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So, my husband asked me today.....

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...if I would prefer to stay in Florida and continue homeschooling....or move back to New York State and go back to work fulltime as an acupuncturist and put the kids in school (I work p-t now)....


Guess which answer I gave?


Might help if you know the back story: we are Manhattanites, born and bred. We left 2 years ago due to the seriously high cost of living there and the economic downturn. We chose Florida because 1) it's cheap and 2) I have family here (which is a mixed blessing :tongue_smilie:). DH's work is/was fairly "portable", although he still goes back to NYC every 6 weeks or so. Anyway, we've been here in Florida two years, and I've...gotten used to it. It's not NYC. I miss my friends, the museums, the diverse cultures/foods/languages/races. I do not miss, however, the stress. Florida is definitely more relaxing, I like the beach and I am less anxious here than I was in NYC. I haven't met a ton of like-minded people. Anyway, our plan was to move back to the NYC area within 2 to 2 1/2 years (we're hitting the two year mark now). Unfortunately, while finances ARE better, they are still not quite good enough to afford a lifestyle within shooting distance of the city.


So again, which answer do you think I gave? :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm Sunshine, the beach and Happiness



Stress and less money.....hmmmmmm


let me think about it for a while



LOL. But have you BEEN to NYC? Oh, the museums! (they're opening a 20,000 square foot MATHEMATICS MUSEUM next year--swoon!), the Indian food (oh, how I'd kill for a weekly Chana Masala....), the sharp-tongued sarcasm (no, I'm not being sarcastic--I miss it).....


All my friends are there...my "history". Hmmmm.....choices.

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I'm going to miss NYC when we move. I won't lie - it is truly an awesome asset to have SO MANY museums, aquariums, etc so close by. I'm technically in NJ but I am 20 minutes from NYC and I really really really will miss it.


That being said, I give credit to all who homeschool in NY. It surely doesn't look easy and I applaud all families who do it :)

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LOL. But have you BEEN to NYC? Oh, the museums! (they're opening a 20,000 square foot MATHEMATICS MUSEUM next year--swoon!), the Indian food (oh, how I'd kill for a weekly Chana Masala....), the sharp-tongued sarcasm (no, I'm not being sarcastic--I miss it).....


All my friends are there...my "history". Hmmmm.....choices.


Yep, it is a GRAND PLACE TO VISIT! But you don't have to live there.



And, honestly you've seen that, it is time for some new experiences. I am certain that Florida's Cuban food, cold drinks on hot nights, and laid back demeanor can give the Indian food and sarcasm a run for its money!


Besides, do you want to spend you days looking at the past (museums), or living your todays (the beach)?!?!?

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...if I would prefer to stay in Florida and continue homeschooling....or move back to New York State and go back to work fulltime as an acupuncturist and put the kids in school (I work p-t now)....


Guess which answer I gave?


Might help if you know the back story: we are Manhattanites, born and bred. We left 2 years ago due to the seriously high cost of living there and the economic downturn. We chose Florida because 1) it's cheap and 2) I have family here (which is a mixed blessing :tongue_smilie:). DH's work is/was fairly "portable", although he still goes back to NYC every 6 weeks or so. Anyway, we've been here in Florida two years, and I've...gotten used to it. It's not NYC. I miss my friends, the museums, the diverse cultures/foods/languages/races. I do not miss, however, the stress. Florida is definitely more relaxing, I like the beach and I am less anxious here than I was in NYC. I haven't met a ton of like-minded people. Anyway, our plan was to move back to the NYC area within 2 to 2 1/2 years (we're hitting the two year mark now). Unfortunately, while finances ARE better, they are still not quite good enough to afford a lifestyle within shooting distance of the city.


So again, which answer do you think I gave? :tongue_smilie:


You just need to move further south for the diversity :001_smile: (and the culture) - but the museums and the lifestyle still can't compare to NYC.


I vote you stuck with FL. (You can always go back for visits - right??)

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Hmmm Sunshine, the beach and Happiness



Stress and less money.....hmmmmmm


let me think about it for a while

Well, DUH!!! This is a no-brainer!!! (Coming from the Michiganian, FL loving homeschooling mama!!)


Yep, it is a GRAND PLACE TO VISIT! But you don't have to live there.



