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Square feet versus number of children

Square feet and number of children in your home  

  1. 1. Square feet and number of children in your home

    • 999 and under sq ft
    • 1000-1499 sq ft
    • 1500-1999 sq ft
    • 2000-2499 sq ft
    • 2500 plus sq ft
    • 1-2 kids
    • 3-4 kids
    • 5+ kids

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Poll coming. Disregard other post. Hopefully I don't mess this one up!


Just wondering how big you home is in comparison to the number of children you have. Don't include your garage; just the living space. :)


Rats, I still won't know which house goes with which number of kids. I'm no good at polls.

Edited by 3peasinapod
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Maybe do a poll of how many square feet per kid/person? We have 3200 sf and 5 kids, so roughly 600 sf per kid.. Know what I mean?

:iagree: That would be more helpful to decipher.


We have 6000 sf per kid, as we planned to have more but couldn't.

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:iagree: That would be more helpful to decipher.


We have 6000 sf per kid, as we planned to have more but couldn't.


We're in 5400sf and until January had only one, and had figured another just wasn't in the cards - then baby-DS surprised us :) - so now we're at 2700 sf per kid. The this much space is, honestly, a love-hate thing for me, on the one hand I love we have so much room, on the other, it's a pickle to clean and I finally gave up and hired someone to help after baby-DS was born!

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The house is about 2000 sq ft.


My 18 and 16yr olds each have their own rooms.

Then my boys share a room.

The five yr old has her own room.

And the baby is in our room.


I'm hoping that the next house will be a little larger with at least one more bedroom.

(btw, not that *I* care, but CPS has their rules regarding sq ft per room, # of kids per room, sq ft per X# people, etc.

Plenty of big families have smaller homes and are just fine).

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I used to have a good amount of space. My house is 1890 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 people were living here.


Now....same house, but two more adults (ex-husband and fiancee.....don't ask).


I spend a lot of time in my bedroom, which also serves as my office (I work from home). Feeling a bit cramped....

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I didn't vote because I think it would throw off your poll. We only have one child, but we live in a 2400 sq/ft farmhouse. We have closed off a portion of the house because it is just a stupid amount of space for 3 people. When we have company, we open up those rooms and dust like maniacs. I am the kind of person who likes a cozy home. Some people might think my 2400 sq/ft is shamefully tiny, but for me it is a shameful waste of space. I don't like huge expanses of house. I think that drives people apart (just my opinion).


FWIW, this farmhouse was built for a couple, their 14 children and their 3 parents/in-laws, and it was plenty of house for them. :D

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2400, 400 or so of which we don't use, with 1 child and one husband.



Oh! Now I don't feel so alone! This is like us, too, except I don't know how much square footage is unused. I just know it is 3 bedrooms and a parlour that go unused. We use 2 bedrooms, 1 parlour, the living room and the kitchen and dining (and bathroom, of course).


There is a hole under the house that some might call a basement, too, but really it more of a root cellar, and gives us a lot of grief rather than useful space. :glare:

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I used to have a good amount of space. My house is 1890 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 people were living here.


Now....same house, but two more adults (ex-husband and fiancee.....don't ask).


I spend a lot of time in my bedroom, which also serves as my office (I work from home). Feeling a bit cramped....


I won't ask ;), I'll just say that *any* size house would be more than a bit cramped for me with an ex and fiancee in it!


For your sake, I hope it's not for long!

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3800 sq ft w 5 kids. I have read the argument that smaller homes make for a closer family, but it isn't true in our case. My 3 middle kids spends most of their free time together playing in one person's room or the playroom. My 7 yr old moved in with my 10 yr old, they wanted to share a room. Our family spends most of our time, when we're all home, in the kitchen/living room area together. Before this, we had 4 kids in 1200 sq ft and that just made me crazy!

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We just moved from 3,100 square feet to just under 2,000. So far, I really prefer the smaller house. We do have a MUCH bigger lot here, and that makes a big difference. I think it also matters that my kids are relatively young- about to turn 2, 4, 6, and 9. I think when they're bigger, we might need more room.

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Some people might think my 2400 sq/ft is shamefully tiny, but for me it is a shameful waste of space. I don't like huge expanses of house. I think that drives people apart (just my opinion).


We are in just over 2000 sq ft w/2 kids. We have quite a bit more if you count unfinished/storage/basement/porch. We live urban though, so this is a BIG house for in the city compared to many in this area. I prefer a cozier space, and there are plenty of days our house feels like too much. We used to live in 3500 sq ft in the burbs and it was too much to take care of and we drove everywhere. Much prefer the current set up.

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