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Have you started shopping for next year?


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I just purchased a few things for next year already.....


I bought.


Geography thought Art.

Mapping the World By Art


I really want to tackled Geography next year. Do you think I can use Geography through Art with my kids who will be 5th grade and 3rd grade next year?

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LOL! Too funny! I don't know anything about that book, but I suspect that I know enough about this board to know that you are not alone in purchasing for next year.


I try not to purchase for next year until January or at least December, but I have so much stuff at this point that I need to shop on my shelves before I spend money.


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Yes but we run from January to Novemeber so it is about that time anyways.
We also start our school year in January.

I was feeling lazy this weekend so decided to go ahead and pull everything off the shelves so I could start lesson planning and reading through the manuals. I know from now til January is going to go by real fast and the more I can prep now, the better I will be in January.

I think I have everything bought, organized and planned for 2012. :D I may need some supplemental math in mid-year, but will cross that bridge later. Oh, writing. I'm still so perplexed about writing. :glare: May or may not try something new in 2012, but need to see how much we progress between now and then.

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I'm still buying for *this* year.


Me too. We also count our years from around the end of January, so I've got all sorts of stuff arriving. Stuff to finish off this year with, stuff for next year, Christmas presents and birthday presents because we all have early birthdays.


I'm have a fun few weeks. :D



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Yes-I bought the next two levels of Singapore Math on Ebay when they were available (in my defense, though, I use a version from Singapore, which was MUCH less expensive to have shipped from Ohio :) ), and next month will be traveling with DH to a city with a really good homeschool bookstore, where I'll be looking for logic books, other sets of VP cards, and more Lyrical Science. If they have MCT town on the used rack, that would be even better, but I'm not holding my breath on that one (and I know they don't have it new).


I'm also starting to look for the books for SL core 5, although I'm torn on whether to go on to core 5, or to go back and start another cycle with ancients. Either way, I have a LONG list of lit books to find, and the fall Yard Sale season is in full swing :).

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I have:

SM 3a&b text and HIG, I need the workbooks, IPs, and CPW

SOTW vol 2 with text, Cds, tests, and AG

R&S English 3

RS4K pre-level 1 Chemistry and Physics (I don't know if I will use one or both)

Drawing with Children, because I was going to use it this year, bit we weren't quite ready

Piano books-minus the theory books, for when we get my patents piano next year


We also hot the library booksale, a few garage sales, and unpacked some boxes from the garage and have a ton of books to read!


And we have all the CC stuff we need.


I bought all of these off of the for sale boards or at garage sales as I found them, or I bought them for this year (cc and DWC).


I am type A.....and trying to keep costs down ;)

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I haven't purchased anything, but am trying to figure out what to do for my youngest next year. I have never taught Kindergarten before....my oldest was in PS that year; my middle child was in PS K for about two months before I pulled him out, but he was advanced and more than ready for first grade work. My youngest is struggling academically with preschool:lol: So, i'm keeping my eyes open for a great Kindergarten curriculum that will hopefully make her actually WANT to participate:)

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Not actively shopping yet, but doing research. I'm keeping a lookout for the stuff I want, since I'd rather buy it used for a lower price than pay full price for a brand new program that we may end up whipping through.


I'm pretty sure I have history already lined up, at most I'll need to buy a workbook (if we do CHOW the Calvert way), otherwise I have SOTW1 and SOTW2 with the AGs for both, plus the CHOW text and Our Island Story. Math, I'll be buying in January, most likely, because Ariel will have finished the current level. We started a new level of English last month, but that was 3 months prior to when I initially planned to begin, so I'll have to line that up, too. I think I know what to do for science, but then again, we might start it early because my initial plan for science this year hasn't worked out.

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We also start our school year in January.

I was feeling lazy this weekend so decided to go ahead and pull everything off the shelves so I could start lesson planning and reading through the manuals. I know from now til January is going to go by real fast and the more I can prep now, the better I will be in January.

I think I have everything bought, organized and planned for 2012. :D I may need some supplemental math in mid-year, but will cross that bridge later. Oh, writing. I'm still so perplexed about writing. :glare: May or may not try something new in 2012, but need to see how much we progress between now and then.



I love to plan and have already done most of our lessons through July of next year :lol:. I am still deciding on a few things though, like if we are going to continue TT after we finish 3. We take all of December off so hopefully I can get the last of the plans done before the new year. Not sure how old your kids are but we are using BJU for the first time this year and it has alot of writing incorporated into it. It is spelling that I can't decide what to do!

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Because we do mostly a lit approach I am always on the look out for good books at the thrift store. I felt like I won the jackpot when I happened upon a stack of Let's Read and Find Out books for a quarter each!

I haven't bought any *curriculum* for next year though. The only thing I will have to purchase is R&S Math 2 cuz I sold the set we had. I am still kicking myself over that!

I print out books for OFE so those are taking care of as far as being down loaded to my hard drive. I only print up as needed.

