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C-section without sedation/pain meds - anyone else btdt?

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I had to have an emergency c- section on Sunday.

So emergency that the only time they had for numbing me was a local shot of lidocaine on the incision site and telling me to be very still and not move. (no I was not tied down either)


I did pretty good until about half way through sewing me up. Oddly enough, stuffing everything back in hurt worst than the cutting open and yanking Levi out. Went a bit shocky then. Thankfully, drugs finally arrived in the room at about the same time so they could knock me out and intubate me and give oxygen and xray to be sure they didn't leave anything behind. Woke up about an hour and a half later in recovery.


That is a very brief section of his birth story. It was still better than my planned non emergency c/s 13 years ago.




I hear tell this is not as uncommon as people think. I've had a few people say something similar happened to them too for various reasons. (spinal didn't work, they had a negative reaction to drugs, no anesthesiologist available...)


So I'm curious to know if anyone else here has had a similar c-section?

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Oh my gosh! Martha, I am so sorry that happened to you! I have had some difficult sections but nothing that compares to that.:grouphug:


I would watch for signs of post traumatic stress disorder.:grouphug:


Are you and the baby OK?:grouphug:

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Good gravy. No, all 3 of mine were fine; even the first, emergency one had everything standing by already. I have heard of c-sections using just hypnosis, but don't know anyone who tried such a thing.


Congratulations, though! On both the new baby, and on now having a birth story that will trump anything anyone else in a mother's group will have to offer.

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First, congrats and welcome to Levi!


2nd, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


My first child was a csection. I had an epidural from labour. When I started screaming on the table, they ended up knocking me out with a horse syringe of valium.


I remember the anestisiologist (sp) leaning down, trying to convince me all I felt was pressure. Yeah, right. :glare:

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Welcome, Levi!


I have not had that experience, though they were prepping the OR for me during a midnight delivery in a hospital without 24/7 anesthesia on site, so I do kind of wonder how that would have gone down if I hadn't have gotten him out myself.



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Congratulations, though! On both the new baby, and on now having a birth story that will trump anything anyone else in a mother's group will have to offer.


Yep. I think your birth story will put most to shame. You are officially THE WOMAN.


:grouphug:, and congrats on baby Levi. Love the name!

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Whoa. I would definitely want something more than lidocaine if someone was going to cut open my abdomen and remove a human being. My c-sect was emergency, but they definitely gave me more than that (couldn't feel anything below my neck for nearly 10 hrs).


Congrats and welcome Levi!!

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I'm recovering okay. Home now. On a boat load of antibiotics bc it wasn't sterile. And my incision hurts lots. Coughing is excruciating.


Idk wth was up that the anesthesiologists weren't available. (in another surgery? Idk?)

And apparently they have to call down to pharmacy to get the big gun knock out drugs bc they called down for it, but it didn't arrive as fast as baby's heart rate was dropping.


Baby is great. As soon as they got him out, his heart rate soared and he was crying and doing well enough that both his apgars were 9s.


Turns out the prolapse we went in for was only the start. Once they opened me up, they saw the cord wrapped around his neck several times and it had two knots in it too.


It appears he wasn't affected by any of that until delivery. He weighed 9 lb 2 oz and his 39 week ultrasound didn't show any of those issues.


A self-depreciating funny. If you have ever watched the documentary The Business of Being Born, you probably remember what we refer to as The Opera Birther. Well I made that noise all the way from my home, in ambulance, and through most of the surgery. I had to release all that pressure to not push, to not move, to not do anything some how and by golly that was working for me. Towards the end, about half way through sewing up, I switched to a combobulated "oh my God" and Hail Mary litany. Then I heard a nurse say over Levi crying in the background "he's a 9!" and the nurse that had held him in was cheering. And another nurse on my right say, "the c------ is here! I'm giving 100 to start." (all I remember is the drug started with a hard c) that didn't knock me out, but it did make things go all weird and distorted. I heard the dr say to give another 50. Next thing, I woke up in recovery.


My time from getting in ambulance to his time of birth via c/s was about 23 minutes. Time from first cut to birth was 1 minute 5 seconds.


It actually took longer for the ambulance to arrive and load me.

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Oh Martha, how scary! I'm guessing that the minute and a half FELT like hours (days/months/years) while you were going through it though :(


That sort of situation and your singing is justified, and a happy sign that you're still alive and kicking. :grouphug:

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Oh, Martha. :grouphug: I can't imagine. My c-section involved full anesthesia (I had other issues), but lidocaine? :svengo: You deserve a medal!!!!



Congratulations, glad to hear all are okay. Keep a pillow on the incision and push down when you need to cough, it helps.

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:grouphug:Congratulations on the birth of Levi! I am glad you are both recovering well.


Part of my spinal failed during my last c-section, the nurse anesthatist (sp?) argued with me about the pain because I was still paralyzed until my vitals began to crash. I don't think we will have more children because I'm not sure if I could go through that again. You are definately THE WOMAN.

