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Which was your FAVORITE thread EVER??!!!

What is your all time favorite thread?  

  1. 1. What is your all time favorite thread?

    • Tea thread (hilarious and informative!)
    • BooK thread
    • Crockpot thread
    • Shopping cart thread
    • Removing shoes before entering house/asking guests to remove shoes thread
    • Bikini thread
    • other - please explain - and post a link of you can!

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This one was on the "old" board that flipped ever so often. It was fall, pre-Christmas and we discussed in great length and thoroughness the various advantages of Dutch Ovens. The thread then evolved into a crisis situation where one member in particular was faced with imminent flooding.

I was salivating for a Le Creuset Dutch Oven when I was done with it.

I have no clue if it can be linked since it was before 2008 when the new board came up.


CLOSE SECOND had to be the "Kilt" thread where we all forgot our dignity and shot from the hip. ;)

Edited by Liz CA
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This one was on the "old" board that flipped ever so often. It was fall, pre-Christmas and we discussed in great length and thoroughness the various advantages of Dutch Ovens. The thread then evolved into a crisis situation where one member in particular was faced with imminent flooding.

I was salivating for a Le Creuset Dutch Oven when I was done with it.


CLOSE SECOND had to be the "Kilt" thread where we all forgot our dignity and shot from the hip. ;)


I *love* Le Creuset , but how could I have forgotten to add the kilt thread:confused:

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The bandwidth sucking rep thread from the summer of 2008. :D :D You can see the remnants here. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=4&daysprune=-1&order=desc&sort=replycount Scroll down to the first non-sticky thread and the big trash can symbol.


(pauses for a moment of silence, removes hat, lowers head, smiles a quirky little grin)


I think it was titled, how does one get to 2k posts, started by Stephanie. Fond memories.

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I answered the teA thread, but I recently read this gem: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85540 about serving soup, salad and a roll to children, and I have to say - I was shocked, entertained, amused and educated. It might be my 2nd favorite - I had to read it over several days, just a warning for those who haven't read it. And if you don't want to read it, just take a moment to appreciate some of the tags...I found it again just now by doing a tag search for "dining with the queen." :lol:


(I think the board should be renamed Poll-A-Palooza for the day, don't you?)

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The thread in which Church Pat (it was her, wasn't it?) shared her waxing story.


The carpet removal thread was my favorite. :D


The original TeA thread is a very close second, but I wasn't there when it unfolded, unlike the awesome carpet thread, in which I posted on the first page. :D


Those were hilarious... I read through the original teA thread at one point, and the carpet removal thread and the linked bathtub sticking thread were hilarious, too. I think I also liked the thread about the crazy woman at drama rehearsals foisting her kids off on a Hive member? I don't know why, but someone linked it at one point, and I actually read through the whole old thread. IDK about a link, it just sticks out in my head...

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The bandwidth sucking rep thread from the summer of 2008. :D :D You can see the remnants here. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=4&daysprune=-1&order=desc&sort=replycount Scroll down to the first non-sticky thread and the big trash can symbol.


(pauses for a moment of silence, removes hat, lowers head, smiles a quirky little grin)


I think it was titled, how does one get to 2k posts, started by Stephanie. Fond memories.


:iagree: Definitely best thread of all time! Waxing story second. Third would be TeA.


I mean, how can any thread compete with a thread that was so large it had to be deleted?

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The bandwidth sucking rep thread from the summer of 2008. :D :D You can see the remnants here. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=4&daysprune=-1&order=desc&sort=replycount Scroll down to the first non-sticky thread and the big trash can symbol.


(pauses for a moment of silence, removes hat, lowers head, smiles a quirky little grin)


I think it was titled, how does one get to 2k posts, started by Stephanie. Fond memories.

:lol::lol:Ah yes, the 2000th thread. We made a lot of friends there. I wonder... Did Stephanie ever make her 2000th post?

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Can someone post the links to these threads pretty please.


Tea thread (hilarious and informative!)

Crockpot thread

Shopping cart thread

Removing shoes before entering house/asking guests to remove shoes thread

Bikini thread


Thanks :)

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Can someone post the links to these threads pretty please.


Tea thread (hilarious and informative!)

Crockpot thread

Shopping cart thread

Removing shoes before entering house/asking guests to remove shoes thread

Bikini thread


Thanks :)


I will oblige since I started it.


The reason I started it is because there was another thread about leaving/not leaving your kids in the car and posters were saying things like I'm so careful about NOT leaving my kids alone in the car that I don't even put my shopping cart away.


To me, it sounded awfully braggy and mommy-war-ish. It was the attitude that bothered me. So I started the other thread. I felt like I could be a good, safe mom and return my shopping cart.


shopping cart thread

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Kilts! Hands down the most infamous thread and that was very closely followed by the "I guess I'm a pagan too" thread, which didn't start out that way, in which Audrey graciously allowed many of us to sign up for our beginner "witch's" kit which, if memory serves, included a goat. It was a tense topic originally and that side-tracking of the initial thread really made my day as it did for a number of posters.


Actually, both of those threads were out-growths of the same difficult topic/event. It's good to know that so many of us have a crazy sense of humor and can come around from darkness to light.


Good stuff.


Oh, and what kilt was it in which we chose the "kilt" outfit for SWB? If I remember correctly that was a very funny thread and her get-up was a lovely tartan yellow and black plaid skirt, black top, and divine matching shawl and tam hat. So Hive! That should be our new phrase..."That's so Hive!" :D


Also in the top five, in terms of highly informative, was a SpyCar thread in which those of us who participated learned all kinds of amazing things about the history of Ethiopia and its culture. It was a really neat thread.



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The bandwidth sucking rep thread from the summer of 2008. :D :D You can see the remnants here. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=4&daysprune=-1&order=desc&sort=replycount Scroll down to the first non-sticky thread and the big trash can symbol.


(pauses for a moment of silence, removes hat, lowers head, smiles a quirky little grin)


I think it was titled, how does one get to 2k posts, started by Stephanie. Fond memories.

:iagree: That was SUCH a great thread, and some of us are still good friends to this day because of it! Yep, so large it had to be deleted! Hilarious and fun for days....couldn't wait to get back on to see what had transpired since the last time!!! Yep, DEFINITELY the very best thread EVER! :D It'd be so fun if it was undeleted and we could look back on what we all said!!! :D Edited by Brindee
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