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Uh Oh...Dr Called

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Prying for you, Imp. Will be praying that your meetings today don;t give you more stress. Praying for wisdom for the doctors. Praying for good results on your repeat tests.


I am one of those who was misdiagnosed for about six or seven years. I was even told that eventually I may need a lung transplant. I was secretly very worried I wouldn't survive till my children reached adulthood but I didn't discuss it. Then we were moved to Belgium and with stronger xrays, they proved I didn't have any scarring on my lungs. The xray in the US was too weak and caused fake shadowing which appeared as scarring (my diagnosis had been interstitial lung disease). Then a few times I have had cancer scares with bad pap smears and then further bad tests, but eventually found to be nothing at all. I hope your case turns out the same way.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks to everyone for their prayers.


I'd appreciate if you'd keep them coming. Pray that the test results are wrong.


I just can't get into it right now. I'm getting tests redone after meeting with the specialist. I'm praying its all just a big mistake.


Joshua is fine. I may not be. Am not, if the test results are right.


Pray for a mistake. For a miracle.


Really just devestated, in shock right now.


I am so sorry about the bad news. I will be praying for you and Joshua. Try to be strong and remember that we are all here for you. :grouphug:

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Please folks, please continue to pray for a miracle... but please also be sensitive. She has said she can't get into details and asking for an update or more info (however sweetly and sincerely) must be really hard on her. She *may* share one day... she *may* not. But God knows and He will know what you're praying about.


I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but Imp is my dear friend IRL and I know her enough to know that her heart is broken right now. Please, for her sake, let's just honour her wish for privacy in regard to details. She'll share when and IF she wants to.


Thank you for your kind understanding.

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So very sorry, SpecialMama. I know you are her friend. I know how much that friendship means to her. She has spoken highly of you, often! I guess I just wanted her to know that we are still praying and thinking of her. That she is not forgotten. I do NOT want to, in any way, disrespect her privacy. I have never met Imp in person, and yet I love her so much! What an honor to know her IRL. My heart is breaking for her to face whatever she is facing. Please let her know that many are praying for her every day. And that she is never forgotten. That she is always loved.

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Please folks, please continue to pray for a miracle... but please also be sensitive. She has said she can't get into details and asking for an update or more info (however sweetly and sincerely) must be really hard on her. She *may* share one day... she *may* not. But God knows and He will know what you're praying about.


I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but Imp is my dear friend IRL and I know her enough to know that her heart is broken right now. Please, for her sake, let's just honour her wish for privacy in regard to details. She'll share when and IF she wants to.


Thank you for your kind understanding.


thank you for being such a good friend to her, Karyn!


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:to you both!

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So very sorry, SpecialMama. I know you are her friend. I know how much that friendship means to her. She has spoken highly of you, often! I guess I just wanted her to know that we are still praying and thinking of her. That she is not forgotten. I do NOT want to, in any way, disrespect her privacy. I have never met Imp in person, and yet I love her so much! What an honor to know her IRL. My heart is breaking for her to face whatever she is facing. Please let her know that many are praying for her every day. And that she is never forgotten. That she is always loved.

No need to apologize... I know the care and concern behind people asking, and I'm sure she does too. It's just got to be hard to see it asked and not be able to say anything. :grouphug:

thank you for being such a good friend to her, Karyn!


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:to you both!

Right back at ya Denise!



I need to say one more thing here: please don't stop bumping this up because of my prior post, she does need to know we care and that we're praying for her... praying hard...








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