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Why weren't you given anesthesia? If they didn't have time for an epidural or spinal, general anesthesia takes only seconds to administer and it's right there ready to go in an OR.


Nope. It wasn't there. Idk why. But it wasn't. And the nurse holding him in was none too happy about it. She was telling nurses to look here, there, and everywhere. Maybe it was already used previously and they hadn't replaced it yet? Idk.


I do know that nurse was very upset. She stayed with me through recovery and saw me settled in my room.


I remember the dr saying he had to wait for sedation and the heart beat just kept dropping, 50, 40, 35, 30.... and at that point the nurse looked past him to me and said we couldn't wait or we would loose this baby. Dr looked at me and asked if I understood. I said to take care of Levi. Nurse on left put an oxygen mask over my face and said no matter what to not move or it could hurt my baby. Dr started cutting.


Idk what drug they used in the end to sedate me, but the nurse was very surprised and very upset that I seemed to remember everything in recovery. She kept saying how she was so sorry it had to happen like that and if I needed someone to talk to, to have her paged or just ask any nurse.


I'm rather glad I remember everything. I might have been loud, but I knew what was going on and stayed in control. Only once did I move. When he started to pack everything back in, I reflexively jerked my right arm up. A nurse just said, No! And told me to grip the table, which I did thereafter.

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My first c/s was not an emergency one but the spinal I was given was only realy effective on one side and I felt quite a lot of what was going on on the right. They kept offering to give me a general anaesthetic but I really didn't want that. The funny thing was that when there wasn't anything else he could offer me, the anaesthesiologist kind of withdrew and stood quite far back from me. I'm an RN so it was interesting to observe that behaviour, really made me think.


My second c/s was planned but became an emergency one and I was so nervous of the spinal not working. I told the anaesthesiologist and she did such a good job on this one that it went high and I thought I couldn't breathe. Not the most auspicious births but not as bad as yours and babies were OK so I guess all's well that ends well.

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Nope. It wasn't there. Idk why. But it wasn't. And the nurse holding him in was none too happy about it. She was telling nurses to look here, there, and everywhere. Maybe it was already used previously and they hadn't replaced it yet? Idk.


I do know that nurse was very upset. She stayed with me through recovery and saw me settled in my room.


I remember the dr saying he had to wait for sedation and the heart beat just kept dropping, 50, 40, 35, 30.... and at that point the nurse looked past him to me and said we couldn't wait or we would loose this baby. Dr looked at me and asked if I understood. I said to take care of Levi. Nurse on left put an oxygen mask over my face and said no matter what to not move or it could hurt my baby. Dr started cutting.


Idk what drug they used in the end to sedate me, but the nurse was very surprised and very upset that I seemed to remember everything in recovery. She kept saying how she was so sorry it had to happen like that and if I needed someone to talk to, to have her paged or just ask any nurse.


I'm rather glad I remember everything. I might have been loud, but I knew what was going on and stayed in control. Only once did I move. When he started to pack everything back in, I reflexively jerked my right arm up. A nurse just said, No! And told me to grip the table, which I did thereafter.


Yep. WOMAN OF THE CENTURY award goes to you. :grouphug:


My heart is racing just reading that. Pardon my French, but you have balls of steel.

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One thing I will suggest is make sure you have someone to talk to.


I'm one of the 'lucky' ppl that has anestetic awareness. I've been awake during surgery.


Flashbacks can be completely terrifying. IF this happens to you, please don't hesitate to talk to someone.

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You are more of a woman than me! I would have struggled I know I would have. Number three started going bad and once I heard ribs cracking I started screaming and and trying to get up. I could not have done that, I would have freaked. I am so sorry you went through that and I hope everyone is all right now and congrats on your new little one.

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Oh, goodness--I'm in tears for you! I don't understand *at all* why the procedure WASN'T STERILE????


I really hope this isn't common--I can't imagine...I just...wow.


No time.


I'm sure the instruments were sterile.

And the dr/staff had fresh gloves.


But there just wasn't time for a complete scrub in and wash down of the incision area.


The ob was literally pulled away from another laboring mom straight to my table.


Sterile is more than the drape and instruments. It is several minutes of scrubbing for every person in the room and the incision area. They had enough time to douse with a bottle of iodine. They didn't even take time to cut off my maternity gown.


So while it was not OR sterile, it wasn't back alley dirty either.

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Ugh, I can't imagine. Two of mine were C-Sections; one was an epidural and the other a spinal. During the last one, it was the part that you describe-"stuffing everything back in," where the nurses said to me, "you're so lucky you can't feel this." So that is probably the bad part, as you now know better than anyone.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm glad it's over for you!

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That almost happened to my mom. As it was they intubated her while fully awake and knocked her out with general anethesia. I was out of her belly 5 minutes after she crossed the OR doors. Intubation while fully awake is very painful, but I'm sure nothing like you felt.


I'm sorry you were awake. :(

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No time.


I'm sure the instruments were sterile.

And the dr/staff had fresh gloves.


