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What can I drink instead of soda?

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I will add carbonated water to juice to get the bubbly effect.


Otherwise, maybe try with different flavored teas like peach or raspberry. Make sure to sweeten them if you are used to sweet beverages.


If you want something quick and easy....ie already made, try Izzys sodas or Hansen's. Blu Sky are good too, but they get expensive. They are all lighter flavored, often juice/bubbles instead of hfc. You might do better with a step down from regular sodas sweetness before you step off entirely.

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mmmmmm perrier.... If I want soda, it's a lot about the bubbles, so for me iced tea or something won't work. Perrier is, to me, bubblier than san pellegrino or the other brands I've tried. If you love the carbonation maybe try that. Or get one of those soda machines and make your own soda?


I agree Kombucha is really good too, and easy an cheap to make.

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Fine. No one else will say it, but I will. Beer.




:lol: Too bad I don't like beer.



I just drink water most of the time. I find ice cold water (ie 12 ice cubes in a 16oz cup then add water) easier to drink. Truth is, I'm chronically dehydrated because I don't even drink enough of that most of the time.


I don't like much of anything else. I like Izzy drinks, gatorade, oj, and apple-cherry juice by Old Orchard (frozen juice concentrate). I'll have the first three once every 2-3 months. I'll have the apple-cherry juice once or twice a month. The rest of the time, it's water or nothing.

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I decided that green (iced) tea would be better for me and I *made* myself drink it! Now, I LIKE it!! LOL Granted, I didn't like it, but I didn't HATE it when I started drinking it. I found a way of making it that I really like and I'm so glad to have an alternative to pop that I would have avoided if I hadn't pushed myself to really try.

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I need to quit drinking Coke, but water is getting boring. I don't really care for juice or tea. I drink 1 glass of milk a day and that's enough of that. What else is there?


Water. Beverages are not supposed to be exciting. They might be 'boring' but their job is not to provide you with entertainment. Get used to 'boring' water and free yourself from needing flavor and/or bubbles every time you put something in your mouth. That need is conditioning by the soda corporations. Break free.


It is free, it is healthy.

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A good alternative to soda when you want a treat is a few drops of flavored stevia into club soda. The flavored stevias aren't cheap, but they will last you awhile. I found orange creme, vanilla creme and root beer flavors. I've tried the orange creme and root beer. You still get the bubbly with the club soda, but the better sweetner of stevia. It makes for a good substitution. It only takes a few drops because too many can ruin it quick.

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My new favorite summer drink - cut rind off watermelon, stick big chunks in my vitamix, throw in a few strawberries if you wish, plus ice, then blend up into slush. So good!


ETA: Usually I blend it up before I put the ice in and make homemade popsicles with the watermelon/strawberry mixtures. My kids LOVE them. Then I add the ice for my slush drink :)

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Is it the caffeine? The calories? The "browness"? :)


If it is the caffeine go to caffeine free. That is only available in cans around here. If the calories, start cutting it with Diet Coke. I like it at half and half.



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I hate to make juice from concentrate. But recently got in this habit. In the blender I will stick 1/4 container of juice from concentrate - still frozen in the can, and then dump in some frozen fruits for a bag of frozen fruits, and then add some water.


That's it. Depending on what blend of fruit comes out of the bag it tastes different every time.

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When I want something fizzy I drink soda water, sometimes with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice. Fresh squeezed lemon or lime in regular water is also quite refreshing. Also, if you like cucumber, cucumber water is amazing. (Just let the sliced cucumber sit in your water.)


I think most of the flavour additives that you can buy are as bad for you as drinking soda, so I wouldn't go that route personally.

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Nothing works for me but Topo Chico. It's a bubbly mineral water but tastes way better than the others out there. It's from Mexico. I live in TX so we can get it here easily. I'm not sure if it's available everywhere.


It's bubbliness makes me feel like I'm drinking soda. Tons more bubbles than other waters.


I'm pretty critical and hooked on sodas. I even prefer straight Topo Chico to other bubbly water w/added sweeteners. They can't fool me:tongue_smilie: But Topo Chico does it for me.

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I need to quit drinking Coke, but water is getting boring. I don't really care for juice or tea. I drink 1 glass of milk a day and that's enough of that. What else is there?


I use to always drink coke, then eventually over time I switched to drink ice tea. As in that ice tea made from sugary powder. I then had to get rid of caffeine from my diet which meant bye bye ice tea.


I have gotten use to water now. And if I do drink something else I notice that I often can't even drink a whole glass of something flavored with water to go with it. I also can no longer drink a whole can of coke in one sitting. I don't really even think of wanting something other then water now.

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I was a soda addict and finally adjusted to first, a mixture of iced tea and lemonade and now a half of lime, stevia and sparkling water. Sometimes I do have a Zevia soda but mercifully, I no longer crave those Diet Pepsis and Cokes. Giving up soda is a real boost too. Good luck!

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Well, I've cut down from 4 to 2 sodas per day over the last week. It's the calories I'm wanting to get rid of, since I'm trying to lose weight. It seems silly to go out and exercise and then come inside and sit down to a drink with 140 calories. But I am having a really hard time giving up those last 2 sodas.

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I don't really care for soda. I drink a cup or so a few times a year, but I don't like the taste. I like water :)


My husband is trying to cut down on his soda habit, too. Have you heard of capella drops? Google them. Add to your water -hot or cold- and maybe tea, to alter the flavor to something you can choke down. He adds them to club soda, too. They taste a bit off to me, but then again so does soda; my husband hasn't complained about the taste of them. They're pretty affordable to try :)

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