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Please Please Please pray

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Today is Trentins funeral. 11am eastern time is the visitation 12noon eastern time is the funeral :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: I can't sleep, I feel so nauseated. Please pray for my cousin Amanda



for those of you who do not know, here



Please pray that Amanda and Jimmy will have the strength to get through the day. I am barely able to handle this, I can not imagine what they are going through :crying: :crying:

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Thank you all! The funeral is about to start. I hate living so far away. Please pray extra hard for the next 2 hours-ish :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: When I Look into your Eyes- Firehouse



I got a call from my mom about 10 minutes ago, she is VERY worried for Amanda. I do not know how I would be in her situation, but my mom said she is REALLY having a hard time, had to he helped away from him, couldn't hardly walk. :crying: I can't say I would be any different though.. :crying:


Dear God, Please protect and strengthen my cousin. Please be with the family, both those physically there and those of us unable to be there :crying:

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