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What do you call the implement that holds hair in a ponytail?

What do you call the thing holding up your hair?  

  1. 1. What do you call the thing holding up your hair?

    • Hair tie
    • Hair elastic
    • Hair band
    • Pony-tail holder
    • Hair Scrunchie
    • Hair Do-Dad
    • Something Else

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My mil (who lives with us) has my kids calling it a "george."


My kids call soap bubbles "george." I don't know if that comes from a movie or it's their own invention, but if they're washing dishes and there's a big mitt of bubbles, they call it a "george."

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:lol::lol: When my girls were little I called them woogies. As in 'go get a ponytail woogie." Then I realized they thought that was what those things were really called and I was appalled. Acckk


Of course when my first girl was 2 she thought ice cream was called 'some', because I had given it to her and said. "would you like some?' Later she would lean on the fridge and pat it and say some...some..some.


It is a miracle they learned english at all.



The first thing my ds saw on TV was a Pooh video. (He was a toddler.) He apparently thought that "Pooh" was what the TV was called. Only he called it "puh" (short u sound). So for the longest time, he would point at a TV and say, "Puh!", no matter what show was on.



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My Spanish-speaking sister, who moved to Central America, married a local and is raising two long-haired girls, calls it a "cola." Somehow that's what we call it now too, although dh takes great delight in sending dd to me with a can of Coke when I ask her to bring me one. (He's done this countless times and giggles like a kid every.single.time.)


I'm shocked, just shocked, that no one calls them what we do. :D

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I almost put "Hair Thingy" on the poll, because I say that a lot. I also say "Hair Do-Dad," for the same reason as DER. But so far, "Pony-tailer" is the cutest thing any of you have mentioned!


My mother called them "Hair Hookers." :tongue_smilie: DD14 said, "That sounds...not so nice, like a hair dresser gone wrong." :lol:


I almost spit out my drink on my brand new laptop. Hair Hooker, that's a classic.


I call them ponytail holders.


ETA: On a side note when my oldest was younger we didn't know he had ear issues and until he was almost two he called me Uma, my dh Wawa, and our dog Rumbles was OO-Buh Da-yuh. But every bird no matter what kids, ostrich to hummingbird was a Bach Bach. Then again he also carried around a beany baby goose with him everywhere from 18 months to 3 years old.

Edited by nukeswife
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Another vote for "hair thingy"! :lol:


Mostly because I can never think of what anything is called. It's rubbing off on my 3yo son. He asked me, "Can you get me the thing?" I asked what thing, and he said, "The thingy thing!"


Technically I would call it a ponytail holder. If I could ever pull that out of my brain when I need it.

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I voted pony-tail holder, but I actually just call it a pony-tail. It's quicker that way.


BTW, where do these things go? They disappear almost as soon as I buy a new pack. :glare:


They disappear here too and probably go to the same place as new pens, new mechanical pencils, bag clips, matching socks ...


We call them hair bands or hair thingys.

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:lol::lol: When my girls were little I called them woogies. As in 'go get a ponytail woogie." Then I realized they thought that was what those things were really called and I was appalled. Acckk


Of course when my first girl was 2 she thought ice cream was called 'some', because I had given it to her and said. "would you like some?' Later she would lean on the fridge and pat it and say some...some..some.


It is a miracle they learned english at all.




This made my day. Thank you for posting these little stories. I love them.






:001_smile: I am happy now, and it was a rough day.

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