And, honestly you've seen that, it is time for some new experiences. I am certain that Florida's Cuban food, cold drinks on hot nights, and laid back demeanor can give the Indian food and sarcasm a run for its money!


Besides, do you want to spend you days looking at the past (museums), or living your todays (the beach)?!?!?

:iagree:So, FL it is!?

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I told him "so I guess we'll be staying in Florida for now, then..." :)


I would never give up homeschooling unless I absolutely had to, or my kids were old enough to voice valid, reasoned opinions in favor of going to public school.

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I told him "so I guess we'll be staying in Florida for now, then..." :)


I would never give up homeschooling unless I absolutely had to, or my kids were old enough to voice valid, reasoned opinions in favor of going to public school.

:party:That would be my choice. Of course we live in a town of 6000 and I would like to move to a less populated area.:lol::lol::lol:

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I told him "so I guess we'll be staying in Florida for now, then..." :)


I would never give up homeschooling unless I absolutely had to, or my kids were old enough to voice valid, reasoned opinions in favor of going to public school.


Just saw this and I was getting so worried! Hooray, you'll still be homeschooling!


DH thought of buying a winter home in Florida. I was going to ask you for advice.

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LOL. But have you BEEN to NYC? Oh, the museums! (they're opening a 20,000 square foot MATHEMATICS MUSEUM next year--swoon!), the Indian food (oh, how I'd kill for a weekly Chana Masala....), the sharp-tongued sarcasm (no, I'm not being sarcastic--I miss it).....


All my friends are there...my "history". Hmmmm.....choices.

Dh misses the museums, operas, and other such things, but he said that you couldn't pay him enough to raise a kid there. Then again, he grew up in South Bronx. LOL (His mother still lives in the Bronx, and his brother lives in Queens.)

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In reading this thread, I can't help but seeing the "different strokes for different folks" play out. I grew up in the country. I hated it...couldn't wait to leave. I had a taste of the city during college, a bit more during the early years of my marriage, and then I couldn't wait to get back to the mountains. I live in a small town with amazing views and have no desire what.so.ever to go back to the city. I don't mind to visit...but the idea of living somewhere like NYC makes me a little nauseous. All the people and the traffic; the crime and then pollution. Gah! LOL


Now...the beach...well, that is a whole different story! I want a winter home at the beach (think Hawaii or the Bahamas) and a summer home here in the mtns. Ahh...dreams!


At any rate, glad you will be continuing homeschooling (and thus sticking around)! :)

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Sounds like you're confident in your decision -- good luck!


We actually moved from NYC to Tennessee this very morning. (I have to change my location.) It was the right thing to do -- the job opportunity for DH was just too good to pass up, and it will open many more doors for us in the future -- but I have to admit that I cried as the plane took off from LaGuardia. All my family and most of my friends are still there, and I will just miss so, so much about the city. Sigh. But I'm heartened to hear that you've been able to make a good life for yourself in FL. I'm going to do my darnedest to do that here, too.

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Sounds like you're confident in your decision -- good luck!


We actually moved from NYC to Tennessee this very morning. (I have to change my location.) It was the right thing to do -- the job opportunity for DH was just too good to pass up, and it will open many more doors for us in the future -- but I have to admit that I cried as the plane took off from LaGuardia. All my family and most of my friends are still there, and I will just miss so, so much about the city. Sigh. But I'm heartened to hear that you've been able to make a good life for yourself in FL. I'm going to do my darnedest to do that here, too.


Wow. Good for you. PM me any time when you get blue. :)

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LOL. But have you BEEN to NYC? Oh, the museums! (they're opening a 20,000 square foot MATHEMATICS MUSEUM next year--swoon!), the Indian food (oh, how I'd kill for a weekly Chana Masala....), the sharp-tongued sarcasm (no, I'm not being sarcastic--I miss it).....


All my friends are there...my "history". Hmmmm.....choices.




Has anyone told Bill about this yet? :D

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I have to say that I am a native Floridian and miss it like crazy! I hate being landlocked! Dh is from upstate NY, and I could not imagine living in the city! We moved from 14 acres in the country in FL, less than 10 miles from water to Ala-flippin'-bama for a J-O-B. I know the $$ is nice and all, but I am forever pining after sunshine, ocean breezes and PEACE.