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I'm defintely a crazy one as I'm researching and planning for when my three year old will be ready for homeschooling! He's my oldest so we've got a while but I'm so tempted to start buying curriculum so I can get my hands on it and look through it. For now we're just reading lots of great children's books. So I'm always on the lookout for great lit!

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Not yet but I am so giddy with excitement over the kids being able to use materials for the second time.....Hug-a-Bug will use Saxon 2 next year - which Miss Muffet finished and she will get to use some of the stuff that Mr R finished up.


The big up-front investment in curricula last year is starting to pay off nicely as more of the kids get to use it :D

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and next month will be traveling with DH to a city with a really good homeschool bookstore


:drool: You get to go to a homeschool BOOKSTORE!?!?! I am beyond jealous. I didn't know they had those.


As for the OP, I haven't bought anything yet, but am definitely planning. What I'm considering for next year:


Classical Writing Aesop (not sure if I should start w/ A or B)

Hands on Equations (to go w/ MM 5)

Singapore (Rightstart is ending after this year...we aren't using RS Geometry)


And we will be doing history from the 1600's to just before the Civil War. This will be VERY fun to plan....and there are so many good options, I'll probably change my mind fifty times at least.


Also, I'd really like to finally start Latin. I have GSWL, but am looking around.

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I'm still buying things for this year, lol. We've had some things that haven't worked out and other things that I only bought for a part of a semester so I need to buy more to get through the year.


Unfortunately, I think all of the kids are going to go to PS next year. So there will be no curriculum shopping for me.:crying:

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Not purchasing yet, but trying to figure out what we want.



same here.


i'll start buying everything with our tax return. in the meantime, i'm just keeping my eyes open for what's out there. most of what we're using now, i'll continue with next year. the subjects i'm researching are history and science.

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Me? Uh, no. I have NO idea what you're talking about. :001_huh:


Okay, yes, I have started nosing around looking at things for next year.


It's hopeless, isn't it? :tongue_smilie:



Oops, I completely forgot. I have actually already purchased R&S 4 and WWE 3, plus the student pages for WWE 2 (for Sylvia). Bad, BAD!

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I am not shopping so much as hunting. I have written a basic plan for the third grade year. However, I'm torn over which vintage grammar text to use yet, and I'm still putting together ideas for chemistry, and considering integrating medicine and cooking into that year for practical purposes.

And I'm checking out resources from the library to pre-read for use in school.

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Yes, because I found Life of Fred Pre-algebra with biology, Pre-algebra with economics and beginning algebra (with home companion) at the homeschool consignment store where we have credit. I've also picked up Lightning Lit 8 for the same reason. They have the next level of Saxon, but I need to wait to be sure which one I need 8/7 or Algebra 1/2. I won't know that until close to the end of 7/6.


I found a good price online for my k12 American history student/teacher pages and several Joy Hakim History of Us books at a library book sale. The k12 materials we'll need for the world history portion have also been purchased already because we will need part of them for this year.

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I did. As soon as I know what I will use the next year I start looking at the used sales. I got SOTW Vol 2 Activity Guide for a few dollars at one sale. SL Core 2 almost complete for just $30...even if I don't use the IG, the books will be used. BJU Algebra 2 complete set I got for free at our homeschool center but this won't be used till the following year...but who can pass up free.

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I did. As soon as I know what I will use the next year I start looking at the used sales. I got SOTW Vol 2 Activity Guide for a few dollars at one sale. SL Core 2 almost complete for just $30...even if I don't use the IG, the books will be used. BJU Algebra 2 complete set I got for free at our homeschool center but this won't be used till the following year...but who can pass up free.


what are these used sales of which you speak?!? :bigear: How might someone find one?

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what are these used sales of which you speak?!? :bigear: How might someone find one?

I just keep looking on ebay, here, Goodwill, used book stores, and by word of mouth.

The SL was a rare prize. I bid on it knowing I would have to go higher but no one else bid...I was shocked to get it so cheap.

Keep looking, they are out there.

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what are these used sales of which you speak?!? :bigear: How might someone find one?


Around here, the best way to find out about used curricula sales is to join one or more local homeschool groups. Some of them have membership fees/requirements, but some are just information loops. Look for them around April/May/June, though sometimes one group here has theirs in July. Because groups want lots of buyers, the information is usually pretty widely broadcast. You can always ask other homeschoolers in your area about used curricula resources where you are.


Also, I'm told there are sometimes used areas at the big homeschool conventions, but I've not been to one, so can't say. We're fortunate to have a permanent homeschool consignment store locally, so I can find things year-round. Also check local used bookstores, as they will often have a used education section (plus be a good resource for other books that are often part of a particular curriculum).


However you look for used curricula, your best friend is the list of books you need. Research what you want to use for the next year and make a list, then carry that with you in your purse. Pull it out if you go to a library book sale, used bookstore, thrift shop, curricula sale....anywhere there are books. You never know what you might find. I do like to be open to serendipity, so I have general idea but am willing to be flexible if I find a great deal on something similar to what I had planned. The serendipitous moments are fewer as my child gets older, but they still sometimes happen.

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