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What would you say this song is about?

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I think everything from Katy Perry has a sexual subtext, lol! My DS heard this song at a wedding and now he can't stop humming the chorus.


I could truly live without hearing her say "UH-UH-UH!" ever.again.


The songs are just so catchy though!

Edited by Stacie Leigh
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If you don't listen to the whole song, yes, the chorus sounds sexual.


If you watch the video though and read through the lyrics, it is empowering.


I won't link because there is a same sex kiss. I realize that makes it sound sexual, but it really isn't like that. It's about being comfortable with who you are and having a purpose, as well as standing up for yourself.


There are multiple stories in the video. One child has cancer and walks past a hospital room and witnesses a woman giving birth. Another is a boy whose parents fight and his father abuses his mother. He pushes his father away from his mother. Another is a man at a club who looks uncomfortable. He then gets up, walks to the bar, and kisses the guy he likes. And another is a girl at a party with a pool and everyone is going swimming but she feels uncomfortable in her own skin. She eventually jumps in.

Edited by BeatleMania
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I don't hear that at all. My girls like this song. It is all about self-empowerment, self-esteem, you are important type stuff. The only thing is, the official video to the song shows gay teens and fat kids and other social reject types being accepted as normal and not outcasts, FWIW. It reminds me a lot in theme of the song Beautiful by Christina Aguilera.

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Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

Drifting throught the wind

Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

Like a house of cards

One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep

Six feet under scream

But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you

Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light

And let it shine

Just own the night

Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework

Come on show 'em what you're worth

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework

Come on let your colors burst

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space

You're original, cannot be replaced

If you only knew what the future holds

After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed

So you could open one that leads you to the

perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow

And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light

And let it shine

Just own the night

Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework

Come on show 'em what you're worth

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework

Come on let your colors burst

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"

Boom, boom, boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

It's always been inside of you, you, you

And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework

Come on show 'em what your worth

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework

Come on let your colors burst

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe

Boom, boom, boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Boom, boom, boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

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Am I seeing things when I think it has a definite sexual subtext?




Would you mind hearing your 9 year old dd and her 7 year old friend hearing this?


Not a lot. At that age I've found my kids just don't pick up on the sexual content of songs. It goes right over their heads.


We don't, however, watch MTV or MuchMusic. I don't think music videos generally have a very healthy or positive portrayal of sex or sexuality.

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Am I seeing things when I think it has a definite sexual subtext?


Would you mind hearing your 9 year old dd and her 7 year old friend hearing this?

But almost anything can be viewed as having a sexual subtext. Heck, I steadfastly maintain that "Where the Streets Have No Name" is about being lost in the moment of orgasm, but I would never suspect that my kids would make that assumption. "Firework" is somewhat empowering and catchy (though I'm not partial the Celine Dion belt-it-out-style of vocals, unless it's rage)... far better than a mooning-over-my-guy song. :ack2:
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I don't love Katy Perry. At all. And I don't love that song. (and when it gets stuck in my head for days on end, I love her even less.)


That said, I don't see anything negative about that particular song. I see it as uplifting and full of promise to those who might like it/her.


It's many of the rest of her songs that give me pause. But, depending on the age, the "pause" is debatable.

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It's the chorus and the oh-oh-oh's that sound like sex noises to me. . .


I think you're reaching here.




So, Jean, what have you been thinking about lately? :D



You're seeing things. Katy Perry is very upfront when she's talking about sex. ;)

This one is a positive, empowering song.



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No, I don't think there is anything like that in the song.


, but as already stated, it has a same-sex kiss and teens swimming in their undies.


See, that's why I can't stand her - she takes a potentially meaningful song and finds a way to literally shoot fireworks out of her chest. :confused::confused::confused:

The video was fine up until then.

Goodness. :lol:

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Meh. I've heard than one on the radio and didn't think too much of it. I asked my kids if any has it on their ipod, and all said they are not fans of it. If my youngest had that one on her ipod (she dosen't-- we share an ipod), I'd probably not care. She is so dang innocent.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I haven't read all the responses, so forgive me if this has already been answered.


First, I agree with most of the previous posters...there is nothing subtle about her lyrics! When she's talking about sex, she leaves no doubt. :D


Second, I happened to see an interview with her the other night and she said this song was about empowerment in life, but also about what she hopes happens when you die....that you have your grandest moment and leave an indelible mark on the world as you leave it. Even more literally, she said she wants to do that with her ashes when she goes.....put them in fireworks and shoot them across the sky. I though it was an interesting perspective.

