't know how they can do it. I'd much prefer to just stay home.

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I am a home body and would love to not go out. I probably could stay home every day and be happy, apart from walking my dogs in the woods most day (or on streets if it's rained heavily).


But my days are more about my children's desire than my own right now. I have a swimmer who swims 6 days a week. I have a carpool for that, which helps.


I have a tennis player who plays most days.


I travel with both. We also have violin once a week and Latin twice a week.


My more natural preference would not include this much driving, but more than anything I want them to grow up feeling I gave them a chance to do the things they most wanted to do. So for now, I suck it up.

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We have at least one activity every day, mostly because I have one dd who trains for gymnastics 6 days a week. The other kids have dance, baseball, youth group, volunteer work, etc. I know I am in the middle of a very busy season of life. I would be perfectly happy to only go out for groceries or to sit on my front porch. :001_smile:

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Sorry I wasn't completely clear with the question. I really meant any time in the day (morning, afternoon, evening) that you were out of the house (or had people scheduled to come to yours) in addition to doing your normal schoolwork. I appreciate all the responses.


I've just been working really hard to get the kids out of the house a few days a week, whether it's homeschool group meetings, field trips, swim lessons, etc, so we're not so isolated - I guess because where we live now is really isolated. And I was wondering what's typical. I appreciate all the responses. Thanks.

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(lesson: never let people with different resources and priorities than your own guilt you into doing it their way!,) and this is what makes us happy, useful, and productive.


This is so true.

I voted two days even though for the past month we've been out a lot more. This week we've pulled it back to two. Our normal pattern is to switch between two and three. My children are still little and the weeks we do three it feels like too much.

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Almost daily.




Now, this was written for this summer; but a lot of the time, I would use appointment times to AID us doing school if we could homeschool (my 16yr old homeschools but the littles are foster children). For example, we'd do play therapy during the day gladly. While one is doing that, I could be working with the other two and then switch out kids.


And this is before sports....and after adoption, we will be adding certain therapies. Yes, should be interesting to say the least.

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We only have one scheduled item on the calendar for the entire year, Scouts. Scouts is often more than just meetings though. Last week we were out 5 out of 7 days doing scout stuff with the boy scouts. My cub doesn't require nearly as much effort! ;)


However, we have a field trip group that doesn't do things every week, but often has something we go to.


We also typically do something with a good friend or two once a week, yesterday we went to a museum.


So, it really varies. I try to have at least two days during the school days where we don't have to go anywhere. It hasn't worked that way for a while. :tongue_smilie:

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Counting just weekdays, we have things scheduled at least four days.


Mondays: Voice lesson for my daughter. Choir followed by a dance lesson for my son. Currently, my daughter also has rehearsals for a play on Monday evenings.


Tuesdays: Voice lesson for my son. My daughter has rehearsals for the play one or two Tuesdays a week through the beginning of December.


Wednesdays: At the moment, my son has play rehearsals Wednesday evenings. Once those end in mid-November, he will start going to more dance classes that night. We also have season tickets for two theatres and for a series of opera broadcasts from the Met, all of which are scheduled for Wednesday evenings.


Thursdays: My son has Lego robotics team meetings from 11:00 - 4:00-ish. My daughter has rehearsals most Thursday evenings.


Fridays: We have no regularly scheduled activities for Fridays, so we use it for things we can't otherwise get around to doing, like field trips or going to the library. Next Friday, my son and I are scheduled to volunteer at a local Renassaince faire, after which we have tickets for the reading of a new play. And, of course, when either kid is in a show, they usually have performances on Friday nights. This Friday is the third and last weekend of my daughter's currently-performing show. After that, neither one has performances until both shows open in December. Usually we have at least a couple of Fridays a month when we're home all day.


Weekends are a whole other can of worms.

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