But there just wasn't time for a complete scrub in and wash down of the incision area.


The ob was literally pulled away from another laboring mom straight to my table.


Sterile is more than the drape and instruments. It is several minutes of scrubbing for every person in the room and the incision area. They had enough time to douse with a bottle of iodine. They didn't even take time to cut off my maternity gown.


So while it was not OR sterile, it wasn't back alley dirty either.


Ok, not that there's anything good about this, but that makes me feel a little better.




I'm so glad you & baby are ok. I'm so glad I wasn't your support person, because I'm crying *again* reading just this update. I would have been a wreck holding your hand or waiting outside. I hope your dh is ok, too.



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Honestly I think the entire ordeal was a thousand times worse for dh than me.


The last view I had of him was as he pushed my table into the OR.

The nurse on me had just told the nurse on my left that we just could not wait bc this baby wasn't going to make it.

That was the last thing he heard and as the doors shut I saw him slide to his knees against the wall.


He says as long as he could hear my screaming, he knew I was okay. There were several minutes where I didn't that stopped his heart for a few.


And someone apparently thought to send for the hospital chaplain. Which also made his heart skip a few beats. A little black woman who dh wanted to throttle. (dh isn't a believer) He said she kept yapping about how if he just put his trust in God it would be fine and saying how God takes care of us and asking if dh had been saved and believed and blahblahblah. Dh just ignored her, bc he is too nice to tell a woman to shut the hell up and go away. But yeah, crisis situation is not the best time to push bad theology on a man.


Once he heard baby and I were okay, he was better. He is still upset that my worst delivery is the only one he couldn't be by my side for though. Poor guy. :(

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I have a friend who had anesthesia awareness (paralyzed but not out...total feeling and recall) in a section but nothing like you're describing.


There is a strong risk of PTSD and similar after this sort of thing. I'd say for your husband and yourself based on what you described. There are effective treatments for that so don't hesitate to get help if needed.


Ugh. Seems as if this is a liability for the hospital honestly. You were brought in an ambulance that took 23 minutes to arrive and they didn't have an OB and scrubbed up staff in the OR including anesthesia? It sounds really bad for the hospital. If you can get some florastor probiotic I would do that. The antibiotics can't kill it like they can other probiotics and it's good with protecting against yeast as well--I'd hate to have you struggling with thrush and similar on top of all this. I'd take another high quality probiotic (maybe acidophilus pearl or culturelle) away from the antibiotic doses. Hopefully nursing babe will get some of the probiotics via breastmilk.


Ugh. How absolutely horrible.

Edited by sbgrace
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I have a friend who had anesthesia awareness (paralyzed but not out...total recall) in a section but nothing like you're describing.


There is a decent risk of PTSD and similar after this sort of thing. I'd say for your husband and yourself based on what you described. There are treatments for that so don't hesitate to get help if needed.


Ugh. Seems as if this is a liability for the hospital honestly. You were brought in an ambulance that took 23 minutes to arrive and they didn't have an OB and scrubbed up staff in the OR including anesthesia? It sounds really bad for the hospital honestly.



I don't know how long it took to arrive. I know 23 minutes after I was put in the ambulance, Levi was born.


I'm handling this c/s WAY better than the planned one I had for breech 13 years ago. Whether that is a statement about how horrid that c/s was or how much more capable I am now? Idk.


I was very teary Tuesday night and Wednesday bc dh couldn't leave our other kids to be with me, but otherwise I feel okay. No nightmares. (course I'm nursing 24/7 so I'm not sleeping much to have nightmares!)


I will say one of my fears about being transported was that the hospital staff would treat us like poo for trying a home delivery. Like we deserve it for doing that, kwim?


But the staff was awesome. Downright spoiled me and baby. If anyone had a negative opinion on mothers of many or home birth - they kept it to themselves around me. Dh says the dr spoke strongly to him and to mw against ever trying a vbac or home delivery again, but everyone was awesome to me.

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Honestly I think the entire ordeal was a thousand times worse for dh than me.


The last view I had of him was as he pushed my table into the OR.

The nurse on me had just told the nurse on my left that we just could not wait bc this baby wasn't going to make it.

That was the last thing he heard and as the doors shut I saw him slide to his knees against the wall.


He says as long as he could hear my screaming, he knew I was okay. There were several minutes where I didn't that stopped his heart for a few.


And someone apparently thought to send for the hospital chaplain. Which also made his heart skip a few beats. A little black woman who dh wanted to throttle. (dh isn't a believer) He said she kept yapping about how if he just put his trust in God it would be fine and saying how God takes care of us and asking if dh had been saved and believed and blahblahblah. Dh just ignored her, bc he is too nice to tell a woman to shut the hell up and go away. But yeah, crisis situation is not the best time to push bad theology on a man.


Once he heard baby and I were okay, he was better. He is still upset that my worst delivery is the only one he couldn't be by my side for though. Poor guy. :(

That's very close to what happened with Sara, and she still says it was hands down worse for her dh than it was for her. :grouphug:

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