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To me it sounds more like a dying goat or maybe a cat.


She isn't clever enough with her lyrics to be vague at all. There's nothing subtle or veiled about her music. Firework is the only song of hers I don't mind my girls listening to, and it's also fun to mockingly sing along with. ;)

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I don't find anything covert in it. I think the OH is the spectators being wow'd.


That said, I would rather hear my son sing Let's Misbehave, sex or no, because I find this type of whiny howling unbearable, and find the triumphant you're-terrific-even-if-all-you-do-is-wear-slutty-clothes message hideous. To quote Bing Crosby:


I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the twentieth century to have made giant strides in reverse.

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I don't hear anything objectionable in it, I think the "Oh, oh, oh" line is supposed to be the sounds spectators make when watching a fireworks show. I haven't seen the video, but then again I generally think all music videos are a bit lacking anyway.

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I don't hear sexual in this song. I'd be more sad that she knew of Katy Perry and how little I think of her from what little I've seen of her. This song is just the typical helping-the-egos out some more (as if they aren't already bigger than the New Year's blimp in MOST cases among this generation).


But, as for the orgasmic-breathy singing.....have you listened to modern "Christian radio" /religious "pop" music lately with all the groany, breathy, sensual songs sung to Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts lately? These songs and soloist are in a pre-O sound quite regularly --- I guess their worship has just lifted this to such an echelon of "release". The TONE of much of those songs, IMO, sound like what you'd sing (different words of course)to a lover. And, sure we're supposed to think that they are on such a plane with the Almighty and that they are so "in love with" Jesus, but to me personally, it's quite irreverent, thus we don't listen to it anymore. Not that I know your religious stances, but --- even among Christians, the music has a sexual quality IMO in many of the more popular praise songs on the radio.

So.....it's everywhere!


But.....I've gone a chased a rabbit here......but, the OP's oh oh oh comment brought this to mind.

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That said, I would rather hear my son sing Let's Misbehave, sex or no, because I find this type of whiny howling unbearable, and find the triumphant you're-terrific-even-if-all-you-do-is-wear-slutty-clothes message hideous. To quote Bing Crosby:


I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the twentieth century to have made giant strides in reverse.



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I don't hear sexual in this song. I'd be more sad that she knew of Katy Perry and how little I think of her from what little I've seen of her. This song is just the typical helping-the-egos out some more (as if they aren't already bigger than the New Year's blimp in MOST cases among this generation).


But, as for the orgasmic-breathy singing.....have you listened to modern "Christian radio" /religious "pop" music lately with all the groany, breathy, sensual songs sung to Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts lately? These songs and soloist are in a pre-O sound quite regularly --- I guess their worship has just lifted this to such an echelon of "release". The TONE of much of those songs, IMO, sound like what you'd sing (different words of course)to a lover. And, sure we're supposed to think that they are on such a plane with the Almighty and that they are so "in love with" Jesus, but to me personally, it's quite irreverent, thus we don't listen to it anymore. Not that I know your religious stances, but --- even among Christians, the music has a sexual quality IMO in many of the more popular praise songs on the radio.

So.....it's everywhere!


But.....I've gone a chased a rabbit here......but, the OP's oh oh oh comment brought this to mind.


Wow. I have been waiting to find someone who understands my thoughts about so much of Christian music. I can hardly stand to listen to most of it. My dd and I call it "Jesus is my boyfriend" music.

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We don't listen to most 'pop' music...because 8x out of 10 it does have some sexual or otherwise lesser character lesson...don't get me wrong, sex is great, but to sexualize our youth is not. Just as I don't like messages in music we do listen to (mostly country)...I just change the channel and we do discuss why it's not a great position to take...but at the same time we explain why some songs could have been written...in country music, it's clear cut, usually about feelings (anger, jealousy, hurt, etc.) but in pop culture I am hit too often with sensationalism..trying to sell a record because it has the most 'shock' value...


Katy Perry is one that is going after shock value...most her videos show her meaning...that just doesn't hold value for me. Same with Lady Gaga, however I have to admit, after 20 years of avoiding him, Weird Al has hit my sentiments about her on the head with his new I Perform that way video...it's horrible! But an "I can't believe he did that" kind of way.


I really hold true to putting in what is lovely, pure, trustworthy...and honestly, we don't listen to Christian music much at all, mainly because it sounds either sooo hard or very moaning/depressing...I go for the joy in music all the time...make me smile, make me want to do good things, make me encouraged, ....give me a good "International Harvester" song! :)

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