Hating subdivision life and trying to find dh a different job....fun stuff! Besides FL hsing laws are pretty easy! Glad you decided to stay!

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I have to say that I am a native Floridian and miss it like crazy! I hate being landlocked! Dh is from upstate NY, and I could not imagine living in the city! We moved from 14 acres in the country in FL, less than 10 miles from water to Ala-flippin'-bama for a J-O-B. I know the $$ is nice and all, but I am forever pining after sunshine, ocean breezes and PEACE.


Hating subdivision life and trying to find dh a different job....fun stuff! Besides FL hsing laws are pretty easy! Glad you decided to stay!



Thanks. The big factor for us, right now, is stress level. I am a better mother here in Florida, at least for now. And yes, HS-ing laws here are easy-peasy, especially when you use an umbrella school LOL.


And Audrey and Abkjw01....we will still visit NYC at least twice a year until we decide to return home. I actually still have not fully resigned myself to this decision. DH hasn't either. We'll still work to make a move back home possible for us. But HS-ing is too important and integral to our family to give up right now.


Angela-PM me anytime. Where we are is very popular with 2nd home owners, right on the water and prices right now for homes are very cheap.

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This is so much like us! We have lived in NC for 6 years now. I never, ever thought we would be here 6 years, nor did I ever think I would agree voluntarily to stay here, but I have!


Several factors:


Like you, I want to keep homeschooling.

My kids love it here and now call it home.

I actually have a lot of friends here, including many that have moved here since I moved here!

It is far less expensive to live overall




I find myself really missing SoCal some days. I loved my job and my life there. I loved the mountains and the beach and being outside without 1000% humidity! I loved that there was always something to do there.

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And, of course, you could move to NC! We are not called the "half back" state for nothing! People move from up North to FL and decide it is too far, so they go half way back and settle in NC! :D



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I told him "so I guess we'll be staying in Florida for now, then..." :)


I would never give up homeschooling unless I absolutely had to, or my kids were old enough to voice valid, reasoned opinions in favor of going to public school.


I so hear you. DH and I talk about all different kinds of living scenarios, but any that involve me going back to work and quitting HSing are immediately nixed.


I've had an ongoing love affair with NYC since I was a small child--actually fulfilled my lifelong dream of living and working there, met my city-boy DH there, and will live there again someday when the kids are launched--but I would never give up HSing to move there and WORK F/T of all things! Not a chance...

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In reading this thread, I can't help but seeing the "different strokes for different folks" play out. I grew up in the country. I hated it...couldn't wait to leave. I had a taste of the city during college, a bit more during the early years of my marriage, and then I couldn't wait to get back to the mountains. I live in a small town with amazing views and have no desire what.so.ever to go back to the city. I don't mind to visit...but the idea of living somewhere like NYC makes me a little nauseous. All the people and the traffic; the crime and then pollution. Gah! LOL


So true! I grew up just outside of Oklahoma City. I have since lived in Virginia, in the desert of SoCal, two different places in Germany, in Hawaii and now twice in NC. There have been good and bad things about everywhere we have lived.


I only cried upon leaving home the first time. But, it was really hard leaving Hawaii. It was so beautiful. I know lots of people hate it, but we loved it there. I would love to spend a year or two in NYC, but I don't think I would want to live there forever. We loved Europe and would be back in a heartbeat, but I don't think I would want to live there forever. We plan on retiring back to OK, but we plan on lots of travel in our future. It's something we both really love.

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LOL. But have you BEEN to NYC? Oh, the museums! (they're opening a 20,000 square foot MATHEMATICS MUSEUM next year--swoon!)


Do you know when it's scheduled to open? We're tentatively planning a trip there next year...and ds11 is our little mathematician, so I certainly don't want to go before it opens! I've done a google search, but so far all I see listed is the year 2012, no month...

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Do you know when it's scheduled to open? We're tentatively planning a trip there next year...and ds11 is our little mathematician, so I certainly don't want to go before it opens! I've done a google search, but so far all I see listed is the year 2012, no month...


They're not sure when it will open yet. Here's their website: http://momath.org/ and they have a FB link so you'll probably get info as they know.

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