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How much is a gallon of milk where you live?

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15 hours of moving in 108 degree heat, up to the third floor.


It's ten at night and we've been at this since 7 a.m. never eating...ugh.


So. Finally. Go to Grocery Store to find something to eat.


Six bucks for butter (this is Albertsons)? 5.50 for a gallon of milk?


What kind of joke is this? :001_huh:

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Milk- $2.79/gallon at Winco (name brand)


Butter- $2.49/lb. at Costco (Kirkland brand)


Okay, after seeing the previous replies, I feel guilty having complained that all dairy products have gone up in price. String cheese DID skyrocket. It was $2.50 for a 12 pack last year. Now it's $3.79. I used to be able to get a 24 pk. for $4.50...now it's up over $7. :glare:

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I just got back from the store a little while ago and it was $2.49 for a gallon of whole milk. (That's not on sale; I normally pay under $2.) The store was running a promo, though - buy 4 General Mills cereals and get 2 gallons of milk free! Awesomeness.

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4 liters of raw milk from my neighbor costs $1.77

4 liters of bagged, pasteurized milk (the closest thing to US regular milk) costs between $3.00 and $3.35

4 liters of ultra-pastuerized boxed milk costs $4.75

Butter costs about $2.50 a pound, or maybe less.


It's difficult for me to find bagged milk because it doesn't have a very long shelf life and there's very little demand for it in my town. Most people buy a liter or two a day of milk from a neighbor, or maybe more if they make other dairy products. Since the average salary in Kyrgyzstan is less than $200/month, milk is relatively expensive here.

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Regular price at wal-mart right now is $2.48/gal., but I bought it on sale ad-matched to Fry's for $1.59/gal. With ad matches I can usually get it for $2/gal or less, as someone or other will have it on sale.


Now, getting it home in triple digit weather with no car...that's another conversation!

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At the regular grocery store where I stopped to pick up a few things yesterday, they wanted $6 for the brand name milk, and $4 for the store brand. I usually buy milk at Costco where it's $3, give or take depending on skim/whole.

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With conversions and exchange rates, I'm paying US $5.40 for a gallon of milk, and that's only because I am able to buy wholesale from the milk delivery man. If I was buying at the store it would be US $8.05 per gallon.


(I pay BR R$2.30 per liter, so I'm first converting liters to gallons, then doing the exchange rate....)


I'm in Sao Paulo (ish) Brazil.

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$3.57 for regular (store brand), $6.29 for organic.


ETA Butter is inconsistent, though. One store has its store brand 1lb for $3.89 (organic $6.99), another store has their store brand for $2.39 (organic $6.99), and yet another store has a few organic varieties starting at $3.89 up to $5.99. I don't understand the massive fluctuation there.

Edited by LauraGB
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We pay $4 a gallon from our friends farm 8 miles down the road for creamery milk. Good stuff! Their butter is $5 lb. Store bought cheap milk is just under $4 at WalMart, but that stuff is gross...always starts to taste funny after a few days. The better milks from Kleinpeter (local dairy here) are over $5.50.

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At our nearest supermarket:

$2.59/gallon for the cheapest kind.

$2.99/gallon for store brand (seems like store brand would be priced lowest, but it isn't).

Somewhere around $6/gallon for organic.


But -- it depends on the supermarket here. Some price their store brands at $4/gallon.


Location: western WA, urban area.

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