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What is your FOOD weakness?

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What is that one food that you just can't resist? The one that always wrecks your diet? The one that, if you have a bag or box or can or jar or whatever of it in the house, you can barely resist eating the whole thing (and you often don't resist)?


I ask this as I sit here eating an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. HELP ME!!!

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My favorite! I won't even buy them because noone else here likes them so I eat them ALL!




What is that one food that you just can't resist? The one that always wrecks your diet? The one that, if you have a bag or box or can or jar or whatever of it in the house, you can barely resist eating the whole thing (and you often don't resist)?


I ask this as I sit here eating an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. HELP ME!!!

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What is that one food that you just can't resist? The one that always wrecks your diet? The one that, if you have a bag or box or can or jar or whatever of it in the house, you can barely resist eating the whole thing (and you often don't resist)?


I ask this as I sit here eating an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. HELP ME!!!

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LOL - "resistance is futile, you will be assimilated'...since this is close to truth, I found a way that works for me. I "assimilate" on the weekends only. Seriously, giving myself permission to eat those things on the weekends without guilt has been hugely helpful in resisting and is even changing my normal cravings for them. My nemisis food is any kind of oooey-gooey, cheesey, saucy pasta. Num Num :)

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Hmmmmm, let me seach my mind to find one or two or three or......:D


Nacho chips flavored and hummus spicy

Nacho chips and hot salsa


OK, my mouth is drooling now....thanks Heather! ;)


Anything I bake!


Let me stop now before I go on the hunt for FOOD!



ETA: English walnuts.........

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Sadly.....Mountain Dew.


I'm so ashamed.




This wrecks my eating plan every time. I get to late afternoon and I'm dragging and my mouth starts watering and ... ahhh.


I gave up on quitting and started buying the 8 oz cans and doing one a day. Oh well.

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I feel kind of embarrassed to even say it, because it doesn't seem like something that I should crave, but...cereal! OMG, I love cereal! I don't generally like sugary cereals (except for the occasional Froot Loops-bad, bad!), but rather things like Cascadian Farms Honey Nut O's (soooo good!) and Fruit in the Middle Frosted Mini Wheats (which are kind of sugary, but not like Froot Loops). If I could, I would eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nom, nom, nom....



Oh, and I can put a hurting on a pan of brownies, but I only like the edge bits. I can NEVER own one of those All Edges Brownie Pans because I would eat the whole thing. Nom, nom, nom....


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Plus, it is easier to have none than it is to have one.


I love that! I am on my 2nd week of weight watchers for the 1000th time (OK I exaggerate a little). Right now everything is a trigger and it is a lot harder to have a little of something especially if its chocolate.

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Watermelon. I absolutely love it. I know that it isn't "bad" for you, but I seem to be able to gain weight eating tons of it anyway. :glare: If I have a whole watermelon cut up, I will keep going back and eating on it all day long.


I have pretty strong willpower most of the time, but watermelon is my weakness.

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